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London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Stumbling through the dark and abandoned streets as she was she eventually found exactly what she seemed to be looking for. The unmistakable scent of hot metal and coal floated from a building ahead of her and through the top half of a door she could see a burly blacksmith hard at work on his trade. The streets in this area of town were fairly empty as it seemed more residential than business.

Stalking ever closer to the shop she had drawn right beside the back door of the building. At least she assumed it was the backdoor her sense of smell picked out the heated metal and the banging of steel on steel came from behind it. While she stood there piecing together her plan the familiar screch of a hawk issued from high in the air above her. Perhaps from one of the nearby roofs for try as she might she could not see the bird.

Perhaps she still had one ally remaining she thought or perhaps he was even a part of this conspiracy she unearthed. Her time alone in the wilderness of the north had made understanding the motivations of others so difficult.

I try to be. You dirty thief you.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

She looked briefly for the hawk, before hanging her head. Jourdain had been the only one she could trust in this city before tonight. But now... now she wasn't sure about anybody. His clan was not exactly known for their charity, that much Anabelle knew, and she did not know much.

She did not know who to turn to, or who to trust, and so she decided that herself was the only one she could truly trust.

Turning her head to peer through the opening of the top half of the door, she stared at the man working his trade, and wondered how she could get a blade from him. With a frown, she tried to sneak in, and bite him from behind, ready to dodge should he notice her and swing at her with that hammer.

If she did get her fangs into his flesh, she could send him into sleep. And that would make everything that much easier. Let Jourdain find her, his hawk had. She would not go running to him. Not until she was sure what his motivations were.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The hawk was nowhere to be seen amongst the numerous eaves and roofs in the area but it was an easy place for such a small creature to hide. Her mind was soon made up not to wait and see what side Jourdain was on until her own needs were satisfied first.

It was a simple matter to slide over the door as what little sound she made was drowned out by the drone of steel on steel. If the large bald man had looked up from his work he might have noticed the shadow of his attacker as it made it's way across the wall but he did not. Anabelle had her fangs sunk in the beefy man's neck before he could react, his hammer falling with a clang as his grip went completely limp from the kiss. A few moments of wonderful feeding later and he was on the floor of his shop sound asleep but alive.

At first Anabelle was disappointed to find nothing but farm implements and the like on the wall of the shop but she soon noticed a trap door. Judging from the small amount of wares on the wall there might be more to be found in storage below.

11/15 BP's.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I'm sorry. You did nothing to deserve this," Anabelle said as she looked down upon the man. With nothing else done to his person, he would assume that he had some kind of blackout. After her look about, starting to get disheartened by the lack of any weaponry, she noticed the trap door.

She'd hate to have to go into battle with a shovel, but some of the wood axes could be handy in a pinch. Grasping one, she took the makeshift weapon with her, and pulled up the door into the basement. Eyes aglow beneath her hood, she descended into the unknown, axe at the ready.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The cellar under the blacksmith's workshop would be to dark to see if Anabelle did not have the power of her blood to aid her. Even so she still almost trips over a root in the floor of the room once she reaches the bottom of the steps. Looking around the dirt room she notices several weapons leaning in spots but no swords. Axes and spears mostly though there does seem to be a lot of them for such a small shop.

Upon making a closer search of the room she eventually comes across a partially finished sword that seems to be almost hidden under a work bench. She wouldn't have noticed it but the hilt had been partially uncovered from the cloth wrapped around it. Strange that a common black smith would have so many weapons she thought but then she wasn't really sure about things in such a large city.

Then the step of a heavy boot from above made her cast her glance upwards towards the door. Finished or not the sword would have to do she thought as she twirled the poorly balanced blade in her hand to get it's feel. It would work well enough for now and perhaps she could get it finished on another night.

11/15 BP's, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][].
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Swapping out the wood cutter's axe for a sharper, and meaner looking military axe, Anabelle continued her scan of the room until she found the incomplete sword. She looked at it in despair for a moment, before the boot step above got her attention. She cursed inwardly, and took the incomplete blade in hand and moved back to the ladder.

She sniffed upwards, wondering who or what was moving up there. It couldn't be the blacksmith awake already... could it? Things were not looking up for the Gangrel, and now she had to escape. Slowly she began to climb upwards, sniffing at the air all the while.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle's glowing red eyes pierced up through the darkness of the cellar to the flickering light from the trap door above her. Whoever had caused the sounds from above was still there judging by the flickering shadows. Edging her way forward as quietly as possible with a sniff of the air at each step she could tell it was another like her. Knowing her luck it wouldn't be a Cainite that she could trust if she could even trust any of them.

Reaching the top of the stairs she stole a quick glance over the edge catching a glimpse of a figure in a heavy dark cloak kneeling over the blacksmith as he slept on the floor. They were certainly about the same size as Jourdain but she could see neither armor nor hammer amongst the dark cloak to be sure.

11/15 BP's, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][]. You can always take an axe if you would prefer I just thought you were more interested in a sword specifically.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

she's got both for now. More than one weapon huzzah. Axe's are easy to tuck into belts, the sword she has to carry until she finds a sheath

Peaking outwards, she caught the scent, nostrils flared as she peered at another of her kind. She pried open the door as quietly as she could, climbing out behind the unknown person. Even if it was Jourdain, whose side was he on? She had no way of knowing. If he turned while she climbed up, she'd have to leap upwards, and get out of the hole before she could be attacked.

Regardless of how she got out, she'd level her sword at the Cainite, and demand they turn around.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Perhaps the other one was simply not paying attention or he perhaps he wasn't worried about being attacked from behind as he made no indication that he noticed Anabelle. She was able to get all the way out of the cellar before leveling her sword and making her demand.

Whoever it was slowly put there empty hands up as they themselves stood from the sleeping smith. Turning slowly Anabelle found herself face to face with Jourdain as she expected. He didn't exactly look happy to be facing down a leveled sword but then Anabelle was hardly a good reader of faces. Much less another vampire, all of which seemed to lie as a rule.

"At least you didn't stab me in the back. I must admit to feeling rather foolish for falling into such a simple trap though. I thought you might be different from your sire but by all means try to kill me if you must."

11/15 BP's, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][]. Yeah for some reason just sticking a sword in your belt doesn't work well.
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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"By the way this night is going, I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill me. Besides, cloak made it difficult to see who you were, and smell is still taking some getting used to," Anabelle said simply, and lowered her blade slightly but not entirely. She did not really wish to kill the man, but still didn't know whether she could trust him.

"Muirne was taken. Dominated, cause we got in the way," Anabelle said, and reached to the large pouch at her hip, withdrawing the jar she had taken earlier, slipped away and miraculously undamaged and held it out.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Jourdain took the small jar and turned toward the light of the fire to examine it's contents. He certainly didn't seem to be afraid of the sword still raised in Anabelle's hands, his attitude instead suggesting that he was so used to having a blade at his back that it was normal. The fact that he had actually thought she would betray him only made her realize how little she could trust anyone. If backstabbing was this common in the city perhaps it would be better to live amongst the lupines.

"You aren't corrupt enough for me to want to kill you...yet. It may happen some day. I wish I could reassure you in a more satisfying way but that is the way among our kind." Turning back from the fire he returned the jar and said.

"I'm afraid I have no clue what it is but I am hardly an apothecary, perhaps Ulrich might be able to identify the substance. There are ways to fix the powers of domination though it might be difficult. The potency of the power is determined by one's closeness to Caine. Do you know where she might have been taken or perhaps some added detail as to what you got in the way of."

11/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][]. And a happy birthday as well.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I'm starting to notice that quite clearly," Anabelle said bitterly, and let out a long sigh that felt almost unnatural without any use to her lungs. She lowered the sword more, and slowly told the entire tale of the night from when she left the gathering earlier that night. She held only her conversation with Echidna back, not wanting to give any extra motivation to end her life here on the spot.

When she finished she looked up at Jourdain.

"I've had a lot of lies thrown at me tonight."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"So the Charlatan was smuggling this to someone who obviously didn't know that you had already met Aethelwulf. I assure you that it was indeed Aethelwulf at court and from what I hear he is north of the city with Vezina at this moment. No doubt hunting down gargoyles and wizards." Jourdain said as he summarized what Anabelle had said to make sure he understood.

"It's just a guess but I believe you may have found our illustrious seneschal, Valerius. This Cainite who dominated the scourge certainly sounds like him, probably to cover his tracks as she knows who he is. Shall we go to see if Ulrich can't be found near his shop? We have so few clues as to what is happening and this powder may be of importance." Jourdain didn't wait for an answer before he departed from the smithy, mounting his horse once outside. He seemed curious to find out what was going on but not overly concerned. Of course he didn't quite know the whole story about the bloodroot and why it was being smuggled into the city.

11/15 BP, 4/4 WP,[*][][][][][][].
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Still, Anabelle kept that to herself for the moment. A settite's word might not be trusted, though she felt that she could trust Echidna. Slipping out into the night once more, she looked down at her incomplete sword, then up to the horse, and grimaced.

"I'll walk then? Any idea where I can pick up a completed sword, and a scabbard to fit?" she asked, lifting the blade as she sauntered after Jourdain and his mount.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Jourdain slowed the horse enough that Anabelle could keep up and at the mention of a sword and a scabbard he said. "I can complete that sword when we have the time. I do know a few things beyond subterfuge and manipulation believe it or not. As for a scabbard we'll have to find one or maybe you could ask Lysandra she knows how to work with leather."

They continued on for a while with neither of them saying much of anything until they arrived near the main street of the city once more. Not to far from the inn Anabelle judged though it was difficult to tell the buildings apart. Stopping in front of an apothecary Jourdain dismounted and whispered a few words to the horse before saying. "Just so you know, Ulrich is a Malkavian. He's more than a bit paranoid so try not to set him off. he does know his business though and if anyone can tell us what that stuff is it's him."

11/15 BP, 4/4 WP,[*][][][][][][]. This just occurred to me, but doesn't she still have her old scabbard.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

She does, but I don't know how well the new sword would fit... forgot about the old one... damnit

"I'll do my best," the Scot said, as she looked down and tried to slide her new blade, sans proper grip, into the old weather beaten scabbard at her hip, hoping that it fit. The less people she owed favours to at this point, the better.

"So. Let's get this over with," she said, stepping forward carefully, keeping the hood of her cloak up.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

The new sword fit but not well and her old scabbard wouldn't last under the strain but it would work for the time. Jourdain knocked on a wooden door with a small window as she did so and then tried the handle to no avail. He waited a few minutes before trying again and then turned away with a shrug.

"Unfortunately I have no idea where else the resident madman of the court could be found. I guess we could head to the docks and see if the ship is still there and search for clues to where...what did you call her, Muirne, might be."

Before Anabelle could answer though a scream from somewhere behind the building pierced the night air. A scream of enduring pain and the shouts of another fight. Jourdain turned to listen but did nothing else as he weighed what it might be in his own mind.

It's okay like i said it just occurred to me as well.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle glanced at Jourdain, saw the indecision, and pulled the axe free from her belt. Grasping it tightly in her hands, she started around the building.

"Might be yer madman eh?" she said, gripping her weapon tightly. A beggar with an axe, certainly not a sight most would want to see on the streets at night.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I suppose but I would see little reason to save him if I didn't currently need anything from him. I'll take the short route while you come from behind. Perhaps we'll even arrive in time." Jourdain said as he pulled the hammer from his belt and simply pushed the door off it's hinge like it were paper and stepped inside of the darkened shop.

Anabelle soon found herself on a busy street as she made her way around to the back of the buildings. The screams were still heard on occasion though few seemed to care as they went about their business. Apathy it seems went hand in hand with the city. A short block later and another turn and she heard the sounds of fighting from the alley ahead.

11/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][]. All right we're going to jump you over to Oamp's thread for a small bit so make the next post there.
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