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RPG RPG Maker Loli [にんじんパスタ/Ninjinpasta] クロアxスクランブル (RJ01007737)

Ladies and gentlemen this was a 'No Man's Sky'-esque situation -> No news = good news!
I am very glad my pessimistic view was completely wrong. I am super looking forward to this and can't wait for what will hopefully be a speedy/reliable translation.
The author states that the game will take between 7-10 hours to complete so it sounds like a total treat.
Waiting with bated breath!
If you're having a bug where the boss fight doesn't spawn in the mountains with the old building, you have to not lose to the duo you first fight at the start of the forest apparently.

Edit: Losing to the boss fight itself breaks it too and you can't fight them again. So you should save before the fight so you can get it in the reminiscence
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anyone else got the bug that you can't enter school after the first boss?
anyone else got the bug that you can't enter school after the first boss?
First day you get the interlude mode you can't and just get black screen. i think if you straight up go to the school it will bug out as well. after 1 day sleep and going to the shopping mall an event will play out where an old man bumps into you, immediately after that you arrive at the school by train.

This being said though there should be an event near the stairs but it does not start for me mostl likely another bug.

If you go to the school in the evenings it should work too.
Thread moved to the H-Games section.
Found this full save online, interact with the TV that has the word "Love" on it to access gallery.


  • save.zip
    98 KB · Views: 442
Anyone know how to trigger the stairs scene in school during free roam? Tips say 1F right staircase in morning and there is a guy there if you talk to him she will say its sus but i cant trigger the scene if i walk up or down the stairs. Do i need to do something else?
God, i hate the room with invisible floor.
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A better H game than his last, though also worse in some aspects. Much of the HCG is noticeably reused and repurposed from his last H game, in a slightly more obvious fashion than someone like DIselmine did, though you wouldn't know that unless you paid attention to the details all the same. Some of the graphics are also used from the last H game's unused assets that were in the game files. The combat and story go hand and hand, but does not play a factor H wise, so it's entirely skippable, except the defeat H scenes for the stage and the bosses though the bosses just lead to a what-if moment. This H game is best played with hints on, it's mostly an event finder H game, the impregnation mechanic only plays a role at the ending of the game for a standing HCG change, no content for it.

This creator has a big issue in that he's unable to draw anymore than a few new HCGs a year. I don't know what his process and work ethic is like, but he seriously needs help with his H games to enable a more productive workflow. In his first and in this H game you can tell he had bigger plans for more H events that just feel short, him reusing HCG is just the cherry on top. I'd say use a full save on this one, though it's not a long H game so you can choose to play it.
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This was a let down, with all the delay's i was expecting it to be longer and the HCG while good where so little it feel's like it could have been done in 3 months or less.
Feel like nowadays, H-stuff should go hand-in-hand with the gameplay, this being a CG finder RPG just ain't it, while the CGs are cute and all, the uninspiring gameplay really begs for a save or CG.
Though despite the delays and the mediocre gameplay, the game sold well, like really well (wtf 22k sales in 1 week holy fuck). I don't think the author thinks about the need to change their formula as this game is such a success without them needing to take any risk, doesn't help that their last game was abandoned due to the inability for them to code in combat related H-event and what not.
Feel like nowadays, H-stuff should go hand-in-hand with the gameplay, this being a CG finder RPG just ain't it, while the CGs are cute and all, the uninspiring gameplay really begs for a save or CG.
Though despite the delays and the mediocre gameplay, the game sold well, like really well (wtf 22k sales in 1 week holy fuck). I don't think the author thinks about the need to change their formula as this game is such a success without them needing to take any risk, doesn't help that their last game was abandoned due to the inability for them to code in combat related H-event and what not.
This game was my most awaited release of the past 2 years, and wow does it fall short on every aspect except CG quality. I love the main character design it's just that both the combat and the amount of CGs were so lacklustre I feel a bit robbed. A true shame, though the author does mention they are planning on updating (more like finishing it imo) the game with more CG.
Meanwhile, we have BanameiR, who will be releasing his second game, Dragon Conquista, this coming October. Spending about 1.5 years developing it with more than 60 combat HCGs and you can bet that they will all be top-quality. Now THAT'S an author that should get over 20K downloads on their games. Hard working and super talented.