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Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

"Ya, those things aren't as tough as I thought," replies Wolters. "We'll keep an eye for the little things." "Roger," replies Serpico.

The drone at the far end of the village makes it across to the church and flies in through a broken window.

Tindall, Serpico and Wolters all move forwards and take better firing positions behind the stone wall surrounding the village. When nothing happens, Wolters and Serpico carge across open ground into the first cluster of huts. "Clear!" The both declare as they enter the first ones. "There's a courtyard here between the huts," informs Wolters.

"I'm backing you up," states Tindall flatly. "It wouldn't feel right if you found youself in trouble and you were alone without help." She hunkers down behind her wall and prepares to provide covering fire for Lauren.

Lauren herself runs down the road towards the gnarly cypress, approaching the first shop. As she gets closer, she finds broken and rotted patio sets littering the ground and the remains of a picket fence. The side of the shop has double screen doors, and Lauren can see more dining table and chairs, many knocked over.

Near the remains of the picket fence, Lauren senses something off. One of the still standing portraits on the wall still has it's glass panel, and is reflecting the light from the front window. In it there is the silhouette of a small saucer, and now that she's listening for it Lauren can hear another low humming sound. There's another drone inside the wrecked restaurant near the far wall, waiting to shoot at someone coming in.

The side wall of the restaurant has no windows, and all Lauren can see inside through the double doors are the remains of dining tables. Only the bar still stands towards the left and back of the room, shelves behind bear of liquor or drinking glasses. Judging by the angle of the reflection, if Lauren took few steps to her left the drone would be in her field of view, as would she be in the drone's.

Lauren's perception roll (97) beats Drone's stealth value. Drone is waiting on overwatch.
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Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

As Lauren would press her ear up against the swinging door she would be able to make out the hum of another drone. This one likely closer to the one in the picture frame. If she had to guess it was maybe 30 to 50 feet away, up against the other side wall of the building. She looks over to Tindall, signalling to step back some ways, but out of the drone's line of sight. She warms up her left arm, getting it ready to pitch before taking several deep breaths to calm and focus herself. Then she pulls the pin with her teeth counting to three before giving the grenade her best baseball pitch, aiming for the bar along the left and back of the building, hoping to either bounce it off the bar and to the drone or or at least to get close enough to do significant damage to it. She would then ready her rifle to fire a burst at the drone in case it wasn't destroyed and comes after them for a counter attack.
Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

Serpico and Wolters continue to move through the huts, finding the emptiness and wreckage eerie.

As soon as Lauren's grenade passes through the doorway it is greeted by a burst of alien gunfire. It passes unmolested and bounces off the bar as intended. Lauren hears the ding of metal on metal before a loud bang shakes the wall she's taken as cover.

Peering around the corner, Lauren see the robot is spinning wildly and fires on it. The first two bullets appear to go right though with little effect, but the last one causes the unit to shutdown, crashing heavily into the old floor.

Lauren moves up, throws grenade with trick shot; Glance (nice).

Drone uses reaction fire on grenade. Burst fire; Miss miss. Overwatch continues.

Grenade Explodes; Miss, Severe, Minor. AP Drained and taking penalties. Overwatch removed.

Hidden Alien Movement

Lauren takes aim action at Drone, uses Burst Fire. Minor, Lethal.

Tindall moves for better shot, better Lauren gets the kill.
Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

Lauren would curse under her breath when she pops through the door to check for the other drone, "Fuck... Hey Wolters. You girls better be on the lookout. There were two drones in this bar, but the other one must have bugged out when me and Tinders took out it's buddy. It could very well be headed your way. Orphen out" she comms over to the rest of her team before heading to the courtyard continuing her way towards the mansion, keeping her eyes peeled for the Zhetan or any more drones.
Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

"Roger that!" Wolters yells back.

"I can kinda see across the street," responds Serpico, "It didn't come out the front door. Was that your grenade?"

As Lauren rounds the corner of the decrepit restaurant, she just spots Serpico peaking out from a hut's doorway across and up the street. Galncing over her shoulder, Lauren spots Tindall peeking around the gnarly cypress.

Wolters and Serpico move slightly, but conserve AP to overwatch. Lauren moves into the middle of the street. Tindall moves to the gnarly tree.

Hidden alien movement

Wolters and Serpico move slightly, but conserve AP to overwatch.
Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

"Aye. I needed to take a sentry waiting just inside the door. I think his friend either took off before or after the grenade went off, so there's still two more of the little buggers buzzing about around here. Watch your backs and keep alert Serpico. Orphen out." She would comm the squad mate back before she spotted Tindall hiding behind the gnarled tree giving her an all clear signal. She would then proceed towards the mansion slower, watching the skies and surveying her surroundings, vigilant for any more drones that decided to pop up and say hi.

((Proceed towards mansion, go into Overwatch.))
Re: Lauren Orphan (TentanariX)

As Lauren passes the front the of the restaurant, she spot the inside and all the damage she's added to the already ruined building. The far wall from where she was before, now to her right has a doorway, blasted to pieces by here grenade. Right next to the restaurant is a variety stoor, and Lauren sees that it has been entirely gutted long ago. They even took the shelves. The back of the store has a door at the back, and based on the shape of the building she saw from its side earlier, the door doesn't lead outside, but to a larger space than the store front.

Across the street, Serpico has moved up and is softly speaking into her microphone. "I've got line of sight down the alley. All clear."

"This cluster of huts is clear," reports Wolters. "I'm going to sweep the other cluter next." The other cluster is to the north, across the dirt road.

The only sound is the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, the boots on dirt and dust, and the nating call of a Turaco bird off in the jungle.

Lauren moves forwards slowly, saving AP for reaction fire. Serpico come out of the hut across the dirt road and moves forwards slowly as well, saving AP for reaction fire. Tindall moves to the corver of the builder where Lauren was a moment ago, and hunkers down. Wolters continues slowly moving through the huts, saving AP for reaction fire.

Hidden Alien Movement

Lauren and Serpico move forwards again, saving AP for reaction fire. Tindall catches up to Lauren. Wolters moves forwards to a door, saving AP for reaction fire.

Hidden Alien Movement.