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Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

(sorry for the lack of update and the little description than these new updates could have)

The small bug girl heard with attention the explanation than the human bring to them, happily receiving the hug too as Taeyani end to say what she know of the topic. Uhm... nine months would be a lot of time, i fear than i could explode... Helle whimper and with reason, in less than a day her weight could get close to get duplicate.

Anyway there was not much to do at the rest of the day, the rest of the bee girls focus their attention on check the future beds of theirs childrens and how they could increase the size of their hive, Mellisa remain away of the hive trying to endure another day without sex and finally Silva awake and half sleep walk to the outside almost falling all the way to the floor but the web than the spiderwoman has placed around her waist save her, the terrible event make her faint again, but it dont happen a second time at least today.

All sattled and in calm will give to both futanari time to do what they wish and wait for tomorrow.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Relax, Helle. That's for us humans. If you're having bee girls, and we consider a combination of bee reproduction and human, you should be done in, well, a couple days at most. If not by tomorrow. Normal bees reproduce nonstop.," says Taeyani, rolling her eyes with amusement.

With the drider taking care of Silva for her, Taeyani decided to get what rest she could, but only once she checked up on the dryad. If she was awake and willing, the food problem and the hybrid bee material and plant material hive could be easily completed by her natural abilities.

With the bee girls concerned about space, Taeyani blinked a bit. "Why not just make it bigger the same way you guys made it to begin with. Set a new hive on another branch, then build a bridge between that one and this one."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Noticing that Melissa seemed to have gotten pissed and flew off, Telara sighed and shook her head. "Melissa, don't be childish. Things don't always work out like we want dammit. We'll do what we promised, I assure you," Telara called out after Melissa, hoping her words would get through to the mantis girl.

"Oh don't worry about me girls. I'm hardier than you might think. And they shouldn't try to enslave me surely, I mean I look enough like a human after all. And surely there's elves around here that travel about," Telara said softly to the other bee girls, letting them come close enough so she could pull them against her in a hug, kissing the two that spoke on the lips.

Telara decided to check in on Helle to see how she was doing before telling Taeyani that she was going to get some rest after grabbing a bit to eat. Once she had eaten, taking whatever was the most plentiful around, Telara laid down with the other bee girls, letting Taeyani see to Helle and the other little bumble bee girl, while she kept the other bee girls happy and let them have some fun with her if they wished to while she rested in bed with them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The mantis hybrid has already fly pretty far away to heard what the elf had to say to her, what was in part fortunated because who know what could cause on her all that huge quantity of strong smelly cum inside the hive.

Heh, if there are more like you we will certainly invite them to live with us too, if you want to share us with them, of course. A red head bee girl said as she smirk, some of them already getting closer with the danger out of sight. Yes, but unfortunately we havent seen someone like you Telara, so we will do our best to mantain you safe of all the scary slavers. A silver one add as the dark elf was getting guided to their bedroom where the herm could continue breeding with them even when maybe all were already impregnated.


Taeyani's words cause soon a sigh of relief in Helle, her hand already rubbing her slighty bloated belly and maybe she tried to endure drop some teardrops from her past worries to die so violently. Im so glad, some bug girls already die giving birth...

You know... even Vivi know than all that about die species is just scary tales for babies. The small bee girl interrupt trying to sound mature in vain and surprised than someone could believe in that.

Vivi of course would preffer to follow and learn more from Taeyani than stay with Hellen who was busy doing her preparations for lay her eggs, no matter how many hours, days or weeks needs for that.

The dryad was still affected and uncouncious by her long time captived in that broken state. At least her roots looks to work and get firm in place to fuse with the large tree, as thirsty explorers in the desert, some sigh of relief between her weak moans and whimpers made the human sure than it would just be need of time for the plant girl to recover, maybe the first rays of sun or a future rain could help her to recover faster.

Once Taeyani gets her work done there, she would heard some bee girls talking with the elf and heard than they were worried with the space and food she said her opinion what made a few turn to her.

That could be a possibility, but have a bigger hive could call more attention of predators....

We have Mellissa and she helps a lot, but what will happens if she gets even worse and loss her mind finnally, i dont want her to be close the babies when they born... One wishper showing her worries what maybe where shared with many there, but the rest where in fear than Mellissa could appear suddenly and heard them.

The idea to make another hive and put together get in note and soon was time to pork again, what Telara enjoy until fall sleep all dry and in a pile of happy bee girls. Taeyani of course could join her in her fun or do more preaparations, her servants were there trying to get fit in the place what was easier with the harpy sleeping now than it was deep night and her kind remain sleeping that part of the day.


The night passed without any problem and before the dawn come the noises and cheerful sounds and sings come to make impossible to anyone remain sleeping, it was certainly a lot of minutes before the 5:00 AM... the first lights of the day were starting to fill the forest.

If anyone tried to calm the noisy creature would find Sylva at the dryad rarea trying to eat her breakfast in full joy singing aloud, her voice was cute but it was just so early to do it.

Of course Helle dont return to the bedroom and Vivi stay away of the orgy if Taeyani join them, outside around the tree were many weebs and the cow girl wanted to be milked.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani certainly didn't mind the company of Vivi, as she moved along with the bumblegirl on her work, answering questions best she could.

With the bee girls comments on size and predators, Taeyani muses a bit. "Most predators can't get this high up. Of those that can, those who can't fly will be at a disadvantage against you, who can. Of those who can fly, you have natural advantages with your chitin, stingers and numbers. Plus you have help now, I'm sure the dryad can help defend you when she awakens, and my... New friends will be happy to defend their home I'm sure. Our spider friend can also use her webs to help put up defenses. Spider webbing has the tensile strength of steel cables, a net of her webbing can both make excellent construction tools and make difficult to bypass defenses. I'm sure she'll appreciate how much help she can be with her skills."

With that done, she returned to her preparations, letting Telara handle breeding her bees, and helping her servants get settled and comfy.


Waking up early, Taeyani yawned and stretched, grumbling a bit as she got up and headed over to see what was up. She found Sylva eating and singing, moving over and hugging the chicken harpy, noting where her other servents had gotten too. "Sylva sweety, your voice is lovely, but I'd like you to wait a few more hours before you wake people up with it, okay?" She looked over to see if the Dryad was cognizant just yet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Hmhm, there are more of my kind far in the direction we came from. And there's a lot of them that are hermaphrodites like me," Telara giggled and said to the bee girls as she cuddled with them. "In fact, one of my sisters, who is a herm herself, travels with a small group of just hermaphrodite dark elves like a mercenary group or something. Maybe I could find out where they are and send them a message and see if they want to come here. After we finish up in town of course and stuff," she went on to say with a wink at the bee girls, letting them know that there were plenty more of her kind that could be brought there.

As Telara was guided to their large bedroom, she smiled and pulled the redhead and the silver haired bee girls up against her, starting their long night of sex with the two of them. Telara never once pulled out of the bee girls when she came, not letting her seed be wasted at all and always ensuring that her seed poured into their wombs. "Come on girls, let it fill you up, and give us some more beautiful bee girls to carry on the next generation," Telara panted as she finished with the first of the bee girls that night, her hands constantly roaming across their bodies and never ceasing in teasing her lovers.


After an hour or so they had a break in the fun, where Telara smiled softly as she cuddled with them all, two of them licking and cleaning her cock and balls as another couple voiced their concerns about Melissa. "Don't you girls worry about Melissa. I'll take care of you and make sure she doesn't hurt you. She may be big and strong, but I won't allow her to hurt you or the little ones when they're born. I promise," Telara told them softly, her balls refilling now with more seed as she rolled another bee girl onto her hands and knees and thrust into her, purposely letting their stingers sting her cock around its base and her balls to keep them full and ready to seed them all.


The next morning when she woke, Telara was under a pile of bee girls, yet she didn't care and just lay there, enjoying the next morning aftermath of a night full of sex. Only when the bee girls started waking up did Telara let them know she was already awake, giving their butts gropes all over and tickling their bee rumps just by their stingers to tease them before she got up to eat some breakfast that they would likely bring her. After she'd eaten, Telara would go find Taeyani to check up on her, still completely nude, but not caring in the least about it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani 's words about bee girls and how they could defend themselves looks to be in part something really new for the many bees... even the ones pampering already the dark futa elf. In theirs words they were pretty young already when they were lost in the woods alone after theirs hives were taken down by the humans to remake them in theirs cities. If werent for the half mantis girl they would be raped dayly until turn into the sex toy of a random beast. Anyway they accepted to try Taeyani plan. Then it was time for them to have some fun in the bed with Telara, the words and possibility to get more futas as the elf was a good news and they soon asked how they could invite her sisters and the rest of her clan. After the long orgy of course come the dawn and the chicken girl almost wet herself by her mistress touch. She of course would not sing so early and she just said than she was singing for the plant girl as it looks like Taeyani would feel really happy to have her fourth slave awake to serve the human. The mantis girl should be already there kicking the duo to their mission but there was not sight of her and Helle was probably in the breeding chamber
(2:12:59 PM) mind_flayer: The next morning, once she'd woken, Telara did what she planned with the bee girl's butts and looked around the chamber to see just what the aftermath of the previous night was, wondering how many of them were nearly unconcious and whatnot.

"Girls, is everyone okay? That was quite the night wasn't it," Telara said, chuckling as she smiled at the bee girls around her.
(2:20:06 PM) plmnko: The cooes and cuddles from the bee girls getting theirs butt touched by the futa elf was maybe enough answer for Telara next question yet some get to still answer. "Yes, we are just so great to get out the bed" "Why dont we continue from where we left at night?" Another said, the bee girls mostly looks tobe feeling strange yet they were certainly hot enough to continue anyway

(2:43:01 PM) zilrax: Taeyani smirks and pets the chicken harpy amusedly, "I understand, it jsut woke everyone else up first. Let her rest, she had a very hard time and will need to recover. Where's the rest of your friends? I'm sure the poor drider needs help being fed."

(3:25:20 PM) mind_flayer: "Hmhm, we could do that, or we could actually get some work done. It's morning after all, and day time is meant for work. Night time is meant for loving," Telara said, chuckling a bit as she kissed each of the bee girls.
(4:23:41 PM) plmnko: Sylva cheerully nod maybe just sure than the plan girl was very in bliss after the endless happiness given by theirs olders owners. "Oh you mean Aryana, in her state she onlyl can drink yummy jizz and others liquids... as always i help her to mantain her head inside the recipent for her to drink until her belly bloated... we are so greedy sluts" Taeyani could bet than Sylva has been misunderstanding the poor spider girl in her needs to eat something. "She is outside, maybe she was all the time out doing rope and web for you Mistress"

Meanwhile the bee girls beg for some minuts more in the bed, but after some more talk they hardy get up to dress and prepare for the day. "Sigh... who will work today? Helle? and who else... ? Some bee girls raise theirs hands as others were fighting for the others jobs like check the hive, protect it and construction
(4:27:08 PM) zilrax: "I'll go check on hr then.," smiles Taeyani, looking over at the dryad a little worriedly, before giving Sylva another pet, "Go help our mooing friend okay? I'll be right back." She headed over to go check on Aryana, knowing the drider was the msot willful of her "slaves" and probably needed the msot help. Maybe she could teach her sign language? Sylva's seeming telepathic ability of sorts was helpful, but she'd like to talk to the drider properly. After all, spider web was incredibly powerful, a huge boon to them, and she'd like to stay on the good side of someone who is so important to their help. Plus they couldn't linger too much longer, she was sure their hornet friend was desperate to get working again.
(4:28:02 PM) mind_flayer: "We'll return soon, Taeyani and myself. Don't work too hard though girls, I wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything. We'll be back as soon as we can," Telara said to the bee girls, petting and kissing all of them until she managed to get roused out of bed, and them with her.
(4:57:20 PM) plmnko: "As you wish Mistress... your loya Sylva will not stop until she faint of bliss" The chiken girl said after vow and kiss the human's hand, running faster all around the hive until find the cow. Aryana as said was not inside and it was a great work get to see her as the huge tree have a huge quantity of webs and these were of different qualities, the most closed looks more as rope like the usual material. The spider was in a dark are of the tree pretty high yet still in middle of the branches as a huge quantity of web has made her be noticed.

The bee girls without job meanwhile were asking what to do and mostly they were thinking in play a new game named "pamper the dark elf" yet soon some bee girls returned and in need pull Telara to the breeding chamber. "Telara, help us... that lazy of Helle is skiping to work again, help us to get her up as she dont want to get out her hideout. As said after some minutes Telara find Helle sweating of her face and blushing as she loos to be struck in a larvae cradled hole in the wall
(5:08:08 PM) zilrax: Taeyani blinks as she moves,s tudying the rope. She hoped some of this stuff was based on spider web. If not, the humans were kinda stupid, why would you make a drider who makes weaker material? She guessed they didn't know mucha bout spiders. A spider web was over 100 times stronger than rope. IT was just the size diffrence that made them so easy to break. She hummed and looked up, waving to Aryana. "Hey, Aryana? Can I talk to you for a bit?"
(5:15:27 PM) plmnko: Th web like rope was mostly web altered to look like a rope, it in first sight and check looks to have all the properties of common web yet it was really hard to cut with just using the hands. For Aryana to notice her, it was just needed move the web to make the spider girl awake and after ask her to go down to talk with her Aryana move to see what could need the human. As she gets closer Taeyani notice than the own Aryana has placed some of her web like rope in her own mouth before get to sleep, leaving the tied object covering her mouth
(5:18:46 PM) zilrax: Taeyani gave the web a shake to get Aryana's attention, knowing spiders were very sensitive to vibrations. Such a glorious body... They all had such superior abilities, it made her very jealous... "Oh, is that to keep your mouth from drying out? That's pretty clever. I'm going to look for a means to remove that from you so you'll finally be free again. But I don't know how long it'll take. Until then, jsut having Sylva talk for you must be a bit troubling, so I figured maybe I could teach you some sign language? That way we can talk at least?"
(5:29:31 PM) plmnko: "Hmph" Aryana mumble as she shrug and then used her spider legs to scrape the floor trying to make some random letters, unfortunately for the spider her hands were afected by the magic shackles to make her unable to use her most of the time, but Taeyani could remember than she could move better when she asked to her to carry theirs things. Aryana loosk to wish to comunicate herself alone, but her body looks to be affected pretty bad by the slavery magic
(5:31:45 PM) zilrax: "oh, hmm...," muses Taeyani, "Fortunatly signlanguage you just need to move your wristsand fingers and stuff. Is that easy to do? Um... Hm... When I ordered you to do things it was easy too... Do you think I could just order you to sign language and then you;d have the freedom to do so?"
(5:36:43 PM) plmnko: "Hmmp...hmm-hmm" Aryana mutter as she nods, moving her hands than were trapped behind her back. Making the shackles and chains tinkle
(5:40:38 PM) zilrax: "Oksy. Aryana, I order you to use sign language to talk to me.," says Taeyani, musing. "Think that;d work to let you talk through the gag, actually?"
(5:49:21 PM) plmnko: Aryana sigh.... or would had do it if her moth werent muffed, she turn showing her back to Taeyani, so the human could see how the chain of the shackles get slighty larger to make Aryana able to do the action. Taeyani could see the difficult of Aryana to use sign language even in that position, yet it was like her body was getting aroused by doing it. For her sign using her hands, Taeyani get than she was once a time a free being of a cave of a remote land, taken here by a boat and she fighted yet that only made her be mostly a toy against her will with that bondage on her... if she accept and do an order her slave restrains would help her and would feel a toxic like pleasure yet if she dont do it the objects on her would punish her until faint
(5:55:11 PM) mind_flayer: "Hmm, I dunno what all you can do really, but I'm sure that you'll find something," Telara told the bee girls that came up with their new game of pampering her.

After the ones came in and said what they did about Helle, Telara put her hands on her hips. "Now girls, I'm sure she's not skipping out on anything. She's probably exhausted after last night," Telara told them, following them to where Helle was.

As soon as she saw the state Helle was in, Telara rushed over to help her. "Get over here and help her you lot, she's in labor, birthing eggs. Can't you see she's in need of help?" Telara shouted at the other bee girls, sounding and looking a little angry that they were acting like Helle was trying to skip out on work and whatnot.
(6:16:58 PM) plmnko: "I have a lot in mind... maybe get some fun as we fly" A red haired one said as a silver haired one looks to heard what the elf wants to do so they could help her too" However their time having theirs plans stop and of course the ones comeing from the breeder chanber feels bad yet ponder maybe why the dark elf protect Helle so much. "But she was not with us the last night... she even decide to skip our pleasant night together" A blonde one add as they move to see the sleepy bee girl.

Of course once Telara shout the terrible truth, many if not all were confused and alarmed looking down at theirs bellies unable to believe such words. "AHHH! Its so soon and why im so fat? Please help me Telara, dont want to give birth exploding" Helle said in shock mostly, ussually you dont awake with your body having a really huge belly in just a night. "Who know something of this?" Someone ask as the bee girls fly everywhere in chaos, some aiming to the outisde saying than maybe the mantis girl know, others looking close at Helle, some others bringing food, a few asking her how she feels or looking what they could from her body at teh other side.
(6:31:13 PM) mind_flayer: "Maybe we can girls, hmhm," Telara replied to the redhead, giggling softly as she spoke. "And she skipped last night because she was tired, and I don't hold it against her, so you girls shouldn't either. I'd treat any of you the same way if you were exhausted," she added to the blonde.


Seeing the other bee girls buzzing around in a panic, Telara sighed and whistled loudly, to try and get their attention. "Girls... I've never delivered a child before, but I know how to. Just... calm down okay. We need some warm water, a bucket or two. Plenty of rags and towels, and a pitcher of cool water for me to drink while I work. And I'll need a couple of you to help me too, and having a basket or something to put the eggs in would be helpful too, unless you put them in specific places that is," Telara told them all, trying to restore order, before turning to Helle. "It's okay honey, you won't explode. You're in labor. Just try and relax, and we'll help you okay. Does anyone know of anything we can give her for any pain that she has?" Telara then said, looking around as she asked for any pain relieving substances they might have.
(6:33:08 PM) zilrax: Taeyani nods. "I see... I'm sorry you were taken away, Aryana and enslaved. I want to try and free you if I can. You deserve your freedom. If you want to stay and help when you're free that's your choice, though I hope you will. I want this all to be over with once and for all..." She pauses and looks over at the hive witha frown. "What on earth is going on in there that they're being so noisy?"
(6:49:07 PM) plmnko: Aryana nods as she used her hands to think in stay if she see it later as the best choice. Of course these lasts signs with her hands made her let out some muffed moans, still she shrug when Taeyani ask about the many noises coming from the hive and if Taeyani went there Aryana would follow.

Inside the hive, the whistle made the bee girls stop yet Helle continue giving soft sobs even after sigh glad of Telara words about not explode. " We will ploce the eggs in the holes and then use what is needed to protect them and feed when they hatch... at least we get to know from Melisa" The bee girls then tried to do what Telara needs to get care of the fat bee girl. "Really? Im so happy to heard than i will not explode but how much will hurt... i will be happy eating something...i-im so hungry" Helle answer with her belly growling as she heard the honey word
(6:51:08 PM) zilrax: Taeyani nods and heads in with Aryana, blinking at seeing Helle down. "It;s time already? Holy crap, thats fast. Here..." she walked over, casting a spell to ease Helle even further and to make her birth to be an easy orgasmic affair rather than painful and difficult. If it even would be at all.
(6:53:37 PM) mind_flayer: "Alright Helle, if you're hungry, then we'll have some food brought for you. Just lie there and rest for now okay honey," Telara said softly to Helle, caressing her cheek as she nodded to a couple of the other bee girls to bring some food for Helle.

Once everyone was calmed down and whatnot, and she got the things she asked for, Telara began helping Helle get the eggs out, telling her to push when she felt the need to, and whatnot.
(7:09:00 PM) plmnko: Aryana was also amazed by how so fast Helle was giving birth, but her body was very big to dont be a nuisance, she would be close if Taeyani needs something. "If possible something sweet, please and three rations please." The poor Helle was not sure what was trying to do the human, but she was already so trapped with troubles than she just thanks weakly, feeling the magic act. " I dont remember heard any of ours mothers get in pain... do you heard something about that?" A red haired bee girl ask to other and then some more shaken theirs heads, but was maybe lack of information than a possible answer. Helle have a lot of eggs and would take a long time for her to give birth, mostly as she was now aiming to eat as much as she wants of what the others bring to her. If the two futas wanted to wait until the first egg then tehy would be there for maybe some more of two hours before the firsts signs of labors
(7:15:10 PM) zilrax: Taeyani decided to stick around a bit longer. IT was her and Telara's seed that put her in this state and she was... curious to see what they ahd sired after all. She kept her magic up to try and speed things along best she could safely.
(7:17:30 PM) mind_flayer: "I only know that it's painful for humans and elves like me and Taeyani to give birth. Likely because it's a live birthing ordeal for our people, rather than eggs," Telara said, holding Helle's hand and smiling up at Taeyani when she came in, thanking her in a soft tone.

Telara would remain with Helle until she began giving birth, wanting to make sure that she was okay before she and Taeyani even considered leaving to perform their jobs that Melissa had asked of them.
(7:33:54 PM) plmnko: For a time all was a routine, bee girls bringing food, Helle eating and then tehy bring water and Helle ask to mix it with honey before drink it. Maybe the blush in Helle face show her feelings of be a bother but also certainly she was lllllloving as anyone be the center of attention and being so kindly pampered. Taeyani wanted this to hurry up and she used her magic on Helle... yet nothing looks to happen for a time, she tried more and after some minutes for Telara and Taeyani's cum at her mouth, she would be moaning and begging for it opening her mouth to let out her tongue. Her egss were demanding the jizz to get ready to come and Aryana would leave and return after some minutes with a vessel of cum at her extra legs and using some web, placing it softly close where Helle was struck. It would be Telara and Taeyani choice how to feed the poor bee girl, but she will be in painful pleasure with tears coming out her eyes until get sattled fully. Once done only even a powerful and long sesion of intense pleasure would continue, mostly Helle cumming many times per egg and these were many. She will be unable to faint and the others bee girls would place correctly the eggs in the place for Helle babies, these were too many than they needed to use some of theirs chambers too what make them frown and feel terrible bad.
(7:47:30 PM) mind_flayer: Telara sighed softly as it seemed Helle would be okay for the time being, and she even fed Helle herself, and tipped the water/honey mixture into her mouth from the cup it was in. Telara was prepared to do anything Helle needed right now, to make her more comfortable, and to make her happier, asking what she needed and whispering sweet nothings in her ears.
(7:53:31 PM) zilrax: Taeyani decided to let Taeyani handle the feeding while she helped with the eggs, working to store em. "Well you;re all likely to get as round as her sooner or later girls. So think best you get more combs set up and ready for them."
(8:21:37 PM) plmnko: "We hope so... she cant have more eggs than us" One of the bee girls answer to taeyani in a nod so good mood. The human so get behind the larvae small place as bed and she could have a direct sight of Helle's wet legs and neithers, her wet noises and cum liquid as slowly after cum many times another egg get out of her and getting at Taeyani's hands. The thing was of the size of a grapefruit and they looks to grow a little more as they were close to leave. This happens many times and each of them looks to feels better for the poor bee in labor.

Meanwhile Helle was loving so warm touch of Telara for be always there with her, yet her demands and needs change as her eggs were in need to leave. "Pleasel, i need your delicious cock Telara... i feel than i would die without it...please i beg you... i cant resist any more... without taste and suck your huge dick" Helle almost scream aloud in need, her body shivering and groaning in intense painful pleasure the one only started to fade as Telara already naked placed her cock for Helle to enjoy it, greedy she wide smile as her eyes shine, licking and sucking of it... Aryana tried to help in increase the speed of the elven's peak, using her shackled hands to pleasure the female parts of the dark elf.

It was then when the noise turn into moaning sucks and once her need sattled the eggs started to get out Helle's body... yet Aryana feed her with fruit and water drenched in the monster cum between births. The orgasms were so intenses than if were possible Helle wanted more of Telara's warm meat until each of the eggs leave her body. Certainly Helle was not in conditions to leave after so intense lust than would break any human after some minutes


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

TA: Taeyani helped relocate the many eggs she bore, curious of their pedigree, who had sired each? Clearly her magic had took though, Helle was quite pregnant, far beyond the norm. Time would tell how they turned out. but for now she rested as well. "Hm, she'll be out awhile. Think we should wait for her to recover? Or should we head out and get to work with Melissa? I mean if we need a slave to seem legit, the three girls with us can probably do the task..."
TE: "Shh shh, it's okay Helle, just calm down and I'll give it to you all you want," Telara said, caressing Helle's cheek.

Telara maneuvered around and let Helle's lips wrap around her cock, sucking hard on it and soon Telara was cumming for Helle again. After that, Telara stayed there and let Helle keep sucking until all of her eggs had been birthed out, and then she pulled out and kissed Helle on the cheek. "Rest now, little Helle, you need it," Telara cooed to Helle.

"No I think we'll be alright without them. I'm confident at least that we will be. I'll just keep my hood up and they'll think we're both human I think," Telara said to Taeyani, cleaning herself up.
TA: "Sure, but you realize neither of us understands the culture right? Looking the part is only half the battle.,"grimaces Taeyani
GM: The poor Helle was just taken fully by her instincts, she passed most of that time drinking all what she could from the dark elf futa, the event was really full of stress for her yet somehow the jizz calm her and give her nutrients enough to pass out this without too real troubles. Of course she was in need for a large rest and Aryana stay there with her as Telara went to talk with her human ally. The bees were pretty busy to heard their little conversation, but Aryana and Helle were pretty close to dont notice it. "also... someone must give the signal to M-melissa" Helle very weak said to Telara and Taeyani
TE: "It's human culture Taeyani, it can't be that different from what we're used to seeing and stuff surely," Telara replied, looking over at Taeyani, before Helle spoke up again. "What is it honey? The signal?" Telara asked Helle curiously.
TA: "That too. Whatever our signal is supposed to be.," smirks Taeyani, "So we gotta bring someone. If not Helle, maybe the three girls here. Aryana probably would know better than me who might know the key to removing her device. I'm not magically adept enough to jsut disenchant it myself sadly..." "How many human cultures do you know who enslave monster people?"
TE: "That's true I guess, but surely it won't be that difficult," Telara replied.
TA: "Why risk making it harder? I think we have to bring someone. It's too important a job to leave to maybes."
GM: "I only needed to fly to get out... but anything should work...i feel so bad... i really wanted to help her" Helle said a little sad of be of not use for them later
TE: "But, I don't want to risk the girls, they've been through enough," Telara said, obviously worried about Helle and the others.
GM As both futas decide, Aryana remain pretty much hearing yet not wishing to be noticed by both of them for a while yet at the end she started to poke at Telara and Taeyani with her spider legs
TA: "Helle, you were a great help. You helped us get these three free. Anyways I... Oh. What is it Aryana?," she looks over, asking her "slave"
TE: "I just don't want the girls to get put back into slavery like that. They don't deserve it, they're too sweet and kind for that," Telara said, petting Helle on the head, and Aryana.
GM: Aryana started to do her best in her condition to make signals to what she wanted to say to both girls, was hard but Taeyani get than she was trying to point to use Sylva for this task
TA: "Aryana thinks Sylva will do it. I agree, she seems really into being a slave and she seems to have some sort of empathic ability. I think she'd be of great help. I'm sure I can get a signal to Melissa in any case, we just need to tell her."
TE: "I... hah... alright, if you lot insist on it. But... try and stay with us Sylva, okay honey," Telara said, sighing, but relenting after a little persuasion.
GM: As the whole breeding event happened in that room, far away in a door close the entrance, someone was abusing the poor cow girl, milking her as that person giggle... mostly Sylva who was ordened to take care of the almost mindless woman
TA: Taeyani chuckles and heads over to go see Sylva and her other slave. "Let's go tell her. I'm sure she's having fun."
TE: "Alright then, come on," Telara replied, sighing again, worried about what may happen as she followed Taeyani over.
GM: Aryana remain close Helle, sure than she was more useful taking care of the weak bee girl. After some brief minutes looking for the winged slut, they get to the right room where a cowgirl in bliss was getting milked and almost used by Sylva and the small bee girl, meanwhile the bug girl take care of collect the milk Sylva was happily pulling softly the gold rings at the sensitive places of her fellow slave and licking at the cowgirl pussy. Of course than the young bee stop and went to hug the human after wave to this

TA: Taeyani smiles and hugs the small girl. "Hey there, you helping Sylva gather all the milk dear?," she smiles happily

TE: Telara followed along, and petted the little bumble girl on the head, unable to help herself as she awaited Sylva's response.
GM: "yes, she said than Vivi have better hands for the work and she was a little... slow to think fast and cach the milk correctly" Vivi answer loving the peeted as she cuddle lovely as Taeyani hug her. "Oh...Mistress will help us too? We had made her cum a lot of times yet she can still hold for hours... please use ours holes i had cleaned them for your use~" Sylva said cheerfully to Taeyani and Telara too still clueless of for what they had come
TA: "Sorry Sylva, not why we're here. We're going on a special mission, the one we were gonna do yersterday but got... Sidetracked getting you girls. Helle had babies so she's out of it so you're going to be our guide, okay?," smiles Taeyani as she hugs Vivi, "Well, I'm glad you're helping out vivi, we're going to try again to do our job right this time, you can go see the eggs Helle gave birth too if you like."
TE: "Oh it's okay honey, you'll get it eventually," Telara told Vivi, petting her head again and kissing her on the forehead.

GM: "Yaaay...it will be a pleasure Mistres!~ I love to be useful for you and i know a lot of things, Sylva will always try her best to be an useful slave for you~ Sylva said very happy as she sli out the position in wich she was pleasuring the cow, not before rubbing the milking but of this. "Dont worry, Mistress will fuck you too and i will make you feel happy again soon~ Said this the winged woman follow the duo out the room, Vivi for the other hand nods to Telara and continue her task alone. "Soo... where we will go now Mistress? Sylva said pretty must the idea of serve them warm her in need

GM: Suddenly from the breeding room come Aryana and created a blindfold for cover Sylva eyes, her frown show how this would be needed for the airhead.

TA: "Ah right. Thanks Aryana.," smiles Taeyani, "This is so you don't faint on us, Sylva. And I'll get to our cow girl soon. Maybe I can fix her head when I do her... Well, for now, let's get to the human city. I'm sure Melissa will catch up on the way."
GM: "Oh... Aryana said than i need to use that ver my eyes, because im a dumb girl than dont know where im right now" Sylva said with the usual cheerful state after Aryana moan and whimper, certainly Sylva dont care the insults and is sure than she is preety low in intelligence
TE: "Alright then everyone, I'm ready when you all are. Sylva, stay close okay, don't want anyone else scooping you up and carrying you off away from us now do we," Telara told the bird girl, caressing her cheek and one of her wings.
GM: "Oh that never, Mistress's lover. im only loyal to mistress and will live only for her... so i cant anything take me away" Sylva said and giggle as she placed her blindfold and waits for her Mistress to guide her to where she wish. The way to get out was up to Taeyani to choice, Aryana could help making a rope or web, but the distance to the floor was pretty huge

TA: Taeyani used her vines to get them down like she had got them up before last time, smiling. "You're not a dumb girl, Sylva, just... Diffrent.," she smiles, "and I appreciate that. I'm not used to having a slave, but I can't really make you be something you don't want to be, so if being my property is what you desire, then I guess that's what you are."
GM: The winged one was pretty focused on her Mistress to care of the vines taking them down, she of course wanted to hug and buzzle at Taeyani after her words and even if she was still being taken down or already in the floor she will answer her " That is so kind Mistress, but dont fear Sylva know than you can be the best Mistress of all and only you deserve me because i want to be your better slave~, different to al ♪*l~"

Of course they soon were in the floor, the time, maybe a pair of hours before the midday, so both know than the boats would be soon to leave. Melissa was not close yet they could find a way to call her or just wait until tehy get to them.

TA: "We best hurry. You can take the blindfold off now Sylva.," says Taeyani when they got down, "Let's get moving. Well chances are you're gonna be my only slave, Sylva. If I can fix and free the others I will since I doubt they want to be property."
TE: "Aye, not dumb, and if you feel like you want to get smarter, just tell us and we'll teach you all we can," Telara said, patting Sylva on the head again.

"And Taeyani, don't think of it as having a slave, think of it as having your own personal handmaid," Telara told Taeyani.

Once they were ready to go, Telara was ready as well, and would lead the way out, back towards the town as best she could.
TA: "Eh, I'm not gonna do mental gymnastics to make it seem better. I call a spade a spade and a slave a slave.," shrugs Taeyani
GM: "Right... i will do it now Mistress" Sylva said as she struggle a little to remove the web blinfold "Oh... you are right Mistress, Aryana love it but she still not accept her true feelings... if mistress will is free her then i will help in it. But, the naughty cow born as a slave... it will put her in danger let her free" Sylva said as they follow them. as she nods to what taeyani said, pretty much being sure than be said a slave suit her better. "Yes... Hand... something personal is too long for me, i preffer slave" Just then the three noticed some noises and groans ahead of them, painful really painful groans
TA: "Well ideally we help fix her mind first. If Aryana wishes to be free she'll have it. If she wishes to be mine then she can have that too. Maybe she jsut wants a mistress who cares about her feelings and I have to prove it. Well time will tell. I don't really have an issue with slavery that people enter into willingly." She blinks at hearing the sounds and moves that way worriedly. "Crap we better check that out..."
TE: "Alright, was just thinking it could be her as your handmaid instead, up to you though," Telara said, shrugging a bit.

Telara waited for Taeyani and Sylva to finish talking so they could head on. "I'll help protect you girls too, I may not be your mistress per se, but I'll definitely take care of you like I was, because Taeyani is my friend," Telara said.
GM: "Hmm... i feel than Aryana will soon notice it Mystress.... than she can have all than she needs with you~" Sylva said to Taeyani before nods happily to telara who the burd girl think is the BFFs lover of her mistress. She of course get close her Mistress, flying close the floor and a little behind the human" As they were getting closer the groans increase yet stop suddenly. They would had miss where was the girl bt suddenly Sylva fly and turn up before fall scared as she point to the tree above her. There Melissa was on a branche looking to be turning away and eating something without look at them
TA: "...Melissa are you... eating someone alive?," asks Taeyani, holding Sylva close, her grimacing a bit at the idea. Gods, she really did not like that idea one bit.
GM: "...yes... i...was... " Melissa managed to say as she continue. The bug girl said still looking to be eating yet remain in that place without move or say anything for a while. "Where are the three going at these hours?" She asked after maybe a minute
TA: "We were gonna try for that mission again. And could you... Not? Thats torturous. If you really need to eat people, can you at least kill them cleanly so they don't suffer?," grimaces Taeyani, "And I severely doubt you have to eat people, personally."

GM: "... i could try. Where is Helle?" Melissa ask as she turn a little to see them. "...How both plan to do it without her?"
TA: "We have Sylva here. Helle gave birth, so she's bedridden til she recovers. I can do a pretty visible signal with my magic. I mean, hard to miss causing a giant explosion of flower petals in the sky.," says Taeyani wryly, "Sylva likes being a slave so she doesn't have to pretend at all. And yes, please, try. No offense Melissa but you terrify everyone, and while I can get that can be appreciated for a tough girl like you, scaring people you want to help you isn't good, and it's a good way to scare away potential mates you know? You have to control your instincts."
TE: As they found Melissa, Telara cringed a bit as Melissa said she had been eating someone. "Um... dare I ask what or who?" Telara asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer to be honest.

"And yeah we're going to try for that mission you wanted of us," Telara said, sighing softly as Taeyani continued speaking to Melissa... her stomach grumbling a bit as she imagined what Melissa was eating.

GM: "How?...Its so soon...ughh" Melissa exclain surprised before bend on her seat and remain quiet for a moment. Its... just an orc... im eating his head now... Maybe that Sylva could work, but i will stay away as i follow the three and wait for the signal... remember to give it than it must help me to find a way to get inside" Melissa said again with her normal tone and continue her dinner
TA: "Yes I will. And yeah but it's still a person. Unless he attacked you first then fine, but just... Kill them first. But the whole reason we're doing this si cus you eat the people you sleep with right? Kinda... Not the msot attractive quality in a mate you know? As for how... Probably my fault, I'm a druid. Tweaking nature like fertility, plants, stuff like that, sort of my job."
GM: "I...i-i see then she will be fine." Melissa answer looking to be interested in Helle health before continue with her usual act. "It cant be helped... its for my eggs and my future mate... sometimes my hungry blurs my mind and foreget to kill my prey" "Now please... continue, its getting late"
TE: Telara was able to breathe a little easier when she heard that it was an orc, and not a human or elf or something else. "Aye, I agree with Taeyani, Melissa. You should at least kill whoever when you're going to... you know, eat them. But you're right, we should head out," Telara said.
TA: "I'll get moving. And I think it can. Maybe I can help you. I don't see how you eating them helps your mate any or your eggs. But if you can only eat meat then let me find a way to help you. Maybe I can regrow the flesh on corpses or something. But right now, you're right. Cmon girls, we'll get this done so we can focus on building an even bigger hive."

GM: "Sure... i will be not so far later" Melissa said as the three girls leave her to calm her needs. After a while Sylva lament to herself rubbing her arm and belly, looking to still be affected by being close Melissa "uff... its not so pleasant stay close she... my belly still hurt" Sylva said and for a while they walk as slowly the Sun fade in teh distance. The place ahead was dead in deep silence, the woods everyday more quiet than the last and more as they get closer to the lake. They would soon find the two paths again, one toward the small hunter house and other where Helle pointed than the lake was
TE: "Alright then, let's go," Telara said, patting Sylva on the head again. "Are you alright honey?" Telara asked Sylva.
GM: "Yes...uhm is getting a little late to see where my old masters placed theirs toys" Sylva answer looking to be more interested now in try to focus on see with her difficults of low light
TA: "Lake side this time, no point going back to the house now. Why, what toys?," says Taeyani, her holding Sylva close and giving her a gentle tummy rub. "There there dear, she;s nicer than she seems. I know her... eating habits make me a little queasy too. I'll make you something to calm your tummy later."
GM: Oh oh good, mistress. Toys for the forest people play mistress" Sylva answer as she blush and cooes for the tummy rub, her naked body getting softly in blushing tone before get the chance to walk at the front when she find something and then some ropes tie at her legs and almost make her fall pulling her away until she start to flap her wings to fly inches away from the floor. "Like this toy Mistress... they feel so good, wanna try one?" The bird girl ask as she get close still with her legs tied
TA: "Oh. Traps.," says Taeyani with a sigh, moving over to cut her slave loose, "I already had one, Sylva, it grew my cock on me. Not very big but it;s there."
GM: "Maybe if i look more i could find one to make it bigger... let me see....umm" Sylva told to Taeyani before try to get one more... but soon the lucky one was Telara who get a sudden drop of aphrodisiac yet this was not so potent as the before (5AP earned) They were at middle of the road yet if this continue like this they would be in real danger before get to the lake.
TA: "Oh crap, Telara you okay? Uh, Sylva cna you find... all of em? so we can avoid most of em? At this rate we're not gonna get anywhere..."

TE: "Yeah, hopefully we can follow it along until we get there," Telara said, following Taeyani along, and keeping close to her companions. "Yeah, hopefully we can follow it along until we get there," Telara said, following Taeyani along, and keeping close to her companions.

"You have a nice sized cock Taeyani, don't sell yourself short," Telara said, before she shuddered, her legs shaking a bit. "Y-Yeah, that was a bit... you know... intense," she then said to Taeyani, stretching out a bit and splashing some water from the lake onto her face to try and cool herself off so they could move on.
TA: "I'm smaller than the average male. So no not really.," grunts Taeyani, grumbling
GM: "As you wish misress" Sylva answer and try her best, at least the duo can use her steps to dodge most of the traps as the poor Sylva enjoy ropes and holes than she manage to avoid most of their effect flying quickly toward her mistress, yet also some of the aphrodisiac hit her making her squirm more often but her training stop her to do more than beg for her mistress cock. "Mistress cock is beautiful... i wish to have it soon inside me" She said as they get to the lake, there was not humans but there was a boat
TA: "Mmm, where's the city from here?," muses Taeyani, her sighing a bit with a smile, "Once we're done and get hom, Sylva, I'll make sure to give you some hatchlings of your own to snuggle."
TE: "Well surely we can just follow the lake and find it. If I recall correctly, it was that way there wasn't it," Telara said, pointing towards where Helle had directed them the day before.

Telara's cock was throbbing softly, but she knew that unless it got worse, she'd be fine for now really. With that, Telara led the way towards the city, at least where she hoped it was anyway.
GM: The arousal on Sylva was huge but her eyes bright and she jumps many times happily before nods and hugs her Mistress "I will have a lot of cute little chicks for you to tame Mistress" Sylva daydream but awake later to nod to Telara pointing throght the lake. "Yes human town if there a little far... the best would be take the boat because i cant see too much at night" Sylva said as the two decide


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

TA: "Sure, boat, uh... anyone know how to use a boat?," she asks, climbing in, "And... what, tame?"

GM: The adventure to get to the lake take more time than the last time as Helle and Melissa dont help tehm with a flying trip, Sylva was mostly charmed by Taeyani words about babies when the human ask about the word than she used when she gets up the boat. "Yes, Tame Mistress. I could teach them all what i know, but im sure than you could have more knowledge than the one than i have and... they will be as you wish" As Telara and Taeyani decide how to move the boat, something clearly very far of the harpy knowledge tehy also notice some nets and fishing rods, yet not fishes

TA: "Musta took their catches away already. Well let's row.," says Taeyani with a yawn, "Oh you mean teach. Yeah course I'll teach them stuff, Sylva."

GM: Sylva scratch her hair and then nods with chuckles after heard the "Teach" word. "Yes, silly me" She said before happily start to help to move the boat using the oars yet it also have some kind of small sail. Underwater was some moves from time to time yet these remain far away the boat and Syllva needed personal instructions of how fast she needed to move her wings to pull or push the oar

TE: "Yeah, it's not that hard. Shouldn't be too difficult to fix up one and use it," Telara said, grumbling about their trip taking a bit longer since Melissa and Helle weren't flying them along.

Telara hopped onto the boat and began check it out to see if it was usable. Once they were able to determine whether or not they could make it work, Telara helped push it out into the water to get them to the city, following the shore. Telara, being the strongest, would row it for them so the others didn't have to.

TA: Taeyani nods and rows, since she didn't know how to sail. She smiled amusedly at Sylva, though she wondered if teach was what she really meant. Well. guess she'd know when the time came.

GM: The ship start to move through the lake and as they move they could see an opening in the woods between some mountais than they should pass through a thick river. Sylva meanwhile was sad to dont help in row it. "sigh... it will be a long trip Mistress, you can rest or use me until we get to the human lands... these waters were dangerous the last time but old masters cause than the travel trhough the water was a peaceful trip" The slave wait for her Mistress choice, she could order her to do many things in teh boat or just make her go to sleep, in any case row the boat without wind would take a whole hour, of course in the other way would be less of 20 minutes. As said there was live in the lake but remain away of the human boats. Between teh mountains the trio would see a large wall bigger for a common town, the place should have a whole city at least there, Melissa should be flying close and would remain hidden between such mountains to reach to see any signal in teh next days

TA: "It's fine, I'm sure we can rest later. Besides, no sex in the boat, I don't want it to capsize heh.," smiles Taeyani wryly

TE: Telara didn't mind rowing their boat for now, the water splashing a bit. "Don't worry Sylva, we can handle it easy enough," Telara said, smiling up at her.

Telara aimed their boat towards the city, keeping as far from the other human boats as possible, without looking like she was trying to keep away.

GM: "Oh that would be terrible, if happen be sure Mistress than i will fly taking you safe to the coast" Sylva said yet her small luscious body maybe wouldnt be able to carry an adult of her own size without force herself a lot. The slave remain looking her Mistress waiting her turn to row the boat... yet after some large and longe five minutes she start to poke the fishing tools and yawn looking to any random place before start to half roll sleep in the boat. The persons on the boats were busy with their work to ponder things in the one without charge getting to theirs coasts. But as they get there and were almost ready to place a foot, two female guards get there to stop them and ask some questions. "Wait a moment, we dont remember any of you getting out here in the morning" One said "What happened with your shipload" the other said as get inside the boat to examine it close.

GM: Both dark elf and Taeyani were ready to answer when suddenly Sylva fall and squeak inside the boat "ahhhw, Mistress help me, i your silly slave fall in one of the traps for new slaves again" The guards of course turn and saw the bird girl half trapped in some nets. "So, both are then slavers and not fishers? The arena fights will start tomorrow, so i recomend for both take it easy and dont hunt more to focus on train your stronger pet for the games." The guards said as they take a brief moment more to check their ship

TA: "Ah yes, you're correct. Apologies for the mishap. Sylva, you silly thing, I told you not to play around the nets!," growls Taeyani, picking up swiftly on Sylva's bluff. She was honestly surprised at the clever bird's ploy. She was a ditz but she was more cunning than she let on, if loyal. She headed over to untangle Sylva from the nets with a grumble.

TE: "Indeed. Sylva, you really need to be more careful," Telara said, also catching on to the ploy of Sylva, and helping to untangle her from the net and stuff, before she continued rowing them along.

GM: The winged slave whimpered as she blush. "Sorry Mistress~" for her tone in her apologize the tone of the human has warm her needs to be taken by the force, but fortunately for the group a guards just sigh and turn to the other before they decide to leave them alone without even look at Telara racial marks. Sylva only was covered by the fisher nets at her legs so was easy for Taeyani and Telara to free her. Once the three were ready they get down the small ship and noticd again the gate half guarded now, for the moment only in the port were some females cleaning and getting the ships ready for tomorrow, yet there were some small cages with few monsters. There shouldnt be problems to continue now than some of the guards suppose than tehy were slaves, but they could earn some info from the persons or the port before get inside the city

TA: "Good work Sylva...," whispers Taeyani to sylva with a smile, "That was close." She was quite proud of the hen harpy, before looking to the other folks there. "What do you think... Fish for information before going in?"

TE: Telara smiled at Sylva and winked as they got her free, pulling her hood over a bit more to hide her pointed elven ears for the time being. After they got Sylva free, Telara kept rowing them towards the city. "Aye, probably a good idea. Who knows, we might get lucky and find someone sympathetic towards them. I worry that they might mistake me for one of the monster girls if they see my ears, so I'm gonna keep the hood up for now," Telara said.

GM: The port was filled with many ships, but this only have three groups of girls cleaning and solving any problems on them, one group of two was fixing a sail, others three girls were cleaning and four more girls were mostly talking and passing the time. Sylva giggled and kissed Taeyani's hand as she was very happy to resist herself of do it as her mistress was proud of her. "Fishers ussully carry more than just fish, Mistress... i remember long time ago this was filled with cute monsters girls and males of many species, but now is a little more quiet, maybe all are sleeping" Sylva said giving some clues of what this place has passed and how the extreme hunting has caused

TE: "Hmm, or maybe they aren't around here exactly," Telara whispered back, hoping that was the case, and that the monster girls and guys hadn't been hunted to near extinction.

TA: "Or maybe they;ve over enslaved...," mumbles Taeyani in distaste, "I'll enjoy putting this back to nature. But for now... We need information. The Arena exists but it;s not like Sylva is a warrior. But it might be a good choice. Problem is I don;t know this world enough to know if it;s feasible for us to be new slavers here and not know things. We gotta disable the wards, but... well who knows how they work.."

TE: "Hmm... if nothing else, I could probably be mistaken for a monster girl myself, and you could use me I guess, in the arena I mean," Telara said, tapping her ears under her hood. "And that is possible, though I hope not," she added.

GM: "Uhm... i heard than strong virile monsters are used to fight between each other or to face slaves like me.... they always try to impregnate us, but fight scare me" Sylva told to both as they talk about her in the arena "You can be the best slaver mistress, inside the city maybe we could find someone to teach you"

TA: "Heh, you want me to be the best slaver, Sylva?," teases Taeyani, before musing, "That... Is a good idea though. Who would be able to explain things better than a slaver trainer? Who would know the systems and places better?"

TE: "Don't worry honey, we'll make sure you aren't put into that arena," Telara promised Sylva, giggling at the idea of learning how to become a better slaver in the city. "If you two want to do so, then I guess we can, but... I don't see the point of it. Knowing right and wrong should come naturally, and how to treat others too," she went on to say with a shrug.

TA: "It;s not about knowing that. A slaver has to know how things work, like why the wards are there, where everyones kept, all the rules. So who better to teach us where our targets are?"

TE: "Hmm... I guess so. Why not, it's the best lead we got at the moment I think," Telara replied.

GM: "Aye, Mistress can be the best Slaver... if only Sylva were more smart she could teach you all, but she can guide you to where you can learn a lot of good things for you, Mistress" Sylva said very enthusiastic of heard than her Mistress was thinking more in get all what a slaver must know. "Please take my hand Mistress so i can escort you" The winged girl said ready to try to take them inside the city

TA: Taeyani shrugs with a smile and takes Sylva's hand. "Well, when in rome right?"

TE: "Oh Sylva, you're smart. You just need to use your common sense a little more I think. But we can teach you how to do that I'm sure," Telara told the young harpy hen girl as they went into the city and looked around for one of these slave trainers.

GM: "Eh?... I always try to use common sense to serve better my mistress. But we can always learn things for each others to be good slaves Mistress's lover" Sylva told to Telara as she guide them toward the city, the bird girl quickly take the ink and pen for her Mistress. "After place your name and number for your two slaves, can Sylva be used again to get you money, Mistress~ Sylva loves to serve Mistress~" Said the winged girl in soft tone yet still filled with cheerfulness so the guards dont call her attention or bother to check them better.

Out of the port they were then close some small houses where the fihers should live, deep inside huge buildings could be seen where one should be the Arena. " To that place you can find the farms where we are used to give products and get sold... ahm and you can look anywhere than you wish to use us to get money, but Humans arent interested in common girls, they preffer cocks as Sylva"

TA: "I guess I would need money to go to school.," hums Taeyani, "And can't do it myself huh? Hmph. Well... If you really want to, guess there isn't any harm? And guess if you want to, Telara, if you want to, you know... "belong" to me."

TE: Heading in, Telara kept quiet for the most part as she listened to Sylva talking to them, keeping a close and wary eye out for trouble heading their way. Any time they passed any guards, Telara tilted her head a bit to hide her face a tiny bit better so they didn't see her ears. Telara hoped they could figure out where the captive ones were before too long, as this felt a little worrisome to her, since she herself could be mistaken for a monster girl to be enslaved.

GM: "Uhm, of course than you can try it too Mistress, but then who will take care of find the clients and take the shinny things?" Sylva told to Taeyani when the human ask if she could prostitute herself. "Harpy's eggs are so yummy and you could sell them for a good price, but Sylva only get to normaly have some after some days after lay and feed with delicious monster cummy" Then Sylva turn to Telara and tried to pull softly from her clothes. " You are a cute slave too, if you expose a little maybe someone will ask for some time with you" The winged slave waited for the choice to where they should go, meanwhile the many persons moving from the street werent paying attention to the trio and mostly were women

TA: "Fair enough, Sylva.," sighs Taeyani, "How much money do you think we'll need?"

GM: "... we shouldnt need to much, if Mistress let her lover mate with girls all night we will have what we need and more, but i never get to know how much you earn per time" Sylva answer as she was getting soft pain in her bird head

TA: Taeyani nods and pets Sylva's head, rewarding her. "Well... Wanna sleep around and possibly knock random girls up for your "mistress" Telara?," smirks Taeyani

GM: "Hmm, if nothing else, I could offer my services at one of their shops or something. Surely a cute elf is rare in these parts. Mistress," Telara said, muttering the last part to Taeyani as she winked, giving her the hint that she could get away with basically selling Telara's services to one of the shops around town or something for the day.

TA: "I imagine shops can afford their own slaves is all.," hums Taeyani, "We could try I guess. Sure you don't want to rock a bunch of girls worlds instead?"

TE: "Well, that would probably be better, hmhm. I'm sure I could manage it if we can find any that want it," Telara replied with a giggle, much prefering that idea over her own.

TA: "Okay, guess we'll go find a spot to sell you two's... Services then.," nods Taeyani, "Show the way, Sylva."

TE: "Shouldn't be that hard to find a place to offer our services. One of the brothel type places that put on sex shows might work, and the audience might tip us or something," Telara said with a shrug.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

(3:59:54 PM) plmnko: The winged girl wait and heard what the others two decide, mostly loving her reward and closing her eyes giving soft cooes until all was clear for their action plan. "Uhm, farmers and fishers are maybe the easy ones but they dont give too much shinning things... then there are the slums where we can get a lot of clients but is dangerous and then the center and around them where is needed some certifica...something to work there, we could start in that shop a street ahead" Sylva answer giving to her mistress some options, they of course could go back to the port too or ask in the street but Sylva maybe feels than that could bring problems so she dont said these options
(4:18:33 PM) mind_flayer: Seeing no better alternative at the moment, Telara shrugged and headed for the shop in question, as she didn't really want to go too deep into the slums at the moment. She did look to Taeyani to see her thoughts on the matter though.
(4:19:49 PM) zilrax: "We need a certificate for you guys to work in the shops huh? Well, where can we get one of those?"
(4:20:28 PM) mind_flayer: "Probably some legal house of some sort," Telara said, figuring that was mostly right.
(4:32:55 PM) plmnko: "Mostly we need one for the center of the city around the Arena, its maybe because they want to have control of mating stuff to protect the battles of be affected or just for get shinny stuff... im not sure, but we should be able to get one soon after work an hour" Sylva answer, the many shops were still opened and the people was returning to theirs houses as the daylight would soon to end. "I know a place, but is not the best and Sylva cant work there, because they hate sex with beasts slaves, but your other slave could be welcome." Said this the winged girl wanted to guide them to a street between the area where they are and the slums without really be a terrible work area, there were some hotels and girls meeting others girls for a hot night for them to enjoy, Sylva of course skip some of these girls as she point to a brothel than looks to be needing workers. Of course they could ask for the shop or any common work far away of the prostitution
(4:34:11 PM) zilrax: "Well Telara liks the idea of fucking some girls silly so works for me.," smirks Taeyani, "We'll find something for you while she works, Sylva, don't worry."
(4:46:03 PM) plmnko: "I could serve you in any way than you wish, Mistress" Sylva answer ina slighty lustful tone as she guide them to the slighty hidden work area, there after knock at the door a blonde woman open them in a small outfit "welcome to our humble bussiness, beauties. what can i do to serve you?" She ask as soft music dont made the enough to hide the moans of many women in others rooms. She let the three get inside and sit in the entrance room, showing some hospitality serving some water as she let them say theirs bussiness there. "We are a little short of personal, still we will try our best to sattle all the needs on both of you" She add as Sylva stay distant of the two glass of water.
(4:48:21 PM) zilrax: "Actually I understand you need workers. I heard you prefer human clientele, but Telara here is nearly indistinguishable. And she has... Quite a way with the ladies. Perhaps she can work here for a day hm?," smiles Taeyani, pulling her two slaves against her a bit.
(4:51:53 PM) mind_flayer: "Might as well head there then Sylva, lead on," Telara said, letting Sylva lead the way, and Taeyani to take the lead as their "mistress" of sorts while they were here.

"I can handle any girls they throw at me," Telara said confidently, as Sylva knocked on the door of the place where a blonde welcomed them inside. "I don't mind working here miss, and I'm very lovable and kind with my lovers. I'm an elf, a dark elf to be exact," Telara then said to the blonde girl, bowing politely and wondering what her reaction might be when she saw Telara's pointed elven ears as she pulled her hood down enough for the girl to see.
(4:59:32 PM) plmnko: The woman ponder touching her chin as the futa human introduce her two slaves, dont paying too much time in Sylva yet she get close the Dark elf, touching softly the elven's head to look her softness, eye color between others things but between all her strange ears. "So you want work for your slaves. I may need to test this... dark elf, but this place is not suited for your chick girl, i doubt than any is interested in use their gold when they could get many of them almost free in the farms"

Said this she get some steeps away "Take your clothes out, slave and then follow me to a room" She said to Telara before turn to see if that was right with their mistress
(5:01:14 PM) zilrax: "Oh I know, hence why I jsut offered Telara here.," smiles Taeyani, "I'll be taking Sylva off for work elsewhere. Go on Telara, go with her and work hard now. Though do take good care of her, I'll be... quite cross if she's not treated well. She's quite the fine specimen after all."
(5:04:32 PM) mind_flayer: "May I come in first at least? I would feel a little more comfortable not being in plain sight of the street and any prying eyes that aren't paying to view my... exquisite body," Telara replied to the woman, nodding to Taeyani and winking at Taeyani where the other human girl wouldn't see her doing so.

If allowed to do so, Telara would step inside and undress, blushing slightly as she did to give a bit of a show, and setting her waraxe down on top of her clothes. Once naked, Telara slowly spun around to give the human girl a good look at her body, where she would await her to tell her where to go now.
(5:16:11 PM) plmnko: Once all inside the entrance room Telara undress herself, the inspection on her body was fast as there was not doubt of her good quality " I understand, her exotic color and ears could bring the attention of many of ours clients. We will take care of her and in the morning you could get most of the earned by her, i know how much is important to get all the money needed before the games in the center" Said this Telara's objects were taking by another human in a small underwear than store them in a room behind them. "Is hard to find jobs of our kind for beast girls these days, we have a lot and most of them are used in the Arena to increase the lust of the monsters, if she is not impregnated maybe you could ask to the farmers and they could get her a job"


After that and some more talk between Taeyani and the woman in charge for now, the elf was taken to a small room, as she is taken there she could see some stairs and many roombs without any door and just some exotic curtains in the first floor, meanwhile the second and third had doors of better quality as they go up the stairs. Unfortunately she would need to prove herself on one of the first kind of rooms, there were some windows to the street and some lights let the possibility than she could be noticed from any passerby. "Before we start to mate, why dont you try some seduction or introductions as if i were a client, dont hold yourself and be natural" Said this Telara was free to act for the blonde woman
(5:18:11 PM) zilrax: "Sure, I'll be by then.," smiles Taeyani, waving to her slave, before nodding to Sylva and slipping out for now. "Well, that went well... Course without money we can't stay at an inn or anything, hm..."
(5:24:50 PM) plmnko: With Taeyani leaving her ally alone in the local, she and Sylva were now without money yet. "Yes.... things had getting worse for my kind, Mistress. When i was here the other time at least i could be used in the streets or slums. At least you can still rent me in the farm, im already used to take huge cocks, but the Arena monsters are beyond my league, many had gone broken for the extreme pleasure, but they pay good for us for that risk"
(5:42:48 PM) mind_flayer: "Get me another job for tomorrow? Or for our cute little Sylva here?" Telara asked curiously as her things were taken and put up for safe keeping during her stay there.

Once the talk was taken care of, Telara followed the woman to a small room, glancing raound at the stairs and other rooms about the place. When told to basically practice on the human girl, Telara nodded and smiled at the human girl. Walking as gracefully as her elven heritage allowed, which was quite a bit more so than a human could manage, Telara walked with a very sexy gait to her step, and swung her hips just a bit to make her look desirable, yet not too slutty.

"Hello miss, you look lonely. Do you desire companionship? I'm... quite loving and caring. I would love to show you a wonderful time," Telara said to the girl, leaning in close and barely whispering her last sentence.
(5:44:23 PM) zilrax: "We'll see.," Taeyani would say to Telara with a wink. Once out with sylva, she hummed a bit, "Yeah, but I don't want to be here alone without my guide with nothing to do either, Sylva."
(5:59:34 PM) plmnko: Given the choice to decide her clothes to show in her test, the girl in charge borrow to the elf some beautiful and over all sexy outfit than Telara herself decided. Her grace and body shine soon as the low lights of the room and from outside iluminate her tanned body, every instant she could feel the sight of the human on her well formed body. The human of course remain calm yet she give a good nod of acceptation as her fingers started to test Telara'skin before whisper back "Not bad at all, now lets skip how you will take them to the bed and lets go direct to how is your performance preparing ours guests. As she end, her hands continued rising the needs of the elf, as this was in the moment slowly going to their in not so long time love nest.

"Never could had think on that Mistress, im sorry...Hmm...ahm, maybe find some mates for Mistress or dunno a normal job, Mistress know to use magic, so maybe she could ask her services in the fields with the bee girls or gettting food for the people, if i only had noticed that i could has think in ask the fishers"
(6:16:59 PM) mind_flayer: "Very well mistress. And thank you, I will do my best to entertain your guests afterwards," Telara replied, bowing deeply and smiling as she turned to follow the woman out.

Once in the bedroom, Telara would gently take the woman's hand and lead her over to the bed, kissing her on the neck before she gently pushed her down onto the bed to sit, and then lay back. When she got her down, Telara kissed her on the lips and slipped her tongue into her mouth, gently wrestling and submitting to her current "mistress" before sliding the woman's clothes off and then her own.
(6:27:26 PM) zilrax: "Mmm, maybe.," muses Taeyani, "though I'd like to keep my magic a secret to be honest. Don't want to be noticed. Hm... but maybe there's a spot out in the fields I can show my... Appreciation for you, Sylva."
(6:54:14 PM) plmnko: (sorry, something needed my attention :/)
(6:54:33 PM) mind_flayer: (No worries dude.)
(7:12:45 PM) plmnko: With the blonde woman doing her best to act as a client, Telara needed to focus on pleasure her lover against soft distractions between groples slighty rughts until her own body getting in need by a gently touch. Still, the woman was not hard on her and they shared touch as also the deep tongue dance inside theirs mouths. "good, just remember than the step of undress yourself and your client must be erotic too, dont expose all yourself and let the client have some fun, sometimes the client loves to tear ours female's clothes what is fine as they will pay them later. Now continue, a client could now take you but lets say than im an inocent girl, make me yours" The blonde woman then blush and closed her arms what usually a scared girl would do if somehow Telara would cause if she go faster


Meanwhile in the street outside the brothel, Taeyani and Sylva stay pondering what to do, the bird girl was sad indeed for not have any other way for her mistress could get money from her withut rent her... but then she heard some magic words from the futa human than bring some bright to her face. "Oh... oh yes, please, please Mistress. Then i could get some eggs for you to decide what to do with them, of course that normaly take time to happen" Sylva said jumping to get stand after sit by her great effort to think in a plan, she was ready now pulling softly her mistress to maybe a safe place where they could mate
(7:31:27 PM) mind_flayer: "I know mistress, and I apologize if I did it in the wrong order and in the wrong way. I admit, I've never really done this before in such a way. But I am passionate about my love making," Telara replied to the woman, doing the undressing a bit more erotically and sensually than before, and letting the woman tease and toy with her body a bit, her shaft growing hard very quickly.

"It's alright dove, you needn't worry about anything in my arms right now. I'm going to make you feel so good that you forget all your troubles, hmhm," Telara said, giggling softly and smiling, kissing her client on the lips softly, and then the neck, as she gently caressed her client's breasts and hips.
(7:32:33 PM) zilrax: Taeyani chuckles and let's Sylva pull her along. "Well, that is an idea. I could speed up your pregnancy probably..."
(7:57:59 PM) plmnko: "I understand and you are right, you are a precious gem and your race is very rare for me to had heard of another in other workplace" The blonde woman answer as she check how Telara could do her act better "P-please not there...ahh, its my first time" The woman said acting correctly as a virgin girl, her body reacting between need and repel of the touch, but also as she was acting as an inexperienced Telara could have the up hand if she take her time and prepare the lady for the main event. There were soft mistakes in the start than made the woman need some space, but never remove Telara from over her. "Please be kind if you want to touch that dirty...place" Said this Telara have the opening yet could always do it better than the expected when finally her client accept her touch in that area.


Sylva continue pulling her mistress trhough the streets as she she jump to see the windows of the houses, her focus of course was always in Taeyani. Giving a happy nod when this talked of make her get eggs faster. "Hmhm, oh with magic right? Ussually slavers use monster cum in high dosis to make me get many eggs" Said thsi they continued looking until Sylva point over an abandoned house, maybe wishing to do it in the roof where nobody would bothers them.
(8:03:16 PM) mind_flayer: "Shh shh, it's okay sweetie, I won't hurt you. I only want to make you feel good. I promise, you won't regret it. Will you please let your servant please you?" Telara said, continuing with the act, and kissing her client on the lips gently, letting her tongue wrestle with the girl's again and submitting to hers.

"I promise to be kind love. Just relax in my arms okay, and you'll feel like you're on a cloud floating above the city," Telara whispered to her client, kissing her neck again as she gently reached down and brushed her fingertips across the woman's folds, teasing her ever so slightly for a minute or two before she went down and began licking the woman's pussy, kissing it every now and then, and always making certain that her tongue was in motion when her lips weren't kissing.

Only after the woman's pussy was incredibly soaked, and she had her permission, did Telara maneuver back around, where she gently prepared herself. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle, I swear it. Just hold onto be okay, and it'll pass quickly," Telara whispered to her client, holding her close and gently thrusting inside, not stopping until she was balls deep inside of her client's pussy, and her balls were resting against the girl's body.
(8:05:17 PM) zilrax: "Think it;s safe there? Alright.," smiles Taeyani, heading in with Sylva, groping her rump a bit as they moved.
(8:27:49 PM) plmnko: The act continue, some small teardrops were forming at her client eyes, but also softly whimpers of arousal "Yes, please... make me feel good, your touch make feel strange but i like it..." The woman said yet passing from there Telara was experienced after had taken most of all the girls than she has meet, maybe she move still so quick when she take her for first time, but then the human just hug her and make Telara softly get placed on the bed. "Lets continue with something else, we will check how long you can last before get to your peak and if you can remove me before cum inside me, this is really important, but even when an accident happens we have some medicaments... Its not so important to remember, sometimes yours clients will wish for it so you can do it when they ask for it, now lets see who cums first" The woman then started to ride the dark elven, looking what the slave will do to sattle her needs, it was a fortune than she was just thrusting herself as she wait for Telara's move.


"Yes, no one is close... of course i cant see so well at the dark rooms, but i had made it many times before, we will be fine." Sylva told before soflt touch with her feathers the hand at her good back. "I will need for Mistress to hold me as hard as possible as i will fly to take you up there" Said this the harpy wait for Taeyani to prepare and then the bird girl fap her wings and push herself to a good effort until the feets of both were in the air for a good time until get to the roof safe and sane. As always, Sylva was naked in only her bondage accesories, pressenting her hole to her mistress in the floor with her hands wings pulling softly her lower lips "is this position fine for you mistress?"

(8:38:24 PM) zilrax: Taeyani holds on, squeaking a bit as she get's up, before chuckling as they land, and Sylva swiftly presents herself, her geting hard as she slips out of her clothes, showing off for her slave, even if she wasn't very endowed. "Heh... Such a sexy lady, Sylva..."

(8:49:09 PM) plmnko: "Im all yours Mistress, please fill your sexy chick slave with many eggs" Sylva sait wet for her mistress and her eyes in awe by the human's cock, no matter how was, for Sylva certainly was the best cock ever, just the need and in part the effort to fly made her body sweat a little what made her body be a great arousal for Taeyani. "rubbish me hard Mistress, my pussy cant resist any longer without your beautiful cock" The harpy add, as some of her feathers caress her own thighs and in heat neithers

(1:00:30 PM) zilrax: Taeyani blinks then chuckles and crawls over Sylva, favoring kisses up her tummy and over her breasts, before moving up and making out with Sylva, before guiding her cock inside the hen harpy, curious to see how she felt compared to the bee girl. That she was going to breed a girl full of eggs seemed normal around here.

(1:36:57 PM) mind_flayer: "Shh shh, it's alright honey. No more tears okay," Telara cooed to the girl, kissing her on the cheek.

After that, she hugged her lover before the girl spoke. Telara nodded and smiled down at her, before she began thrusting away passionately. "Of course. I shall hold myself back for as long as I can for you dear," Telara promised the girl.

Telara did her best to hold herself back for as long as possible while making sure that her lover had as much pleasure as possible.
(3:39:50 PM) plmnko: Sylva's body slim as any bird girl was trained to pleasure her owner, the only idea warm her insides as she cooes by the soft touch and kisses provided by Taeyani. "Oh Mistress... I love your touch is so kind and full of love~" Sylva said between her many begs for her Mistress cock. Soon was when her inner walls were used to pleasure the meat piece between Taeyani's legs, these werent so tight as Helle but Sylva started to move correctly bouncing to love and bring pleasure with her slave instincts. "Oww ahhh.... i can feel my body starting to create eggs for you Mistress... please use your magic to get a lot ready for your seed"


The words from the elve cause a smirk in the brothel worker, as she chuckle and start her ride over the elf. "I hope it too, as i could end until dry all from you, slave~" The woman then move and press her walls at Telara's dick, her hands taking some moments to caress directly at Telara's hidden erogenous places what melt softly the endurance of the poor dark elf. But Telara tried all what she could to stimulate her mate too, making her moan for a while until the Dark elf couldnt hold any longer and cum dee inside her user, the woman in charge dont stop there and used her whole tunnel to prolong the orgasm on the elf taking a lot of her seed and endurance.
(3:42:29 PM) zilrax: "HEh as you wish Sylva.," smiles Taeyani as she used her magic to ensure Sylva was at peak fertility, going to ensure she has many little hybrid harpies with her. She moaned in pleasure, even if Sylva was more well travelled, she compensated with experience, Taeyani thrusting eagerly into her, pleased by Sylva's eager devotion. "Ah, I'll make sure you're a fine round lady, mm... You'll have a whole flock soon enough!"
(4:19:43 PM) mind_flayer: "I... I know that mistress. I would prefer it if you didn't though," Telara whispered to the brothel owner lady as she began knocking away like crazy.

When she finally came, not too very long after, Telara couldn't pull out in time and exploded inside of the brothel owner, whose pussy was milking her for all her worth. "F-Fuck!" Telara moaned aloud, letting out all she had inside of her balls and filling the woman's pussy as full as she could.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

(4:39:18 PM) plmnko: "Yes, yes i wish it Mistress... I will lay a lot of cute eggs for you to use and then you can use me as your daily egg layer" Sylva said in a strong arousal, using her wings to cover her mouth or pleasure her mistress, the fertile hole made the human get as deep as she could with her average cock, the bird walls pressing as much as possible massaging the member as this prepare to cum inside her devoted slave.


Telara was taken every minute more rough by her user who goes as much as possible until finally her orgasm reach after many of the dark elf, the insides of the brothel worker were fully filled with the fertile seed from the slave and some of it slowly escape as she get up from Telara who fortunately she was still hard. "Uhm no bad, with some practice you will get what it needs to pleasure any being, i will place a high price for you so rest and take a bath as certainly you will have a client... maybe a whole line before the night end, hmhm" With that the woman was ready to leave, Telara have a closet full of sluty skimpy underwear at her disposition, also a small place to bath and she could ask for food and water than would be paid by her work there yet the cost was really small to care.
(5:18:15 PM) zilrax: Taeyani moans, shivering, "Not sure what I'd use them for but... Oh, geez here it...," gasps Taeyani, before sinking deep as she can get befor orgasming, working to breed Sylva beneath her as throughly as she could, mashing their breasts toghether happily as she held Sylva closely.
(5:31:01 PM) mind_flayer: Telara moaned and squealed softly as the brothel owner, and her current mistress, worked her more and more, squeezing out more cum with every milking motion of her folds. When she was finally allowed to pull out, Telara cooed softly and looked down at her still hard and twitching cock, soake in the brothel owner's fluids as she stared down at her client. "Y-Yes mistress... and I apologize for cumming inside. But... y-you did squeeze me so hard, I couldn't pull out in time," Telara said, hanging her head slightly at not pulling out in time, but accepting the bath and the slutty skimpy clothes that were given for her to choose from, and taking the sexiest dark red lingerie she could find to go under the sexiest and most revealing dark red outfit.
(5:58:12 PM) plmnko: As the fully trained slave than she is, Sylva notice when her Mistress was close to cum inside her, just the idea make her mind get of complete need and satisfaction, her body react eagerly in receive the seed and even her cervix open softly for allow most of the cum get inside her and then completely close once Taeyani was out of her peak than she share with her sluty servant. Sylva's insides continued pampering her Mistress cock as she hug her with her wings closer moving her face and closing her eyes as she blush waiting for her mistress to kiss her and love her as much as she wish. Taeyani small breasts could sense the arouse of her lover and her heart move in full enjoyment as they stay closer for all the time than Taeyani have to recover herself. "Thanks for this precious gift Mistress, i will never forget how your cock almost make me faint, should i serve your perfect cock some more, Mistress? Sylva ask as she prepare to use her holes or chicken ample breast to pleasure her Mistress all the night if needed.


"There was nothing than you could had tried to avoid cumming inside, my wild stallion. But, as an apologize i want you to try as much as possible to dont cum inside ours clients unless they order you" The blonde woman told to Telara before return to the entrance hall to welcome theirs clients. The season was slighty warm so it dont matter than the water was not warm and the food was acceptable for Telara to take it only when she need it. Her clothes for other side were really good and it was evident than some of the money was placed on get the best sluty clothes possible or similars. It take some minutes, but soon a client come, it was a strong woman of brown hair and for what between her legs a futa very gifted indeed. She softly opened the door and in the instant Telara could see the wild needs of this woman to take her. "Hmhm, the words of the owner to describe youget very short, maybe you could make me a daily client, beauty" The woman said as she gets close the dark elf, still in her lust she gives the dark elf time to burn her arousal even more with any kind spech than Telara can use.
(6:04:13 PM) zilrax: Taeyani giggles as she cuddles Sylva and pets her. "Mmm, ah, well... If you like heh. I'm happy to just cudle you, Sylva. Of course, if you want, I can play with my magic some more and try to make you even more fertile, and to maybe... Improve my bits. Shame I don't know an alchemist who isn't a slaver hm..."
(6:21:33 PM) plmnko: "We have the whole night Mistress, your smile brings happiness to your loyal slave, so if the softness of my wings what you need, they will pleasure you and calm you until fall sleep. Ahm, but if you wish to use your magic more to bring even more pleasure to both then i accept to be more fertile " Sylva answer as she tried to control her arousal, an easy task as she was so cheerful to had served her Mistress with her body "If all goes right you could sell some of my eggs to learn slaver magic or alchemist if you wish it"
(7:11:34 PM) mind_flayer: "I... could have tried to pull out quickly though. Don't worry, I'll do better for my other clients," Telara replied, bowing her head politely to the brothel owner.

After she got herself bathed and dressed, Telara watched as her first client came in, and she was obviously strong from the looks of her. She looked almost like a wild woman actually. "Perhaps my lady. For now though... you may forget all of your troubles with me," Telara told the woman, moving over and gently taking her hand, and leading her to the bed.
(8:32:32 PM) zilrax: "They're my eggs too, Silly Sylva. I'm not going to jsut give our daughters away.," smirks Taeyani as she smiles, "Mmm, and I suppose more practice is always fin... Let's see what happens." She smiles and tries to boost sylva's fertility, as well as boost her own virility. And maybe grow her own cock more, being rather insecure about it.
(8:56:34 PM) plmnko: As she gets close Telara the strong woman smirk placing her strong arms around the dark elven waist for some moments before the dark elf invite her to get confortable on the bed. "The clothes than you are wearing fits you very well and i cant wait to feel the touch of your soft hands" Telara could feel the lust in this woman, her needs to rip her clothes and make Telara of her, but also this woman wanted to see what Telara have in mind. If the elf let her act she will be taken certainly as hard as never has been what could affect her body for the nexts clients.


Sylva eyes fully opened and some tears wanted to escape by the happiness of such kind words from her Mistress and her will to stay wwith all the eggs for herself. "Im sorry Mistress... im so silly and until now i understand than you only want more happy slaves as me, my childrens will by happy as im at your side" The chick girl tried to clean her face with her wings and warm her Mistress at the night as this focus to make her even more fertile and also increase the virility of her dick. Sylva cheeks blush and her sweet pheromones increased as many more things inside her, her wing get to hold her sides as she see her hips grow a little, there was not pain yet Sylva stay stunned as she feels her changes. "Its working Mistress, my belly will be huge with many eggs" As she whisper it, Taeyani tried her own magic to change her body and after focus all what she could her dick remain of the same size yet she feels like she could continue for a longer time than before.
(8:59:57 PM) zilrax: "Mmm, seems you're easier to change than myself. Ah well.," grins Taeyani, before sliding back into Sylva, groping her newly grown hips, kissing along Sylva's neck, shivering in pleasure. "Mmm, I want my slave to be happy too, Sylva. And I know you're excited to carry my young and mothering them. I bet that's exciting for you too hm? Maybe a couple will be mistresses instead themselves?"
(9:12:52 PM) mind_flayer: As the woman put her arms around her waist and scooped her up, Telara found just how strong she was, and couldn't help but giggle when she found out. "Oh I can't wait to feel you mistress. Please, let me give you a quick massage, to... set the mood," Telara told her, giggling softly and gesturing at the bed. "Unless you would rather we did something else that is mistress," she then said.

If her client decided she did wish for the massage, Telara moved around and sat on the bed, gently caressed her client's legs and arms, before she began her massage. She'd gently slid the woman's shirt up to get at her back, gently caressing and rubbing it, though she wouldn't take too long here, but would make sure that her client was well relaxed before taking the rest of her clothes off. "What would you like me to do now mistress?" Telara asked her client softly, kissing her on the nape of the neck.

(7:21:27 PM) plmnko: In love with her Mistress's cock, just the feel to have her wet tunnel blessed with its presence cause a pleasure shock on Sylva who squirm in delight holding her wings around Taeyani with the remain small strengh at her whole being. "Yes, Mistress. Im so exited and horny...Mistres's cock ... will make me have many Mistress's childrens." Sylva answer as her heart beat in complete lust and need to fertilize the many eggs than are being created and prepared by the human's magic, the small sounds of her nipples and clit rings mix with the wet ones of her slutty hole as her trained body altered by Taeyani does all the possible to get more of her jizz. Her tongue lick the human's ear as her Mistress kiss her neck, her warm soft breath causing more need for the human as this piston faster at her slave, as the bird girl enjoy the hold on her luscious hips raising softly her feathery tail as she start to lost her vission by the high pleasure, her cute melody moans were getting louder and using the small quantity of breath on her as she fight to stay councious all what she could to sattle the needs of her Mistress.


The amazoness smirk using her strong hand to grope the dark elven's rear. "I was thinking in take you hard in your four, but after a long working day i may enjoy get your relaxing massage~" Said this the woman spank her softly and then move to get over the bed. She let the elf work and undress her to let her see her worked and in fit body, her back and limbs, soon she give a pleased sigh yet when Telara ask about what she wanted now she smile again placing her gaze on the elf still resting her front on the bed. " Your massage havent ended yet, why dont you use such perfect whole body and tanned milk orbs to rub my back and front?" The woman ask as she wait for a full massage from the dark elf and as she slip down her underwear Telara could see the client's giant dick already half hard waiting for her to end to massage the human.