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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The Dryad shrugged.

"Some species don't. I guess ours is a way of surviving because the more we have sex, the longer we tend to live. As for your power, that is interesting, but still highly useful. I only hope when things really get going bad that events don't go too quickly. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to you. Myself, it doesn't matter much."

The Alarune only shrugged, before she too began to search. It wasn't for another ten minutes until Sarah actually found the piece, glinting off a small amount of light in a corner, having been pushed aside likely by the Cabal soldiers. A once over told her it was intact, if not a little dusty.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sighing in relief, Sarah quickly replaced it before cueing it on. "Chris? I got news of varying degrees of wants and do not wants here...'
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The only reply Sarah got was a massive burst of static, and then the radio went dead.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Well shit..."

Sarah sighed, not removing the earpiece but not trying again. "Great, the radio's out... so we're on our own..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The Alarune shrugged.

"Is it your radio, all of them or just his? I mean, if something is jamming us specifically ... that'd be a bad thing right?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I dunno, lemme see if one of the soldiers had one..." Sarah replied, slowly searching the bodies, though furtively showing some signs of disgust. "I thought I gave up bothering the dead years ago..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

After a few moments, Sarah found that the soldier who HAD been in charge was also carrying a radio. It was still in perfect condition, so it had to be working.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Ok, best one outta two?" she says to herself as she takes it, then gives an experimental click of the talk button. "Hello? Hello? Anyone there?
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

After a burst of static, Sarah got a reply.

"Hello, Sarah? This is Regina, what's wrong?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Ah, finally got someone! My earpiece went dead, I'm using the soldiers radio to try and call Chris, I had a sighting of the Cabal after the Urobolis missiles, and destroyed the missile stockpile here, and awaiting further instructions."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

There was a pause, then Regina replied.

"It might not be the piece, I can't get in touch with Chris either. Just a dead burst of static every time. I don't like it, and now you can't contact him either? Something isn't right. And oh joy, Cabal soldiers? Just great. Heck, you know what, I have no idea where anyone else is either, your the only one I can raise. Where are you right now?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah sighed in slight annoyance. Now things were going to shit.... "In a cave a little ways from the village. I got the one girl I rescued with me still too."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Alright, stay there I'm on my way. Be there shortly."

The radio clicked off, leaving Sarah and the Alarune in silence for a brief period of time.

Shortly, Regina arrived, her clothing a bit torn up, and a magnum she'd found still smoking. At the Alarune's puzzled look, she spoke.

"Ah yeah ... one of the locals needed a bit more than a simple NO to 'convince' him to leave me alone. I think I still have brains on my sleeve dammit. So ... what the fuck happened here?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah nodded and pointed to her half-torn shirt. "Yea, the invisible brats here had similar feelings. Anyway, I followed Mirian here cause she said there were things guarding something, and I figured it'd be important. Turns out the things guarding them were invisible, and the things in questions are missiles holding our big black doomsday monster. Once I flamed out pretty much everything in here, that's when the Cabal showed up..." Sarah sighed a bit. "They said in no uncertain terms if they weren't pressed for time they wanted to get slaughtered and if I ran into Dr. Magnus tell her that they're still pissed as fuck off at her."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Regina tilted her head slightly.

"Strange, I have no idea what she would have done to anger them ... unless it has something to do with those three sisters or Tesla. So all those missiles are gone now? Let's hope there aren't anymore."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"At least the pile here, I dunno if more are around or not...." she admitted with a shrug. "Just hope if there is we can stop em before more hell breaks loose..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Regina nodded.

"Agreed. Alright uh ... I guess we should try to find them by tracing the path they would have taken. You up for that?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"It's the only chance we got," Sarah admitted, taking a few seconds to gather up the equipment scattered here and there. Once all straitened up, she stretched her limbs before setting for the cave. "I'm ready when you are."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

((Sorry for the wait, gak :/ ))

Ellen beat down two more of the flying monstrosities with the board before the wet thunks of the hits was replaced by a dry snap as the board broke. A third grabbed her around the head, but she managed to quickly pull it down and throttle it with her bare hands before it could do anything worse. She noticed Chris take out the shotgun and mash more of them, so she decided to go on the evasive, ducking around the environment to both find a weapon and buy Chris the time to take the rest out.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Regina nodded again.

"Alright, let's get moving then."

As they walked, it wasn't long before they heard the sounds of gun fire nearby, and something screaming from the air...

Chris continued to fire until the shotgun clicked dry, leaving about five of the enemy left alive. Cursing, he pulled out a 9mm pistol, though he knew this likely wouldn't kill them with single shots.