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Dec 28, 2017
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Hello all!

After 1.5 years I was finished my hentai game - Tower
This game is about a hero who wants to help villagers of unknown island on which he sailed, but he does not suspect that his opponents are sexy monster girls!
This is a second game of Dark Lord universe what I create for these type of games. ( First game is 'Project "Zero" - Awakening', maybe you already play in it )

You can play in final full version here:

Half year ago my patrons was get full version and now I think that time is come, game is available for the whole world, so enjoy our game!~ ^_^
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This game is great! I had it as a patron, i'm glad to see a Patreon actually commit to something and finish it. Definitely worth the wait.
Hello, Octopussy. Nice to see you here.

First of all, your game have been discussing for a while in this thread: https://ulmf.org/forum/hentai/hentai...3375-the-tower

Secondly, I would like to tell you that I really love this game. The theme of monster girls with anime-ish art is not quite new, but this one of yours is truly unique as it own way! The mon-girls are very charming and sexy. I have lost count how many times I cum with this game.

However, as a person who prefers foreplay above normal sex, I feel a little down since there were just some mon-girls with foreplay sex attack. In addition, it seems your next project may involve female protagonist, which is a thing that I am not fond of (but there are countless guys who love female POV). This is just my opinion and I hope one day you could continue with making ero games with male POV.

Finally, my English skills are not really good and may cause misunderstanding. So if I offend you, I apologize for that.

Best regard,
This game is great! I had it as a patron, i'm glad to see a Patreon actually commit to something and finish it. Definitely worth the wait.

Agreed, this is the way it's suppose to work. Great game.
Secondly, I would like to tell you that I really love this game. The theme of monster girls with anime-ish art is not quite new, but this one of yours is truly unique as it own way! The mon-girls are very charming and sexy. I have lost count how many times I cum with this game.

However, as a person who prefers foreplay above normal sex, I feel a little down since there were just some mon-girls with foreplay sex attack. In addition, it seems your next project may involve female protagonist, which is a thing that I am not fond of (but there are countless guys who love female POV). This is just my opinion and I hope one day you could continue with making ero games with male POV.

This so much.
Heyo! I'm really liking the game so far, you can really see all the love and effort that got put into it. Especially the animations! Good shit.

That said, I'm having a bit of an issue. The 10th floor for the Water Tower doesn't seem to want to open, even if I've cleared floor 9 a few times. Is there something in particular I have to do to access it?
Is there some trick to the naga talk option?
It's insanely difficult.
Looks pretty awesome, I have to check this out, when I get some peace D:
Heyo! I'm really liking the game so far, you can really see all the love and effort that got put into it. Especially the animations! Good shit.

That said, I'm having a bit of an issue. The 10th floor for the Water Tower doesn't seem to want to open, even if I've cleared floor 9 a few times. Is there something in particular I have to do to access it?

Yeah, I'm having this issue too. I can't see the button for it despite clearing level 9.
Water tower is bugged. The boss actually appeared for me at lvl 9, i won, then there was some additional talking but i cannot access the last 2 towers at all. I've even tried to edit the savegame but setting water tower to won did not unbreak the game flow. This was released half a year ago and nobody ran into this?
The naga boss can also spawn at level 7 and 8 irrc, and maybe even lower levels.
Try to go down again from level 9.
With the naga, like other people have said, you can just beat 9 and enter the floor again without leaving to trigger the boss fight. I got pissed enough with trying that talk option to set up a macro with Autohotkey to do it. It just gives you an achievement, something like "Wha....how did you do that?", so I would say don't bother.
is there anything different from the version the paid patreons got half a year ago and this one?
First off, thanks for finishing this game! I'd played the demo a while back and loved it, and the full game is pretty great.

Unfortunately, I have to report a bug.

Not only is the Water Tower's boss fight bugged to even get into (as noted earlier in this thread), I'm not even sure it's possible to lose it.

On my New Game Plus playthrough I decided to try to complete the speech bubble option (speaking of which HOLY SHIT has anyone managed to press all those arrow keys in time!?), and I noticed that most of the boss's attacks weren't doing any damage. Granted, since it was New Game Plus I was hugely over-levelled, but occasionally when my health bar did go down noticeably, an attack shortly thereafter would actually make my health bar go UP. I was literally sitting there doing absolutely nothing for over twenty minutes and the battle never ended.

Seems the Water Tower boss is just a magnet for bugs, eh?
Great game, but I think you need to work on the balance a bit. It is possible to escape at the begining of each fight and regain health/mana that way. Making potions (that just waste time during battles anyway) and staying at the inn/drinking at the fountain pretty pointless. Also even on hard difficulty the game turned pretty easy. Think it had something to do with my high defence stat. Most monsters just kept on doing 1 damage and I beat the game easily.
any cheats? Played the entire game on patreon before, any way to unlock all in gallery?
On my New Game Plus playthrough I decided to try to complete the speech bubble option (speaking of which HOLY SHIT has anyone managed to press all those arrow keys in time!?),

I did it. Got an achievement that basically said something like... "Holy crap you actually did that?". Seems nothing else is there for it though.
Yeah, finally accomplished that after over an HOUR of trying. Was a little disappointed.

Which further proves how bugged that fight is, if I could survive it for over an hour and not die...
Do not needlessly bump threads.
With the naga, like other people have said, you can just beat 9 and enter the floor again without leaving to trigger the boss fight. I got pissed enough with trying that talk option to set up a macro with Autohotkey to do it. It just gives you an achievement, something like "Wha....how did you do that?", so I would say don't bother.
So i waste my time for nothing.....