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Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

I'll be joining this if allowed; Rule should get Death of Reptiles PM'd to him in a few days or so.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Another person! whee!
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

I'll work on re-making Hera later today, probably make her a lion-goat crossbreed without the serpent tail so I fit with Rule's non-mythic rules. :p
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

...Didn’t the rules allow for mythic creatures? I mean, we do have a DRAGON-taur here already, after all. There is certainly a rule about not using any magic - and the implied rule that we must abide by the technology of the era, and nothing more (very likely including psionics, Ki, that sort of thing, but he only specified magic, so you'd have to ask Rule that). As I understand it, there is no limit on creatures, so long as they were believed to exist at some point around that era (so no Trixie for you, unfortunately), and are land dwelling, as the underwater kingdoms apparently survived and will be playing a role later in the game.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

...Didn’t the rules allow for mythic creatures? I mean, we do have a DRAGON-taur here already, after all. There is certainly a rule about not using any magic - and the implied rule that we must abide by the technology of the era, and nothing more (very likely including psionics, Ki, that sort of thing, but he only specified magic, so you'd have to ask Rule that). As I understand it, there is no limit on creatures, so long as they were believed to exist at some point around that era (so no Trixie for you, unfortunately), and are land dwelling, as the underwater kingdoms apparently survived and will be playing a role later in the game.

Actually no, no mythic creatures. There are lizards called True Dragons in this world, read the encyclopedia. I'm hesitant to allow crossbreeds as well. I was thinking that interracial offspring would either be of the one or the other kind.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Aw, what the hey. I'll try making Hera a lion furry. I just feel like she's really watered down though...

Player: lurker
Name: Heraphosical, aka Hera
Gender: Female
Race: Lion Furry with some drops of human liniage

Profession: Ex-Advisor of the Empire of Emeidia, now mediator of arguments


A simple, well-trodden cloak
Cloth workwear, worn under her cloak
A simple walking staff
Hip-Sheathed Dagger, rather ornate in design
Carrying sack, can hold provisions that can last a week for a single person
A book of laws and mediation advice, her last remaining tool of her trade

Description: A lilth, long-legged lion-furry, seemingly innocent with large eyes and a surprisenly humanish face. Modest-sized bust, smallish hips, long tail, and large paws with her triple-jointed legs.

Background: For many years, Hera worked as a scolar and avisor to the aritocratsy of Central Odya. When the Void hit, the mediator would find herself in a lawless land, where her sence of justice meant little. Thus, she sat out to find herself a new home. With provisions running low, and battered by both man and beast, she catches sight of a small village...
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Player: Treebeard
Name: Leon Stout
Gender: Male
Race: Lizard-Kin

Profession: Gravedigger, Miner

Badly damaged shovel
10ft rope
bag with food and water for a day
large chunk of iron ore he carries on his back

Description: Leon is 6'5, 400lbs, most of which is muscle. He looks quite a bit like a very large Gila Monster and wears a pair of incredibly dirty pants and a dirty shirt. He also wears a small stone he found in a stream during his journey to Mjorna and carries his pick and shovel across his right shoulder.

Background: Leon was brought up in a family of 7, with three brothers, two sisters, his mother and father. He drifted a lot as he got older, doing odd jobs everywhere he could get work. He eventually found a job as a miner in Bal Shur. When the void hit, he began to bury as many people as he could, and when he ran our of food or could bury no more, he would move on to the next place.

I guess I'll join!
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Sounds good. Given a whole city full of corpses a gravedigger might come in handy.

(Who the hell names an animal "Gila Monster"? WTF?)
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

whee, a Miner. Now all we have to do is find a place to start a mine <3

Gila Monster, named for the Gila river, Gila coming from: Popular theory says that the word Gila was derived from a Spanish contraction of Hah-quah-sa-eel, a Yuma Indian word meaning "running water which is salty"
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Treebeard, you fucking mind reader! You stole my character! :p
Death of Reptiles is a Komodo Dragon-kin, stands 1.8~m tall when hunched over (2.5 when standing tall - this thing is a damn monster), and works as a gravedigger. The most notable difference between Leon and Death of Reptiles, other than their personalities, is that Death of Reptiles tends to eat corpses instead of burying them, but will do its job properly when it's full. I intend for Death of Reptiles to start from inside the city, freaking the shit out of whoever first sees it. This isn't my character sheet, there's a lot more to Death of Reptiles than this, including things that will make it less hostile and more friendly then it currently sounds. That, however, is for when I'm not madly trying to read every new post and write up seven or so character sheets.
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

I was trying to decide between the Thorny Devil and Gila Monster to base him off of, and chose the Gila Monster for practical purposes (think of the shirts he'd go through).

And Host, Leon has actually seen so many dead that he finds them interesting, and prefers to have them beside him while he digs their grave.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

And Host, Leon has actually seen so many dead that he finds them interesting, and prefers to have them beside him while he digs their grave.

Long as he doesn't talk to them, like a certain M.E. I know of. >.> <.< >.>
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

might I ask why the fuck this is in the archives? We aren't dead.

EDIT: Thanks for moving us back out Nunu
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Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Player: Rule 34
Name: Irias of Pashley
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Profession: Deathsman/Herbalist

- An executioner's sword. While the blade has normal length it is not tipped, instead ending in a dull square. The handle is twice as long as normal as the sword is meant to be wielded with both hands.
The executioner's sword is a weapon considered "without honor" and should not be wielded in combat. Fletcher doesn't care too much about his honor.
- A lengthy rope, slung around his torso and over his shoulder.
- Bunches of dried herbs that he collected during his wanderings.
- Rations for a few days.

Description: Irias is a tall, burly man with auburn hair that is, just like his full beard, a little too long to look proper. His dark blue eyes emit a deep sadness and despite his large build he seems to constantly slump. Irias' clothing tends to be very simple, and on the darker side of the color scheme. The only item he values is his black hat with a broad brim that tends to slouch downwards. As the handle of the sword would get in his way he carries it in a sheath on his back

It's bad luck to see the Deathsman in the streets. People tend to try and ward you off with a sign against evil. You aren't allowed to marry before the Gods, and your children may not be blessed. The only option is to marry into another executioner's family. As humans are often regarded as low-class citizens they are quite often stuck with this calling. Entire deathsman dynasties are founded that way.
The executioners of Pashley were one of those dynasties, and Irias was their only son. Without many alternatives he was forced to learn his father's handiwork, and he did it well. This doesn't mean he liked his job. The killing was less the problem (most of them deserved it in his opinion), the torturing much more so.
Many executioners know a lot about the effects a herb can have. Which one takes the pain away during the execution. Which one makes the female fertile and the male rise to the occasion. The ones that heal and the ones that kill. It's a paradox that many people would rather go and see the deathsman for a cure than having a medico bleed them out.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Is it just me, or is Hera's section on hold? ^^;
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Neither Treebeard nor Burrito posted yet. I'm waiting on them, mentally tapping my foot.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Neither Treebeard nor Burrito posted yet. I'm waiting on them, mentally tapping my foot.

Actually, I'm waiting on Signman.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

*Taps staff annoyedly* I know, really :p
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

Okay. So I'm gonna have to pull out of this RP for a while. Life just hit rock bottom, and I have enough to worry about without worrying whether or not someone really inactive posts.

Also, since I don't have much free time these days, I don't want to hold the story up any longer.
Re: Mjorna - Beyond The Void: Signup and OOC

So, I'm heading out for the weekend at minimum, a month at the maximum. Depends if I can and am willing to come to ULMF when I'm at my relatives'. If I'm not back by monday or sometime, have fun without my you guys and girls!