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OOC Chat and stuff

Re: OOC Chat and stuff

The biggest issue was the difference between how strong those mamono were and how strong I've established that a mamono should be.

At Rank C, a mamono should have 6 Rank points. A single rank point can either give six upgrades to their six basic stats, or a Rank up to Tech. Ergo, a basic mamono, Grade C, should look like this:

Life: C
Power: C
Intelligence: C
Defense: C
Skill: C
Speed: C

Tech: C

The issue with the more powerful mamono is a derp on my part, giving them one more rank point than they deserved, so I reduced most higher rank mamono by 1 rank point, essentially nerfing them.

That is also what happens when a mamono is upgraded from it's base Grade, it either gets 1 Rank point or half of one, depending.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

I have the sudden desire to have Ashley poke Razzie, despite knowing next to nothing about the thread and its happenings.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

You guys can meet in yon neutral zone, aka the park, or if you are feeling so bold, post in another player's thread directly.

Yes, I allow this because if Venice can stand in front of your Ranch and wait for you to pop out, so can anyone else.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

And now I see Ashley's name mentioned in the thread before I even had this idea! It's.... Destiny! :3
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Except for delicious soul candy!
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

After talking with Ryu while dying at various vidya, I pondered adding the ability to spend one's funds on constructing various things within one's Ranch, such as certain structures like a Magi Milk Enhancer that will enhance fresh holstaurus milk (fresh from the nipple) into the Holstaurus Milk item from Saphirette's shop, and structures that can allow for equipment to be built that your mamono can equip for bonuses, such as blacksmiths, gem crafter, and enchanter as well as other structures tailored for certain kinds of mamono, depending on their fighting style.

What you do guys think about spending your hard earned cash on adding some neat little buildings to your Ranch, and what buildings might you have in mind for there to be to build?
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

I really like the idea, though I've noticed that it can be difficult to turn a profit with a ranch. Solve this issue, and I'll be all over custom constructions like bad sexy fungus.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

At one point, Mamono generated income based on their stats and everyone needed to be fed per week. This became a nightmare of mechanics for my ranch because of all of Ashley's mamono, and so RJ opted to replace it with the current model that basically only allows you to get money by question/fighting or assorted RP methods. This occurred just as I was about to get my ranch into the black too :<

That said, it's up to RJ whether or not he wants to bring that back, possibly in a simplified form. I do support the idea of support structures of some sort, though am currently too tired to think of anything beyond the obvious stuff that has already been suggested/stated.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

As of yet, the best way to turn a profit in a ranch would be to go out and fight stuff. With constructions like the ones I've been thinking about, Blueslime could say, construct a mail post for people of the nearby area to come and ask to have their mail delivered to various areas. That way, when his baby harpies come about, I won't need to figure out any silly things like how they'd get work or payment by performance, because Blue would OWN the business for that area with his Harpy Mail Service construction.

for that, I'd probably say that he'd likely have to pay for some hefty sum for the construction, and station a harpy there to work and gather a much smaller amount every week, which will of course pay off eventually, and begin to net him a profit.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Has on-site training facilities been suggested? How about a sparring ring so that Mamono can train each other? (Which shouldn't cost much, being at the very least four posts and some string.) I know some of the ladies will want their own alchemy laboratories, and those can get expensive, but a library is room with lots of shelves. It's the amount books that's the real cost.

Edit-> Also, what about setting up a garden and assigning a mamono as the caretaker so grow some food on site instead of having to order it.
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Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Not a bad idea, I'd probably allow for the construction of such a facility, so that if you get a new mamono, you will be able to train her up really fast by using a mamono of the kind of statting you want her to develop to train her.

Mostly so that down the road, if someone suddenly decides they want mighty mouse, and they've just gone and pretty much beat the game, they can acquire their mighty mouse and get her strong fairly quickly.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Yoohoo! Any volunteers to have a lolita-boy rancher and his cute cow-lady pay your ranch a visit on a fine Sunday afternoon? He's looking to be your friend!
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

You can come to Ashley's! The cow-girl can hang out with hers, while Ashley awkwardly doesn't rape the loli-boy because not sure if legal or appropriate. And then Sparkle or someone can do it for her.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

I've posted the simple list of all mamono and their grade in the mamonodex thread.

As well, I've added the three new Mamono to that very list, as well as their grades:

Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Two closet lesbian mamono ranchers looking for a good GM and ranch to fet started with.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

Cross, I'm just gonna go ahead save you a whole lot of time: Don't bother training things with less than a C rating. It's basically a waste of time. The only exception to this is Skill, which your mamono need in order to hit things, but even with that your skele has a move that improves accuracy somewhat and does decent damage (Slash). Pump the stats that she's actually good with, Life and Power.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

You meta-gaming bastard.

Also, buffed the skeleton because Tass noted that Skeletons suck with their current passive, so I added a second special skill that should make her much better.
Re: OOC Chat and stuff

So here, without further adieu, is my present to you lot!

IMA members can train mamono to give them new skills. Select components and whether or not the mamono learns a skill is determined by whether or not they meet the grade in the related stats, tech, and mamono grade for that skill. See more explicit details below.
Skill Grade determines the number of points spent on creating it, and you get 4 points per grade divided into 4 difficulty ranks. So, E skills give up to 4 points, D skills give up to 8, C skills 12, B skills 16, A skills 20, and S skills give up to 24 points for use in their creation. A mamono cannot learn a skill that's grade is above the grade of their tech, and the difficulty determines whether or not they can learn the skill being created.
RaptorJesus: (The difficulties influence the level of her opponent.)
RaptorJesus: (From 1-4, a Grade E sparring match's level can go from 100, 200, 300, to 400.)
RaptorJesus: (Grade D, 300, 400, 500, 600.)
tassadar003: (so her level would have to exceed that, or her value in the stat according to a creature of that level, or what?)
RaptorJesus: (She would put the skill to use. Her mamono level will weigh in against the opponent to determine her advantage or disadvantage, influenced by her Grade.)
RaptorJesus: (Increasing in multiplication. Ergo, grade E - level 300, would simply be level 300. In Sparkle's case, her level 320 would be... 1120)
tassadar003: (wat. How do you even get that number?)
RaptorJesus: (C+ = 3.5)
tassadar003: (oh, 3.5, derp)
RaptorJesus: (E = 1, D = 2, C=3. Plusses add .5)

Grade E skills: 1 (100) 2 (200) 3 (300) 4 (400)
Grade D skills: 5 (300) 6 (400) 7 (600) 8 (700)
Grade C skills: 9 (500) 10 (600) 11 (700) 12 (800)
Probably won't need higher than this.
The level of a skill is multiplied by the Grade when determining difficulty to learn a skill, and your mamono's current level is multiplied by their grade, as can be seen in the example above.

The guts cost of a skill is equal to: # of points spent on making the skill / the tech grade factor thing.
Tech factors are equal to .04 times the grade of the mamono's tech, so E = .04, D = .08, C = .12, B = .16, A = .2, and S = .24

So, basically: Choose a number of points that you want and an appropriate trainer for what you want a skill to do. (They must make sense given the lore. Melpha will not train people to set the souls of things on fire.) This number must be within a rank that's less than or equal to your trainee mamono's tech, IE: a tech grade D mamono can learn a skill that costs 8 points, and no more. Then, whether or not the mamono can actually learn the skill is determined by the above formula, and you can compute the guts cost and save MAF a bit of time by doing the above. See this post for more info on skills. When making a skill, increasing any of the damage boxes costs 1 point, and giving a 20% chance for a status effect costs 1 point.

So, for example:
Making a skill that deals E damage to health, withers guts for D damage, and has a 20% chance to charm would cost 4 points, making it the hardest E skill, and would cost 4/guts factor guts for the mamono to use in battle. This can be seen below, with Sparkle's tech used to determine cost.
Tail Injection.
Pow 33
20% to charm

Sparkle would require a level * grade value equal to E (1) * 400 in order to learn this skill, and as her level at time of writing is 320 and her grade is 3.5, she can easily learn this ability.
Learning a version that costs 5 points and has a higher chance to charm would look like this:
Tail Injection.
Pow 41
40% to charm
And Sparkle would require a D (2) * 300 = 600 effective skill level to learn this, which she also exceeds.

On more advanced effects and rounding:
tassadar003: (chances for status effects come in increments of 20% right? What about other things like Gobbo and Jace's damage resistance, are those 1 point too?)
RaptorJesus: (Depends on the effect. Jace's ability Cower comes in a single increment that cannot be increased. A more advanced ability would increase at 10% per increment, or 20% to block a single type of attack, be it physical or magical.)
tassadar003: (also, how do you round for the guts costs)
RaptorJesus: (Round naturally. If the result is .5, round down if it is a wither based attack, and up if it is a damaging attack.)
tassadar003: (righto, so round down if it only does wither?)
RaptorJesus: (Round down if it is primarily a wither. So long as the damage stat does not exceed half of the wither's grade)
RaptorJesus: (Ex. It is wither based if you have S in wither, and C in damage)
tassadar003: (so the tail move as seen above would be wither based, cuz D wither and E damage?)
RaptorJesus: (Correct)
tassadar003: (cool beans)

IMA Representatives Known
Going over to meet Melpha, she greeted them with a smile. "I can teach you these sorts of techniques..." (Melpha's dojo focuses in Withering, Status Effects, and Accuracy.)

Roan grunted, "You wanna train here? It's rough!" she laughed. (Roan teaches primarily in Damage and Critical attacks. Physical only.)

Shizuku hummed. "Things are a bit chaotic... But I can teach you a few things." (Shizuku teaches primarily in debuffs, status effects, and accuracy.)
(Note: A debuff is not a status effect. It is something that can affect a mamono regardless of resistance to status effects, such as an arachne using her webs, though debuffs are not as effective as status effects.)

Lotus giggled. "If you think you can keep up, I will teach you how to win with wit." (Lotus teaches primarily in Magical damage, Draining, and Critical)

Valdis glared over at her guest. "... Try not to die." (Valdis teaches primarily in Withering, Debuffs, and Status effects.)

Crystal Clare waved, "Hello~! What can I do for you?" (Claire teaches primarily in Defensive skills, Healing, and Withering)

Isabell hummed, "You want to learn something from me? I don't teach often, but I will try." (Isabell teaches primarily in Damage, accuracy, and critical.)

Envy blinked. "... are you making fun of me?" (Envy is homeless, she does not have a dojo.)

The elementals gathered each give contribution. "We can teach you any sort of magical skill, but we are strict instructors." Undine announced. (The elementals can teach any skill, but are slightly harder to beat. Note, elementals can only teach Mag skills)

Baphomet laughs. "Oh, I can teach you how to destroy a living thing in every way possible." (Baphomet can teach any physical skill, but is harder to beat.)

Fio nods. "I will give you a good lesson in discipline. I may be harsh, but you will thank me when your opponent's punishment doesn't phase you." (Fio teaches primarily in Accuracy, Damage, and withering.)

Venice, "I can do it all, but I'm in a hurry. Good luck!" (Venice can teach any skill. She is the hardest to face.)

A guide to making one's own skills using dem IMA representatives, crafted obviously with the help of RJ. They are, according to him, completely free of charge and also don't take up your monster's work week, so have at it!