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New Iron City


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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So, while we wait for a certain pale one to return to the Colony, I'm planning on running a game called Iron City. It's a game that Skull Man created a while ago, that I've decided to expand on.

Right now, I'll only be taking two characters. They will have separate threads, but they'll be able to cross paths every once and a while, working towards the same goal: Saving Iron City.

New Setting:
A multitude of worlds exists, one laying atop the other. These worlds, just tiny folds within the cosmos, are each different in varying degrees. Some only feature changes of the tiniest atom, whereas others boast non-sapient species ruling the worlds. In one of these worlds exists the super-powered heroes of comic books, with just a tiny, minor twist*: Almost all of these individuals are 'heroines'.

In an almost utopian society, womankind has ruled over this world thanks to their tremendous strengths and feats of heroism. They protect their world with a fervent, Paladin-like quality, from within, and also from outside, including the Cosmos as a whole. Thanks to these women, womankind is much better off than our world: Many women find themselves as CEOs, board members, sports stars and politicians.

However, mankind was never given equality in this world; it simply wasn't taught to those with 'danglers'. Men often find themselves as stay-at-home dads or trophy husbands to be shown off as eye candy. The only man to be taken seriously was a historic president of the United States, assassinated only weeks into his term. His wife, Jackie, has gone down as the most influential politication of the century.

With growing contempt to the stoic guardians of the world, certain men began to withdraw into the shadows, using the internet and other high-speed communications to hide themselves and their identities. A rebellion began to grow, with men lashing out at women worldwide in ever-growing skirmishes. After the first death of a woman in these confrontations, the Rebellion was sought out by the Heroines, and supposedly crushed beneath their feet.

If not for a dimensional traveler, refering to himself as only 'X', the resistance of men would have fallen apart. Little of this X is known, but within days of his arrival, the country of Panama erupted into civil war, with the men quickly taking over. Other countries soon followed, with the heroines arriving in time to stop the violence from getting out of hand. Panama is now considered a haven for mankind, with the men threatening violence on any non-powered woman if heroines come near.

Other little cells of resistance began to crop up, appearing seemingly from nowhere. Now, there are whispers on the streets and in dark alleyways, as people share the stories of women being turned into slaves by men rebelling against the system imposed on them. It's into this dangerous world that our heroines arrive, ready to stop the resistance and bring peace back to the world...

* - Really, it's just a tiny one.

There are several stages to character creation. Your character is rolled by determining her background first, then her powers and stats:
1) Player Affiliation
2) Power Origins
3) Body Type
4) Stats and Traits

Why start with what super groups your character is affiliated to? It seems like an odd place, right? Well, if you know you want a magic-based character, you wouldn't want to put her with the ICPD - they don't accept most Alpha Females. If you have a natural-based character, you wouldn't want her with the Sorceress; she only accept magic-based Heroines.

These may be expanded on, later on, changing how much damage you do to certain enemy factions, and how much damage they do to you, as well as what items are available. Right now, they're just there for flavor.

Please note, if you really -do- want to play as a natural character in a super group, let me know. I'll try to work something out with you over PMs.

The Groups:

THE CENTURIONS: Since the rise of Rome, the Centurions have existed. They've fought for the best interests of womankind for thousands of years, and continue to do so. Now, the largest super organization in the world, they still keep up with strict military by-laws, and have an abundance of technology, magical artifacts, and even armor for non-super powered individuals.
Origins: Tech

THE AMAZONS: The Amazons were found during Roman expansion. After brief conflicts with the Centurions, the groups realized how common they were, and quickly formed an alliance that has lasted throughout time. Now, the Amazons and the Centurions have more of a friendly rivalry than anything else. They focus more on super-natural strengths, or even above-average melee fighting.
Origins: Power

THE COVEN: Run by the powerful Sorceress, she's supposedly immortal, having lived in every age of womankind. She only accepts the most powerful mages, using her wealth of magic artifacts to hopefully imbue them with abilities to overcome their foes.
Origins: Magic

ICPD: Iron City Police department, the stoic protectors of the city. These women risk their lives without any form of super powers, trying to bring down the evil in their fair city. Due to recent laws pushed through the senate, Alpha Females are a rare sight in the ranks of the ICPD.
Origins: Natural

Where do your powers come from? Are you an alien from beyond the stars come to save Iron City? Or are you an immortal spell weaver, someone that time no longer applies to. You may even be a flatfoot, just trying to keep her city safe..

Aside from flavor and background, your origin determines your strengths and weaknesses. It's a Rock-Paper-Scissors system, (Power beats Magic, Magic beats Tech, Tech beats Power). Naturals, who are substanstially weaker than the Alpha Females, don't fit into the triangle, and suffer maluses against every enemies.

POWER: Power-users draw their abilities from some form of unknown, inner power, using it to decimate their foes. Whether it's some form of ethereal energy, or even psionic blasts, Power users know almost no limits to their abilities. Science is their main weakness, however, with many devices built to drain their essence and turn these Alpha Females completely helpless.
WEAK AGAINST: Technology-Origins. -2 to hit, -1 to damage.
STRONG AGAINST: Magic-Origins. +3 to damage.

MAGIC: Magic users have developed some form of affinity to the ley lines around the world, using them to draw in power. These powerful witches can conjure up powerful beings, or summon firestorms with the flick of a hand. Mages have always had trouble with Power-Origins, as their pure strength of will seems to break through any charm or spell.
WEAK AGAINST: Power-Origins. -2 to damage, -1 to hit.
STRONG AGAINST: Technology-Origins. +3 to damage.

TECHNOLOGY: Technology users have built themselves powerful suits of armor, or rely on high-tech gadgets to do their bidding. Technology has trouble around any sort of magic; it's their only weakness.
WEAK AGAINST: Magic-origins. -3 to-hit.
STRONG AGAINST: Power-origins. +1 to-hit, +2 to damage.

NATURAL: Natural users have worked countless hours to get to their current physical peak - and there's still no comparison to an Alpha female. These women often join up to the understaffed ICPD, filling their ranks with nameless and faceless pawns. Every once and a while, one rises through the ranks, becoming a beacon of hope..
WEAK AGAINST: All. -2 to hit, -2 to damage.

There are five body types available. They affect your bonuses and maluses, as well as the physical appearance of your character.

Normal: An average body type; Not too much muscle, not too much fat, just your average, run-of-the-mill woman.

Lithe: A very slim, toned body type. Women with this body type tend to have more dexterity, but they tend to have less stamina.
BONUSES: +2 to skill.
MALUSES: -2 to maximum BP.

Athletic: A toned body, developed by countless hours on the treadmill or running after baddies. With more BP than any other Body Type, women don't have as much intelligence.
BONUSES: +6 to Maximum BP.
MALUSES: -3 to Int.

Bodybuilder: Spending hours just lifting weights, this woman has developed her body far beyond physical perfection. She's usually taller than many average women, and definitely has more muscle mass than anyone else - but he suffers from lower dexterity and intelligence.
BONUSES: +5 Strength
MALUSES: -2 Skill, -3 Int.

Voluptuous: Some women just have curves - the dangerous kind. With a body like this, the woman has gotten used to certain... 'actions'.
BONUSES: +4 to arousal damage.
MALUSES: -4 to resisting arousal damage.

Choosing your stats is next up, alongside traits. You start out with 10 points total to add onto your character as you see fit; USE THESE POINTS BEFORE MOVING ONTO DISADVANTAGES. Consider these as 'free points' - one of each increases your main stats (Strength, Skill, Intelligence, Wisdom), your attributes (Body, Mind, Arousal), and can even 'buy' you free traits without taking a disadvantage.

Once these ten points have been used up, you must use traits and disadvantages to increase your Stats and attributes, or to

Stats: In any of these areas, anything higher than 2 is considered super human; 1 is considered average.
Strength- Strength is, for most characters, what they use to determine both your melee to-hit, as well as melee damage. Taking certain traits allows you to use your strength as a way to dampen damage dealt.
Skill- Skill is mainly anything affected by a dextrous act. If you want to be sneaky, you need Skill. Natural Characters can use Skill as a to-hit roll for both ranged and Melee with certain traits, and may also use it as a critical hit multiplier.
Intelligence- Intelligence is mainly how hard, as well as how often, you hit with non-physical ranged attacks. This includes psionics. Having a high int makes you a very dangerous ranged opponent.
Wisdom- Wisdom affects how hard you are to hit with Intelligence based attacks, as well as how easy it is for you to

Body Points: Your physical hit points - literally, how much damage you can take before becoming too exhausted. They regenerate, without any traits, at 1 BP for every two turns out of combat. Starts out at 10.
Once your first 10 'free points' are used up, you can only buy BP through the Body Boost trait.
Mind: Your mind stat affects your hit points for anything dealing with poison or knockout gases. Once your Mind hits 0, you don't pass out, but become to weak to fight back. Mind points regenerate 1 point for every 4 turns not spent in combat. This attribute also starts at 10.
Once you use your 10 'free points', you can only buy MP through the Mind Boost trait.
Arousal Points: How long before your character orgasms. These start at 10. Once your arousal hits it's maximum, you orgasm.
Once you use all your '10 free' points, max arousal may only be increased with the Arousal Boost trait.

Mental Fortitude: Everyone has a breaking limit, and the heroines of Iron City are no exception. Every defeat by an enemy drops your Mental Fortitude; once it hits 0, it's game over. Your maximum fortitude can NEVER be increased; it can be replenished at 1 Fortitude point per 5 EXP.

Buying Traits: You can use your 10 points at the beginning to buy traits. Once you've used up these 'freebies', you need to take disadvantages to balance out your traits.

Main Traits:
Str/Skl/Int/Wis boost: +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 to stat; This costs 1/3/6/10/15, depending on your level.
Body boost: +1 Body, can be taken as many times as needed. Costs 3 points.
Mind boost: +1 Mind, Can be taken as many times as needed. Costs 4 points.
Arousal Boost: +1 to Arousal, can be taken as many times as needed. Costs 4 points.

Toughness: -1 from body damage, can be taken up to 5 times.
Cost (based on Level) = 2/6/12/20/30
Resistance: -1 from mind damage, can be taken up to 5 times.
Cost (based on Level) = 2/6/12/20/30

Poison resistance: -2 from Poison Mind damage; This can be taken 3 times. Costs = 2/6/12
Psionic Resistance: +2 to Resistance against Psionic; This can be taken 3 times. Costs = 2/6/12
Magic Resistance: +2 to Resistance against Magic; This can be taken 3 times. Costs = 2/6/12
Tech Resistance: +2 to Resistance against Tech; This can be taken 3 times. Costs = 2/6/12
Regeneration: -1 to Body Damage total each round (including Combat). Costs: 20.

Magical Ranged Attack (MRA): Can choose several ranged elements; force, fire, lightening, ice and earth. Cost = 3
Note: MAGIC Origin required. This is required for any skills below.
MRA Second Element: Switch to another element with MRA, can take multiple. Cost = 3
MRA multiple: Allows you to strike up to 4 targets at once. Cost = 5
MRA boost: does extra damage on single target Cost = 5
MRA accurate: Bonus to-hit with attack; may be taken twice (+2/+5). Costs = 5/7.
MRA Shield: Creates a shield that attacks the next enemy to get close. Different elements affect what the shield can do. Cost = 10
MRA knockback: Knocks the enemy nearly 10 feet away, dealing half damage; the second level knocks the enemy further away, dealing full damage; and the final level can knock an opponent through a wall, dealing 1.5x damage.

Power Training (PT): Allows any Power Origin to gain melee skills, as well as access to Focus (+2 to hit). Cost = 3
Note: POWER Origin required. The skills below require Power Training.
PT Element: Allows a Power User to choose an element to their standard attacks: Force, Lightning, or Fire. Each element adds on a status effect (knock back, paralyze, or DoT). Cost = 3
PT Multiple: Additional target near first target, can be taken 2 times. Cost = 5
PT Spin: Allows a Power User to attack in a wide circle, damaging enemies, as well as a 25% chance to knock them down. Cost = 7
PT Grapple Break: Allows the Power User to break out of a Simple Grapple easily; +4 to grapple break. Cost = 7.
PT Combo: The user performs a powerful combo, their attacks never stopping until they miss. Cost = 10
PT Slam: The Power User delivers a massive blow, dealing 3x damage. This cannot be used with PT Multiple. Cost = 10.

Gizmo Training (GT): Allows a Technology User to learn the ability Smoke Bomb (-3 to-hit for enemies), as well as take some useful Tech-based skills. Cost = 3
Note: TECHNOLOGY Origin required. The skills below require Gizmo Training.
GT Ranged: The user activates a ranged gadget, either by throwing it (Batarang!) or by firing a sub-space missile at the enemy. Cost = 3
GT Ranged Grapple: Using a gadget to tie up an enemy from range, the Heroine subdues an enemy for arrest. Cost = 3
GT Multiple: The user employs a gadget striking up to four targets at once. Cost = 5
GT Minion: A gadget that becomes some sort of minion that follows and helps the heroine. It deals d2 damage, and has 5 BP. Cost = 10
GT Teleport: Allows the Heroine to teleport out of danger. It takes 1 turn to activate, which can be interrupted. Cost = 15.

Finesse Fighting (FF): Anyone trained under this learns to use their natural skills while fighting. It may be taken by any origin, but only Naturals get the bonuses. Naturals use their skill to attack instead of their Strength or Intelligence. Cost = 3
FF Combo: The Natural strikes a target three times, dealing damage each time. Cost = 3
FF Multiple: Just like the above abilities, allows the Natural to attack four enemies at once. Combo can be combined with Multiple. Cost = 3
FF Reverse: Allows the user, when in a grapple, to reverse it if they win a skill roll. Cost = 5
FF Stun: The user stuns a single target, keeping them out of the fight for d4 rounds. Cost = 7
FF Backup: The user calls in backup, up to d3 ICPD officers. They have d3 attack and 6 BP. Cost = 10

Other traits

Observant: +2 to notice enemies; can be take up to 5 times. Cost = 3
Escape Artist: +2 to escape grapples. Cost = 3
Strong willed: +3WIS resist mind control or seduction. Cost = 3
Stealthy: +2 to Remain hidden can be taken up to 4 times. Cost = 3
Tracking: Allows users to track enemies. Cost = 5
Advanced Tracking: Required the above skill. Allows the user to determine the type of creature, as well as the direction it's going. Cost = 5

Healing Milk: Your milk heals others d2 BP, making it much more valuable; Can be taken twice. Cost = 3
Extra Milk: You have more milk than the average woman. Dr. Pump may take notice of this. +2 uses to healing milk. Cost = 4
Dark sight: Allows you to see in dark conditions without help. Cost =4
Water breathing: Automatic water breathing. Cost = 4
Infertile: -2 to Pregnancy chances. Cost = 2
Flight: Allows for faster travel over distances via flight; enemies will only be able to use Ranged Attacks while you fly. Cost = 10.

Weak -1 to STR Can be taken up to 3 times. Adds +3 points.
Clumsy: -1 to SKL Can be taken up to 3 times. Adds +3 points.
Dumb: -1 to INT Can be taken up to 3 times. Adds +3 points.
Vapid: -1 to WIS Can be taken up to 3 times. Adds +3 points.

Weak to magic: -2 to Resistance against Magic can be taken 3 times. Adds +3 points.
Weak willed: -2 to Resitance against Psionics and mind control can be taken 3 times. Adds +3 points.
Weak to Poisons: -2 to Resistance against Poisons can be taken 3 times. Adds +5 points.
Vulnerable to (element). Choose Fire, ice, electricty or Earth; it ignores toughness. If you don't have Toughness, these attacks deal double damage. Adds +6 points.

Item of Power: Allows the user to take four traits. If the Item of Power is ever removed, those four traits are lost.

Bad Escaper: -2 to escape grapples, grabs and bindings. This can be taken 5 times. Adds +4 points.
Inattentive: -2 to spot checks; this can be taken up to 4 times. Adds + 3 points.
Easy to spot: -2 to stealth checks; can be take 4 times. Adds + 3 points.

Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted. Adds +5 points.
Nympho: -5 to resist being sexual assaulted, requires and stacks with above. Adds +8 points.
Fetish X: When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes. Adds +5 points the first time, +3 the second, +1 the third and thereafter.
Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 15% chance of receiving an additional one, can be taken up to 5 times. Adds +5 points.
Secretly Submissive: -2 to rolls to escape enemies once captured; can be taken 5 times. Adds +4 points.
Fertile: +2 to pregnancy rolls; this may be taken 5 times. Adds +3 points.
Increased offspring: +1 to maximum children born; this may be taken 5 times. Adds +3 points.
Need for milking: -1 to all actions if not milked daily; can be taken 5 times, each time increasing the minus. Adds +3 points.
Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back. Adds +4 points.
Caring: Cannot risk the lives of hostages. Adds +5 points.

Traits may never conflict with disadvantages.
Re: New Iron City

The order of the Red Staff: There are tales that, before the Centurions of Ancient Rome paved the roads for womandkind to expand, there was an ancient order of male sorcerers. Their magics almost decimated the first few Legionaries. After several survivors came back, with horrible stories of men wielding the forces of nature, every Legionary and Amazon was sent to destroy the Wizards. The Red Staves came back, after hundreds of years, only to be crushed by the English Empire and their Queen; and, yet again, during the second World War, the Red Staves appeared and were destroyed. Over and over, they've come and gone, only to resurface when trouble arises. Now on the rise again, recent developments have led the Heroines to realize their ever-illusive leadership is based somewhere in Iron City.
Kinks: Sex-based magic, rituals, humiliation.
Current Enemy Strength: Strong
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Experienced in Combat

Red Viper Gang: The Red Vipers, for the most part, were considered mere nuisances by the public at large. Recruiting both young women and men alike, the group waged 'graffiti wars' amongst their ranks, tagging entire blocks with intricate artwork. After a recent change in leadership, the group has taken a decidely evil turn, with all the female members disappearing, and a sudden surge of new male recruits. New tattoos adorn their arms, seeming to become more intricate with their rank in the gang. Supposedly, the leaders have some sort of secret to breaking even the most strong willed women - and it will be necessary to take out every leader in the organization to rescue the already captured women. With such new blood in the gang though, they'll be easy to fight.
Kinks: Slavery, training, humiliation.
Current Enemy Strength: Average.
Currently Fighting: ICPD.
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Weak in Combat.

Xz’Sstr’Ka: While no one can pronounce his name, it's been recently discovered this is the most common name on his planet (Like Dana in this Dimension). Even though his initial arrival shocked many women in Iron City, the heroines shook Xz's off as a novelty, working on the more major threats instead. It wasn't until The Lamia was captured when the Heroines realized that Xz'Sstr'Ka was a major threat, Lamia's spawn strengthening the alien's army of half-bred Aliens. Now a section of the Amazons have dedicated themselves to fighting the spawn, hoping to get to Xz'Sstr'Ka and eliminate him, hopefully making Iron City safe from his DNA.
Kinks: Tentacles, Alien sex (odd coloured cum, multiple dicks, etc.), pregnancy and birthing.
Current Enemy Strength: Somewhat Strong.
Currently Fighting: The Amazons.
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Weak in combat.

Dr. Pump: For the longest time, Dr. Paul Kantanos worked in the field of medicine, hoping to bring the rapid healing power of many Alpha women to the public as a whole. When the doctor realized that it was the milk in every Alpha Female, his papers were published, only to be destroyed by the Legion and the Centurions. His doctorate revoked, the man was shunned, disappearing from society. It wasn't until lower-ranking Heroines, known for the healing qualities of their milk disappeared, that suspiscions arose Dr. Pump was behind the disappearances. A dangerous opponent, Dr. Pump strikes from the crowds, his agents seemingly normal people, ready to strike with dangerous technology to bring down any Heroine.
Kinks: Milking, Sex toys and equipment.
Current Enemy Strength: Unknown.
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Excels in Combat.

Lord Dominic: A psionic of massive power, Lord Dominic is cloaked in mystery. His ability to bestow psychic powers on his most trusted advisors brings doubts into the minds of Alpha Females, questioning his ability to be the first, and only known, 'Alpha Male'. Oddly, his low-level thugs use tazers and neural passifiers to capture Heroines.
Kinks: Hypnosis, sex toys, submission/humiliation.
Current Enemy Strength: Strong
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Excels in Combat.

Black Mask Gang: The Black Mask Gang has always been a pain in the sides of many Heroine groups. They focus on hit-and-run tactics, employing poisonous gas clouds and darts, knock out gases, flashbangs, anything to disorient those after them. They don't take prisoners unless they've been completely subdued, where their victims supposedly sold off to the other gangs in the world. Their head quarters is unkown, and it's theorized that the gang is only a group of 8 men. Even taking down one could completely destabilize their group, as each man has a very specific task to perform in each robbery.
Kinks: Poison, knockout gases, selling captives.
Current Enemy Strength: Very Strong
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Group of two, exceling in Combat.

Belladonna: Belladonna was once a respected Alpha Female, in charge of her own group of Heroines known as the 'Earth Defense Directorate'. With a green tint to her skin, she'd live amongst plants in a massive green house, designing the ultimate lifeform. When she went 'dark' to all the other super groups, the Centurions went in and investigated, fidning that Belladonna had created her perfect life form - but it lived off the secretions of Alpha Females. Refusing to give up her creation, her mind-wiped super group fighting off the heroines long enough to cover her escape. She's recently reappeared in the Sunny Estates of Iron City, taking over the small suburb faster than expected. The area has been completely sealed off, but somehow, her creations sneak past our defenses into the city, kidnapping Alpha Females and regular women alike.
Kinks: Tentacles, Aphrodisiac poisons, plant-sex.
Current Enemy Strength: Average.
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Weak in Combat.

The Dominatrix: A very long time ago, there was a movement by regular women, demanding more rights compared to their Alpha Female sisters. Leading it was the mysterious Jennifer Yue, a woman who appeared overnight, starting a fervent movement. She claimed that the super-powered women cherished their power so much, that they'd do nothing to give it up. It wasn't long before Jennifer was proven wrong, with the first open election for non-powered women taking place. Enraged, Jennifer Yue disappeared underground, along with some of her followers. Now that 'X' has arrived, a new enemy known as the Dominatrix has appeared, clad in a leather suit that matches her name. Her minions seem to be normal women, trained in seducing and subduing Alpha Females at all cost. Upon first contact, even the iron willed Lotus fell to this group. Based in the North-East section of Iron City, the original Slums, it's a very tricky place to navigate - and we still have no idea how many women work underneath the cruel woman.
Kinks: Seduction, Bondage, Futanari.
Current Enemy Strength: Unknown.
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Excels in Combat.

The Wild Man: The areas around Iron City have grown to nightmarish levels as of late, sprouting an almost impassible forest. Major highways have been over grown, roads no longer exist, and the animals seem to have taken over. Even worse, reports of a wild group of men living outside the city have recently sprung up. The women sent out, either by themselves or in groups, have yet to return from the outside. The only way out of Iron City, without fear of a plane being shot from the sky, is through the forest... And whatever lie within it.
Kinks: Beastiality, Tribal, Sexual Slavery
Current Enemy Strength: Unknown
Lowest Recommended Aptitude: Two or more excelling in Combat.

Combat is basic. There are Melee attacks and Ranged attacks. For Melee combat, a to-hit die of d20 + your strength is rolled against a defender's skill + d20, with a damage die of d3+Strength. Ranged combat is d20+Intelligence vs. d20 + Wisdom, with damage done by d3+Intelligence. These are subject to change based on the traits you take.

Grapples are d20 + strength vs the opponent's d20+strength. While grappled you may still attack, but won't be able to move. Submission grapples keep a character restrained to the point they may only try to escape; certain attacks, such as knock out gas, groping, and rape, may only be attempted after a successful Submissive Grapple. Submission Grapples are d20 + skill (attacker) to d20+ strength (defender). No matter what grapple you're in, the only special attack you can use are elemental based ones.

Poison damage is dealt from knock out gases, gas caplets (these have replaced chloroform), to just natural poisons. Poison can damage either your body or your mind.

Psionic damage is dealt through psionic attacks (oddly enough). If there is a successful psionic attack, not only is a character hypnotised for d3 rounds, but they also take damage to their Mind Pool. Psionics attack with d20 + Int vs. d20 + Int + Wis.

Seduction attacks are dealt through someone flirting with a character. Groping and sex attacks are dealt through d20 + skill vs. d20 + Wisdom.

Pregnancy is rolled with a d20; 8 and lower means you're pregnant. Getting back to your base before you give birth can be the difference between a broken heroine and one that continues.

Once you reach 0 in Mental Fortitude (Game Over), your character needs to be rerolled. You can keep however many EXP points you've earned divided by 10, and they may be used in rolling your newest character. Yay!

Upcoming changes: Coming up with End-Character bonuses. These will allow you to gain certain traits and feats for your characters, granting epic bonuses.

Currently Deployed Heroines:
Akira: Paired with Super Ashley. Currently fighting Belladonna (Stage 1/4.)
Super Ashley: Paired with Akira. Currently fighting Belladonna (Stage 1/4.)
Raven: Currently fighting The Dominatrix (Stage 1/7)
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Re: New Iron City

Name: Jennifer Wilson
Alias: Raven
Affiliation: ICPD

NATURAL: Natural users have worked countless hours to get to their current physical peak - and there's still no comparison to an Alpha female. These women often join up to the understaffed ICPD, filling their ranks with nameless and faceless pawns. Every once and a while, one rises through the ranks, becoming a beacon of hope..
WEAK AGAINST: All. -2 to hit, -2 to damage.
Body Type:
Lithe: A very slim, toned body type. Women with this body type tend to have more dexterity, but they tend to have less stamina.
BONUSES: +2 to skill.
MALUSES: -2 to maximum BP.

Stats and stuff:
Strength: 2
Skill: 5
Int: 1
Wisdom: 1

BP: 8
MP: 10
AP: 10
Mental Fortitude: 100

Negative Traits:
Caring: Cannot risk the lives of hostages. Adds +5 points.
Fetish Bondage: When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes. Adds +5 points the first time
Secretly Submissive: -2 to rolls to escape enemies once captured; can be taken 5 times. Adds +4 points.
2x Fertile: +2 to pregnancy rolls; this may be taken 5 times. Adds +3 points.
2x Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 15% chance of receiving an additional one, can be taken up to 5 times. Adds +5 points.
Weak to magic: -2 to Resistance against Magic can be taken 3 times. Adds +3 points.
Total Added points: 33

Positive Traits:
Finesse Fighting (FF): Anyone trained under this learns to use their natural skills while fighting. It may be taken by any origin, but only Naturals get the bonuses. Naturals use their skill to attack instead of their Strength or Intelligence. Cost = 3
FF Combo: The Natural strikes a target three times, dealing damage each time. Cost = 3
FF Multiple: Just like the above abilities, allows the Natural to attack four enemies at once. Combo can be combined with Multiple. Cost = 3
FF Reverse: Allows the user, when in a grapple, to reverse it if they win a skill roll. Cost = 5
Toughness: -1 from body damage, can be taken up to 5 times.
Strength Boost: +2, costs 4 total
Skill Boost: +3, costs 10 total
Int Boost: +1, costs 1
Wisdom Boost: +1, costs 1
Stealthy: +2 to Remain hidden can be taken up to 4 times. Cost = 3
Observant: +2 to notice enemies; can be take up to 5 times. Cost = 3
Tracking: Allows users to track enemies. Cost = 5
Total Costs: 43
Re: New Iron City

Athena Prime:

Name: Alexis Firesoul
Alias: Athena Prime
Affiliation: Amazon

POWER: Power-users draw their abilities from some form of unknown, inner power, using it to decimate their foes. Whether it's some form of ethereal energy, or even psionic blasts, Power users know almost no limits to their abilities. Science is their main weakness, however, with many devices built to drain their essence and turn these Alpha Females completely helpless.
WEAK AGAINST: Technology-Origins. -2 to hit, -1 to damage.
STRONG AGAINST: Magic-Origins. +3 to damage.
Body Type:
Voluptuous: Some women just have curves - the dangerous kind. With a body like this, the woman has gotten used to certain... 'actions'.
BONUSES: +4 to arousal damage.
MALUSES: -4 to resisting arousal damage.

Stats and stuff:
Strength: 5 (+2 from 10 free, +2 from disadvantages)
Skill: 2 (+1 from 10 free)
Int: 3 (+2 from 10 free)
Wisdom: 2 (+1 from 10 free)

BP: 10
MP: 10
AP: 14
Mental Fortitude: 100

Negative Traits:
Caring: Cannot risk the lives of hostages. Adds +5 points.
S&M Fetish: When encounters X has a 75% chance of gaining arousal, can be taken multiple times for different fetishes. Adds +5 points the first time
Secretly Submissivex2: -4 to rolls to escape enemies once captured; can be taken 5 times. Adds +8 points.
Fertile: +2 to pregnancy rolls; this may be taken 5 times. Adds +3 points.
2x Extra Sensitive, Each time you receive an arousal point, you have a 15% chance of receiving an additional one, can be taken up to 5 times. Adds +5 points.
Honorable: Cannot attack someone who has surrendered or cant fight back. Adds +4 points.
Increased offspringx2: +1 to maximum children born; this may be taken 5 times. Adds +3 points.
Need for milkingx3: -1 to all actions if not milked daily; can be taken 5 times, each time increasing the minus. Adds +3 points.
Constantly aroused: -3 to resist being sexually assaulted. Adds +5 points.
Vulnerable to (Earth) it ignores toughness. If you don't have Toughness, these attacks deal double damage. Adds +6 points.

Total Added points: 61

Positive Traits:
Tech Resistance: +2 to Resistance against Tech; This can be taken 3 times. Costs = 2
Flight: Allows for faster travel over distances via flight; enemies will only be able to use Ranged Attacks while you fly. Cost = 10.
Strong willed: +3WIS resist mind control or seduction. Cost = 3
Toughnessx3: -3 from body damage, can be taken up to 5 times. Cost=12
MRA (Fire) Cost=3
Power Training (PT): Allows any Power Origin to gain melee skills, as well as access to Focus (+2 to hit). Cost = 3
PT Multiplex2: Additional target near first target, can be taken 2 times. Cost = 10
PT Spin: Allows a Power User to attack in a wide circle, damaging enemies, as well as a 25% chance to knock them down. Cost = 7
PT Combo: The user performs a powerful combo, their attacks never stopping until they miss. Cost = 10
Str boost: +2 to stat; This costs 3
Str boost: +2 to stat; This costs 3
Int boost: +2 to stat; This costs 3
Skill boost: +1 to stat; This costs 1
Wis Boost: +1 to stat; This costs 1

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