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Lorelai (Zilrax)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Character Name: Lorelai

Character Race: Mathosian

Character Class: Spiritmaster

Starting Stats:

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 15
Energy: 50
Intelligence: 40

Starting Accuracy: 160
Starting Magical Accuracy: 200
Starting Evasion: 170
Freedom Rating: 130
Sexual Freedom Rating: 105
Magical Defense: 200
Speed Rating: 170

Starting HP: 30
Starting MP: 150
Starting Sexual Stamina: 110

Summon Elemental Spirit - The Spiritmaster summons a Fire, Cold or Lightning damage dealing spirit, whichever one she chooses upon the casting of this spell. The Spirit can attack in one of two ways. If the Spiritmaster connects with an attack of any kind, the spirit instantly hits the enemy for the SAME amount of damage in it's element. If the enemy was cursed with lower resist, the elemental damage is doubled. If the Spiritmaster does not connect with an attack, this spirit deals 50 Elemental Damage by itself. Spirit attacks can't be avoided and will always connect, and will always attack the enemy the Spiritmaster is. This spirit lasts until it's HP is depleted by her special skill, or all enemies are slain, regardless of if the Spiritmaster is raped or not. However, if she is raped, the Spirit will randomly target the enemy with the lowest HP that isn't raping a player. Mana Cost - 0. This does not consume your turn unless you casted another spirit already this turn.

Summon Barrier Spirit - The Spiritmaster summons a spirit which forms a protective barrier around her, or an ally of her choosing. This barrier prevents an enemy from harming or raping the protected ally at a price. Each time the spirit protects it's target, it loses 50 HP. This spirit has 300 HP, so it can protect up to six times before it is slain. It will last either until it's HP is depleted, or it has been on the field for 10 turns. Mana Cost - 75. Once this spirit dies, it can't be summoned for fifteen turns. Does not consume your turn unless you casted another spirit already this turn.

Spirit Thrash - The Spiritmaster attacks with a shadow damage dealing attack which hits for 300 HP instantly. This type of damage can't be avoided, and there is no immunity to it. Mana Cost - 0. Magical Attack.

Spiritual Sap - This spell saps the energy out of a target enemy, causing them to be paralyzed for 5 turns, or until they are struck with an attack. While highly useful, this skill has a 10 turn cooldown, and can't be casted more than six times in a single fight, so use it wisely. It also can only be cast on an enemy who is not currently grappling or raping a woman. Mana Cost - 150. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Spirit Substitution - This skill allows the Spiritmaster to deflect 50% of the sexual pleasure she suffers when she is raped to be absorbed by her elemental spirit's HP. If for some reason she did not have an elemental spirit out then she will suffer the full brunt of the sexual pleasure crashing over her vulnerable body. If she had a barrier spirit active on someone else, then this skill will only reduce 25% of her sexual pleasure. Her elemental spirit starts with 350 HP, and gains 20 per level she gains. Once the spirit is killed, the Spiritmaster will have to cast it again before she can use this passive skill again. She must wait two turns after it dies and she is free to be able to cast a spirit again.

Kamikaze Spirit - The Spiritmaster may choose to send her Spirits on a suicide run, detonating them on any enemy not currently raping someone. Each Spirit will detonate their entire life force, so this skills damage is only limited by the remaining HP of ALL her spirits. The drawback to this skill is that she won't be able to summon any spirits for fifteen turns after using this skill. This skill is not affected by Mastery skills.

Class Specific Perks: Takes 10 less pleasure when a cock is inside her, and +10 to rolls vs. Cock wielding opponents. (Only from that attack). Tentacles don't count.

Class Specific Weaknesses: Takes 10 more pleasure when gripped inside Succubus Pussy, and suffers -10 on all rolls vs. a Succubus.

Race Notes:

Being a Mathosian, she has a +20 roll AND -10 Pleasure taken when fighting Male Demons.

Mathosians - Mathosians are strong against Male Demonic Rape but weak against Tentacle Rape. +10 to all rolls against Male Demon Rape, -10 to all Tentacle Rape. Mathosian's are more fertile than Humans, and give up their seed even more easily than elves do. -2 points to become pregnant or impregnate their attackers, regardless of what attacked them.

Orientation: MAGE Class

Available Weapon: Staff.

Character Appearance: Lorelai is a tall woman, about 5' 9" with flawless pale skin and ice blue eyes. She has a fairly slim figure, with wide hips, and while not particularly muscular, she keeps a healthy tone to her body. She has long raven black hair. Her chest is on the smaller side of a B cup.

Lorelai woke on the floor, inside what seemed to be a cryo-pod. Hurling herself out of it, it wasn't until she was on her feet that she realized she was completely naked. As the shock of that settled in, her eys spotted a wooden staff in one corner of the room, near what seemed to be a closed door. Before she could go over, a voice filled the room.

Welcome my lovely Lorelai. Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. Your situation is simple, you will provide entertainment for me as you struggle to get back home. Along the way, you'll encounter many of my friends who are all itching to have wild, hot sex with you. I'm not without a sense of balance though, and I'm aware that you may not be physically strong enough to resist being raped repeatedly, so I've given you some gifts that may help in your quest. Of course, nothing is a certainty, and you most likely will end up in my arms at some point, enjoying yourself as I fill you with my seed. When the door opens, the game begins, and the countdown to your inevitable sexual defeat begins. Try not to orgasm too quickly my love, believe me when I say that lasting for as long as you can will net you greater sexual pleasure."

A moment later, the closed door suddenly popped open, and a rush of fresh air filled the room. It seemed she had no choice but to play his game, and hope she wasn't about to get herself raped for all eternity.

((Only option present at this time is to move onward.))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai blinked as awareness came swimming back to her. She wasn't sure what had happened, everything was foggy. She was sure she had been in her lab, studying the anatomy of some unknown... Thing. She looked around her surroundings. She seemed to have been in some form of cryo pod.

Her analysis of her surroundings was interrupted by a voice filling the room. Every word made her eyes harden. She didn't know if it could hear her but she wouldn't give it the satisfaction of seeing her rage. Instead she went and picked up the staff.

Clearly she had been kidnapped into some depraved locale, a hostile one clearly. The kidnapper wished to ravage and humiliate her, or have it's "friends" do so. Clearly whomever it was was a strange creature. If they caught her, they could have easily done much to her while she was helpless, and yet they had the dark sense of humor to let her try to struggle out herself. Like a rat in a maze.

Fine then. She'd play their game, for now. She stepped out of the door, listening carefully and holding the staff in a defensive position. Never knew when an ambush might come at her.

She had no doubt playing along would fit her captors plans, but she wasn't in a position that non-compliance would end well for her either. Perhaps an opportunity would arise for her as she proceeded.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

As she stepped out into the daylight, her scientific mode might kick in to try and describe what she saw. The grass was blood red for as far as she could see in all but one direction, and the sky was an almost purple color, without a cloud in the sky. Ten moons were visible even though it was broad daylight, and the sunlight sparkled off a vast emerald green ocean far below and south of her position. If it weren't for what she'd learned so far, this place might have been an ideal spot to just lay down and enjoy the seeming purity of the area. It was lovely, too lovely. She could see nothing to indicate any life anywhere around her though, which was odd.


1: Move On.

2: Stay and marvel at your surroundings (chance of being attacked).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The beauty was almost hypnotic. She expected beyond to be some sort of labyrinth or nightmare realm, but it was surprisingly idyllic. But flawed. No sounds of animal life, a lack of native insects. It was still, unnaturally so. The life here wasn't right, or lacking would be a better term. It was sterile, like a lab. An illusion to lull her into a sense of security perhaps.

It wouldn't work, she was a captive, and she wouldn't let herself be fooled. First order of business was to find supplies or tools. And clothes, though armor might be more preferable.

She had no idea what form her captors "Friends" might take, they could as easily be oceanic as not. She'd be at a great disadvantage near any bodies of water, so she moved along the strangely coloured grasslands instead.

As she moved, eyes scanning for threats upon her person, she mused over this strange land. Many moons, purple sky. This couldn't be her homeland. This couldn't even be her home planet. She had somehow been kidnapped beyond space itself, or possibly even dimensions! What manner of creature had such power at it's disposal to kidnap across such vast distances? Hopefully she could escape before she found out.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

As Lorelai started to move onward, suddenly a woman appeared to her. It took a moment for her to register the stunningly sexy black haired woman wasn't actually there, but rather some kind of phantom image or projection. Like her, she was completely nude, and Lorelai might be startled when she spoke to her.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

Just like that, she was gone, and Lorelai would get the distinct impression whoever that woman was, she truly wanted to help her, but for some reason was limited. Or was she simply imagining the woman? It had felt like she was truly there, in an astral projection type of way. But who was she if she was real?

After she finally moved onward, Lorelai ...

Trap Encounter (Avoidance Roll):

??? Trap: 150+581=731 vs. Lorelia: 105+696=801.

... suddenly saw something that looked like a tripwire in the grass. She saw it in enough time to avoid hitting the wire, and took a step back, determining she could go around the wire and not trip whatever the trap was.


1: Move Onward.

2: Trip the Trap to see what kind of Trap it is.

3: Stop and try to process everything (chance of being ambushed).

((Good first roll, a trap spawn and a successful avoidance roll.))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai got barely three steps before a woman suddenly appeared before her. Lorelai promptly raised her staff, starting to see if she could call for help even out here, when her mind noted she could see through the woman when she flickered a bit.

She listened, watching around a bit in case this was a distraction for an ambush as this Cassidy explained she was a guide of some sort. Lorelai didn't really hear any duplicity in her voice, no tells that betrayed her, but she really had no reason to trust or mistrust her. And before she could respond, the apparition was gone. Was she a spirit? A captive of some kind? A creation by her captor?
She had no way of knowing.

With no reason to stop her travels, she began to continue her travel, when something stood out from the red grass. Wooden pegs, with wire spread between them. A trap, odd place for it, but then no one would expect it there. With a lack of wildlife of any kind, it'd likely sit there until she stumbled into it. She had no reason to trigger it, and it was easy enough to circumvent, so she gave it a wide berth before continuing on her way.

This place was strange indeed. Strange spirit guides, lustful beasts of some sort evidently, and so on. She hoped her skills were up to handling it. On the upside, with how unnaturally still this place was, she was likely to hear any creature coming. Unfortunately the same went for her.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai moved on and before long she had encountered her first enemy!

Level 1 Possessed Human:

Stats: Accuracy: 140. Evasion: 120. Capture: 145. Sexual Attack: 165. Magical Defense: 75. Speed: 120. Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 30. HP: 700.

Initiative Rolls:

Possessed Human: 120+636=756 (Attacks First)
Lorelai: 170+159=329 (Attacks Second)

Grapple Attempt:

Possessed Human: 145+152=297 vs. Lorelai: 170+601=771 (DODGE)

Lorelai easily dodged the man who appeared in front of her, finding herself in full combat mode.


1: Fight! (May cast one Spirit and still use an attack this turn)

2: Try to run away!

Vision Spoiler:

Possessed Human: Your mind envisions another person grabbing you, tossing you to the floor and straddling you, forcing himself upon you as you try to fight him off. He proves too strong though, and he quickly penetrates your pussy, thrusting hard and deep within you. You are quickly brought to an orgasm, quivvering underneath him as he doesn't let up. Eventually you seem to stop caring, and thrust up to meet his own, seeming to enjoy yourself.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai's travels brought a person into sight. A human male, nude as she was. While part of her hoped for an ally, given she was to be molested she suspected that he was one of her assailants. As such she stopped short, staff held defensively to call out to him rather than approach, to give her time to react.

Damn he was fast. Before she got a second word out he was upon her, lunging at her as she hissed in alarm. Fortunately her caution paid off, giving her ample time to ward him to the side with her staff.

If they expected despair or fear against a stronger male to make her surrender, they were mistaken. Because she never went anywhere alone.

"N'gaasha, that is your cue.," she growled, watching the man's movements carefully.

From behind her emerged an enormous figure, even more see through than Cassidy had been. slithering up out of the ground, the armored figure had a long snake tail, the scales having a pattern that made them look as though they were lined with eyes in a red, blue, green pattern, with a strange flower bulb like structure on the end. Mounted upon the snake tail was an armored figure, the strange silver shifting plates obscuring her four sets of breasts, from large top ones to smaller in descending order. Her groins plates were obscured but bulged slightly. The creatures four arms all seemed to end in stumps, where her clawed gloves floated detaches, all but the upper right having a Green, Blue or Red gem embedded in the palm. The upper right on the other hand appeared more like a fanged maw with a wide head, or perhaps a claw. The head of the creature was feminine, with four closed eyes on her pale face, and long black hair flowing over her shoulders, though it seemed to flow in a non-existent breeze. Her eyes were shut, though she wore an amused and almost sultry smile.

Lorelai seemed stunned just briefly. Did her spirit always look so... lewd? She recalled it being serpentine but she was sure it was always more monstrous than.... feminine. Or was it? She had no idea how long she had been in stasis. Her spirit may very well have evolved in that time or she may have forgotten much. She might not even have a home to go back to. It'd strike her as a level of sadism to leave nothing for those who had been captured before defrosting them that making such a realm would match easily.

She could worry about that later though, the man prepared to attack. She had no interest in experiencing it. "N'gaasha, Fire.," she says dismissively, gesturing with her staff tip. The spirit looks amused, before opening one of her eyes, revealing a fiery red serpentine eye, and her ruby implanted clawed hand descended down along side Lorelai, seeming to become somewhat more solid.

She needed more time to get her plan going. She didn't know when next she could rest to recover her mana, so she needed to use it conservatively. Good thing N'gaasha had plenty to spare.

"Now throttle him." N'gaasha gave a silent coo at the command, eye glittering with mischief, like the spirit was playing at enjoying Lorelai being all commanding, before leaning down, the gauntlet swiping out as she extended her long black snake tongue and licked up and through the man, licking whatever corrupt soul the man had left, and likely not feeling any more pleasant than the flaming hand trying to leave firey marks upon him.

(Summon Fire Spirit and Spirit Thrash)
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((I think you are a touch confused on Spirit Thrash. The Spirit itself doesn't attack with that, you do, and if it lands then the spirit attacks for the same damage in it's element (hence why choosing the right element at the start is crucial!).))

Fire Spirit Summoned!

Fire Spirit's Stats:

350/350 HP.

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 200+390=590 vs. Possessed Human: 75+365=440

Lorelai felt magic flow from HER fingertips, instead of channeling into her spirit before suddenly a blast of shadowy energy surged forth, slamming into her attacker at frightening speed! She dealt 300 damage instantly to her would be attacker!

Her spirit then suddenly surged forth, literally powerslamming into the creature, and her mind registered her spirit CRITICAL HIT for 600 fire damage, for a total of 900 damage between the two of them!

This depleted it's HP, and the creature dropped dead, her spirit vanishing once her foe was gone. She noticed it had dropped a Mana Potion when it died! She also gained 100 XP!

Mana Potion Acquired! (See special thread going up later for details on these and other potions.)

Adjusted Stats:

Level 1: 100/3,000 XP


1: Move Onward.

2: Stand and Celebrate (chance of something else finding you.)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(Ah, I figured she'd channel mana into the spirit and then it would. I figured it wouldn't matter either way that way, since in either case I can't use it while grappled, if it was from either source. And it says the spirit hit's regardless but only for 50 if I miss. But if you prefer it that way that's fine.)

Lorelai raised a hand dismissively and harumphed as the darkness issued from her hands and struck the man, even as N'gaasha struck true with her semi real claw, leaving little more than a smoldering corpse. With their enemy gone, she quickly desummoned N'gaasha, who gave her a pout as the creature disappeared, but she gave it little mind.

She moved forward to briefly inspect her foe, or what's left of him. He seemed like a slightly degenerate Mathosian of some sort. She'd have loved to do a more proper inspection, but truth be told she lacked the tools to do so. However a glint caught her eye, her prodding it loose from beneath the body with her staff.

A vial of some blue liquid it seems. Mana potion. She hummed a bit, she really had nowhere to keep such a thing in her nudity, before thinking quickly and plucking some grass to weave herself an improvised belt of sorts and tying the potion to it. Wasn't much, but it'd do for now.

With that she moved on lest the conflict, and giant spirit, drew attention.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((Right the spirit will ALWAYS attack for some damage so long as it is alive and can attack a target. It will do MORE damage on those attacks if YOU have landed an attack of your own, since it matches yours then. Makes it a little more fair. If you're grappled by the lone enemy, it won't attack because it can't risk hurting you, it's master (unless it's specific enemies that say it can be attacked). Also, you magically store items in a magical space pocket haha, but I love the idea of her making that belt.))

Moving onward, Lorelai soon found a small stream of water that flowed through the land. It seemed a good thing to follow that for now, as it gave her something to drink if she needed to, though she didn't feel thirsty. There were plants around here too, some of them really lovely. As she walked along ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 150+710=860 vs. Lorelai: 105+238=343 (CAUGHT!)

Suddenly one of the plants came to life, grabbing her in it's vines! She couldn't recover in time to keep it from plunging it's vines into all of her holes, as it started trying to rape her!

Plant Trap: Sexual Attack Rating: 150. Pleasure: 35.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+815=965 vs. Lorelai: 105+554=659. Lorelai found a muffled moan escaping her lips as the plant began to pleasure her, dealing 35 pleasure to her in a matter of moments, establishing a rhythm quickly. In and out it thrusted into all three of her holes.

Lorelai gains 95 KP from the penetration and the sex itself, and suffers 35 pleasure.

Adjusted Stats:

Lorelai: 95/10,000 KP for the fight, 95/50,000 KP Overall. KL: 0.
Sexual Stamina Remaining: 75. Being Raped.


1: Try to get away!

2: Allow it to rape you for another turn as you try to process what just happened.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai observed her area as she walked along, before finding a stream. While water sources could be a risk, it seemed too shallow to hide threats. Unfortunately it seemed it nourished other ones.

The foliage suddenly came to life! Before she could utter a word, she found herself entangled, gagged and raped, eyes wide in sudden discomfort and pleasure as the vine started rapidly raping her. She had been deflowered by plant. The irony stung more than the act itself.

She had no desire to experience this further and struggled to snap loose of this vile plants, biting at the plant in her mouth in hope to sever it or make it pull back, growling. She almost could see her cursed spirit giggling and running her hands over her chest as she watched. Damn her!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Lorelai: 105+372=477 vs. Trap: 150+656=806 (STILL TRAPPED!)

Lorelai couldn't budge out of the trap, and it continued to rape her.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 150+120=270 vs. Lorelai: 105+588=693. (NO PLEASURE)

Lorelai's struggles seemed to have disrupted the plant though, as she felt no pleasure this time around, and nothing changed.


1: Try to get away again.

2: Experience an Orgasm! (Gives in until she orgasms).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai hadn't gotten loose, but she was pleased she had at least thrown the plant off it's efforts, and continued to get her way loose as she snarled. She ignored the spirit in her minds eye who was clearly playing with herself as she watched Lorelai's plight. Damned unreliable spirits.

(Moar try escape!)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Lorelai: 105+540=645 vs. Trap: 150+357=507 (FREE!)

Lorelai managed to get free, and it didn't seem any enemies had found her.


1: Move On.

2: Wait a turn to relish in your escape (chance of being attacked).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

With her next snarl, she managed to rip the vines clear off, yanking them out. N'gaasha pouted at her show ending prematurely, winking at Lorelai like she was trying to convince her to come over and finish the job mutually.

"Bite me.," she snarls at the spirit, who seems to silently coo at that wording. Lorelai rolled her eyes and stormed off, watching the plants carefully for any more hidden vines.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Moving along, thoughts of her spirit and what had almost happened with that plant kept creeping into her mind, messing with her. She kept going ...

Trap Evasion:

Trap???: 150+422=572 vs. Lorelai: 105+724=829. ... and suddenly realized the ground didn't look right in front of her. Stopping, she realized that it was far too soft looking under foot, and she had the sneaking suspicion that might be another trap.


1: Go Around it and keep moving.

2: Step on the soft ground and see if it's actually a trap/what kind of trap it is.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai as ever had no interest in testing her theory, and decided to go around the soft spot. She didn't wish to give her spirit another show. Damn thing. Why on earth had she got such a perverted spirit? The way it looked at her, all possessively, like it wanted to claim her for itself. It gave her the creeps. Still, she needed it's aid, and it wasn't like the creature was disobedient. Or capable of enough corporeality to carry out it's desires.

It was an irritating voyeur but a reliable ally, and in this place the latter endlessly outweighed the former. She probably had countless voyeurs right now anyhow.

And so her travels to... Somewhere continued. She wondered if there was anything edible on this planet.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai continued on and found herself standing at a small river, with a handful of berry bushes. Her mind told her they were safe to eat if she wanted to, although she noticed tracks around the area, indicating she wasn't the first one here.


1: Grab Some Berries and Move On (Snacking on the move ftfw.)

2: Grab Some Berries and sit a turn while you munch on them (chance of being attacked.)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Moving along, the stream eventually fed into a river. Hopefully the water was quick enough not to have any occupants. Fortunately, there was berry bushes here, so maybe she wouldn't starve after all. If they weren't poisonous.

N'gaasha mimed eating gestures for her, evidently indicating that they were safe to eat. Slightly reluctant to fully trust the spirit, she went over and plucked one off and ate it. The taste was strange, definitely alien, but not revolting, and food was food. Course, it looked like she wasn't alone here, judging by the tracks. Best not to stay in a high traffic area long, she stripped several berries off in a rush before moving along her path, eating on the way.