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Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Michael will assign positions to the other members as he sees fit. Oh, and BTW, Michael is talking to you all in the command tent.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Wait, one more, one more!!

Name: Linda
Gender: Female
Age: 27

Weapons: Linda wears a form-fitting suit of experimental technology. Making use of active camoflage, the top-to-bottom suit can make the wearer almost totally invisible, bending light around the wearer. If staying perfectly still, the suit has enough power to last for around three hours. Moving strains the system however, limiting it to about ten minutes at a walk. The entire suit is airtight and climate-controlled, and is able to take a couple direst hits before puncturing. All of the force of impact is still transferred to the wearer, making for nasty bruises and even broken bones depending on the impact. It also has a lesser chameleon quality to it, able to change it's base colour to any shade imaginable, though it is only a solid colour, preventing most of the more creative uses. Her disc has been modified and attached to the side of the suit, in easy reach. Inside she carries a heavily modified version of a Barrett Light 50 sniper rifle, as well as several interchangeable stacks, scopes, barrels, and ammunition. She also carries a 7-inch dagger with a vibrating blade, and a small caliber pistol with hollow point rounds for taking out smaller targets close in. Both guns have been modified to jack into her directly, giving her increased speed and accuracy with them. With her rifle jacked in and the right combination of components and a short preparation time, she can hit the Q mark from up to five miles, in almost any conditions.

Cybernetics: Linda has purposely kept away from implats or alterations of any kind, but she does have a few alterations. There is a plug on the right side of her head that is hardwired directly into her brain, allowing a few benefits. She has use of a hands-free radio system, as well as a sort of HUD in her sight range that informs her of mission updates, photos of targets for identification, and threats nearby. It also allows her to plug directly into any firearm modified to do so, allowing her to use it as if it were an extension of herself. There is one major drawback, however. It has not been tested, but theoretically, because she has an imput directly into her brain, if someone was able to hook a device into the plug, they would have direct control over anything her brain controls, from breathing and heart rate all the way to higher brain functions like emotions, reasoning, and motor functions. She knows of this, and tries to keep the fact hidden.

Genetic Alterations: One. Linda has taken her sniper training to a whole new level. Originally able to slow her heart beat and respiration, Linda has undergone a process to slow her bodily functions even further, allowing her to maintain a Zen-like steadyness on the trigger for days, if need be. She now eats less as well, requiring only a single average sized meal a day, though she now finds it harder to maintain a stable body temperature.

Background/Personality: will be compounded on later, but patient to a fault, not much of a talker, and has a morbid sense of humour.
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Take your time. As long as it isn't half-assed or lacking effort, I'm fine.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Not a worry, I usually have pretty deep characters, though I may not write it all down at first.

Also, +rep to the first person who correctly guesses why my sniper lady is named Linda ;)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Name: Adria Valtoran

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Prothesis: Adria sports a strange green colored amulet around her neck, but further study reveals that it is actually imbedded to the flesh, and unremovable. This device, when activated by her thoughts, generates a shield that most normal weapons can't pierce, and need a substantial amount of ammunition to collapse. The shield can only be kept active for ten minutes at a time, at which point it shuts down to cool off the emitter, and is unusable for an hour. Low based weaponry such as a sword thrust or a dagger strike will pass through this however, as it was designed to stop most modern weaponry, not primitive ones. A Coilgun however has enough power behind it to pierce the shield due to it's extreme nature, however unless it is in a critical spot, the shot will likely be slowed enough to be not fatal, at least for the first one.

Weapons: Adria sports a strange energy pistol of unknown origins. What is known about it is it fires blasts of blue energy, with two settings. One causes extreme pain and can also sear unprotected flesh, the other simply vaporizes skin. This weapon is capable on the high setting of searing through most doors as well, though the thicker the door the more shots needed. It's power supply is unknown, and there appears to be no cell for it, meaning the weapon might generate it's power for itself somehow...

Adria also has a hidden small sword, cut very small to be concealable on her person. It has strange engravings on the hilt that are of no language known to anyone at this time. When wielding this weapon and using her mental powers, the blade acts almost as an energy blade, cutting through flesh and most lighter armors with ease. Heavier armors will take several strikes, but wear down quickly under continuous assault.

Adria's final weapon is a self replicating energy grenade. The grenade replicates itself again and again when one is removed from her pack or belt, so that she never runs out of them. This technology seems to be directly tied into her own bio-signs, meaning should she be seperated from them in some way, the devices will cease to replicate when used.

Description: Adria stands almost five ten, surprisingly tall for a seemingly human female. She sports black hair and an attractive figure, though her eyes are actually orange. When angered, they sometimes will glow a fiery orange color, and this is usually the only warning you will get she is angered before you end up twisted out of shape. Her armor, which seems to be thin, is actually quite durable, and is seemingly able to change it's color and conform as her body changed throughout the past several years, seemingly
tied somehow into her body as well, but it is in fact removable.

Genetic Mutations: Adria's human DNA has been combined with several other strains of DNA from other races, and further manipulated to exploit the powers one can generate by mere thought. As such, she is capable of a wide variety of telekinetic abilities such as strangling someone to death from a safe and unseeable distance, tossing someone twenty feet with mere thought, snapping their neck with a thought and lifting heavy objects with mere thought. She is also capable of generating a wave of fire/energy from her right hand, although this is taxing on her and can't be done more than twice in a single day due to the immense amount of mental energy it requires. There are more she can perform, but not even she is aware of just how far her powers can go, and as such, is still experimenting with them.

Bio: Adria knows little of her past beyond the age of 19. Why she doesn't know, but she has the feeling that she doesn't want to know. She can come across sometimes as overconfident, but she's able to back it up generally with a very interesting fighting style.

She is a capable melee combatant, but it isn't her forte. She's generally your long range support and damage dealer type, and for the most part is surprisingly a nice person at heart. Piss her off though and you may find several bones in places they shouldn't be when she's done with you.

Picture is for her there, and the armor TYPE stays the same, but can change color to suit her whenever she wishes a change of color. Assume that for night time she will go with black to be all but invisible.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Not a worry, I usually have pretty deep characters, though I may not write it all down at first.

Also, +rep to the first person who correctly guesses why my sniper lady is named Linda ;)
Isn't Linda the sniper in the group (Blue squad or something similar) of Spartans lead by Master Chief in the halo books?


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Isn't Linda the sniper in the group (Blue squad or something similar) of Spartans lead by Master Chief in the halo books?
The first halo book only, actually. And that book explains why he is the last Spartan, as well.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Just an add in, forgot to mention for Adria's telekinetic powers, when using them to ATTACK another person or creature, it requires her to concentrate on that person, or grouping, meaning if you can sneak up behind her while she's focused elsewhere, you may have a chance of hurting her. More's the pity if it doesn't KO her instantly or kill her as to what she'll do to the offending person should she have the chance though. It should be noted, her shield also will not stop a punch.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Ahhh, it got started without me. If it's okay with Burrito, I'd still like to join, but I won't be able to finish a character until tomorrow :eek:


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Take your time and make your character. You can join after you post it.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Correct, more or less. Linda's body is still in the possession of the UNSC, as well as Sam (presumed lost due to a shot in the jetpack), who is training the next group of spartans. There is also I believe four other spartans, as well as Dr. Halsey herself, trapped in a forerunner shield world, which is actually made to protect from the effect of the rings. But I digress...

EDIT: sorry, sam might be Fred, the name actually escapes me, which is disappointing...

Also, that wouldn't happen to be a picture of Inara Serra, would it Siphon? ;)
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Not exactly. Same actress yes, but that is Adria from SG-1. Same actress for Inara though.

Morrena Baccarin (SP?) is the actress's name.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Character Name: Lillius
Age: Appears around 18-19
Gender: Female

Weapons: Lillius has her storage disc at her waist, where one would put a pistol. It contains, besides the obvious ammo for the weapons:
A scalar rifle (bypasses armor and damages the nervous system. But, it’s only strong enough to stun. It’d take several shots to kill. Also damages computers)
Dual laser pistols
She also has a few knives hidden in each arm.

Description: Lillius is very pale with a blue-ish tint to her skin. In contrast, her hair is a blue-black that is kept straight down to her mid-back. Her eyes also stand out as a nice red. She generally has an athletic build, something like that of a swimmer.
Still, her appearance can change often, but this is just her normal build.

Genetic mutations: Lillius can shapeshift and change her appearance, though still staying in a humanoid form. She can also enter a combat form. Her body further solidifies, in a sense increasing muscle density, and also burns through more energy. This allows her to move faster and be considerably stronger. It is something akin to a serious adrenaline rush. Depending on how long she stays like this, will determine how long she’ll crash after. It also take her up to half a minute, depending on the situation, to even shift in or out of the form during which she has to concentrate.
Another part of Lillius having been mutated is that her body, when… er… ‘happy’, will produce chemicals that make those in contact with her happy as well. She is quite embarrassed by this fact. Also, when her body is cold, she produces the same chemical as a pheromone, though it’s considerably weaker. It, at best, makes people want to be around her, possibly hugging or cuddling, as a method to keep her warm, so this only happens when she's cold. The reasoning behind this is that, as part slime, she is susceptible to cold.
Since she is made of semi-slime, she is able to hide knives in her arms.

Bio: Her original name was Amelia Park. During a diplomacy and first contact mission with a slime-creature race, she became fused with one as an act of peace. As a result of this bonding, they adopted a new name, Lillius.
Over a period of months, she learned how to control her new body. After that, since she was still a soldier, she went back to her duties, just in time for the current crisis.

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

...She also has a few knives hidden in each arm....
Sounds painful.

Edit: Now I see the slime body allowing knives in arms... Still sounds painful though.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Would it be possible to make a monster sorta character?


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Slime girl. It works... don't question it lol.

And Lurker, one of the main things Burrito wants from characters, besides the not-OP stuff, would be that the character is humanoid.


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

darn wont be the first sniper of the group but at least i got my own plans for this one.

Character Name: Talenta
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Prosthesis: none
Weapons: Range Range Range
Her weapons disc is located at the small of her back just above the tailbone.
For standard precision shooting she fancys an older model earth rifle usually referred to in many instances as a PSG-1 bearing a modifed electronic scope with built in Infrared and nightvision settings.
When needing to pack a punch her weapon of choice is another long-range rifle of the 50. calibur armor piercing variety. loud boom lotsa hurt.
For the unavoidable close-range combat she enjoys the feel of P-90 dishing out spray of bullets to keep those unwanted at bay.
Also in her possession kept in a holster at her hip is a simple .45 calibur handgun for when all else fails.
Description: Standing at an average 5'5" with short cut sandy blonde hair. She has a lean build to her body seeming well fit as any soldier should be. Her skin tone never quite one shade thanks to the bit of genetic experimentation done on her.
Genetic mutations: When finishing her sniper schooling she was approached with an offer to test a potential new safeguard for snipers who may not be able to rely upon technoology to hide. her skin was treated in a way that allows her to shift her skin pigmentation after a few moments to more closely match surroundings even given small details like simple leaves mixed in. A trained eye could still pick out the hiding sniper and the color shift takes a few moments to adapt yet it makes her a great asset as a sniper being able to camoflage oneself through changing conditions or terrain.
Bio: As a young girl she dealt with much lose as the majority of her family all felt it neccesary to serve in the military. She was a bit of a tomboy and discovered her affinity for firearms much greater then her mother cared for. She developed precision over long distances and when joining the military herself immediately showed prowess as a sniper. fresh from training and genetic modification she is ready to prove she can help on the battlefield.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

By monster, I mean:



Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

*headdesks* Oh ffs, I was trying to avoid a character that was more likely to suicide/die in the event of attempted rape, yet I created exactly that. >_>... Ugh.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Ooh boy, some friendly competition. Just to warn ya though, she's kind of.. Well, let's call it manic obsessive.

So, chameleon skin, eh? Does that mean you snipe in the nude? o_O