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Library Courtyard

Re: Library Courtyard

"Will do." Grave nodded to Bibble before looking back at the old dragon, observing the transformation with a little interest. He frowned as he examined the information, silently wishing all the wise old men in the world to be slightly less cryptic when talking. This was probably how they amused themselves - they HAD to know how it irritated young people. "Hold on. I can understand the pain and alcohol part - altough I assure you she's going to have one Hell of a hangover soon, which is probably worse if you ask me - but I think we might need a more detailed explanation." Cynder spoke up, feeling bolder now that Kegor was less imposing (altough to be honest, the amusing little sideshow that was Ramielle's drunk ramblings probably helped). "First of all, what are those prophecies? Second, you're seriously considering her as your replacement?" From what the fire mage could gather, the elder dragon was important... So it was probably one Hell of an honor that awaited the woman. "Not that I have something against it... Just suprised and wondering what exactly you mean here. Third, why must she do this as a human? It doesn't help us, really, seeing as she'll have to get used to being much weaker, among other things. And finally... Are you REALLY sure you didn't overdo it on the alcohol?" Grave finished dryly, crossing his arms over his chest while giving the dragon a deadpan look.
Re: Library Courtyard

The wizened man chuckles indulgently, "I'm the eldest member... she'll be the youngest. As for the rest... you're a smart young man. Figure it out." He bursts into his dragon form, launching himself into the sky with enough force to knock over nearby students.

"Good luck, kids! We're all counting on you!" He soars off into the distance.
Re: Library Courtyard

"Counting on you, he says." Grave muttered under his breath as he watched the old wyrm fly away, getting up from the ground - he may have underestimated the strenght of the dragon's wings. "Figure it out, he says. Bah." Cynder shook his head before cracking his fingers. "Alright... So what now?" He turned to the rest of the group. "Putting all of the unexpected shit aside, I suppose it's about time we get back to work, I guess... Question is, does anybody have an idea what to do next? We've gone over the library, talked with the otherworlder... Any suggestions? Something we can do on our own here, of course, I don't think we should set off anywhere before professor recovers. I imagine she might have an idea on what to do next..." 'And perhaps she'll share with us where those two dragons from earlier might have come from... They certainly knew her. Possibly related to her father, somehow?'
Re: Library Courtyard

Promptly, Toring's hand shoots up. "I suggest lunch. Sit down, restore power and talk about the situation." Not to mention that all this running around had made him pretty hungry.
Re: Library Courtyard

Grave considered the idea for a moment. "I... Guess you've got a point there. Alright, let's get going. Now that I think about it, I'm really hungry right now..." The pyromancer set off, already planning the rest of his day. After lunch he'd probably have to return to the library and try to find some more information before the group had to inevitably leave the university.