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MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

As the elf tried to escape, Djarl bellowed angrily. He could already smell her wetness - there was no way she would escape him now. Not that finding the exit was easy in this labyrinth. He lunged forward, trying to grab her - but she proved to be too swift once more. As she moved past him, the minotaur bows down an angrily reaches through between his own legs to get his hands on her, to keep her from running away.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara rolled as the beast reaches again for her, years of training instinctively moving her body, Her blade out to ward of the minotaurs clumsy grabs. She needed to regroup, this monster would pay for her humiliation.

((I through paper again))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl switched it up with an attempt to strip Jessara - scissors beats paper..

Her remaining clothes are shredded

Jessara is free.
She has 7/15 points.
She is completely nude
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl snorted triumphantly when his massive paw managed to get a hold of Jessara's last shred of clothing and yanked her back, tearing her bra off in the process. The minotaur untangled himself and turned around, giving her a profile view of his massive pecker in the torchlight. His long, fleshy tongue lolled out of his mouth and licked his lips as he took in the view of the fully naked elf. Soon, soon she shall be his.
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Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara turned around, realizing she has no real way of out pacing the beast, she needs to bring it down, one arm covering her breast she moves forward cautiously, swinging her blade and sidestepping in to strike.

((I throw paper))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw paper as well, and wins the tie. His large hands close over Jessara's naked breasts, roaming freely across her body.

Jessara is free.
She has 7/15 points.
She is completely nude
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl snorted in amusement as the elf kept on swinging her sword while struggling to hide her jugs from him. It made her attacks clumsy and off-balance, and Djarl had no problem to sidestep one of her thrusts and quickly close in. One of his hands reached in and plucked her arm away from her breasts, the other didn't hesitate to grab a handful. With delight he allowed his fingers to sink into her abundant tit-flesh, her nipple a hard point in his palm as he gently kneaded the tit. His second hand soon joins in, cupping the other breast with a surprisingly deft touch for a creature as big as Djarl.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara broke away from the beasts grip again, panting heavily and not entirely from the fighting, her libido had reached a fevered pitch and she once again felt that she needed to finish the ugly monster off, before it went too far, sliding in close she lashed out with her blade hoping to wound the beast again

((I throw rock))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

and rock beats scissors - Jessara wins, scoring another point towards victory.

Jessara is free.
She has 8/15 points.
She is completely nude
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

A pained moo escaped Djarl's snout as her blade left a cut across his chest. He stumbled a step back and clutched at the wound for a moment before looking at the blood on his hand. The elf seriously started to make him angry... and somehow, that only made him want her more. Rage and lust intertwined in a heady mixture that only made his heartbeat rocket, his dick visibly bobbing with every rush of blood. His eyes went back to her and a low bellow left his mouth as he once more stomped into her direction.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

The beast was weakening and she knew it, the butterflys that had filled her stomach had been pushed back by the pit of adrenaline that filled her. Jessara saw the blood trickling down her blade and at least knew she had gotten through the monsters thick hide. She close in, move directly for him, hopeing to set him off guard and lay him out.

((I throw Rock))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw paper, which beats rock...

...and the minotaur touching up her pussy is enough to send Jessara over the edge, into her first orgasm.

Jessara is free.
She has 8/15 points.
She is completely nude
She has cum once (-1 to all stats)
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl did not stop as the elf came for him. He didn't slow down, he didn't even hesitate. His mighty paw turned into a fist and came crushing down, swatting her sword into the stone below. The blade left an ugly scratch, but the minotaur didn't care. His right hand swung up, slapped into Jessara's groin - and just kept on going upwards, lifting the elf off her feet. He didn't stop until she was on eye level with him. And then one of his fingers started to curl. Slowly it dragged across her moist pussy lips until it rests at her entrance, poised and ready. Djarl made sure to have his eyes locked with hers before it pushed in. His finger was slow, merciless and relentless as it drove into her over and over again, driving her closer and closer to the edge... and then over it.
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Jessara screamed loudly as she climaxed, the beasts musk and skills proving too much, Her body responded to hard, to fast, the orgasm rippling through her, wiping out her senses for a moment before letting her drop to the floor in a panting mess. regaining the slightest bit of her senses she rolls away, before slowly and shakily getting to her feet, she felt shame and humiliation mix with the rush of pleasure and adrenalin. she felt longing for two thinks, to see what else the monster could do to her and to slay the beast where it stood, she couldn't decide which to do more as she stepped into a fighting stance all she could muster at this point

((I through rock))
Re: MvG - Jessara vs Djarl Goretree

Djarl threw scissors, which loses to rock, as Jessara anticipates the beast's attempt to penetrate her cute backside...

Jessara is free.
She has 9/15 points.
She is completely nude
She has cum once (-1 to all stats)