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Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris chuckled.

"Nah, I actually like cooking when the world isn't going to end and I have the chance. Besides, Leena isn't here and the food isn't going to cook itself. What would ya like on your plate?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen shook her head a bit. "I'm not a breakfast person, thanks. Nothing against your cooking, of course. So Leena isn't here?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Nope, her and RJ are still out. Before she left this morning, Mrs. Frederick said something about an emergency trip to Atlanta though, so I suspect it will be a couple days before we hear from either of them."

He nodded at her lack of food interest, sat down and started eating. Once he was done, he looked over to the others.

"Well, when your all ready we can get started, Claudia's already revving to go, has been since last night. I don't think she even went to bed."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Akira enters the room and sits at an empty table, stretching and looking around, "Good morning everyone..." Akira shuffles around a little, what did the lady mean by she was exposed to three artifacts...?
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Connor came in quietly, rubbing both eyes, neither of which would open no matter how much he walked. He blindly but successfully found his way to a chair, sat down, and promptly dropped his head into his arms at the table.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

It didn't take long for Sarah to finish her meal, half-scarfing it down before replacing her plate. "All done, where's Claudia at?" she asked simply.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Already in the Warehouse ready to go. I'll take us all inside in a moment after I clean off the dishes."

And so he went to the kitchen, to do the dishes.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Kevin stood, watching everything unfold, then decided to wait and enter the warehouse when Chris had decided to finish being a housewife and open the door.
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Once the door to Leena's had opened, Roger stepped out of the elevator, and without a single word, started walking away from the group. This caught Brandy's attention, and she voiced her concern, "Roger, is something wrong?" she asked him, concern being the main tone of her voice. He'd started acting very odd right about the time he came inside this warehouse. Not to mention, something really seemed to be bothering him about that pale girl with the black hair and sunglasses. She knew it took a lot to bother Roger, and she wanted to know what was on the man's mind.

Roger looked back at her out of the corner of his eye, regarding her for a second, then looked to Leena, "Could you show them around, Leena?" he asked her simply, turning to look ahead, "... I gotta clean myself up, and do some thinking while we wait for the Miami guys to get back." he announced. Then, he proceeded to continue where he was going, straight for his room, where he'd take a long, hot bath...

Brandy put her hands on her hips as Roger left, twisting her lips in distaste. "What's his problem? He's usually not like this..." she noted, worried about what's gotten Roger to act so strangely.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Leena had a fair idea of why, but in this case she felt it better the words come from him and not her aura sensing power, and so she simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Not really sure, though he has been under a bit of stress, you folks in danger, Wesker showing up, finding out the jail we pulled him out of was blown sky high. The shower will probably do him some good."

She sighted slightly, then continued.

"So, since it would appear you will be here for some time, would you like to see the rooms available to you?"

Tesla had gone ahead of them, and begun to raid the stores of wine. When sufficient time had passed, he would take a bottle with him, then go in search of Roger to offer the man a drink.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Brandy sighed, "Yeah... I guess we should have thanked him... It doesn't seem like being nice to him does any good, but he just tries to hide his feelings by acting tough... I hope he'll be alright." she said, worried as she watched Roger disappear as he walked up the stairs.

Tyler chuckled a little, putting an arm around Brandy's shoulders, waving Roger off, "He'll be fine, I'm sure if Roger's got some kinda problem, he's already thinkin' of a solution. Don't worry about em." he told Brandy.

Eddy was the next to speak up, smiling at Leena politely, which might seem odd, given that he was Roger's friend. Although, opposites do attract. Eddy seemed calm, and collected, even during the time that the monsters were attacking. He also had a clever shine in his eye, that spoke of a sharp mind behind them. While at the same time, Roger was rash, rude, and downright stubborn. It's odd, and yet it makes sense for the two to be best friends. "So," Eddy began, smiling at Leena, "Our rooms are one thing, but I'm starved. How's about some eats?" he chuckled a little, rubbing his stomach.


Once he was out of view, Roger stood in place, growling angrily. "That bitch..." he cursed, "She sets me the wrong way so bad, I don't know how much more I can take it before I snap. She acts all nice, but this feeling inside me just makes me want to kill her! Not to mention that guy from before..." He was trembling with anger, and suddenly he felt that similar presence show itself once more. Roger, in a flash, had his pistol and knife in his respective hands, ready for both medium and short range combat on primal instinct.

Then, he saw it was Tesla, coming up the stairs with some wine on his person. Roger lowered his weapons, but didn't holster them. "Tesla..." he said the man's name, as if slowly remembering it.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Leena smiled back.

"We have food here yes, what would you like?"

She moved them into the kitchen while waiting for a reply.

Tesla regarded the young man quietly for a moment, almost gaugingly.

Somehow he knew I was there, yet I don't make that much noise. He's got a rare gift it seems to sense our kind, or potential danger. I suppose I'd better say something and not make him feel even more strange.

Pointing to the weapons he chuckled.

"Expecting someone else, or is that just your way of saying hello? I thought perhaps you'd like some wine to drink? Perhaps you have questions I can answer, you did seem like you wanted to ask me something outside earlier, though maybe I imagined it."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

(Hehehe, just to get past the trivial matter, I'll just assume Leena or one of the others scanned Roger into the system. :D)

Roger sighed, "No... I think... You were exactly who I was expecting..." he said strangely. Roger then holstered his gun and knife, waving his hand at the wine, "Not tonight... Thanks though." he told Tesla, "I just need to think clearly for a while... I think I'll just go for a walk, I need to fuckin' calm down..." he said, before turning his back to Tesla, and walking towards the exit, "See you around, Tesla... Tell Leena and the others I'm just goin' for a walk for a little while, would you?" he said, before going through the door outside...
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Possibly to his surprise, Tesla didn't really much stop him.

"Very well, just be careful not to walk into the fields too much at night. I don't think you'd want to fall in a six foot tall pile of cow crap!"

He chuckled, slightly, then headed off.

Soon he'd found Brandy and the others, and walked up to the young woman.

"I have a message for you from Roger. He said to let you folks know he was taking a walk outside to clear his mind and think clearer, he'd be back in a while."

((Actually, technically he could have exited through the B&B main entry and walked to the Warehouse exterior if he's good enough at direction memorization, which gets around that issue.))
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Everyone in the bed and breakfast could hear a roar coming from outside, with Ellen yelling a moment later. "We've got trouble!" She called, her voice carrying in from outside.

((Figured I'd give everyone a bit of a bump ;) ))
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

((Double post, but it's been four days, so meh. Was expecting a slightly bigger turnout, but everything got done XD ))

Ellen strode back into the B&B calmly, looking a little out of breath from the running she had just finished. She sat herself down once more and picked up her newspaper from Colorado again, letting out a small sigh and a shake of her head as she started re-reading it.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Tesla entered the building and after a few moments found Ellen.

"A word outside, if that's fine by you?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen looks up from her newspaper at him, raising an eyebrow a tad as she regards him with curiosity. "Sure." She said after a second, putting the newspaper back down and standing up.

((Different thread? Lead the way.))
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

((Yeah, outside the Warehouse area works.))

"Very well, outside , perhaps for a walk then."

He then would lead her outside.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen wandered back in from outside, her face its normal impassive expression, but perhaps with a hint of a frown on it. She sat down in the same seat she had occupied only moments ago, and picked up her newspaper again, starting up where she had left off.