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Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Nym awoke with a start, nearly falling flat on her face. Barely managing to keep herself from planting her face into the floor, she looked around, realizing suddenly she'd come out of something that looked like a cryo-sleep pod right out of a Sci-Fi Movie. Worse still, a mirror showed her an image that didn't sit well with her. Even as she picked herself up shakily from the floor, she realized she was completely nude! Before she could react to that, a voice filled the room she was in.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure my sexy Nym. You've been chosen to participate in my game. In this game, you will try to survive for as long as you can, using special abilities you've been granted. The goal of course is to get home, but along the way you'll encounter many chances to have some fun. By fun of course I mean there will be plenty of chances for you to have hot, fun sex with my friends. Ah, doesn't it sound fun to have sex whenever you want? I quite imagine you'll enjoy yourself, and if you can survive long enough, you may even have the honor of having hot, fun sex with me! Alas, your time to process is up, and soon enough my friends will come for you. You'd better get going, that room won't be safe for much longer! Oh, and Nym? Don't go down too easily, hahaha."

About the time the message ended, an energy barrier of some kind shut off, revealing a staircase that led upstairs, probably to the surface. Which meant she had to be under ground, yet another bad thing already on the list of bad things in this day. She'd spot a Staff on the table, which seemed to be, given the information she had in her mind, her weapon. Apparently she was a Ritualist or mage of some kind.


1: Time to hunt this bastard and kill him (aka move on).

2: Bullshit, I bet it's a sick joke (stay and find out if he's lying).
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Nym groaned as she found herself waking up with nearly a face full of floor. Really, what a bad wake up. Did she fall out of her bed or something? Though a moment later she'd notice that well, she definitely wasn't in her room. The pod behind her evidently had been where she came from, but well, how did she get here? She couldn't remember. Then she saw the mirror and realized that she was nude! Not only had she been taken but whoever it was had taken her clothes too!

Then she heard the speaker start up and a voice spread across the room. She wanted to shout at it, but for some reason she felt it was pre-recorded. Ontop of that she wasn't really much of a shouter. Indeed the girl was what many called a shrinking violet much of the time. The thought of being in...a sex game? Caused her to blush heavily and almost cringe inward. Unfortunately though she didn't really have any other choice, staying in this room apparently wouldn't be safe and well, she didn't think the voice would lie, after all, if this was actually a game then whoever watched it wouldn't want the person hiding in the start zone, and if it was a prank or something then someone went to alot of effort and maybe there was a nice surprise to make up for this?

So she'd grab the staff, she couldn't quite remember, could she do magic before? Evidently if not she had become some sort of mage class for this game at least, and she'd head onward. Maybe she could find someone else to help her in here?

1) Time to hunt this bastard and kill him
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Stepping outside, Nym found herself on what was clearly an Alien World. There was no other explanation.

The Sky was a vibrant mixture of orange, purple and a hint of blue, while a massive emerald green ocean sparkled far below her. There seemed to be three stars here, for she could make out at least three different suns, which defied all science she knew. She could also make out twelve moons in the bright sky, and when she looked down at the grass, she realized it was blood red in color. The most startling thing was yet to come, for suddenly a ghostly woman appeared, although as she watched her and listened, Nym got the distinct impression she was very much alive, and might not be here willingly either.

The woman, who appeared to be very attractive, and like her nude, regarded her for a moment. She could make out brown hair and soft brown eyes that had a hint of both fear, and sadness to them. Then, she spoke.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

Then, like a whisper on the wind, she was simply gone, like she'd never been there. For a moment, Nym might wonder if she'd witnessed some kind of astral projection. Or had she simply imagined it?


1: Take her advice and get moving.

2: OK this is too weird, I'm gonna stay here and see if anything happens. (Chance to be caught/Will be Caught if she waits multiple turns).
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Nym looked above her, to the sky full of other colours then the blue she was used to. Oranges and purple, while a green ocean was on the horizon. The girl's body shaking a bit as the gravity of the situation set in. The girl realizing just how screwed she was, or more specifically, just how hard it would be to get home. The stars and the moon only forcing that information onto her further as she saw what should be physically impossible, three stars without gravity smashing everything, twelve moons meaning the planet should be the size of a gas giant.

The ritualist was broken out of her shaky revere when the woman appeared infront of her. Seemingly she was a recording, or an apparition. Something but whatever it was she wasn't fully there, and wasn't apparently able to take a response as she dissapeared as quickly as she came, but Nym wasn't going to discredit her advice. If only because it coincided with what she was planning to do anyways. The girl taking a deep breath that puffed out her cheeks adorably, before starting to head forward again. She didn't know where she was going, but anywhere was better then waiting around. Maybe if she was lucky she could find somewhere to hide properly.
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Nym began moving onward, unsure of where in the Universe she even was. Clearly she wasn't on Earth any more, not unless this was some sort of elaborate Virtual Reality fuckery. And if it was, it was a damn good one, that was for sure. As she moved onward ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Nym: 23 vs. Trap???: 26

Nym failed to notice the liquid in front of her, as her eyes had fallen upon two shapes nearby, possibly people. She started forward, keeping her eyes open when suddenly she felt herself sink into the ground! A small cry escaped her lips as she fell into what seemed like muddy pit, drawing the attention of the two things out in front of her. Worse, even as she started to get up, she suddenly felt something 'bite' into her, and somehow she knew she'd been infected with a parasite! Moments later, her body felt strange, and heavier, and after a moment of growth, she was stunned to discover she had a dick! Before she could fully process that though, the parasite dick began to do something ...

Parasite Affliction: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns.

Nym felt like if she had sex of any kind right now, she wouldn't be able to hold back an orgasm suddenly. She realized it had to

be this parasite cock on her, but unfortunately, she now could identify the two foes coming at her, and they were almost on top of her! Shuddering, she realized both of them were well equipped to take her down in her current dick given state!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 2 Virago: Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600.

Level 3 Nelvoken Female: Stamina: 130. Pleasure: 50. HP: 600. Damage: 15. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability: Nelvoken Mating Ritual.

Initiative Rolls:

Nym: 2 (Last)
Virago: 15 (2nd)
Nelvoken: 22 (1st)

Grapple Attempts:

Nelvoken: 13 vs. Nym: 18

Virago: 5 vs. Nym: 22

Somehow Nym managed to dodge both of her foes!


1: Try to remove the Parasite (Chance to be stopped).

2: Attack the Virago!

3: Attack the Alien!

4: Try to escape and run away (Chance to be stopped)

5: Try to negotiate.

6: Suddenly succumb to rape!

7: Other?
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Nym wasn't paying proper attention and well, fell into a puddle of something she wasn't sure what it was but it felt like mud. As she was trying to push herself up, she felt something bite her, making her let out a small cry of pain. Her body felt...heavy? What the...heck? Stepping up to her feet she saw...she had a dick! "W-W-Wah! W-Where did this come from?!" The girl almost reached down to touch it, but for some reason she sensed that might be too much, she seemed very sensitive right now.

Then she remembered there was two other figures here, and looked up just in time to see them trying to jump her. Throwing herself out of the way of their attacks and throwing her arm holding the staff out toward the Alien. Trying to access whatever powers she might have here

(Option 3: Attack the Nelvoken, use shadow bolt if I can)
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Attack Roll:

Nym: 10 vs. Nelvoken: 26

Nym misses!

Grapple Attempts:

Nelvoken: 27 vs. Nym: 21
Virago: 16 vs. Nym: 19

Nym is grabbed by the Nelvoken and brought down to the ground! Already the creature is trying to position her for sex!


1: Try to escape before you get raped!

2: Allow her to pleasure you (for how long?)

3: Other?
Re: Nym Anaranth (Ranger9000)

Nym didn't want to get raped! Wiggling with all her might she'd try to break free and escape from the Nelvoken. Fighting back with everything she could!

Option 1: Try to escape before you get raped!
Escape Grapple Attempt:

Nym: 11 vs. Nelvoken: 25

Nym's not going anywhere.

Penetration Attempt:

Nelvoken: 13 vs. Nym 2

Nym's new cock doesn't stay 'virgin' for long as the Nelvoken manages to force herself down upon Nym's cock, beginning to ride her towards paradise. Pleasure explodes inside her mind and body as her rape begins, with Nym suffering an orgasm after barely a minute inside the tight alien pussy. She shoots her load deeply into the pussy, impregnating the Alien with ease. As she helplessly blows inside, filling her rapist up with her seed, the alien woman bends down and kisses her full on the lips, seeming to enjoy feeling the lovely woman writhe helplessly beneath her in pleasure. As Nym finally emptied out, the Alien woman dismounted her, seeming to be content with being pregnant, at least for the moment.

Nym suffers 125 pleasure and gains 440 KP. Her adrenaline is flowing now.

The Nelvoken is pregnant, 20/20.


1: Avenge your rape by attacking the Alien! (She will try to kill you).

2: Attack the Virago.

3: Succumb to more sex and let the Virago take you (for how long?)

4: Try to run away (Chance the Virago will block you.)

5: Try to negotiate (Chance to fail).

6: Other?