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ACT Vore Guro [ Kokage no Izumi ] [ 木陰の泉 ]リリアンの冒険-賢者の塔と岩窟の大迷宮 / Lillian’s Adventure - The Sage’s Tower and the Great Cave Labyrinth (RE297090) (RJ297090)

@Johnxxx That did the trick, thanks.

Unfortunately, it didn't do much for the controls. I was dashing like a madman just for considering a left or right press. The sensitivity is bonkers, and if it wasn't for the stamina meter, I would've never made it past the first walljump section. That needs desparate improvement.
To add to this, because jumping is mapped to pressing UP, you either have to jump straight up and adjust afterwards, or try and jump forward at the high risk of just dashing right after leaving the ground, eating all upward momentum. This issue makes the few platforming segments a major pain in the ass. Maybe that's my controller, but considering I've been using it even for fighting games, I have my doubts. It's not unplayable, but it's barely functional.
i am using the keyboard so maybe give that a try
Yeah the controls are kinda wonky in this game.
Then again none of this authors games ever had decent and intuitive controls.

But good grief that walljumping.
Will this game get an english patch? Idk how playable this game is without english given it's a metroidvania supposedly.
Game looks interesting though, although you guys saying the "controls being wonky" does worry me. I take it you need to clear the game to unlock the gallery?
Will this game get an english patch? Idk how playable this game is without english given it's a metroidvania supposedly.
Game looks interesting though, although you guys saying the "controls being wonky" does worry me. I take it you need to clear the game to unlock the gallery?

It's entirely possible to get through a metroidvania without reading any text, ever. Not getting any hints about where you're supposed to be going is one of the hallmarks of the genre, because a well made metroidvania doesn't have to tell you where to go.
It, uh... it is in English. Have you played the demo yet? It's literally one of the choices on the main menu.
As for the gallery, the demo doesn't have one, but it's pretty likely that beating the game would unlock one.
Do you guys have the same bug that doesnt let you go through gates?
I fixed the text speed bug by putting immediate in the text speed option but i dont know what to do for the gates...
Do you guys have the same bug that doesnt let you go through gates?
I fixed the text speed bug by putting immediate in the text speed option but i dont know what to do for the gates...
Solution was posted on the previous page. Change your date format to english.
Solution was posted on the previous page. Change your date format to english.
I tried it a couple of times and it wasnt working, but after sometime it suddenly worked.
Btw thank you guys for the solution.
So I took a quick peek at the dev's site, and unfortunately they're pushing the release date back again. Now it's slated to release in early September.
I would suggest that since we have more time before it come out, the op update the first post with controls and game content. I realize mentioning this would probably lock the thread until the first post is updated, but I figure it would be better that happens now and then gets adjusted before the game comes out rather than the thread getting locked when the game drops. The content and fetishes are on the dev's website, so I guess you can just copy/paste what they have there.
I'm really hoping "early September" is the actual release date this time, it's been delayed twice now.
Though how long into a month constitutes "early" is an interesting question.
I like to split months into 5 general weeks, and separate them in 3 ways: early, mid, and late.
Early is the first two weeks, mid are the middle three weeks, and late are the last two weeks. Seeing how mid bleeds into early and late, I usually like seeing estimated release dates around early or late month, so I only have to be attentive for two weeks instead of three. Unless it gets delayed after the projected release window.
On their website they posted "We are going to apply for the Adventure of Lillian to DLsite on the 11th. It is expected to be released after the 13th. We're sorry to have kept you waiting so long."
So that's technically early September if we go by Unexpected's definition.
I'm just glad it has a set release date.
At last it has been posted....

beat it. pretty good, took around 2 hours. would recommend using the bells alot, as the best items in the game are hidden in walls. that said, i never did complete a gem, those pieces are hard to find.
laser gun? worth it.
staff? worth it, but chews through MP
horde healing items, some bosses like book devil you'll need a decent stockpile.
beat it. pretty good, took around 2 hours. would recommend using the bells alot, as the best items in the game are hidden in walls. that said, i never did complete a gem, those pieces are hard to find.
laser gun? worth it.
staff? worth it, but chews through MP
horde healing items, some bosses like book devil you'll need a decent stockpile.
How many new enemies and bosses are in the full version that weren't in the demo would you say?
Is there anyway I can buy the game via paypal? I sadly dont understand moonrunes.
Is this game's vore more like those latest installments with half-gentle boss death scenes a'la MGQ "I'm dying but it feels so good" BS or is it more like it was in the past where bosses were lewd/sadistic/uncaring cute looking monstergirls?