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Miami, Florida, United States

Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"The situation? I'm going nuts all over again." Kevins says, slowly standing and shaking his head a couple times before regaining his composure. "The situation should be under control. I even got my memories back." he says, chuckling after he finishes his sentence, then the flash of light occurs, and a sigh escapes from his mouth. "It looks like everything's okay now. When can we come back? I need to write these things down before I forget them."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Understood, I'll send John over to pick you folks up before he brings me back to the Warehouse. I have a few things I need to quickly finish up here in London before we set out, one of them requires I speak to Dr. Helen Magnus."

True to his word, a few moments later John appeared in a swirl of red light.

"Where are the others?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin nods to Chris, then notes John "Understood. See you back at the warehouse. boy do I have a story to tell. Kevin out." he says, then flips his Farnsworth closed and looks over at John "They're downstairs, handling our flashback problems. Ever had to relive your deepest, most painful memories again, and again, and again?" he asks, raising his right hand to chest level and flexing the fingers, looking the gloved hand over "Well, that's what just happened to us. I've regained my memories, but at the cost of a tiny part of me."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The transmission cut off even as John nodded in reply.

"All too well I know that feeling I'm afraid. Every morning I relive my actions as I was a half century ago. A curse it is, yet one I must live with and make amends for past wrongs. Downstairs you say. Well, shall we head towards them then?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Agreed." Kevin says, sighing as he raises his left shoulder, then his right, making sure he was still in shape for any kind of fight that may happen "They took the elevator down. But I stayed behind to handle a personal matter." he says, walking back towards the elevator "Do your memories include being subjected to experiments, and being turned into a monster?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

John called the elevator then half shrugged.

"Experimentation I can't say I have, however turning into a monster ... Well, does becoming one of the most feared mass murderers and part vampire who went by the name Jack the Ripper count? For a very long time, that's who I was. Admittedly, there are a number of ... techniques I acquired while that part of me was in the forefront, most of which I still employ now to save both human and abnormal alike from killing each other. I can even look you in the eye and tell you truthfully I managed to stump the mind of even Sherlock Holmes, he couldn't solve those murders. You should have seen the look on his face when he found out his closest friend was the one responsible, or rather the monster that masquaraded as his friend."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"How about finding out your only reason for still being alive, instead of being disposed, was to help move Umbrella's B.O.W. selling points along? I was a soldier for ten years in the American military. Ten years. I served this country that long, and the first thing they do? They haul me off to some isolated lab, experiment on me, turn me into a freak, and dispose of me. If it weren't for the powers they gave me, I'd be dead right now." he says, hurt in his voice, the subject obviously infuriating him "But, the thing is? When they left me to die, they sealed their fate. They left alive the one man that can bring them down." he says, reaching his right hand up and clutching his hat tightly "To stop an army of freaks, you need an equally strong freak."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira looks at the man on the ground then shrugs and gets up as the sound of the elevator, wondering what was going on and checking the radio, wondering why no one had said anything yet, hoping everyone was going okay...
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Sarah rubbed her head as she entered near Akira again, still seeming a tad out of it. "If we gotta padilock or something, we could seal that room off so this shit doesn't happen again," she muttered to herself more then the room.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

John didn't quite know what to say to that, so he nodded.

"If you want help I'm sure I can ... rearrange my schedule."

The elevator opened to reveal Kevin and John, the latter of whom grinned at the group.

"Ya miss me?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"All depends," she points out. "We still needs to lock up this place before we head out, though... Got a padilock?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Thanks." Kevin says, before the elevator opens. He would turn to look at Sarah and sigh "I could just break the button that leads down here." he says sarcastically, then rubs his eyes with his right hand "At least I got something out of this. I found my memories."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Afraid not, and I think we'll have to take that up with the facility director. Shall we attend t that now before I take you back to South Dakota?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira watches the group, then looks at the man that was resting, then back at the group, and gives a small shrug while gently trying to lay the man down onto the floor without hurting him, "I don't have any other plans... I think."