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Murabito-H hentai games and art


New member
Feb 7, 2019
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Hello everyone.
I want to make this thread as introduction of myself and my art, and a collection of the little things I create.
I draw hentai art of doubious quality, I also like tradition animation very much and continiously try it myself(lewds of course). And above all, I like games and want to create lewd action games. And, well. creating em in my free time. I don't have popular themes like NTR or incest in my games, I don't even have any kind of story in them actually, since I focus on action and gameplay and strive to create lewd games that are actually interesting to play as games(that is pretty hard actually). I do understand that such games are pretty unpopular and of low demand on the modern market but hey, I am doing it for my own pleasure. It would be nice if I could live off it of course and make hentai games 24/7 instead of my boring full-time job but being realistic I don't believe it is possible. Well, I am pretty happy if someone like my games anyway. Not that I have created anything great though, I am experimenting and trying different approaches but still can't say that I've created any game that would be satisfactory by my own standards, sigh.

Ah, btw, you can find my dwelling places in my signature.

Well, that is enough rant I think. Now to add some examples of my art(not game-related for starters):

Game in creation:

Milk Fighter

A silly platformer action game that I started as a joke but still continue to develop little by little. Set in lewd fantasy world where adventurers hunt monster girls using different lewd skills and magic. Main heroine of the game using milk skills for fighting... well, hm... by literally shooting milk.
I had a first working version of the game but I forego from posting it for the time being since it was giving people very wrong impressions due to the selection of the first enemy(I made her zombie girl for whatever reason I don't remember). I hope to finish and post second demo in the near future. I will make separate thread for it when it is ready.
Some screenshots:

New enemy:
Web mini-game:



Recently I am trying to make some small web-based mini-games and this is one of the attempts.
Actually I already hate web development, everything in it us utterly ugly and disgusting, every tool and framework is broken, and honestly speaking no self-respecting game developer should ever touch it. That being said, the idea of immidiately accessible lewd mini-game is somehow extremely attractive to me, I still don't understand why. So I keep suffering and making these games.
This one actually was created with the least suffering but creation was most tedious. After looking up different frameworks for the first time I just trembled and threw away those amominations in utter disgust. Resulting in using the most basic PIXI framework with pure javascript. That was easy and smooth but tedious in amount of stupid basic stuff I had to write up on my own. But at least it have no bugs and working as expected.
Not that it has any mechanics besides button pressing. This is the simliest mini-game possible - just look carefuly for a glimpse of the girl's panties and try to guess what color are they.

But but but but butttt after all.... WEB DEVELOPMENT IS SUFFERING!

Web mini-game:



What do you think? A porn version of classic pong game! Using girl's naked tits instead of rackets and with a twist - no auto-reflection, you have manually swing player's tits to repel ball.
Well, that looked like fun when I thought it up but in the end it turned up to be too difficult it seems. The most shameful thing though that it got even more difficult due to game bugs, orz.
For this game i used Phaser game engine. Now I know I shouldn't but by the time I realized it the game was almost completed and I got too lazy to remake it from the scratch with something more fitting. Anyway, Phaser has completely broken physics and collisions engine, nothing in it working as stated and well, it ended up with the game detecting tits and ball collisions pretty much at random, resulting at missed balls when you surely had hit it. I tried to fix it for several days, there are some amount of crutches included but it is still random. I was too tired of fighting with Phaser and just put it out as it is. Urgh... sorry about it. Maybe I'll remake it as stand-alone game with proper engine some time.


And the newest update - another small web game:

Naked Fairy Shooting


I've made a prototype of simple shmup game using Construct 2 some time ago and after some thinking worked it up to make this little game in the end. There is only one level and boss but it is proper danmaku game neitherless.
For this one I used Construct 2 as I told already. Well, I can't say many bad things about it. Technically this is the best HTML5 game engine I've seen so far. Fast, performant, reliable, easy to use, and it WORKS as intended. The last statement cannot be said for a vast majority of web game engines so I guess it is an achievement. But there are always buts. The lack of convenient programming language pretty much multiplies by zero all Construct's good points. I really hate visual programming and dealing with it was really tedious and annoying. And the worst part of it that I shall probably use it again since I really doubt I'll find any better engine.


If anyone have some thoughts or ideas or anything to say I would be happy to hear it so please post it here. No point of making thread just for it to silently sink.
FYI I just launched a Patreon page in a dim hope to get small support for my games.

I've uploaded a lot of full res art, unpublished sketches and animations on my page.
Also at least a tech demo of every game in development will be uploaded soon. As a patreon launch campaign you will have access to all first demos by becoming a patron!

I've released a very first demo version of Pussy Witch game on my .
It is just a tech demo and wouldn't go public(first public release will have all it's content anyway). This demo available for all patrons starting with $1 pledge.
A town scene for Milk Fighter is completed:
You can also watch video of it at:
I've released a preview demo version of a Milk Fighter game .
There is still hardly anything in it but you can shot milk from your breasts!
This demo is available for all patrons starting with $1 pledge:
Public version is coming next.
hmm the artstyle really good..

animation is smooth..

but my brain says this is awesome.
Trying out dialogue system:

Haa... I've been working on game for a while, hoping to release public version soon but I still have so much to do it is starting to depress me.
I've released a public version of Milk Fighter game, you can download and play it from the following locations:

Updated game with configurable fullscreen(and new options "screen"):
