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Miami, Florida, United States


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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With a sudden flicker of swirling red light, Kevin, Akira, Sarah and John appeared just outside the main entry to the Miami Psych Facility.

Said facility was ten stories high, and was white in color. It was also quite windy outside, rain beginning to fall.

"Hmm, seems like a tropical storm is coming in. If your good to go Sarah, I should return to the Warehouse. Tesla and I need to go find Ellen and bring her home."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira looks up at the building and sighs, then takes a step forward, "We'll be fine... I hope... well, shall we get going then?" Akira gestures for the others to go first.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

She nods to John. "We can do it from here. Get Claudia home safe," she said simply, before turning to the facility, putting her shades on. "Basicly, we got an artifact that's making people think they're seeing things. Dead relatives, people they haven't seen in years, stuff like that. Biggest clue is it's in here, other then that, we're probably on our own..."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin shakes his head after the teleport, then begins to walk towards the facility "I'll take point on this one. I've been in enough crazy houses to know my way around." he says, his calm voice hiding his true intent.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

John nodded to her.

"Good luck."

And then he was gone in a swirl of red light.

As they entered they were met by a young man at the front desk, who looked up.

"May I help ... oh, your the ones here to help Dr. Gregory aren't you. Good good, She's on the fourth floor, room twenty three right now, she's expecting you."

Obviously Chris had flashed their pics over to get them in faster, which probably meant he was truly worried.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

She nods simply. "Thank you!" she said as she headed for the nearest set of stairs.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira looks at Sarah heading for the stairs, then shrugs and walks over to the elevator and presses the call button, "It's probably faster this way..."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The girl stopped for a second. "Oops, sorry!" she said hastily before walking to the elevator, looking a tad sheepish.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin simply sighs as he looks at the receptionist, then at the elevator, walking towards it and looking around. It had been almost a year since his last visit to the nut house, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that there was something bad about to happen.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

There was a sudden roll of thunder, and a flash of lightning outside, and the power briefly went out in the hospital.

Slowly, it came back on, but not before there was another flash of lightning, and then something strange happened to each of the three in the group.

((This is where I tell you all, either someone who has died that your character has regret of not being able to help visits, or, failing that, some form of painful memory hits them.))
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin suddenly sees a man standing over him, with all manner of medical devices and the such attached to a machine above him. He can hear screams of agony, and screams of fear, but cannot identify where they are coming from. They are, in fact, coming from him. In the real world, he is clutching his head with both hands, groaning in pain from the memories.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Sarah gave a gasp, muscle memory causing her to hit the floor. Shaking, Sarah felt the memory more then saw it- the feeling of teeth gripping at her limbs, a hot-white knife stabbed through her, struggling in her bonds as the unearthly torture. Closing her eyes, tears flooded her eyes as she felt the final two gunshots...

And then the memory was over, causing her to blink and realize she was collapsed on the floor, shaking her head woozily.

"I... I think we just saw our artifact..." she says, feeling sick.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin suddenly grips at his trenchcoat near his heart, grasping it as hard as possible, feeling a massive needle enter his chest and penetrate his heart "You bastards! Leave me alone! I've served my time! You have no right to do this!" he yells, taking a deep breath before each sentence
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira lets out a scream, the memory to surface was the complete and utter failure to help fix a system... despite it's loud and metallic voice screaming for salvation from it's problems,

Akira breathes heavily and looks over at Sarah, "L...let's get going... okay?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The flash suddenly ended, leaving everyone in the area wondering what had happened, even as another blast of lightning arched across the sky outside.

And that's when the scream was heard, a woman yelling something about how her husbands death hadn't been her fault. This occurred just before she slipped over the railing of the third floor, and plummeted to the floor directly in front of the main desk.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Sarah gasped at seeing the person fall, her eyes widening at the sight. "Oh my god..." she said quietly, seeing the body lying on the floor. It was always new, seeing the form of death, but to Sarah, it was always morbid... sad...

"Yeah... and it seems we were too late again..."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin suddenly stops groaning when the flash was over, noticing his hands clenching his trenchcoat "My god.........That's what happened?" he mutters in a low voice to himself, noticing the woman fall and sighing "Let's hurry up and find the cause of this thing. Before we're driven insane as well."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The elevator opened again, this time a patient being moved by a doctor exiting it. She stopped when she saw Kevin, and her eyes lit up.

"Kevin, is that really you? Tell me your here to stop whatever is killing people here, please?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Yes.....I'm here to stop it." Kevin says, looking at the woman and sighing "I'll find out the cause of this. And, hopefully, no one else will die." he says, reaching his right hand up to his hat and grasping it, then nodding.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

She smiled, content with this.

"You should stop by to see Dr. Abrahms later, she'd be glad to see you."

Then she was gone, leaving the others to do as they would, the elevator ready for them.