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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae sighed inwardly as she listened to the exchange, it didn't look like they were going to get anywhere here either. That wasn't too surprising though, it wasn't like the village had any wish to help them it seemed. perhaps it's just how things would be from now on, as sad as that was.

She stayed close to Keti as he moved in, keeping a watchful eye on those around her while trying not to seem threatening. She didn't think she could manage it if she tried but she wasn't wanting to cause alarm. "Also, sir, could I ask if there have been any other strange incidents lately. People wandering off or the like." She asked as nicely as she could could, knowing that he was likely to be aggravated by Keti's question. It was a long shot, but if it was true and no one noticed the other individual, maybe they wouldn't find him or her in the village.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The man glowers at the accusations. "I was at home, with my wife, until the alert went out. I wasn't on duty today," he answers angrily. "Are we done here?"

As he takes a more hostile stance, the various militiamen around in the area follow suit, it was obvious that they didn't have a lot of room left for questioning on this one; if they were going to ask anything else, it would have to be a good question.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

And keeping the militia from attacking the sirens was the main aim here. Riling up the man any further was going to start an incident and given that they were amid the townfolk, the odds were even more against them.

Holding up his hands, Atair bows his head slightly, though he doesn't take his eyes off of the irate elf. "That is all I wished to know for now. Thank you for your time."

He turns, slightly, and lays a hand on Keti's upper arm, making to guide him away and hoping that Nae would follow. Provided the three of them are allowed to walk away, he guides the sirens along, finding somewhere that they can stop and talk. He's got no doubt the men prowling after them were going to be on higher alert than they were before, but for now, they were simply talking again. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"We'll ask that of their commander, Nae. Or the mayor, perhaps." He'd heard her question and while it was valid, asking those that did the actual footwork of the military might not get them answers. Those in charge, however... Scratching a hand through his hair, he lets out a sigh. "I think he did bring up something of a point. If someone or something outside of the village charmed Norris away, there's a chance it led him to you but didn't follow him back. Then again, it could just be them protecting their own, but I'm not going to dismiss an outside source here. What do you think?"
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti's knit brow likely gave Atair an idea of what he thought - it was easy to see he was getting cross. Besides this joke of an investigation, his wings were cramped from keeping them drawn, in the hope that he'd seem a little less "dangerous" - the very idea of which made him scoff. Keti spread his wings, stretching them a few seconds before flapping them a few times, the wash of air from the green-tinged wings smelling of sun-warmed feathers and fresh flowers.

I think this is ridiculous. While he was spending
time with his wife someone tried to shoot me, and
when I try to find out they threaten me more.

The tenseness he'd been feeling since he set foot in the village was momentarily forgotten, replaced with frustration.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae followed along, when the group moved away, keeping her attention on the trailing malitiamen. She didn't want to provoke a fight but she wasn't about to be taken by surprise if one of them did decide letting them wander around was more hassle than it was worth.

"Keti..." Nae sighed softly, moving closer to her companion and resting a hand on his arm. While she was just as unhappy with this situation, she wasn't the one who'd been shot at. The investigation was a farce, even with Altair's help, she doubted they'd still be in the village if he hadn't been with them. Then again, the constant threat of being set upon for the slightest perceived fault wasn't helping her nerves any either.

"I don't know... it was just a thought. They'll assume we're trying to shift the blame though. I mean, I don't think the whole village could be against us enough to have such an elaborate lie, or maybe I don't want to think that." She shook her head, letting her wings stretch out behind her before curling them around herself.

"With all the rumours..." Nae paused, shaking her head quickly again. "Our last lead is going to hate us, and he has reason to." Her gaze dropped from Altair,knowing full well she had no defence for what the fisherman were going through short of blaming their leaders. That wasn't fair though, none of this was fair anymore. She returned to playing with her hair, curling it in her fingers as she tried to calm herself. The stress of her need to be alert here starting to wear on her.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The nekomata's eyes trailed from the sight of the siren's unfolding wings down to the slate. "I know. And what worries me is that if we do any sort of pushing, they're going to take it badly. Right now, it's your word against them and they already see you as being in the wrong. I'm not exactly sure I'll be able to get the answers you want from this." He frowns, not exactly looking very happy about that himself. He'd come here to help and so far, though nothing bad had happened to either side, they were getting nowhere in this investigation. The thought of an outside force stirring up trouble between the sirens and the villagers was starting to sound like a more likely theory, but he wasn't about to leave unfinished business here, not when he could be wrong about the idea.

"I was going to ask if you still wanted to go talk to him. I promise not to take everything he says as it's spoken. People say things when they're angry that they don't always mean or that aren't always true." He grins a little. "A few curses and disparaging remarks about your kith aren't going to sway me."

If the sirens still wish, he'll lead the way to the dock, though keeping them just in hearing distance of said fisherman would likely be better than bringing them up close, especially if he finds them particularly iresome.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

The elf sat down next to the prisoner. "Very well, I'll watch her. I'd like to leave shortly, so assuming you're not going to be long here, I'll wait and travel with you, if we're going the same way. There's actually a few places I could set out for, any sparsely populated place, the mountains, or other such places, so there's a good chance your planned path will take me near a suitable location." Celine placed a hand on the woman beside her, adding a little bit of extra security.

(generic prepare for the worst)
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Leaving the still unconscious and now bound servant of darkness under care of the elf, Alazais pulled open the doors to the town hall to a crowd of bewildered citizens who quickly converged as one called "Hey, it's that... oracle person. She warned us against disaster. Noble one, do you know what has happened here?"

They were apparently lost and confused and soon converged as they saw a source of guidance. After all, she was about the only person in sight who seemed to hold themselves with confidence and poise at the moment, although there were clearly some sceptics, as a minority but still a decent number cleared back, clearly not trusting the outsider. Still, trust or mistrust, she had a captive audience.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren gave Satuma a thankful smile as she helped him with his tent. "If the Accursed are still here, and the Vampyre was right... I really don't think we should stay here for very long. Lets not linger in this place, it unsettles me." He threw both of the girls a rueful smile, "Though I don't think the professor would listen to my gut feelings. He didn't even listen to the Vampyre and it practically slapped him in the face."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia sighed. "I don't think that professor would listen to anyone. That ego of his is really going to get him killed." The young mage moved closer to Soren, checking if he needed help with the tent. Moving on to aid him, the girl frowned, pondering the possibility of a powerful dark being becoming active in this place. "You're right... We should gather information as quickly as possible, then leave immediately. The hard part will be tricking that old fool to go along with us, though. You think Nath will knock him out and put him on those pack animals we brought with us if we ask nicely?" She asked Satuma, half-joking, half-serious.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Before long, camp was set up and its members began stirring restlessly, feeling unsafe in these dark-tainted lands. Even Azalia, who was more inclined to be driven for knowledge at any cost than the others grew restless, every moment here was beginning to feel like it was a risk.

Their conversation and contemplations was interrupted suddenly, however, by a scream of intense pain from further back in the ruins; it sounded like Goron. Nath was at the ready and moving off through the ruins instantly, without a sound, as a second scream from Goron, just as intense as the first, rang out.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma grabbed her weapon and slithered quickly after Nath to back him up, heading towards the sound of Goron's screams.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

It was just a crowd of people. Nothing more, nothing less. She was without the more usual coverings of her robes... her arms were bare, even with the newly-healing scars left by those damned ribbons, gold blood on full display.. but this was no different than speaking in the assembly. And that, she could do.

Hands spread, urging for quiet, before she speaks.

"Noble townsfolk.. the danger has come closer than even I had predicted. You have been visited by a servant of the Darkness I am sworn to fight.. bewitched into believing her to be none other than your own Goddess Auricael. As some of you may have already surmised, though... you are now free from her control. I have defeated her, and she lies, bound, inside."

A hand gestured backwards.. then one held up, palm facing the crowd.

"I know you must be angry, at such a trick. But slaying her will accomplish nothing. Thus I propose.. I shall take her with me in chains, to never trouble you again. In exchange.. all I ask is for some provisions, for the road.. a horse if you have one spare, if not, my feet will suffice.. and sufficient chains to bind her. This is the only reward I will accept, for freeing you from your slumber, and arming you against the evil to come."
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti pauses a moment to think. Would it really accomplish anything to talk to the last man? It was evident he wouldn't be allowed to question anything he said, and he doubted the man would come out and confess...

He snorted, as if he were trying to vent his frustration through his nostrils. Either way, he was sure it would worsen the situation with the village whether or not he left now or after confronting the fisherman. They leave now, and it'd look like they'd look defeated... afterwards, and it would solidify their belief that they'd done no wrong.

After a while longer, Keti looked back up at Atair, and gave him a small, hesitant nod. He wanted - or rather, hoped - to see if the last man would be any more telling than the last two had been. He then turned to Nae, eyebrows raised.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia was startled by the screams. Her suprise turned into fear as she realized that Goron was in trouble. She hastily followed the soldiers, fear slowly turning into panic. The made silently cursed herself for coming here. She had no idea what kind of dark powers lay in wait here, and now she foolishly disturbed the residents of these ruins. Granted, she wasn't the one who came up with this idea, but she went out of her own will. And now people were suffering because of it! The girl just hoped that they'd manage to reach Goron in time...
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

(didn't think the thread was waiting for me but meh, will post anyhow)

Flowers blinked a few times at the suggestion, not sure who left the dark feathered bird in charge, as she descended upon her prey, starting to rifle through his limited belongings in search of clues... a map... a coin that could be traced... any other valuables he may have had.

She detested that he so carelessly was a part of this underhanded attack, then threw himself violently at her the instant she followed. A mindless attack squad goon. After she finished briskly picking through his belongings, and checking the quality of the weapon he had, she singled out anything worth keeping, things that could identify where he came from, and anything that was particularly valuable looking, before taking to the sky again and heading back towards the small settlement.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

"And what of our goddess, the real Auricael?" one of them cried out, getting some of the crowd to throw support behind it. "If this being was an imposter, which seems reasonable enough, what happened to the real one?" A murmer went around the crowd, mostly concern and doubt. Had she abandoned them or had something happened to her?

For a moment, it seemed as though her request for provisions and supplies went ignored, until someone chimed up. "I will provide you with the food you require, Great One," someone cried out, silencing the confusion somewhat. "And I can grant you the chains to bind your foe," another added. "Go in peace, we will prepare for the storm," another added, although the crowd seemed torn between assisting her and demanding she do something to help them find their goddess.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren dropped the book he was flipping through and a chill yammered up and down his spine when he heard the first scream. He snatched his wand from his pack and raced off after the girls, hoping by all the gods that Goron would be okay.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Watching over for a second as Flow inspects their fallen foe, Kriia also keeps an eye on the fleeing pairs that had separated, trying to gauge if there was any intended direction they might return to. Regardless, once Flow was done she flew over and made the trip back to the canyon town alongside her. "So I don't think we've properly met before. Flow... was it I just heard my brother call you? I'm Kriia. Huntress." the white harpy greeted the other as they flew.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

"I want to try and see if we can talk to him. If nothing else I want to know how much they do hate us now." Nae replied, more than ready to lead the way if needs be. She doubted she would be able to smooth the conflict over, in fact she wasn't sure she wouldn't just agitate things further, she had to at least apologise for what was happening. She didn't want anyone suffering over this disagreement and definitely not those who had no direct part in it.

"I can at least apologise, that would be enough for me." The female siren nodded more to herself than the others.