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Nigeria, Africa.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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It had been a rather uneventful flight. Chris and his team had arrived after nearly a day's travel, stayed at an Egyptian Motel, and now morning had arrived again. They'd landed the Night Stalker a mile away from what they had determined was some kind of cave entry, which was where the directions Chris had gotten said to go.

He stopped to reflect on the long flight for several moments.

The bickering had thankfully stopped as soon as they had boarded the plane, and they'd spoken briefly about various topics, none of them wanting to pass the entire flight through in silence. He didn't remember everything they'd spoken about, but he remembered they had all checked several times as to what the weather would be when they got there, as well as the long range forecast. Both appeared to be looking good for them, so that had been a blessing.

They'd landed in Egypt at about seven that night, moving the Night Stalker, a stealth transport helicopter, out of the cargo hold of the C-150 he'd chartered. They'd moved it to a large Hangar, then roomed for the night at a nearby Motel of sorts. When morning had come, they'd gotten a quick bite to eat there, then loaded into the chopper and flown to where they had landed only a few minutes ago.

He now stood at the entry way to the cave, wondering how exactly his contact had figured this out. The cave seemed to stretch a long way given the map he had, extending miles under ground, but with nothing else to note it had ever been fully mapped out. The outer walls were light brown, and seemed to be lined with some kind of crystal. He knew the caves would be much cooler than standing outside, the air temperature, despite it being just after ten in the morning, had already reached to nearly a hundred degrees. While it wasn't bothering him, it might be bothering his companions, and the sooner they got into the cave, the more comfortable the temperature would be for them. So finally, it was time to move on.

"Alright folks, looks like we go under ground. Stay close, stay sharp, something doesn't feel right."

He moved in, sweeping the front, while the others would sweep sides and rear.

If anyone paid close enough attention on the right side of the cave, tucked into a little corner, they'd spot a horrific sight. A human male's body, half the chest cavity missing, as if it had been torn out. Chris hadn't spotted it, mostly because he was focused on the front of the group, not the side, relying on his team mates and showing early trust in their abilities.
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

It was Sarah, having decided to leave her guns in her bag, who practically walked into it. The sudden appearence of a corpse made her give a small shriek as she almost immediately pulls her pistols. Panting hard, she then notices it's not moving. Still full of adenaline, she yells, "F-found something!!!"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris was immediately there, staring down at the body.

"That's mildly disturbing. Hmm .... this guy had half his chest torn out? And we're not far from the entry way. Looks like whatever got him probably ....."

He trailed off as he had begun checking the body, his hand dipping into the blood, and he snapped back up sharply and suddenly. "RJ, you getting a vibe? That blood and body .... it's still warm, he didn't die long ago."

By now, they were far enough into the cave to note the smooth, almost crystalline walls of it reflecting the light from outside. It seemed it went deep down into the earth, with no immediate end in sight, darkening after only about five hundred meters in front of them to the point of not being able to see beyond that point.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Well, this is starting off well." Dex, who has been silent for most of the trip, pulls the Tesla from her khaki shorts. She's seen some shit in her years, but that's definitely new. "Looks like a lion or something took a bite out of him."

And what's this about RJ and getting a vibe? Is he some kind of medium?
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger had wanted to discuss with the two women of the squad, in hopes of getting to know a better deal about their disposition in dangerous situations, how good they can make decisions, and if they'd listen to him or not if he ever gave them an order to stay back when they might get in danger. He didn't know exactly what happened, but somehow, he never got the chance. He cursed himself for making the mistake of having comrades that were just about the same strangers as before in Warehouse 13, and wondered if that lack of trust, and familiarity would end up getting them killed. With no idea of their capabilities, Roger felt a severe lack of trust from the two women. He, even in the currently mind-entrenching heat, felt a cold feeling inside, that made him feel as if he'd be alone should a monster attack. Should he help them? Or himself? He didn't want women being taking along into a place where they could get chunks of their body ripped off, but he doesn't know what kind of monster, like the one showed to him in the warehouse, he was dealing with. Would he even be able to stop it? If he got in the way, would he be shot should he try to stop a monster from attacking?

So many questions ran though Roger's mind, even as they walked through the ocean of sand. The heat wasn't bad during a good quarter of the trip, and was actually cool during the beginning. However, as the four silently crossed over the wasteland of sand, a slight wind would pick up, and seemingly hundreds of microscopic pebbles would pummel them, getting in their eyes, or otherwise making their journey through the hot desert even more miserable. Even now, walking through this steadily-getting-hotter wasteland, Roger knew it'd be too late to have even a semi-conversation in order to get to know his comrades. He still scolded himself for not doing during the flight.

"I was on that motherfucker for over a dozen hours! Why the fuck didn't I say anything?!?" he questioned himself, and would constantly repeat curses in his mind, the misery in his mind fueled by the intense heat, and sand blowing in his face.

By the time they reached the cave, Roger had already polished off a good three quarters of his water bottle. And after Sarah happened upon the body, his mind was in a daze from the exhausting heat as the three spoke. "What the hell, they're acting like it was nothing... Must be how women love the heat..." he concluded, already thinking Chris must have been effected as well, due to him missing the body...

Roger growled at Chris, already miserable over the heat. "I don't have time for this stupid shit about vibes!" he thought, before answering, "Yeah, I got a vibe that says if you keep asking me about stupid fucking vibes, whatever killed that guy-" Roger suddenly felt some kind of heat rush, as a hand went to his forehead. His pulse quickened, and as if he thought it wasn't possible, he felt even hotter than he did outside the cave.

To everyone else, RJ appeared to be having a headache, and was wavering back and forth in place...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Keep that atitude up and I'll save that git the trou-!" Sarah was about to snap back, but then noticed the sudden change of demenor. "Hey, you ok?" she asked, sounding genuinely worried.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris seemed to understand something was wrong, and not one to simply ignore what was before him, never took his eyes off the deeper part of the cave.

"You alright RJ? What is it?"

Barely audible, a low hissing noise could be heard, as well as the click of claw on stone. Chris stopped, listening carefully. A few moments later his patience was rewarded when a creature came scuttling over the roof of the cave.

Said creature was large, easily seven feet long, skin a strange brownish color. What was most disturbing was that it had an elongated tongue it wavered about in the air, and the front legs were bulky like arms. Each one ended in a mass of claws, identical to the wounds inflicted on their body. The back legs were powerful, indicating the creature probably could leap extreme distances. While it was more powerful looking than he remembered, Chris had no doubt as to what he was looking at.

"Licker," he hissed silently. "Fuck."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The hiss made Sarah perk up, a look of both familiarity and fear flashing across her face.

"Aw shit on a shingle..." she said softly, an exasperated look on her face as she turns around to see the new threat. "Why is it I can never seem to get away from these bloody zombies..."

Raising her two pistols up, she immediately started blasting at it with lead.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The first two shots seemed to connect, and slam into the beast, yet it didn't seem to faze it.

It came flying off the wall, trying to impale Sarah with it's claws, only to be grabbed in mid air by Chris, who began wrestling with it, neither one able to gain the leverage needed to hurl the other.

Then the Licker tried living up with it's name, sending it's tongue flying out. Chris wasn't able to do much, except take that spear in the shoulder, some blood spurting out.

Growling, either in anger or pain, it was hard to tell, he half growled to Sarah. "Grab my fucking shotgun off my back and give it a lead facial."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

(Perhaps wait for others before making more actions? I'm sure people like me and Rule would like to be doing more than just standing around.)

Roger took a step back as the licker leaped, instinctively getting out of the way, and after it had impaled Chris with it's strange tongue, Roger drew out the knife he had from his right thigh, and made a slash at the creature's tongue, hoping to split it in half.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The remark made her jump to it, grabbing the shotgun, kinda stumbling a bit before leveling the larger weapon and firing.

(Good point ^^;)
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The knife cut through the tongue with some difficulty, and the creature let loose a shriek of pain, then another as it got a nice face full of buckshot load from the shotgun, falling backwards.

It convulsed on the floor for a moment, then flipped to it's feet again, apparently looking for more.

"The fuck? It should be dead from that!"

From the sounds of it, Chris hadn't been expecting it to survive that, and the shoulder wound strangely was no longer bleeding, even though he'd yanked the dead tongue out of his shoulder.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

(... Fuck it)

Roger yelled, "We gotta stop it from moving!" before reaching his left hand for the Tesla in his holster, quickly bringing it out, and firing at the licker to the best of his ability. At the moment of firing the weapon, Roger wished that the Tesla in his hand had a iron sight. Aiming on instinct was something he was not comfortable with.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Growling angrily, she tossed the shotgun to Chris and pulls her pistols. "Eat lead mother fucker!" she growls as she fires both guns again.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

As soon as Sarah tossed him the shotgun, Chris had an idea.

RJ's aim, despite his reservations was true, slamming the beast to the ground even as Sarah's shots struck true.

Despite this the beast still tried to move, only to get Chris's foot pressed against it's throat, the shotgun stuffed into it's mouth. "SIT!"

It's head exploded as Chris calmly pulled the trigger, obliterating it's head. That taken care of, he shouldered the gun again then shook his head.

"Sarah, you wanted first hand experience on these things? Now's your chance to get a sample to look at later. That Licker .... I've never seen one take that many hits and not stay down before."

They might get the impression he was slightly rattled, which probably wasn't a good sign.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Leaning down, the girl panted as she tried to recover herself, the guns still held defiantly in her grip. "A-and I thought the ones from home were bad..." she managed to pant out, whiping her forehead of the cold sweat that had developed. "N-no thanks, I got enough to test for now..." she said, awnsering Chris as well as she straitened up a bit.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

After the creature had died, Roger slowly put the Tesla back into it's holster. He didn't say anything to anyone at the time, but did have a small council in his mind. "This makes things worse. That idiot girl is going to end up killing herself with that headstrong attitude, and I can already tell there might come a situation that she can't handle, where she'll just end up charging in to her death." Roger started having an unspoken argument with himself, one part wanted to do what he'd always done, and help to prevent women from getting hurt, or killed. The other just wanted to accept Sarah's head strong eagerness to shoot, and kill, and let her run off to her death.

Roger made a decision in his mind. At which point, he sighed, folded his arms, knife still in hand, and remained silent. "I can't protect them if they don't care for their own safety. So fuck 'em. They wanna run ahead, and gun away so bad, they can take the damage for me." he decided. Even though he didn't like the thought of either of these women meaninglessly dieing, if they were stupid about life threatening situations, there would be nothing Roger could do, even though he knew it was a man's job to protect women. "Besides, ol' Chris seems to have that covered, I'll just stick back, and let him take care of buggers like that."
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded slowly. "Still, I want to know what's changed. You have any vials we can take a sample in with? Either these things have mutated, or someone's been upgrading. One thing's for sure. Someone beat us here, and not by much, which means we may run into them."

Unspoken were the words, and they brought toys with them too.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She looks through her bag. "Hang on a moment, hang on a moment... ah, empty syringes, here we are!" And with that, she bent down and stuck it into the creature, taking a blood sample. "I'm not used to something soo mutated, usually it's only gigantic stength or a oversized tounge, but this... is this the thing that happens to your virus victims?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger unfastened his Beretta from his holster, but didn't take it out. He wanted to make sure that it would be ready to be drawn out, rather than forcing him to take the much desired time to unfasten it, which could cost him his life.

"In that case, it'd be impolite for us to be late to the party." he said, deciding to draw his pistol, holding it in his right hand, and bracing it for accuracy with his left, waiting for someone else to take the lead, knowing full well that, at the very least Chris, would jump at the opportunity to play hero once again.