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New Wicked Age

Re: New Wicked Age

Okay, I've added a best interest to each NPC. All of them are in some way affecting the PCs. You now need to come up with a second best interest. It should be one that is either aimed at one of the NPCs specifically, or at another PC specifically.

It can be off the wall, and it doesn't necessarily need to make sense at this point, your characters don't need to know the 'why' or even the 'how.' The more extreme the goal, the more your GM will love you. :D
Re: New Wicked Age

Lillian's second best interest, is to gain complete control over the nobility, by getting killing or imprisoning the current governor Ipqu-Annun. Running him out of the city or changing his ways will also work.
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Re: New Wicked Age

It's also in Dalian's best interest to see Beletsunu taken as the sacrifice in her place.
(Gotta appease the god of the dead somehow eh? =P)
Re: New Wicked Age

Okay new best interests are out for some of the NPCs. That will round out our beginning phase. Now to set the scene:

This story will take place in the city of Sam'al. It is a powerful city state on the borders of the Empire. It straddles both sides of the Djor River, and is only a day's march from the Khal River which marks the edge of the Empire and the lands of the East. The city is a great waypoint in the middle of a rich trade route. It has caravans going through it heading through the desert lands both east and west. It is rich, it is decadent, it is full of thieves, brigands, and refugees of many lands who have migrated to the city for protection, food, and water. The people are ill treated by the aristocracy, and turn to the worship of the powerful Death Cult led by Nidintu-Bel. The cult has control of the night-ghouls, creatures no longer thought to be human, but rather servants under the direct control of the nameless god of death. The populace believe that so long as the god is appeased by the death of someone in the bloom of life, that these ghouls will be sated and not rise out of the undeground pits and cavernous subterranean labyrinth to attack the city's living.

Into this mix is the growing power of the criminal underground. A powerful network of thieves and cut throats has taken root in the sprawling slums, and the leader of this gang is beginning to entertain thoughts of anarchy, terrorism, and revolution.

All this comes at the time of a special visit by the Imperial Princess...


You three should each decide where you'd like to have your characters enter the story.

Lillian - Are you just arriving with your entourage at the city gates? Have you already found lodging at the governor's palace? Or have you found lodging of your own?

Dalian - Where is your character now? Is she with the Cult? Is she on the run? Does she have friends that she is staying with?

Lenka - What sort of schemes are you up to at the start of all this? Are you planning a heist? an assassination? rabble rousing? Something more benign? Where?
Re: New Wicked Age

I think I'll have Lillian inside the city on one of the main roads. She will be heading towards the governors palace, where she will stay during the visit to the city.
Re: New Wicked Age

Think I'll go with having Dalian starting off with the cult.
Re: New Wicked Age

Let's have Lenka in a pub someplace, burning time with some other dudes in the gang and listening to the news going 'round the city. Speaking of, is it determined how big/influential the gang is at the beginning of the story?

Goddamn, all the bigwigs want to get into my filthy poor-person's pants.
Re: New Wicked Age

The Gang (feel free to name it, if you want GB), is fairly influential and growing moreso every day. It's not quite big enough to directly challenge the city's troops or the cult, but it could be a big enough factor to help overthrow one of those with the other's support. The city's black market is squarely within the Gang's control.
Re: New Wicked Age

How 'bout the Skeleton Hounds, then? That's kinda cool.

So the black market... is that just, like, weapons and art/misc-stolen-stuff? According to wikiped it's supposedly the term for, like, everything-illegal-ever, like drugs and prostitutes and whatnot.
Re: New Wicked Age

Hmm, remember the setting is very ancient grim fantasy - not dealing with biker gangs and that sort of thing. The gang can refer to itself as the Hounds though. Sounds good.

And yes, black market is a term that refers to anything illegal or out of the public eye. It's not necessarily drugs or prostitution, it can also be contraband such as weapons, or stolen goods being sold on the cheap and fenced.

In this way, the Hounds can arm themselves and a portion of the populace.
Re: New Wicked Age

@Aztlan - to sneak away is a conflict. Congrats, you have the first contest.

Choose two of your forms : (ie Covertly and For Myself) If you can justify your particular strength, you may use it as well. Once you tell me what forms you're using, I'll roll the dice to see if you get away cleanly, or if Simta is able to do her job...