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Mina (Archer)


Nov 12, 2008
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Not many people knew of this place. Fewer still actively searched for it. Mina was no exception. She awoke curled in a ball on a dirty stone floor. Looking around she had no idea where she was or how she got there. She was thankful that who or what deposited her in this chamber didn't rough her up too much. A bruised dancer is as good as moldy bread.

Sitting up, she gazed around her, taking in her surroundings while attempting to recall what had happened. Vague memories at first, then a clearer picture. She had been called to one of the shadier inns near the edge of town. She always kept her guard for a job like this one, but never worried too much. She had been doing this job a long time, and usually could pick the creeps and slavers out before agreeing to the job. He seemed legit enough she figured and took the job. She entered the inn and made her way straight to the barmaid. Mina asked her where her contact was and she pointed to a back room with a grin. It wasn't two seconds after entering the darkened room when she felt a cloth over her mouth and strong arms holding her. In mere seconds it was over...

Trying not to dwell on the past, Mina decides that she must get out of this place... wherever she is. There is a grand hallway in front of her, as well as two hallways to her left and right.

Actions: Pick a hallway (Grand, Left, Right)
Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina rubbed her head as she pushed herself up, "Ngh....well I've had worse blackouts...." She gave an annoyed sigh and pushed her head aside revealing her ruby red eye, she had no idea who did this but she really didn't care about anyone's opinions in a place like this. Walking into the grand hall was never a good escape plan, instead Mina slipped into the right side hallway.

(Right hallway)
Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina traveled down a short hallway until she came across a rune covered door. Unable to translate it, she was saddened. Nonetheless, she pushed it open and entered the room. Behind her she could hear the door slam shut, followed by the unmistakable sound of a mechanical lock. Examining the room she immediately notices a black colored dragonkin. Knowing a few things about the mystical dragons, she knew that dragonkins were not nearly as powerful as their full-blooded relatives, but still a powerful and intelligent beast. "Young one, I welcome you to my sanctum, but sadly, this is where your journey ends. I cannot let you pass through that door." He says as he motions to an open door across the room. "You must stay here. I shall keep you company until the cultists come. They have been eagerly awaiting you for their tasteless ritual." The dragon sighs, "I do not like it, but we all have our roles in life."

Mina realizes the danger she's in. Clearly the cultists want to use her for some sinister objective. She can try to get the drop on the dragonkin and overpower him. Alternatively, she can try to convince him to let her by. Finally, she could just make a break for the door. It looks small enough that the dragonkin couldn't follow through.

Actions: Fight (STR Check), Reason (INT Check), Flee (STA Check)
Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina walked up to the dragonkin, "I must disagree with you on that. If the cultists didn't want me to wander around this place why would they simply leave me near the grand hall laying on the floor. Why not put me in here to begin with? Something does not feel right about this. If you let me pass you can tell them I managed to flee, they have only their own incompitence to leave me free and unbound to blame for my...."escape" from you..." Mina nudged up next to the dragon smirking as a fellow half blood hoping the dragon was eager for an opportunity to inconvience his masters.

Re: Mina (Archer)

(LUK 12+8=20 vs. 14; Luck passes; +6)
(INT 2+12+6=20 vs. 11; INT passes)

Mina put forth her best debating skills, dearly hoping that the dragonkin would agree with her reason and let her pass. The dragonkin listened attentively but before Mina had finished pleading her case, he held up his claw. "Your words amuse me, little human. You do not understand the power that you are up against however. My captors would no doubt punish me severely for allowing you to pass." He stands there watching Mina, she had already begun to think she lost. "...However, nothing fills me with more pride than to see the cultists' plans go awry. Through my Black Flight's lineage, I know pride, and I know strength. Go now young human. The pain I shall recieve will be nothing compared to the humor I will receive from the cultists' frustrations." Mina bade the dragonkin her kindness, and passed through the door.

Much like before, the door slammed shut behind her. Glancing around, she saw a door and surprisingly nothing else. She made her way towards the door when a mass of strange green... something land in front of her. It began to unfurl, and she was awestruck. They appeared to be a mass of tentacles, but the end of each were tipped with what only Mina could assume was a penis. it made it's way toward her, and she was certain of it's intentions.

Mina has three options. She can allow it to fuck her, hoping she can outlast it's onslaught, though she risks being filled with it's seed. No one knows what that might do. Secondly she can attack it outright and attempt to kill it. Finally, she sees a small clear passage toward the door, she could try to navigate through the tentacles and make another break for it.

Actions: Allow it to have it's way (CON), Fight it(STR), Flee(AGI)
Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina raised an eyebrow as the creature opened up in front of her, "Tsk...sorry you're not really my type...you're going to have to work for it..." She grinned and stretched a little preparing herself for a little workout....

Re: Mina (Archer)

(LUK 10+8=18 vs. 10; LUK passes; +8)
(AGI 1+12+8=11 vs. 24; AGI fails! LF: 33-13=20)

Mina made a lunge for the door, but her quick escape was doomed from the start. Stretching for effect gave a small tentacle the opprotunity to move toward her legs. When she made her break for the door, the tentacle was right there to wrap up her left ankle. She landed face first with a thud. Quickly trying to regain her footing, she tried to get back up, but it was no use. Before she could even get to one knee, the mass of writhing tentacles was all over her. Within moments, she could feel the entire mass of the monster on her pack, pressing her into the dirty floor.

Because of its massive weight, the monster didn't restrain Mina's legs or arms in any way. It went right to work on her. The first thing bypassed was her thin bra. The small string tied behind her was quickly undone as one tentacle ran up her back and between her shoulder blades. At the same time, several found themselves at her breasts. Wrapping around them, she felt her nipples already hardening. Her thought of her nipples were quickly subdued when the tentacle from her back found its way into her still open mouth. Almost immediately thereafter, two more found their way under her loincloth and into both her ass and pussy.

The sudden violation of all her holes, along with the massaging of her breasts quickly overcame her. The first orgasm pulsing through her betrayed her. Feeling the pressure on top of her did not help matters. With her arms and legs free, the wriggled under its mass, trying to break free. That is when she felt the three tentacles exploded inside of her, filling her with their spunk. Her hope that their assault would be over was short lived. What she only assumed were a new set of assailing members replaced the spent. Shuddering under her own pleasure, she felt a second orgasm building. This continued for what she could only guess was hours.

The monster finally spent, it rolled off of Mina. After regaining her strength, she examined herself. Covered in semen, she looked down at her clothing. Her bra was intact, though also covered in semen, as was her thin cloth loincloth and brass bands.

After deciding what to do with her bra and other clothing, she walks through the doorway. entering the next room, she notices something different. In that room there were two doorways. Suddenly she heard a voice from the shadows. "Heh heh heh. I see you have met some of our pets," a rather sinsiter voice said. "Come, we are waiting for you to preform our sacred ritual." A robed young man revealed himself. He was clearly a cultist.

Mina has several options. Her first is to overpower the guard. Secondly, she could try to seduce him and then sneak away once he is satisfied. Finally, she could attempt to run for a door.

Debuff: Seeded! -1AGI, -1STA 3 turns (results in a LF of 19)
Actions: Fight (STR) Seduce (CON) Flee(AGI)(Pick left or right door)
Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina yelped as her legs were pulled out from under her, mildly annoyed that she had been caught Mina's mind quickly shifted to the tentacles fondling her, "Ngh....crap, this beats all those times some drunk fool tried to grope me." After her second orgasm Mina simply gave up, enjoying every moment of something that would make many other girls scream in disgust and terror. When the monster finally relented Mina sighed, "Hmm...if I make it out of here I should get one of those...." She whiped off herself as best she could and continued on running into the cultist.

After hearing his words she strode forward making sure he could see her red eye, "I'm afraid your fellow cultists messed up...You see I'm half succubus, and quite fine with it, I'm certain I'm already damned so any little ritual you have that involves pure souls and all that, I can assure you sacrificing me would barely be a drop in the bucket." She got close and started circling him making sure to show off every inch of herself. "It might pay off more to just let me hang around here for awhile...." Mina wanted to escape but being stuck in a temple of lust beat being sacrificed to her any day.

(Seduce, the dice are already out to kill me, might as well play it safe.)
Re: Mina (Archer)

(LUK 8+11=19 vs. 14; LUK succeeds! +5)
(CON 12+4+5=21 vs. 34; CON fails! 34-21=13; LF: 6)

Circling the cultist, she planned her "attack." She strutted in front of the cultist, hoping that he would be an easily subdued victim. She decided her plan and moved in for the kill. She lightly wrapped her arms around the cultist's neck and moved into his veiled hood. Finding a rather ugly, pale male, she focused on the task at hand. Clearly he had lived in this dark temple most if not all of his life. She gave him a deep kiss...

While passionately kissing the cultist, allowing her tongue to play with his, her expert hands found their way down toward the cultist's waistline. There she found a sash, and quickly released the cultist's member. Already erect, it sprang upward and she smirked at it's size. Seductively traveling down his chest, she found her way to her knees, not once breaking her gaze deep into his eyes. Again smiling devilishly, she began to expertly work on his member. She felt his hands land heavily on her shoulders and he began to buck her with his arms as well as his hips. He must be enjoying this she thought. But after working for only a few moments, she felt a strange feeling. It started in her shoulders. It wasn't the pressure from his hands, it was something strange, something probably magical. Within moments, she felt very tired. She fell to the ground, her mouth still open from her task just moments before.

When she woke, she was on her stomach, her ass sticking high into the air. Her arms had been bound behind her tightly by the rear material from her loincloth as well as the strips of cloth that ran from her forearms to her wrists into one massive knot. "Ahh glad to see you are awake. You know I was going to take you to the ceremonial chambers, but after your little stunt, I'm all worked up. I'll have to fix that." With that he walked behind her. Without hesitation, he rammed his cock into Mina's tight ass. She could feel his cock driving deeper and deeper inward. She was thankful that at least the tentacle's spunk was doing some lubrication. After only a few moments, He pulled out of her ass and sprayed his manhood on the small of her back, some landing in Mina's bound yet open hands.

"Well, I'm tired. I will have to get some more hands to carry you now. Don't go anywhere my little demon-slut."
He said as he disappeared behind Mina. As soon as she was convinced he was gone, she fought against her bindings. Eventually breaking them, she was free, however, the rear cloth covering her ass was ruined, as were the strips of cloth on her arms, falling in tatters to the floor. She debated using them to clean herself off, then made for the next door. She saw two, on to her left and one to her right, but which one to choose?

Debuff: Seeded! -1AGI, -1STA 2 turns (results in a LF of 6)
Actions: Pick a door (left, right)
Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina pushed herself off the floor groaning after having the strength sucked out of her, "Ngh....you know....for a temple of lust....it hasn't be too much fun...." She staggered a moment putting a hand to her face and wandering over to the right door. "If this is my last hurrah please let it at least be something worthwhile for a finale." She sighed as she pressed up against the door creaking it open.
Re: Mina (Archer)

(Yeah, you've had a couple hard hitting rolls...)

Moving slowly through the right doorway, she found herself in a small room filled with vines. Mina could see a doorway at the far end of the room, but she would have to navigate the vines. The problem was that the vines seemed to be moving. From what she could tell, the was nothing moving the vines, other than the vines themselves. That said, plants can't move on their own, can they? There could have been something inside that she could not see. Either way, the vines were in her way and she needed to clear them.

Mina has two options to defeat the vines. First she could use brute force to plow through. Secondly, she could wait until the best possible time to dash through as the move around her.

Actions: Force (STR); Wait then dash (AGI)
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Re: Mina (Archer)

Mina sighed a bit, were plants going to be her downfall? "Damnit if I'm going out I want it to be at the hands of a gorgeous woman, not a pale wierdo and a houseplant!" (;-; ) She didn't have the strength to tear through whatever it was, she was just going to have to try and time her dash through and take her chances.

(time her run through)