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Lost Faith (Maiko)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Viola's life had never been an easy one. Those in the village that knew her didn't know if she told the truth of her memory loss; and she was quite aware of the Elder's rather silent distrust of her, as a hunting partner was always assigned to her when they left the village - willing or not. Those that attempted to be friendly with the woman would receive warmth and kindness back in turn, but it would come to a quick end as soon as they started prying into her past. Sometimes, even if they wanted to help her with whatever caused her such pain, they'd be driven away permanently by the hurt huntress.

Viola knew, in the deepest part of her heart, she was one of these 'Descendants', as the Elder called them. There couldn't be any other way for her to be as fast or as strong as she was without being a child of a God. It didn't matter to her though; the Gods hadn't bothered her, and she had no plans to bother them.

It seemed like a normal day for Viola; it had been for the past few years since she lived with the village. Despite the bright sun, and the rumors of a large fight between the Goblins and Kobolds, she knew she had to hunt. Making her way to the lead hunter's hut, she stopped with the small, three-person group of Hunters, glancing at the men and women that stood around, waiting for their assignments.


Strength: 10
Stamina: 5
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Will: 5

BP: 10
FP: 10
PP: 8
MP: 20

Sharp Stone Sword

Strength: 5
Stamina: 10
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Will: 5

BP: 13
FP: 20
PP: 10
MP: 20

Dull Stone Sword
Wooden Shield

Strength: 5
Stamina: 5
Dexterity: 10
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Will: 5

BP: 8
FP: 10
PP: 8
MP: 20

Reinforced Short Bow
Stone-Tipped Arrows


Strength: 5
Stamina: 5
Dexterity: 5
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 5

BP: 8
FP: 10
PP: 8
MP: 20

The group of men and women around Viola were the best of the village - not as good as a Descendant, but still great compared to other hunters in the village. These Hunters would most likely compose the group Viola hunted with today, as it was most every time they gathered. Few of them treated the probably-Descendant as one of their kin; in fact, Janna was the only one that gave her a tiny nod in greeting - but still, nothing was said to her, as the group held their own small conversations with one another.

When the Elder's Hunt Adviser came from the hut, the conversations ceased. Herald was an older man, like many of the advisers, with graying hair and cold blue eyes. Still, even though his days of hunting were over, the man had well defined muscles along his arm, and Viola suspected elsewhere, hidden beneath his clothes. He runs a hand through his hair, looking at the gathered hunters.

"...You've all heard Dexter's gone?" He asks. Brash, a skinny, rather... well, brash man, laughs a little.

"Yeah, and good riddance too. I wouldn't want to see that thing when it got really big."

"Doesn't matter. Just wanted it gone," Herald says. He was a man of few words, something Viola could appreciate, "Creature to the Northwest. Spotted by Gatherers, looked dangerous. Need it killed."

"What if it isn't?" Janna asks timidly. Herald and the bow huntress never seemed to have much of a report; thankfully, today, he merely looks at her and shrugs, instead of raising his voice.

"Doesn't matter. Need it dead." Herald shrugs his shoulders with that. After a few moments of silence, Brash and Leon stand up straight, stretching, starting towards the Northwest, followed by Janna and Hera. It left Viola and the Hunt Adviser some brief time, but not much - that is, if she wanted to say or ask anything.

[Current Position: 0,0]
Re: Lost Faith (Maiko)

As she waited for Herald, Viola looked over her fellow hunters, returning Janna's nod in the process. They were reliable; good allies if not friends. Viola didn't mind staying apart from them socially anyway, or the rest of the tribe for that matter. Though she didn't want to, she knew that some day she'd probably have to leave the tribe, and wanted such a parting to be as painless as possible. She also didn't want anyone ending up like...

Viola pulled herself out of that line of thought just as Herald appeared, glad for the distraction. She had heard a bit about Erika and her pet, but what someone does in the privacy of their hut was their business, as far as Viola cared. Still, she wasn't sure why Herald was talking about Dexter. Unless whatever it was that took the beast was believed to be this creature they were going to be hunting. Viola didn't really care about someone losing their pet. It was tragic, perhaps, but not particularly important. However, if something can take a pet, it could probably take a villager, if it wanted, and that was something that needed to be prevented.

"D'The gatherers say anymore about the- about it?" She asked, keeping her question short, still not perfectly confident with the tribe's language. Saying it looked dangerous didn't really narrow down the list of possibilities this creature could be.
Re: Lost Faith (Maiko)

Herald didn't seem to move as the group went off, leaving just he and Viola for a bit. The man looked at his rough hands, apparently waiting for her question, glancing up at the woman. After a few moments, still rubbing his hands together, he simply shrugs, smacking his lips in the process.

"Scared farmers unreliable. See something, they run. 'Sides, don't care. Two kilometers from the village, means bad things," He looks off just past Viola's shoulder, squinting at the treeline, as if something caught his eye, but still continues to speak: "Farmers snatched; children eaten. Can't have that." He squints, almost enough to make Viola turn around and see what he was looking at - but before she does, he looks back at her, eyeing the huntress, "Doesn't matter what it is. Know you can handle it." The man had trusted in Viola's abilities well since she arrived; she sensed some sort of respect from the ancient hunter, something that meant quite a bit in this village. If there was one person respected as much - if not more than - the Elder, it was Herald.

He didn't let people know when he was done talking; he expected others to understand when they were finished. Viola was good at reading this, and she started to leave, when Herald spoke up, looking down at his hands:

"Village feel like home yet?" He asks, the stunted question taking Viola by surprise. Was he showing... concern? Herald didn't look at viola, but kept his gaze on his weathered hands, examining the calluses and cracks upon them...
Re: Lost Faith (Maiko)

Viola nodded as Herald talked, having come to similar conclusions herself. She gave him a nod and turned to leave, but stopped when he posed the question about her finding the village as home.

"Maybe a bit too much..." She replied softly after a long silence. Without saying anything else, she left the village to catch up with the other hunters.