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Multiverse Maze


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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To describe easily this game, can be called an ERP competitive multiplayer or solo game where the players's characters are either trying to win a trial to conquer a new world or adventurers trying to find out what is happening in this suddenly new palace to then decide what they will do as the mystery of this palace is revealed. Before play is required mention the fetishes than you enjoy and hate. The game use either posts at ULMF or Discord. There are map availables for the main zones , the player can ask in any moment where are its units, also declare actions if it will take days to post again. Its also a requirement than the player update his character sheet after earn an item, not much if it gets corrupted or stats change.

This thread is made to place in order the rules and updates.

Players can be Overlords, neutral minions and Heroes

Overlords serve an ancient entity with many names and followers, in this plane at this time using a woman as temporal toy to walk among the livings. Many call it the Conqueror, but as all fall under its hand some boredom start to accumulate and so it decide to leave others do her/his will. Turning into a more neutral calamity she let them decide what to do with invaders of a new conquered palace. Who win over all will lead in spread her will over this new world.

The first game ends with Pharaoh Talia (Zilrax) victory, but it was not a complete defeat for the invaded world. Some elves got to pass over the defenses and reach to free the chosen hero, such event weaken the Queen and this in order to maintain the chosen hero trapped started a new invasion, act than cause the deepest planes get half sealed. The new Overlords not only need to decide who will conquer this new world but also capture the chosen hero before this recover all its powers and aim to destroy everybody

Mazes Palace:
All start at the palace, an impartial battlefield for the entity servants. In this place their main goal is prepare the heroes for theirs new lives, heroes defeated here will be pretty much some easy targets if they are captured and taken to the second layer. Heroes than got to reach the different gates to the next maze will be a menace and could save any misfortune soul if they find them.

Breeder Plane
Any defeated being will be taken here to end their conversion as helpless total sluts. Characters will be only able to use half the usual points to palce traps and any slut or hero defeated for fifth time will be taken to slavery chambers or if the last time was defeated by a minion or trap of a player it will be transported to theirs realms.

Slavery Chambers
Only traps and minor minions can be used here. Any slut defeated here will be taken to the conqueror chambers, if this happen all characters will win 1/4 of the usual points. So to avoid this they will have a last chance to return these sluts to the Breeder Plane. If a Hero get to come here then is possible to recruit and save captured sluts what will reduce points to the players

Player Realms
Each player can build a maze, that is the player realm, others players can use spies minions to get there and take slaves to theirs realms to any other
maze if these haven't fulled defeated again by the realm owner


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Each character will have 30 points to spend in traps and monsters, these costs vary in base of the monster stats and the traps. The player will decide his own game style and how theirs minions increase theirs powers as these level up.

The next ones are titles earned by overlords before the game start, these are earned in base the player combat style and minions/traps:

Dark Knights: trap cost increased to +1/+2 and minions can have a lvl more without cost. Dark knights have a buff based in minion number
Tacticians: weak to duels but dont have negative points for minions and traps and can place two at the same place
#$%&: can place chain traps as they have a reduction in costs. But if it have more of five minions it lose this bonnus
Etc: based in bio this can have a specific bonnus and penalty

Minions Stats
Level: Minions and Overlords will not earn experience and instead earn points than the player will use to lvl up the units, improve items, dungeon rooms, increase a stat or earn a new skill. Lvl up an unit increase more stats than single increase a stat but is limited to be up to the same lvl as the Overlord, a minion cant have more levels than its overlord and once they reach lvl 7 they need special items to go beyond lvl 7

Hit Points (HP): Attacks, traps and sometimes sex attacks may reduce them, once they reach 0 or less the character will be unable to fight and will be defeated. HP can be restored with potions, spells and rests. Each point gives 5 extra HP

Pleasure Points (PP): Usually an unit have 10 as a limit. Every minion can be affected different, some are stunned for a turn, others get a weakened status, others get a boost. But mostly receive a minimal HP damage than could lead not only to get impregnated but also gets a defeat

Moves or Movement: Faster units not only can move more but also can do extra minor options, this could also lead in critical hits to better hits, skill combos, quick casting or lay more eggs per second, basically this stat is speed. Out of the Palace this also is directly the max number of squares (not rooms) than your unit can move.

Attack (To Hit): Bonnus at rolls to hit something. Max as base is 7 before add skills and equipment bonnus

Damage: how much damage a base attack does. Max 8d4 as Base damage before add bonnus damage from skills and equipment

AC: to avoid attacks 7 is the max base
Blank Minion Charater Sheet
HP: 5+1d4*lvl
Moves: 1
Attacks: 1 (+1 from Levels 2 and 4)
Damage: 1d4 (+1 for lvls 3 and 5)
AC: 10
(this is the base) you get 1 point by each lvl to increase things one point at HP give 4 HP points one point at damage give 1d4 more damage. then one point at move, to hit or AC give just a point at the one you want to increase if you want give points from a stat to other you have a limit of two points to do such trades,. you cant trade all your AC to be OP in others things remember than the game give you items to increase some more your stats

Trap Name
Stealth: Bonnus to avoid perception
Reserve: How many times can be activated
Skill: Effect
Trigger: How it gets activated
Description: how looks and acts

Stealth: 5
Reserve: 1
Pressure Plate Mechanism:

Traps dont lvl up with points instead they can improve as more traps successfully get activated, this made future traps be more more cheap and stronger as they are better versions.

Also If at least three similar traps get in the same room or passage these if they are trickster overlord traps then they can work together when someone step at one in the selected room.

If three exact same traps are in the same room or passage all room or passage have the trap effect.

Any trap than dont need to be hidden have stealth change to debuff for characters than try to dodge


In this game when a trap is made an exact same trap is gifted, in case tricksters these get a 3x1 discount. Also traps bonnus increase is twice and the base at the traps is this
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There is a limit at the number of Overlord per map and sometimes a player may prefer to dont have many responsabilities or lack of free time to accept such important job as Overlord. In such cases there are two options, being just a neutral monster or an adventurer.

Neutral Minion
The player can or not work with Overlords or Heroes, as the reason for them being there depends up to the player wishes. These could be mutated invader monsters trying to make a nest in the palace or could be a random Queen's servant choiced as a guard or mercenary to protect the maze. From a mere goblin to a lesser defeated corrupted goddess, these beings have a huge range of possible skills and goals, there will be some than will use any female or male to increase their number and invade the maze or could be just a lazy being than will have a full control of a single room. In any case the player can just give instructions one time per week and his character or character will follow them. As Overlords and Minions they earn points by beating someone or impregnate them.

Neutral minions have five lives, if the minion is a Queen follower each defeat make the neutral minion stronger, if not the minion will earn random corruptions than could be good or bad. Neutral Minions than follow the Queen cant open chests but can get items if an invader drop it after disappear. Not all minions can wear all the items but if the neutral minion is smart enough it can trade the useless items for coins or things than they can use or even as bait.

The character sheet is almost the same as the one for Overlord Minions but Neutral Minions are a little more strong at the start

Blank Minion Charater Sheet
HP: 15+1d4*lvl
Moves: 1
Attacks: 2 (+1 from Levels 2 and 4)
Damage: 1d4 (+1 for lvls 3 and 5)
AC: 12
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A player can also join as a Hero or Invader (As Overlord calls them) A character sheet for a hero can be one from dnd , pathfinder or similar or simple like a character sheet from an EGG game. As the Hero slowly turns into a helpless cock slave theirs stats and skills will change until these end with just sexual skills and so low theirs stats than players only need to roll a simple d20. Not always Heroes end with such fate, they start as lvl3 and can lvl up as usual in any rp, a group of players can gather and make parties, earn treasures, legendary equipment but once inside they cant escape from the maze until find a way deep inside this mortal trap.

The player will need to decide an image, a bio and then the player may get special skills or items thanks a long conversation between player and gm.

In case of a adventurer party is needed decide a schedule, it will be needed at least a session per week. In case individual players these can say instructions and the gm will move the hero in base these in case the player cant join for days

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Before this start it will be needed than the GM make this a fair battle or at least try than one of the sides dont get a quick overkill. At the first map a max of five lvl1 minions can face a single Invader or 2lvl 5 minion can fight two invaders. If outnumbered minions or if minions dont want to fight they can retreat or try anything against the invaders. Yet if all fail invaders can aim to farm levels using the poor minions.

Once the battle start it will be decided an iniciative roll. Players get iniciative bonnus by equipment and skills.
What Units can do in a turn:
-Base Attack (require a d20)
-Use an Item
-Sex Attack (most of the time require a d20 or grapple)
-Use a skill
(they can use up to two at their turn, also they can move their basic movement number)

*Sex attack: Its damage is based at ERP actions, equipment, skills used and debuffs at target. Most of the sex attacks are useless against targets with armor and clothes, but in middle of a grapple using a sex attack is possible to attempt to remove armor or clothes, also instead cause damage at base attacks can aim to focus damage on clothes and armor(some skills may also do extra damage to these items). As said before, sex damage is related to ERP, things at foreplay level will do around 1d4. Things like gangbang using aphrodisiac on a futa may reach over 1d12 with a minimal of 5 in case the target fail a save roll to reduce this damage.

Invasive corrupt skills like futa, sex dollfication, bimbofication, Mind Break and others in middle of a fight can be denied with a defense save roll yet in middle of a climax or when hero is defeated already this defense roll is almost null. All these invasive corruption skills will be temporal and normally are to spice post fight smut and also weaken the target for some turns to increase the chance than this get a quickly second defeat. Being fully naked will make target open to any sex skill but also thanks the Mistress justice and love any direct damage will be cut half over naked heroes and collared/cumdumps minions.

When a hero lost to someone, the minion can by any mean try to use the defeated female invader to get babies it will be 50% the chance to success. When a minion try to impregnate other minion is decided with a 25% success. hero impregnating a minion is also 25%. These chances can increase with corruptions and skills. The children between minions may be an hybrid or a clon of any of them, as for the heroes babies with minions these mostly will be a minion clon unless the hero hidden skills get to change that. Humanoid babies take 10 turns at palace and 5 at breeder or slaver chamber. Monsters and others baby creatures will take the same time or even half that time. tentacle creatures will take 5 turns. A pregnant character will have its move reduced as gestation time pass. Until only have Movement= 1. Heavily round or cum stuffed characters will not only have movement 1 but will be most of the time crawling what made them easier targets. they can use an action to get up but once they reach a new room there will be a str roll and if they fall they will get to theirs fours again.

When Labor start, the pregnant hero will be stunned in place for 1d4 turns giving birth unless they roll a constitution roll per turn (once collared this change to a d20 to dont masturbate and beg for pregnant sex) and then stunned a round, earning the weakened state for 1d6- defeats. Minions will get instead this a hidden boost and the birth will only take a turn, then they will be mostly stunned in climax lust. When a birth happen, the father team will get a point (or mother if the father is a hero). The baby will need to be taken to a safe place for this to grow up which act can be done by magic teleportation. To be ready to fight it will need to take 7 turns for humanoids, 5 for beast kinds and 3 for monsters. tentacle babies can start fucking acts after they born.