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RPG RPG Maker Loli [キラリス舎][Kiralice] ビキニアーマー エクスプローラーズ / Bikini Armor Explorers (RJ269025)

As a game ASYLUM is certainly better in every way than Bikini explorers, mainly because it actually does have the "game" part to it, and it's done damn well... I don't know how far you got into the game, but what makes it even better is the fact that it also has a really good story to complement the whole atmosphere it has going on all the while fleshing out the motivations of the very few NPC's it has (it shows a group of effectively immortal people slowly but surely descending into a sort of madness all the while lamenting their past choices that brought them into that particular situation).

Lets not even mention the presentation as a whole... ASYLUM actually gives off a feel of a "well made" game in every way imaginable, while bikini explorers gives of the feeling of someone slapping together a few random maps using the most basic MV assets which just screams "LOW EFFORT!!!" (and this is me not taking into account the fact that i've always found the MV sprites quite jarring to look at).

There is only one reason i would actually rate it with an 8 instead of a 9. Namely it made its optional H content dependent on the progress you make trough the main story (but there is a reasonable amount of content and all of it is both repeatable and of high quality). Also it addressed the problem of unsexable NPC's you mentioned by actually giving them some content too (I mean Piro is fucking hot, so i'm really glad she got some actual action herself). I mean sure it is still just a few H-scenes per NPC, but they're there...

As for your other point sure, you're right that most of the time it just comes down to whatever a consumer personally likes the game or not, but that doesn't mean that people want to get just some good CG's out of a game, but rather expect something more from it. After all if people wanted CG's then they would just buy some CG sets instead of buying a game. A simple way to put it would be that people expect to get their money's worth i guess, and so if they run into a low effort product they will most of the time bash the crap out of the author as is their right to...

Yeah, the rule of thumb is that for every good H-game there is at least 100 bad ones, meaning that we will only get a game worth playing maybe once every two years (this is just my personal aproximation)... This of course further gives people fuel to just keep on putting the blame on RPG-maker as a program instead on the authors that just want to maximize their income with as little effort as they can... This isn't something new nor exclusive to just the H-market though...

As for Wolf games, there have been a few really good ones, but Wolf-RPG as a program is just a pain in the ass to work with. I usually like to modify the games i play for a while to my liking, but the fact that Wolf has both the common events and scripts in one freaking list makes it a nightmare to deal with (your usual game has a list of about 3000 common event/script items and most authors don't ever bother sorting them in any way)...
2 years is a bit much, i'd say once every couple months is more accurate.
2 years is a bit much, i'd say once every couple months is more accurate.

Yeah maybe, but it largely depends on what you consider to be a release worth your time (i'm talking about REALLY good HRPGs here and those only appear once in a blue moon)... I'll be blunt when i say that there were a lot of games that were to my liking so i was very much willing to just overlook various flaws they may have had and give them a chance regardless, but Bikini explorers had one flaw too many (i did give the game a fair chance and really tried to like it, but there was unfortunately not much to like).

Where is gallery with CG?

Dude go jump into a well... No seriously once you get to the second town (the one with the fields and a castle), go talk to the lady next to a well and she will explain how the whole gallery well thing works.
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Dude, i don't have to use machine translation as i can actually both read and speak japanese just fine... The restaurant "H-scene" is just your guess of what could have happened but didn't... The tentacle rape, well... You actually took an entirely optional H-scene and count it as canon somehow??? (personally i just went and wiped the floor with those tentacles... at that point i was so overpowered that the damn things couldn't even scratch me)

Look i'm not trying to be rude here, but the whole lets agree to disagree in my previous post meant that i just don't give a fuck about continuing this particular discussion with you anymore and thus i tried to put a stop to it in a civil way before we get into an argument over what is ultimately a very crappy game not worth anyone's time...
Restaurant scene is not my guess. She gets stripped, harassed and groped, then MC walks on and "saves her". Similar situation happens later and MC is not there so blue girl gets gangbanged. Maybe you can read and speak japanese but it's useless if you skip the text or don't read between lines. I don't even need dialogue to know what was happening during that scene and I've played enough h-games to know was what going to happen if MC wasn't there. I mean, you don't have to undestand japanese to put 2 and 2 together, but feel free to quote the game if you think I'm misunderstanding this scene.
Tentacle scene is optional but her spying on farmer getting a footjob from slut girl is not. She gets curious about "those things" and then she gets tricked by the guy in the tent (iirc there's handjob scene before sex) since she's not the smartest tool in the shed. Do you really need more "progression" for a side character in a porn game?

I agree that this is not a good game with a lot of wasted potential and I'm not arguing about it. I'm arguing about one specific aspect of this game - you complained about it in your "review" and for me it was one of the few redeeming things about it. Or maybe it's not allowed that crappy games have one or two good things in them? Game is bad but I liked bikinis, silly plot and 4 heroines with different scene progression (even if it meant that scenes were all over the place).

And don't start with "let's agree to disagree" like it's some kind of magic trick to end a discussion and shut somebody up, especially when you keep replying. If you don't give a fuck, then simply do not reply. Put an ignore on me and be done with it, otherwise you are just contradicting yourself.
Wow that scene if you fail saving blue hair girl at beach... Dark.

Shes the only one that survives, gets raped, buries the other 3, sleeps to get over the sadness, wakes up to being preggo, gives birth and mindbreaks to think of the triplet monster babies as her 3 friends ...
Restaurant scene is not my guess. She gets stripped, harassed and groped, then MC walks on and "saves her". Similar situation happens later and MC is not there so blue girl gets gangbanged. Maybe you can read and speak japanese but it's useless if you skip the text or don't read between lines. I don't even need dialogue to know what was happening during that scene and I've played enough h-games to know was what going to happen if MC wasn't there. I mean, you don't have to undestand japanese to put 2 and 2 together, but feel free to quote the game if you think I'm misunderstanding this scene.
Tentacle scene is optional but her spying on farmer getting a footjob from slut girl is not. She gets curious about "those things" and then she gets tricked by the guy in the tent (iirc there's handjob scene before sex) since she's not the smartest tool in the shed. Do you really need more "progression" for a side character in a porn game?

I agree that this is not a good game with a lot of wasted potential and I'm not arguing about it. I'm arguing about one specific aspect of this game - you complained about it in your "review" and for me it was one of the few redeeming things about it. Or maybe it's not allowed that crappy games have one or two good things in them? Game is bad but I liked bikinis, silly plot and 4 heroines with different scene progression (even if it meant that scenes were all over the place).

And don't start with "let's agree to disagree" like it's some kind of magic trick to end a discussion and shut somebody up, especially when you keep replying. If you don't give a fuck, then simply do not reply. Put an ignore on me and be done with it, otherwise you are just contradicting yourself.

So, at first i thought you just wanted a discussion here, but as it turns out you actually just wanted to bash on my opinion... You know i added a note at the end on my review about all of that being just my opinion for a reason, unless that little bit eluded you somehow...

You actually liked this game and you didn't like my opinion on it because of that, and that's cool, but instead of bashing on my opinion why haven't you just written a review of your own or something? But before you do that be fair and try to ask yourself if just one good thing in a game is enough to salvage the entire construct that a game is from collapsing under the weight of all the bad things... And that is the entire point, not the characters, not whatever they wear bikinis or something else and most certainly not the way they act, but rather how it all meshes up together to form a greater whole, yet you keep ignoring this most important point. That is what makes or breaks the game, and in this case it just broke it badly...

I'm not denying your right to like a game however if that's what you have been thinking, but rather expressing my opinion on it just like you. At this point it's all down to whatever you're intentionally disregarding everything i say and just interpreting it in whatever way you want or not...

If after this you still keep insisting on "interpreting" the intention or actions of the character in an H-game to me, then sorry, but you would have better spent all that time on actually trying to help the people in this thread who have become stuck with their progress seeing how you like this game to such an extent...

And yeah, i keep replying, but you know what, instead of trying to explain why i think the way i do as i previously did, i could have just answered to your initial "i don't agree" with "so?" because you know i don't have to care about your opinion...

If you can't handle criticism towards something you like then simply don't even bother reading it... and hereby i quote "Put an ignore on me and be done with it", but i'll add to it "otherwise feel free to see yourself out"...
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Who has passed this point, please help me at this point, I couldn't pass it, the jail keys I kept. When climbing the stairs to get the Blacksmith Bikini but not received. and return down and go up and down all along. Just I will to restart

Capture.PNG Bikini Armour Explorers 2020_09_07 16_57_52.png Bikini Armour Explorers 2020_09_07 16_59_02.png

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Who has passed this point, please help me at this point, I couldn't pass it, the jail keys I kept. When climbing the stairs to get the Blacksmith Bikini but not received. and return down and go up and down all along. Just I will to restart

Wait, i don't get what problem exactly have you encountered... As those instructions pointed out go into the blacksmiths atelier and talk to him (if you can't enter for some reason talk to your companions first and it should enable you to enter afterwards), see the cutscene, go outside and to the castle's top where the painter's apprentice was previously and talk to the painter about the dragon... If the painter isn't there however try to rest at the inn just in case and try again (i would also try exiting the town if resting at the inn doesn't cause the painter to appear). Afterwards exit the castle town to the west and continue on until the west most point of the highway to get to the new areas...

Bear in mind that you could have encountered some sort of bug, and while personally i didn't it doesn't mean that it isn't there... Also it appears that there is a good reason that the game got 5 patches in a very short period of time...
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So, at first i thought you just wanted a discussion here, but as it turns out you actually just wanted to bash on my opinion... You know i added a note at the end on my review about all of that being just my opinion for a reason, unless that little bit eluded you somehow...

You actually liked this game and you didn't like my opinion on it because of that, and that's cool, but instead of bashing on my opinion why haven't you just written a review of your own or something? But before you do that be fair and try to ask yourself if just one good thing in a game is enough to salvage the entire construct that a game is from collapsing under the weight of all the bad things... And that is the entire point, not the characters, not whatever they wear bikinis or something else and most certainly not the way they act, but rather how it all meshes up together to form a greater whole, yet you keep ignoring this most important point. That is what makes or breaks the game, and in this case it just broke it badly...

I'm not denying your right to like a game however if that's what you have been thinking, but rather expressing my opinion on it just like you. At this point it's all down to whatever you're intentionally disregarding everything i say and just interpreting it in whatever way you want or not...

If after this you still keep insisting on "interpreting" the intention or actions of the character in an H-game to me, then sorry, but you would have better spent all that time on actually trying to help the people in this thread who have become stuck with their progress seeing how you like this game to such an extent...

And yeah, i keep replying, but you know what, instead of trying to explain why i think the way i do as i previously did, i could have just answered to your initial "i don't agree" with "so?" because you know i don't have to care about your opinion...

If you can't handle criticism towards something you like then simply don't even bother reading it... and hereby i quote "Put an ignore on me and be done with it", but i'll add to it "otherwise feel free to see yourself out"...
I'm not bashing your opinion, I just think it's wrong in some places.
Overall, I don't like this game but I don't hate it and I don't think it's completely trash. There are some positives. My way of thinking is like this: art is not that good, but it's an interesting style and it feels different. There not a lot of scenes, but some of them are hot. Plot is stupid, but it's so silly, it can make you laugh (depending if you like this kind of humour). And so on.
You say there is a lot of bad things in this game and I agree. Does it completely ruin the experience? Somewhat... But after getting bug fixes (also, I think encounter rate was reduced), editing save to make characters stronger and having a walkthrough - most of my complains are fixed. Not all of them, but enough to save this game from being "trash". After all, I finished it so it can't be that bad. Will I play it again? Definitely not.

"If after this you still keep insisting on "interpreting" the intention or actions of the character in an H-game" - yeah, that's what you do when you read books, watch movies or play games... Interpretation. I'm trying to understand what I'm looking at instead just mindlessly going through dialogue without a second thought. It doesn't matter if it's a book from a nobel prize author or intentions of a character in a porn game. And don't worry, I'm not wasting any time because I'm grasping things really fast and it's not like this is rocket science. It doesn't take any time to figure out what drunk men want to do to a half-dressed, dumb and kludgy heroine in a hentai game... Things rarely get more obvious than this. You see it and you instantly know where it is going.
But I'm thankful that you keep helping people in this thread, even though you hate this game. If I was in your place and if I had so many strong feelings towards this game, I'd unfollow this thread and don't bother wasting any more of my time on anything related to it.

"If you can't handle criticism towards something you like" - that's the point - I don't like this game. I like some parts of it. How many times do I have to point this out? It's in every my damn post in this thread.
You say I can't handle criticism but I only said that I don't like one or two things in your "review" and I think you are wrong completely bashing this game - that's all and yet, here we are. How many posts later, just because I quoted two sentences from your review and didn't agree with it...
I'm not bashing your opinion, I just think it's wrong in some places.
Overall, I don't like this game but I don't hate it and I don't think it's completely trash. There are some positives. My way of thinking is like this: art is not that good, but it's an interesting style and it feels different. There not a lot of scenes, but some of them are hot. Plot is stupid, but it's so silly, it can make you laugh (depending if you like this kind of humour). And so on.
You say there is a lot of bad things in this game and I agree. Does it completely ruin the experience? Somewhat... But after getting bug fixes (also, I think encounter rate was reduced), editing save to make characters stronger and having a walkthrough - most of my complains are fixed. Not all of them, but enough to save this game from being "trash". After all, I finished it so it can't be that bad. Will I play it again? Definitely not.

"If after this you still keep insisting on "interpreting" the intention or actions of the character in an H-game" - yeah, that's what you do when you read books, watch movies or play games... Interpretation. I'm trying to understand what I'm looking at instead just mindlessly going through dialogue without a second thought. It doesn't matter if it's a book from a nobel prize author or intentions of a character in a porn game. And don't worry, I'm not wasting any time because I'm grasping things really fast and it's not like this is rocket science. It doesn't take any time to figure out what drunk men want to do to a half-dressed, dumb and kludgy heroine in a hentai game... Things rarely get more obvious than this. You see it and you instantly know where it is going.
But I'm thankful that you keep helping people in this thread, even though you hate this game. If I was in your place and if I had so many strong feelings towards this game, I'd unfollow this thread and don't bother wasting any more of my time on anything related to it.

"If you can't handle criticism towards something you like" - that's the point - I don't like this game. I like some parts of it. How many times do I have to point this out? It's in every my damn post in this thread.
You say I can't handle criticism but I only said that I don't like one or two things in your "review" and I think you are wrong completely bashing this game - that's all and yet, here we are. How many posts later, just because I quoted two sentences from your review and didn't agree with it...

Okay, bro i can accept that... You see we finally see eye to eye about something at least...

As for the story, as you said it's only fair to give it a chance no matter how bad it is, which i did, and you know even the writing was as bland as it gets (sometimes i wish i didn't know how to read japanese so i couldn't get pissed about the writing quality, the irony of course being that i actually learned it in the first place just so i could actually understand the context of everything being said 100% of the time)...

Before you take this the wrong way again, i'm not exactly bashing on this game for the reasons you might think, if anything as i already stated in one of my posts before i am damn sad that this game wasn't as awesome as i wanted it to be. At the start it looked like everything i ever wanted from an H-game but that quickly wore off after the 1000th random encounter and very little in the way of reward for all the time invested into it. In other words it is a mess, and i don't know if that is because the developer doesn't have enough experience, or if it's simply his unwillingness to actually put in some effort to make this game into the kind of gem it could have been...

Anyway, i'm hoping their next attempt will be a lot better, because i know they can and could have done better if only they had tried before...
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i have 1 silly question, where is all the location to get/buy godess statue to repair, i bought one from black market at last tower but i still need 1 more for Village Marsoc teleport
did anybody know how to get "living Fish" cuz i dont know where is the fisherman
How to learn skill jump barrel and Screenshot_2020-11-04-17-47-18-30_e6c7e4e8ba617ad4313d9b2c4c9e784f.jpg ? Please help
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Should I (purposely) lose to enemies with heart icon?
Seems like the game warned me I'd be missing CG (for defeat H-scene) if I win instead since my first encounter with heart enemies.
Yes, if you want to see the H-scenes, lose to heart enemies.
Yes, if you want to see the H-scenes, lose to heart enemies.
BTW how to get 3rd H-scene on Delta (second forest dungeon)?
Already got
-Everyone loses to plant monsters (defeat scene)
-Everyone takes a bath at pond
Guide didn't really mention specific way

Also got poisonous mushroom from Delta but didn't find its use.
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full scene gallery

Are there any actual repeatable scenes, or anything not available in the gallery? Wondering why the game bothers with a molestation count when the gallery only seems to have 3 scenes for the main heroine that aren't GOR.
Are there any actual repeatable scenes, or anything not available in the gallery?

No, there really aren't any, and that is the main issue with this game, among other things (too many things went wrong with this game for it to be any different from the dozens of other low effort products that flood DLSite every season)...

Wondering why the game bothers with a molestation count when the gallery only seems to have 3 scenes for the main heroine that aren't GOR.

Yeah, that is what they call "feature creep" i guess, and i'd imagine that the developer actually had some sort of purpose for it in mind before he threw in another hundred random things into the game that he just sort of forgot about a while later and left them totally/mostly useless (in other words an inexperienced developer tried to make a much more complex game than his experience allows him to and halfway realized it himself thus ending up with a buggy/incomplete game that required 15 patches or so to be even remotely playable)...
Somehow, this just released on Steam.
However, I'm unsure if any updates are included, though it is claimed to be translated to english.
The creator did recently say on ci-en however they're planning more content, or maybe a sequel game.

Update: Do not get the Steam version. It's in english, but ALL R-18 gameplay and images have been stripped out. Either reference has been removed, or a fade-to-black happens.
Update: Do not get the Steam version. It's in english, but ALL R-18 gameplay and images have been stripped out. Either reference has been removed, or a fade-to-black happens.

go to the publisher's website, otaku plan, and download the patches to restore the original game.
go to the publisher's website, otaku plan, and download the patches to restore the original game.
where is their website? I don't see it listed anywhere
Edit: nevermind, found by google. It's such a generic company name though, there's 3 different websites called that.