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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As Jonathan tries the door a slight snapping noise can be heard before the door opens outward effortlessly. Obviously the lock wasn't as well made as the door.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Huh. Should have seen this coming..." Jonathan muttered to himself before fully opening the door, gesturing at others to come inside. "Alright. Good news is, we can enter the castle through here and no one will probably expect that. Bad news is..." He pointed at the cracked wall. "We sorta need to make our own entrance. Anybody got an idea how to do that?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well, one of us could smash it down," Emily says as she steps forward slightly while cracking her knuckles. May make a racket though."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"It might. Unless..." Al turns to Grace. "You could put up a barrier that blocks or dampens sound? Failing that..." He now turns to Ian. "If someone else can weaken or knock through the wall, could you try and pull the rubble out quietly, or hold it up so it doesn't all crash to the floor?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hence my wish for a rogue, though I suppose we have that in Jon, somewhat," Sho remarks. "I've played here or there, but never seriously. Mostly read the books is all." Not exactly the time or place to get into a conversation about this, but if Harrel was curious, and they made it back in one piece, there'd be plenty of time to talk about it.

"Should be able ta manage," Ian remarks, moving forward to study the decomposition of the wall. "Can eithah start pullin' bits of it down m'self, or like Al here said, if someone wants ta pull 'em loose, Ah should be able ta catch 'em before they hit the ground. Multiple tahgets are a bit tricky though, so the fewer that fall at a time, the bettah."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Funny you should say that Al. I can do just that." Grace says stepping forward into the room. "Just gimmie a second to set this up and we can get smashing." Leaning down to peer through the crack for a moment, before standing again to cast. The same silent mouthing of unknown words, and smooth arm movements as she channelled energies only Emily and Al would be able to detect. The precise weave of magic feeling relatively subtle compared to the powers they normally wielded. Everyone else in the room would notice a brief loss of hearing, comparable to listening to things whilst underwater. The feeling passes quickly, and sound within the room returns to normal, with the exception of the utter silence of everything outside. Not even the wind. "Alright, there we go. It's not one hundred percent sound proof, but good enough for some proper rough DIY work."

"Excellent." Ellisia says stepping up to inspect the cracks herself now. "So Emily. On three?"

Stepping away from the rear wall to allow the others room to work, Grace leans against the door frame and rests a while. Shaking her head and blinking a moment. "I wish I had a few more material components for this stuff. Channelling all this is dizzy work."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Alright, stand back," Emily says as the barrier goes up, balling her hand up into a fist the young girl pulls her hand back while leaning back slightly, fire enveloping her hand. "Falcon..." After a brief couple seconds pause Emily throws herself forward fist first towards the wall. "...PAUNCH!" Hot air and dust fills the tiny room as much of the wall splits and falls down, leaving a rough opening just big enough for each of them to pass through one at a time. As the dust settles Emily steps back just in case anyone else wants to widen the hole, cradling her right hand in her left though attempting to hide her smarting knuckles.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"I'm not a very good rouge, I'm afraid. Didn't take any points in skills besides sneaking." Jonathan replied to Sho's joke. He was more or less familiar with gamer humor. He moved away from the wall, letting the heavy hitters deal with that problem. He shuddered as he felt Grace's barrier form, but the unpleasant fealing passed quickly. He leaned against one wall of the shed, watching Emily and Ellisia prepare themselves to create a hole, but the mage's remark prompted him to turns his attention towards her. He remembered that Grace was the one who helped him when he got hurt, and figured he ought to return the favor if it was within his abilities. "You ok? It looks like that last barrier took a bit out of you..."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm alright. I just don't tend to do this many serious barrier spells in quick succession often. There's plenty of mana floating around this old place though, I won't be running out or anything. I'm still raring to go." Grace answers Jon, although skirting the true nature of the issue a little. A lack of mana wasn't so much the issue, but rather the gradual burn that using it had been building up. Still, the young mage was confident she could handle it. Wasn't really an alternative regardless.

Emily's shout and the crash of the wall soon gets Grace's attention immediately after. Chuckling a bit at Emily's demolishing punch, leaning her head round a bit to try and get a view of those fearsome little knuckles. "Wow. And that doesn't hurt?"

Ellisia also notes her room mates slight slump after casting, but has known her long enough to have a vague idea of what was going on. She'd simply have to trust Grace not to over do it. Stepping back to the new hole, she kicks a bit of extra space in at the sides and pushes a few loose bricks down before peering in and climbing through. "All right, lets move on then. You can drop the barrier now Grace."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"You're still getting the job done when it counts," is Sho's reply to Jon, with a faint smile. She shakes her head a little as Grace's barrier goes up, making a bit of a face, but settling into it, stepping back as the two other girls see about bringing down the wall. She happily notes that most of the rest of the structure stays intact, at least around them. Cave-ins, or even the potential of one, were something she'd prefer to avoid.

"Yer doin' a good job of it," Ian quietly tells Grace. "Need a little pick me up?" He shrugs the shoulder that's currently holding their bag of supplies. He'll hand over the bag if she does, otherwise, he'll see about clearing away some of the loose stones from their path, so no one slips, and perhaps widening it a little so there's no need to squeeze or crawl through the spot overmuch.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well, if you're ok, it's alright." Jonathan replied to Grace. He seemed to believe her story and figured that if she just needed a moment to recharge, everything was fine. His attention was quickly diverted back to the wall - or rather, the hole that Emily made with her attack. "Okay... You sure this was such a good idea?" He asked the flame user, noticing the way she was rubbing her sore fist. With a sigh, he began to move through the gap once Ellisia got through it. "Actually, we could probably make a bigger hole. You know, just in case we need to leave quickly. Squeezing through this might take time."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Most of the pain is blocked from the strength enhancements so it doesn't hurt that much. It's more of a dull pain," Emily lies to Grace, having lost one member already she doesn't need people thinking she won't be useful in the coming battles. With a bit of rest she'll be able to use it in no time. "'Sides, I've always wanted to try that out."

Once the hole had been made bigger, the rubble cleared away and everyone in the adjacent area they'd notice that it is a corridor lined with several doors, the corridor turning to the right a fair bit up. The corridor itself is rather dusty, cobwebs covering the corners of the wall and across the ceiling and the only sign of any life having been down here recently comes from the handful of brackets that have recently fueled lanterns burning on them and the single trail of foot prints in the dust on the floor.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Looks like a bit of a clue," comes from Ian as he's working on the rubble. "Trail for us ta follow, maybe. Doesn't look like this place has seen much use outside of them otherwise. Maybe we'll luck out and Isi'll be behind door numbah one, aye?"."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Doubt it." Jonathan eyed the trail, suspicious. "I imagine the big bad considers her a valuable asset. And if I was him, I'd keep my valuable assets close to me, or in the most secure location." The darkling looked at the doors speculatively. "Alternatively, assets can be hidden in plain sight, but under these circumstances this option is not viable. You can't hide a human among demons." He sighed, looking at the footprints again. "I don't think we'd find her here. But if that's the case, then would her captor keep her close to him, or inside a special dungeon? I imagine that depends on what he needs her for and how he plans on achieving his goal, but I suppose you people might have a better idea than I do. She has some kind of ability like all of us, right?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Nah I'm fine thanks." Grace answers in response to Ians offer, moving to follow through the hole and dispelling the barrier as she goes.

"Ok, hushed voices again now people. We've got some tracks, but once more I'm deferring to you here Harrel. Which way?"

The young man stops to focus again for a moment, looking a bit like someone trying to listen to a faint sound, before motioning forwards in a direction. Saying nothing and letting the Swordswoman take point once more.

((eg, I dunno, make Oni choose. : P )
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Harrel would detect no signs of life behind the locked doors along the side of the corridor and anyone who would check would find the locks to the doors are very much intact. Clearly no one has been in those rooms for quite some time.

Taking the only path left to them the group would find themselves travelling through a winding corridor and if Harrel were to focus on the numbers of enemies he'd discover the castle is literally crawling with all manner of demonic presences, the majority above them and further into the castle though he'd also sense a large force under the castle as well. However their lifeforce, as weak as it is, would be almost undetectable amongst the monsters inhabiting the castle now. Whatever it or they are seem to not be the biggest unknown threat so far.

The winding corridor would eventually lead the group to a single wooden door, the footprints they were following pass through the door. Opening the door would reveal to them a grand reception area, suits of armour and other fanciful decorations adorning every inch of the room. Other doors lead off to separate sections of the castle though each of them seem to stay on the ground floor. However there are a few flights of stairs leading to the next floor. Fortunatley no enemies seem to be in the reception area.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Anyone want to take bets on whether or not those suits come to life the minute we step into the room?" Sho quips quietly after peering into the room ahead. "Where to next? Up? Is that where we figured she might be, or are we searching around?"