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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Great, more trouble. Come on!" Sarah yelped, going after the sounds of the gunshots, grabbing her shotgun and pumping it to clear out some empty shells.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Caitlin eventually stumbled upon a wickedly curved ceremonial knife of some sort inside one of the nearby huts, and takes the fight back to the flying monstrosities, slicing another one to ribbons as it tries to come in after her. "Are we having fun yet?" She yells, hoping to locate Chris again after her manic run around the area.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris only grunted, taking a shot at one of the beasts as it made a rather poor attempt to swipe at him.

Regina and Sarah rounded the corner, Mirian right behind them, and then the red head paused as she saw the winged beasts.

"The fuck are those things?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Trouble, that's what!" Sliding her shotgun back to her back, she drew her pair of pistols, letting out a barrage at the flying beasties.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Regina only grunted in reply, then leveled her M16 and let loose a burst of automatic fire.

The beasts they hit fell out of the sky, wings torn to pieces, and the three that remained suddenly took a dive right for Sarah.

Regina hit one of them, leaving Sarah with two to take care of, unable to hit the others without coming too close to her friend.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

As the two creatures sweeped down, Sarah aimed her handguns at the creatures flying downwards as she aimed her pistols, firing at one of the diving creatures.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah hit one of them dead on, killing it, but the other was surely going to get through ...

And then something slammed it out of mid air, slamming it into the ground repeatedly.

A quick look revealed that Mirian had gotten tired of waiting or something, and had extended her vines and quite literally was smashing the thing to death.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Now that the skies were more or less clear, Ellen left her refuge between a pair of overturned carts and walked over to the other three, wrapping the knife she had found in some cloth and placing it in her pocket. The extent of the burns on her face and hands would probably make Sarah look twice, but she seemed to be ignoring any pain from it. "Thanks for the backup you two." She said slowly, her gaze trailing to the newer of the pair, regarding Mirian with what looked to be curiosity.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah nodded to the plantgirl after she was done pummeling the last one. "Guess I owe ya AGAIN," she added with a small wink.

Turning to Ellen, she blinked in surprise. "Wow, ya look like crap. What's happened to you guys?" Quietly she'd keep her pistols out, staring up at the treeline for more flying creatures.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen shrugged, reaching up to touch her face briefly. "Just me really. They're smarter than I anticipated, tried to burn me out of a building. I see you've met a new friend. I'm Ellen." She said calmly, nodding to Mirian but not extending her hand.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Mirian, nice to meet you."

She too did not extend anything, cautiously looking over Ellen with quiet curiosity.

Regina simply narrowed her eyes.

"You serious? Smart bastards. And it seems we lost a few of the soldiers too from the radio chatter I was hearing earlier. Something about chainsaws."

Chris had quietly reloaded his weapons, then put them away.

"Yeah, most of the radio's went dead just suddenly. I have no idea why, but I doubt it's anything that we can immediately fix. Now lets see, I was told that there should be a path to a swamp which will get us to our next stop. Three of the soldiers reported spotting a target matching Claudia's description walking calmly with a bunch of the infected. I think we have to assume she's under some form of mind control, though I have no idea what would be able to do that. If you folks are up to it, we should move onward. Staying in one spot seems to be rather hazardous lately."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Ya don't say," Sarah quipped, checking ammunition. "Anything that would put a thorn in ol' Sunglasses for brains is fine with me," she added.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris had to stifle a laugh.

"Yes, I think I like how you worded that. Alright then, let's get moving here, unless Ellen you have any suggestions first?"

((Waiting for Shrike to post.))
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger smirked a little, keeping his face centered forward, "I made a promise that I wouldn't die, until I settled the score with the bastard who decided to fuck with me. I can't say whether or not I'll save the world, as everyone seems to want all of us to do, but all I'm really sure of, is that between me and him, one of us is gonna die. And it ain't gonna be me."

(My own RP did well to suck up huge amounts of my writing inspiration, I hope it's not too late for me to reappear again.)
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen just shrugged. "Apart from asking if someone can lend me some ammo, I'm fine to continue."

((Sorry for the wait, RL has been hammering me for some time now :/ ))
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger's only reply was a smile and a nod.

"Well, it sounds like we have a date with destiny, whatever it may hold. Let us not delay her then. Up ahead there should be an exit to this mess, and it should lead us into a type of market place. Last I heard, it was chock full of infected, so my recommendation would be if it charges us, you either shoot off it's face or I'll vine whip it. Either way, these ... unholy abominations need to be put down."

Chris nodded, and both he and Regina clipped off several spare clips for Ellen.

"Alright, let's get moving. According to the maps we have of the area, there should be a secondary exit near the network of caves Sarah was just in. That in turn is supposed to lead out into something of a swamp. I've already had several people take off that way to rig us up an air-boat for that. Sarah, you already were in those caves, so lead on to that point and we'll figure out exit plans from there."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger groaned as he tilted his head to the side, cracking his neck to loosen a little bit of stiffness that built up. "Yeah, yeah... Let's just charge through the any of the assholes that get in our way, to get at the bigger problem."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen slipped the first of the clips into her pistol, then stuffed the rest into a couple pockets. "Thanks. That sounds like a good enough plan, let's get moving."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Best plan I've heard all day. This way!" she called out, soon taking the lead in a small trot, going to the cave as quick as she could. "Though I think those Cabal jerks left that way too, we may have more then Wesker to worry about..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris shrugged slightly.

"I wouldn't worry about the Cabal soldiers. If they left you alive in there they clearly didn't consider you much of a threat to them, at least not enough to waste time in whatever mission they're on. I doubt they'll give us any trouble today, though after this is all over, I wouldn't be surprised to see them around again."

Soon enough they would reach the caves, which now were crawling with a number of infected, including several behemoth sized men the girth of two or three men each.

The Dryad nodded, and they both climbed out. The sight that awaited them was grizzly to say the least.

A small marketplace barely stood still, littered with the bodies of slain enemies. Most of them were infected, however the Dryad spotted one that made her clutch slightly at Roger's arm.

"Dear god ... that's a Cabal soldier."

If they chose to inspect the body, Roger would note the blood on the soldier was still very fresh. He hadn't been dead for long.