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Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena's clone didn't hesitate to run as soon as Selena did,

"You stay away from my Kitty! She's mine~" she declared, trying to race her to the Inn, and started to slowly pull ahead of her, due to her not wearing pretty much anything.

However, they weren't a match for Josie's speed, and while Dixie trailed behind her, Josie quickly caught up with the two Selena's...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo caught up quickly, knowing she couldn't physically stop both of them, she decided to try and grab the evil Selena, hoping the more human one would slow and turn once the other is stopped. She also tried to warn her, even threaten her to calm her down.


"I said I wouldn't before, but if you don't play along, I will kill you, just like your friends, understand?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena pushes forward hard as she tries to trip her clone,

"No~! She's all mineeeeeee!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

The evil clone doesn't seem bothered by Josie's threat, as she giggles,

"Play~? I love games! Games that involve sex~" she laughed as Josie stopped her from chasing Selena.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena grins as she overtakes her clone, waving to her,

"Looks like I win~! We'll dye your hair orange or something when we get back to the inn!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo looks at the evil clone and knows she can't intimidate her, but continues anyway, hoping her threats will be taken seriously. Simply because, if this woman's attitude continues, they will be serious.


"You wanna help me think of something? At this point, I'm thinking of cutting one of your hands off, that'll be a bit more obvious. I suggest you start thinking or we're going with Plan A. And if you keep fucking around, it's straight to Plan B, your head."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena shrugs as she trots backwards slowly towards the inn,

"Heh~ doesn't matter that much anyway~! C'mon, let's get going!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

The evil Selena smiles more, and gets closer to Josie,

"Well, what if I slept with you? You'd be able to keep track of me then~!" she giggled, although she kept a fine eye on that axe...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo's eye squinted to show her obvious displeasure at her statement. She almost wanted to laugh at how the absurdness of this woman was practically that of a child. She still didn't let go, trying to find some sort of solution, even if the girl's 'good' alternate wanted to move on.


"Unfortunately for you, I'm not that easy. Even so, what about after? You'd still be at the inn and you two are still practically twins. The only way we wouldn't have a chance of mixing you two up is if you stayed with me the entire time."
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Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena stops and points at Dixie,

"I'm sure that's fine as long as your girlfriend doesn't mind!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(I figured Jo would be so taken aback by that comment that I was taken aback by that comment and couldn't think of a response....I still can't think of one but, here goes nothing)

Jo tried to laugh it off but she was still kind of embarrassed by her comment. I mean, I like Dixie, but it's hard not to like someone when they're the only real person you find yourself talking to. Did she really think that we're together? What gave her that idea? Jo found herself trailing a bit, trying to think of any interaction between the two that suggested they were an item. But quickly recollected herself, and tried to change the subject. And although she was still angry with this clone, her intensity with the girl had noticeably disintegrated because of Selena's comment, and she tried to think of anything to get them moving and her out of an embarrassing situation.


"No it's not like that.. We're not.. Look, all we need is something noticeable to us, it doesn't have to be huge, but it has to be something she can't just get rid of at will. It can be obvious to us, but we can still be discreet. I mean, just like a small scar or hell even a touch of marker somewhere on her that other people wouldn't think to look. It's not a big deal, just like, cut a lock of her hair different or something. And no more quibbling over names, you two need to work that out, and you need to work it out before we get to the inn, ok?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena sighs and walks up to her clone before grabbing her hand,

"Sorry I hafta do this Serena, but it's the only way we'll get moving~" She grabs her clone's arm then quickly strikes it against the axe's blade, opening a gash, "Let's go before she bleeds to death hm?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo let go of the clone as Selena walked up to her, stated a name to call her, and struck her against Jo's own axe. Jo was shocked but, after the way these two have been acting, one could only linger on their decisions for so long. Turning towards Dixie and slowly trying to sputter out anything to say, Jo wanted to start moving back towards the inn.


"Well... that... solves that..... I guess?"

When she finally met eyes with Dixie, she could only shrug her shoulders and head back towards the inn, speaking to the rest with her back turned towards the group in stride.


"Good enough for me. So I guess you're gonna tell the guards we found your 'sister' and now she's bleeding from an animal attack? Whatever, just remember it may be your clone, but keep your "doggy" on a leash or I'll have it spayed."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(...You realize you just sentenced her to death? You're still a good 15 minute's walk away from the Inn.)

As the clone was struck with the axe, she let out a piercing howl of pain, and went to her knees from the horrible feeling. She trembled as she watched the blood pour from her arm, and looked up at Selena with hate,

"I knew you came back to kill me!" she yelled, and lunged for Josie's axe, that was now coated with her blood, and successful pried it from Josie's hands, and swung it fiercely through the air, cutting Selena along the body, and sending her trailing back from the pain, landing on the ground, holding her wound.

(Selena has been stunned from pain)

"If I'm going to die, I'm taking you with me!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(I don't know if that's how game mechanics work, but even 15 minutes, she'd be fine. Axes aren't so sharp as they are strong instruments, so running her hand along it wouldn't be as devastating as a regular blade, and it wouldn't cut so deeply as to hit anything that will majorly bleed. Unless Selena specified cutting down the length of the woman's arm)

(Damn it loli, I knew we should have went with cutting her hair differently!)

Jo was taken by surprise, her axe easily stripped because her back was turned. She wanted to jump at her, to take the weapon back and stop her before she could hurt someone, but was too late to help Selena. She was unarmed and she didn't know how to really fight her. She took a few steps back defensively, away from the hysterical girl. Hoping she could slowly get around her and help the stunned girl.


"Dixie, shoot her!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(Eh, the norm is about 20 minutes, if the arm is kept under pressure, which it isn't right now. Plus, the quickened heart rate only speeds the process.)

Dixie shouted at everyone as she didn't falter from pointing her shotgun directly at the bleeding clone's head.

"Make one wrong move, and I'll blow you head clean off!" Dixie threatened, "If you calm down, I can patch you up, but first thing's first-" she immediately turned, and fired her shotgun at Selena, the one in armor, and the real Selena went flying back from the shot, although she wasn't hurt at all, except for the one pellet that manage to hit a weak spot in her armor, and pierce her rip cage, not doing any real damage, but enough to scrap along the nerves, and cause a lot of pain, "DID YOU THINK I WAS FUCKIN' JOKIN' ABOUT KILLIN' BOTH OF YOU!?!" Dixie shouted, "That don't seem like such a bad idea now, I'm sick of you two anyway!"

The clone looked a little surprised at the turn of events, and simply stood in place, as if forgetting that she had an axe in her hand, but not before Dixie turned to her, "And second thing's second!" and pulled out her tazor, dashing at Selena's clone, and ramming it into her. Electrifyied, the clone fell to the ground, and dropped the axe, which Dixie tossed over to Josie, "I'm a fucking cop, you dumbass. I took assholes like you and her down every day, so you can either do as I fuckin' say, or I'll kill both you, and her, just to be sure." she threatened, and by the shotgun pointed at her head, she was dead serious.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(... HOLY SHIT! :eek: Did she just shoot the real Selena to intimidate cuz she knew it wouldn't hurt her, or did she just really try to take her out? Cuz I'm laughing my ass off here)

Jo stopped inching her way to Selena, frozen in place from Dixie's shouting. Her hands flew up to her face when Dixie blasted her, trying to find something to say but could only, under her breath, mutter little more than "oh my god" over and over again. She was caught a little off guard by Dixie's speed when she tazed the clone to the ground, and was still a little too surprised to have a good reaction, fumbling and dropping the axe when it was thrown to her. She picked it up and ran over to Selena, trying to see if she was all right, despite the fact she doesn't really know anything about health.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(... Let's just say Selena is lucky she has armor on. ;))
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena grumbles as she swats her hand at Jo,

"Why the fuck couldn't you just let us settle things back at the inn huh?!" She looks at Jo with pure anger in her face as she stumbles over to her clone, "C'mon, stop being so overdramatic..." She tries to heft up her clone, pushing the cut arm against her body to stem the flow of the blood as she heads back to the inn, "Bloody idiots... all of them but us of course..."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

As Selena approaches her clone, Dixie plants her knee against her clone's throat, holding her down, and pumps her shotgun, aiming it at Selena as she draws near, "Get back, or I won't aim for the armor this time!" she threatens her, while her clone gags, and fights with the knee on her throat, choking her.