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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Just wondering if anyone uses firefox for this game?
I decide to try play it again, but it keeps showing me that I do not have adobe flash player even though I already installed it and is up to date. Anyone got any solutions to this?

Using the latest adobe flash player version.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

My 300+ fortune tickets :eek: why . It don't disappear on the events before but now they gone .... :( why ... before i just test round ~50 ticket , things is fine , but now 300 ticket and they all gone ... Now i want to cry .
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

My 300+ fortune tickets :eek: why . It don't disappear on the events before but now they gone .... :( why ... before i just test round ~50 ticket , things is fine , but now 300 ticket and they all gone ... Now i want to cry .

I would've never noticed if you didn't say something. Guess they caught on to us saving tickets. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Just so that its known, though not exactly relevant to this thread. The Japanese version of this game (aka the one hosted on the DMM site) should be ENDING service as of 31 October 2016 1400 JP time. As of right now, I am trying and will most likely fail to record all of the H-Scenes, as they have kindly released 100% book completion to all players. So just a heads up, you might want to start having a contingency plan in case it happens to the Nutaku version as well.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

My 300+ fortune tickets :eek: why . It don't disappear on the events before but now they gone .... :( why ... before i just test round ~50 ticket , things is fine , but now 300 ticket and they all gone ... Now i want to cry .

Not sure why but sometimes the fortune tickets carry over to next event and sometimes they don't.
I remember they reset a few events ago but then they stopped resetting and now they reset again :confused: .
I had 900+ saved from previous event since I already had the eromon and now it's 0 zzzz

Just so that its known, though not exactly relevant to this thread. The Japanese version of this game (aka the one hosted on the DMM site) should be ENDING service as of 31 October 2016 1400 JP time. As of right now, I am trying and will most likely fail to record all of the H-Scenes, as they have kindly released 100% book completion to all players. So just a heads up, you might want to start having a contingency plan in case it happens to the Nutaku version as well.

How's that going? lol. I think it's better to record the ones you like as the way they do the H scene is kinda annoying.
or just record ones exclusive to dmm if you've played osawari on nutaku.
I went through the whole album and partially recorded the ones I like.
Although I found out that mobile version has a couple hundred exclusive ones so was a bit sad on that part.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Still trying to record all the ones I want, though i went through the entire book first, so i essentially do have all the CG, just that they are in that tiny box at the side.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

As I said that, the game finally stopped working.:( damn it, still had a lot i wanted to get.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Oh hmm, that's kinda sad, I thought Osawari was doing well.

I wonder if it's possible to download the 100% book completion with all the voice and text.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Oh hmm, that's kinda sad, I thought Osawari was doing well.

I wonder if it's possible to download the 100% book completion with all the voice and text.

From what I recall, DMM Osawari was never doing well. To the point where people from this forum could rank top 500 over there without boosters.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Well, I have only 102 fortune tickets left in the box and still no Maori. Considering my luck this shouldn't surprise me :(
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I wish they give us 50 or more space to keep the eromon . I'm out of space to keep all the cute eromon :(
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

yeah necro, sry for that, but whats the status of the game?
wiki threads are old and a thread mentioned its taken down on dmm and replays events on nutaku.
so this game is in a limbo state?
i still like to play it from time to time but i think its ok to check for another game to replace this one in case it gets shut down on nutaku too...

so, whats good atm? i am looking for a game that is somewhat fair balanced(is this even possible nowadays?) and offers at least some premium reward from time to time(login rewards) and moderate shop items.

thanks in advance.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

yeah necro, sry for that, but whats the status of the game?
wiki threads are old and a thread mentioned its taken down on dmm and replays events on nutaku.
so this game is in a limbo state?
so, whats good atm? i am looking for a game that is somewhat fair balanced(is this even possible nowadays?) and offers at least some premium reward from time to time(login rewards) and moderate shop items.

I still play this game daily but I fear it may very well be the next game to shut down in the future. Theres roughly 2000 - 3000 or so give or take players left who log in at least once per event.
For the 10th event in a row ive been able to maintain at least top 500 with no money spent and top 300 with only 20-30 bucks spent so that tells me people aren't spending money on the game as much anymore and thats always a bad sign.

on the flip side, Nutaku is creating their own characters and porting characters from the mobile version into the game so its not like there ignoring it like some of the other games they have. The login rewards are very good now you get two or three free characters and 3 or 5 free master balls every month.

As for balance in the game, its a single player pve game so balance is kinda impossible to measure and wouldn't really matter anyway.

Id say to just enjoy this game while its still around if you choose to play it, its still a great game 2nd best game on nutaku by far.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

well my idea of balanced was how superior whales are against small pay-players/f2p and how easy it is for the strong to stay strong (looking at the top 500 rewards. people that high dont need even more if they have nearly everything?)

oh and one question, a monstergem on a travel party does give me a HR or SR? or could i get a N too? not sure what to do with my monstergems...

i just read some pages of aigis and i am still browsing on the nutaku games, cant find something that hits my itch but aigis looks like a somewhat good backup game for free hrs...
thanks for the quick response btw
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

well my idea of balanced was how superior whales are against small pay-players/f2p and how easy it is for the strong to stay strong (looking at the top 500 rewards. people that high dont need even more if they have nearly everything?)

oh and one question, a monstergem on a travel party does give me a HR or SR? or could i get a N too? not sure what to do with my monstergems...

I just read some pages of aigis and i am still browsing on the nutaku games, cant find something that hits my itch but aigis looks like a somewhat good backup game for free hrs...

You don't fight each other in osiwari, so "strong" players are on even ground with "weak" players. I personally use a lot of really weak girls on my team purely for aesthetic because it honestly doesn't make a difference what you use as long as you can clear the levels.

Events are a race for points. As for rankings in events, its all about who plays more. If you have all level 1 girls but you used 100 stamina potions your gonna rank really high. where as if you have a full team of level 70s but you only used 1 stamina potion your gonna rank really low. Its pay to rank really high.

Monster gems are the master balls I was talking about, best to save them for the legendaries that sometimes show up during event levels.

As for Aigis, as of the 28th this month when Angelic Saga is removed from nutaku, Aigis will become the current best game nutaku has to offer. Its by far the hardest game costing anywhere in the thousands to complete a collection of units but you can do well as a free player once you learn how to play.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I do hope that if this somehow decides to be taken down, i hope It will be available elsewhere for others to play (free or not available to pull from gold gatchas,) I enjoy this game slightly, so it will be upsetting when its just not available anymore.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I think the game is down for maintenance right now. Although it just shows the loading screen :confused:

Edit: Now I just get the page when the game doesn't start properly... huh?
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

games up event is up, and it looks like ill be top 300 yet again with no boosters
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

games up event is up, and it looks like ill be top 300 yet again with no boosters

How is that even possible?
You can't even get 500k without booster with 400 stamina and perfectly spent it on the event. This is not randomly pulled from nowhere, I've done lots of event boosterless, you can get 500k with two level up and some potion, but nowhere near top 500.

Unless you have tons of pot of course.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

the game has noticeably died down a lot, I have no boosters this event and spent nothing and I'm currently rank 340