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New horizons, A fairy's journey


Jun 28, 2012
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I concur with the others for wait and see, adding maybe try to have a better look at the "battle field" to prepare a plan of attack. For example is there a space to fly if need? I would expect it would not be easy.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Alrighty a bit short but.

Opting to wait and see Ivy observes the battle to see how it gos between the goblins and the... not-goblins.
The goblins rapidly seem to have more tactical sence, covering eachother where they can and countering the other being wild.
Unhindered by their injuries the wild tenticled beings impale the goblins brutally on their crude but brutal spears, clearly crafted form rubbish thrown into the aquaducts.
Using their sheild the injured goblins push back and inflict wounds on the savage beings, the wounds proving to be shallow on their slimy flesh.
The fight goes on for a few minutes, the goblins holding them back all they can before a lucky strike to the throat causes one of the tentecles beings to clopse gurgling on it's own bloos from the deep and fatal strike, leaving two crtitically injured goblins to fight one wounded mystery being as she surveys the scene considering her options.

1) Strike
a) The mystery being
b) A goblin
2) Actucally lets just leave...
3) Let them play it out and then
a) parley with the victor
b) slay the victor
4) Other


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
3a - it's a lot easier to negotiate with someone who is already wounded and weakened. And if the negotiations go badly, an wounded opponent will be easier to kill


Sep 22, 2018
Reputation score
3a, there might still be some tricks to be seen from the mystery being. Or from goblins, for this matter.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Ah hell, it's been a month?!
I figured I'd give some time incase anyone else wanted to answer and it slipped my mind when no new updates were sent.
I'll get on with this and replace this /update as soon as I finish my errands.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Well that took a bit longer than intended, took a nap and lost the document I typed due to a blue-screen. (Double post to inform people who saw the last update of this update. Not sure if that's bad form from a Cyoa's author.)

In a surprise lunge the creature breaks through the goblins crude barrel lid sheilds grabbing one of the goblins and sinking it's teeth into his throat.
The other goblin however wastes no time taking advantage of the openign, sinking it's blade deep into where it's heart should probably be.
The beast gurglign on it's blood it slumps to the ground alongside it's victim, now beond saving with several needle like teeth left in his throat.

As Ivy creeps closer she note the srviving goblin wastes no time in sifting for 'valubles fro mthe bodies, including his fallen comrade as he bleeds out on the walkway.

Flittering over she gets into possition, but noting her damp wings inhibiting her movments somewhat, she can't rely on her flight down here.
The goblin's ears twitch and he turns, rusty blade in hand to face her.

Ivy, already ready has her bow in hand with arrow nocked and partally drawn. Not pointed at him ,but enough to know she means buisness if needbe.

"Why are you here below this town?"
The goblin leers a bit licking his lips and making no attempt to hide his oggling her as he speaks in a gutteral language before seemingly correcting himself in a broken attempt on the common tounge.
"Seek the crown of the king, last kings ugly-swine take it and vanish here. Need ot make king and end gob-war."
"Gob war?"
"Gob-tribe fight over sucession, cannot crown king without crown, unite tribes."

Does ivy
1) opt to trust him and
a) offer to team up for safty
b) leave him to it and leave
2) Not trust him and
a) Shoot him (Taking his stuff after kiling him yes/no)
b) leave, carefully
3) other?
(All answers that don't include immediately leaving will include investigating the water-goblin)

After this does she head
i) left
ii) right
iii) back to the crawlspace
iv) back to the blockage


New member
May 17, 2018
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Can't say i trust goblins, I've read enough goblin slayer to know where that goes. As for what to go i would go with 2b and go to the left seems like a good way to go.


Sep 22, 2018
Reputation score
I think we can try asking this goblin about what these blue goblin-like creatures can be, whether he encountered similiar ones before, why did they attack.
Afterwards, whether we get an answer or not, it can be 2b, though I'd vote for going right (we get closer to the direction of blockage, there can be a path that allows to get round it).


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
Still can't decide between 2a and 2b. For now I'll go with:
I think we can try asking this goblin about what these blue goblin-like creatures can be, whether he encountered similiar ones before, why did they attack.
Afterwards, whether we get an answer or not, it can be 2b, though I'd vote for going right (we get closer to the direction of blockage, there can be a path that allows to get round it).
As for the direction to go: Follow the new passage in the direction of the blockade, in the hope that it will allow us to go around it. I'm not really sure if that counts as going left or right. I THINK this means going to her left, but I'm not really sure.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
I should have clarified by map, my bad.
Assuming that's what everyone meant (and thus towards the blockage on this side) if not I'll amend as much as possible.

"What exactly was that... thing?"
The goblin looks at the creature and shrugs. "Fake gobby, water gobby folk. Dunno. Burst out of water and attacked on seeing."
It looks her over one last time.
"Fairy have good body, want mate?"
Ivy Blinks in surprise at that blunt question.

1) Answer: yes/ no/other? (I'll plug this in retroactively)
"Err... no.. thankyou, I'm on a mission so don't have time? Thanks ... I guess?" Ivy refuses him completely dumfounded at his bluntness, blissfully unaware how often she's going to be propositioned while she's an adventurer.
"Tch, boring woman." The goblin grumbles.
"Well, we both have our missions... so I'll be off then." Ivy passes the goblin keeping her bow ready and an eye on him. The goblin makes no attempt to stop her as she does so.

After finishing her buisness with the goblin she heads down the corridor that she suspects is paralel with the blockage. The water level seems to be higher over here, in some places even slightly over the walkway. The only sounds in the tunnel and her footsteps and the dripping of water. Now and again she thinks she hears something move in the water but turning with her bow drawn only reveals her reflection in the poorly lit tunnels.

After what feels like a tense age although in reality it was only ten minutes Ivy finds another branch in a partally flooded part of the walkway. Accross the water, where water is feeding into this channel, is another tunnel she can crouch through, although it's partly submerged, she can also continue forwards down the flooded passage.
her right however offers two other routes. Up a slight slope to a reletively dry tunnel or go partway up the slope to a small pipe that she would need to crawl through.

After deliberation shes chooses
a) the partly submerged tunnel back toward the first tunnel
b) the flooded tunnel (it's ankle height)
c) up the slope
d) the pipe
e) go back to a previous route (which)

Edit: updated map added as promiced.


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Sep 22, 2018
Reputation score
1) No. We can politely thank him for the offer or something, it will be amusing.
For the choice direction it could be... a)?
There seems to be a good possibility that both it and b) will eventually lead us in the same direction, but it is not certain. As for c) and d), it's quite curious where they lead, but I think sticking to a small area and exploring it throughly is more preferable for now.

UPD: I just realized that more water goblins can hide in the submerged tunnels. They'll have an obvious advantage against us in water, so it's probably a good idea to avoid deep water if possible. And since, as I understand, tunnel in b) is flooded much less than that in a) (only ankle height + we can walk normally, not crouch), then it seems preferable to go through it.
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New member
May 17, 2018
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1) we aint no goblins ho
As for direction i will go with B we gotta get through here somehow.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Oh, while browsing pictures I found some refrence images.
They are good approximates for the figures for the girls. The flatter one by the teacup being Ivy, notto scale. The more buxom one being Lily.

And with Diaphanous's changed vote, unless their is a last minute one I'll take that as 'No' (Expected that but it's only fair I ask) and B.
I'll start work early as I may be busy next week.

Update: refusal for the goblins proposition added.


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Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Sorry to bump this with bad news but my (admittedly very old) pc has broken down again so I am going to need to wait on either a repair or get a new tower. (Sending this update from a phone).
That's why the update has yet to happen. I will probably shave a few minor encounters and areas to speed things along if prefered once I am back up and running.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
May 10, 2014
Reputation score
Oops, decided to take a few days to think, and then completely forgot due to stress and various issues. Sorry to hear about your computer - hopefully you have a backup of everything important and did not lose anything.

Anyway, just for the record, my votes would have been to not trust the goblin and to pick b) for the direction, so nothing would have changed.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
New PC has been ordered, had to wait for payday (and no other 'surprises'.) I'll be getting it back up and running soon then i'll probably trim some incidental routes and choises to get to the content that people actually want.


Sep 22, 2018
Reputation score
That's nice to hear! It is truly wonderful that you've sorted the issue, as a life without PC can at times appear barely conceivable.
Ayu Break

Ayu Break

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 26, 2012
Reputation score
Sorry for the silent spell, figured I'd enjoy the new kit for a week or two as to not be horribly distracted and then I sprained my hand like a moron making typing basically impossible, having a hell of a year it seems.
As I finally type up the stuff I've been sitting on and mulling over while indisposed I'll ask a few opinions.

It may have been noticed but mechanically I've been treating the CYOA a lot like a barebones rpg, I run and play pathfinder a lot so I did what I know. However I picked up a few CYOA books to amuse myself and found those with combat in, like the old Heroquest ones, function on a much simpler system, D6+stat, highist wins.
Should I still with the current system, treat it more like an rpg with the wildcards that introduces, and bad choises are more often negative modifiers to a situationthan a loss or make it more like a classic CYOA where many choises are good/bad/other preset by choises and not rolls. (for example spotting something hidden would be her spot stat vs i's stealth score, highist wins with no roll).

Okay, bullheading this update and not moving incase I trip down the stairs or something with my streak.... Boom, updated map will follow. Added

Wading carefully through the partally submerged tunnel Ivy takes note of the paths she sees break off as she wades down the long and dark passage, the sounds of splashing water echoeing in the silence inspite of how quiet she's trying to be.
She counts two tunnels back toward the other tunnel, one a thin crawlspace and another completely submerged.
She continues and finds that she's able to supress her sounds better as the water deepens but also hesitates for a few moments due to the risks of those strange aquative beings, she is after all not fond of the idea of been eaten by the beasts.

After a little internal deliberation she opts to continue for a little bit unless it gets deeper.
Her choise proves prucent as she comes to another cross roads, another passage heading towards the previous tunnel, or so she suspects it's the case unless the tunnel has a slight and subtle turn that she cannot make out in the dark. it however seems to decend down into the water.
Their seems to be another passage forwards and a narrow crawlspace half submerged again.
That and another one a few yards onwards except at the top of the wall with water coming from it.
Exploring the obvious one that remains on the same level she checks that one out first which proves to only take ten minutes walking to find the end of it, or rather the end of the explorable part as she finds the path blocked with a metal grate with a door sealed with a large slightly rusted lock and beyond the passage heads up fairly sharply.

After trying to force the lock a little to see if it's rusted enough to break she opts to head back as trying to freeze it off would be both long winded and very loud. The way back as dark and eerie as the way in, but equally lacking in life beyond herself.
Back at the crossroads she looks around to consider her options before hearing a slight splashing noise above. Reacting and looking up she's just in time to noting a thin long shape fall by ont oher shoulder and slither into her dress before she can react, wet and a bit slimy the being slithers around making her feel a little uncomfortable.
Due to the natre of her dress she can easily see and identify it's shape, some kind of snake it seems, this leads to a conunbrum.

1) Does she..
a) ignore it, it just wants warmth and it will go away on it's own and disturbing it might upset it.
b) try and remove it by
i) removing her clothing (This will lead to soggy clothing which will cause disadvantages if worn until dry) if so does she put them back on after yes/no
ii) cutting off it's movement downwards keeping it around her chest
iii) force it to move down by lowering her body temperature around her chest and pull it from the bottom of her dress

Once finished does she kill/capture/discard the unidentified snake?

2) Once the snake matter is resolved where does she go?
a) Back to the original tunnel
i) the way she came and to the blockage (what does she do once she arrives)
ii) via the crawlspace
iii) via the submerged tunnel (no she cannot breath underwater, she would need to hold her breath and possibly turn back if it's too long.)
b) head to the next tunnel
i) up the slope
ii) via the crawl space
iii) via the high up tunnel the snake fell from
c) head down the ramp into the submerged section
d) head back to the slope and into the crawlspace going sideways from it.

Note: many of these crawlspaces are only usable as such because Ivy is small, for a human they wouldn't work.


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Sep 22, 2018
Reputation score
Nice to see the game back!
First regarding the question: I like more the current version with rolls. As I understand, it means that even a mistaken choice can result in success, while a right choice is not necessarily guaranteed a fortunate outcome. In my opinion, it makes the game more thrilling.

As for the choices...
1) Ignoring a wet and slimy snake-like creature (exciting!) is certainly risky, especially since it creeped into clothes so swiftly. So I think it's much better to remove it by...
iii) first to discard this: it makes a clever use of frost magic, but I really doubt that it's a good idea to actively inspire the slithering being to move down.
i) this is likely to solve the problem fully, but Ivy either gets soggy disadvantages or naked (really nice, but the clothing still gives 1 damage reduction which might be useful).
ii) this looks like a temporary solution, since Ivy blocks the movement of the "snake", but it might just wait on her upper body or still do something nasty (or just bite).

So basically I am thinking between b)ii and b)i, more or less going with b)ii: first prevent "snake" from sliding down by wrapping one arm around stomach, then try to force it away with second hand (if it's possible to so do, certainly).
But if other readers think that it's better to play safe (even at the expense of soggy disadvantages/getting naked), then I don't mind b)i either.

What to do with snake if it's forced out... I dunno, I kinda don't want to kill it needlessly, and capturing it also seems troublesome (we'll need to carry it around, and that seems inconvenient). So perhaps just discard, but also try to see if it's a real snake - or just a watery tentacle.

2) Here it's trickier, so many options. Generally, I think we'd better avoid going into deep water due to aquatic creatures. Getting into a tunnel from where a "snake" fell is also quite risky, and it's likely that we might encounter more snakes in other narrow paths (where it's much harder to get rid of them).
But it's also better to reach the originally blocked tunnel... ugh, all three paths there are unpleasant - it's blockage, possible snakes, deep water.
I kinda lean towards checking the next tunnel (since returning to the original tunnel is risky), even if we might get needlessly further into maze. If we do so (2b), it's probably the safest to do so up the slope (b)i).

Also, an idea about maps: it might be useful to mark different paths with corresponding options (if there is a choice about where to go).
Basically something like this. Though I likely have gotten some paths wrong due to a bit of trouble with spatial imagination.

