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Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Katarina woke to a dimly lit room. Shakily standing, she took note of her clothing, or lack of rather. She was completely nude, no sign of her clothing anywhere. Looking around she spotted a note dangling in front of her face from a string. Peering at it, she read the following.

"Welcome Katarina, to the Citadel of Corruption. I have brought you here to amuse myself as you struggle to escape from here. Know that you must defeat a total of five bosses in these caves to reach my city. Once there you must defeat another five bosses. If you manage to get past all of them, you will face ME in the flesh. I guard your only way back to your home, your own planet. Let the fun begin!"

Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything before waking up here, save that she had been on her way home before blacking out.

The room seemed to be lit by a dozen torches, and it appeared to be part of some kind of cave network. With two exits before her, and nothing else of interest in the room, she had a decision to make. Should she choose to leave and try this challenge or stay and hope for help that might never come? It didn't seem like she'd get home without trying, so was there really any option?

Available Actions:

Stay in the room.
Take the left exit door.
Take the right exit door.
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

"WORTHLESS BITCH!!! I"LL FUCKING KILL YOU WHEN I GET TO YOU!!!!" Screaming at the invisible man speaking to her. Feeling oddly satisfied by this response she knows it's only a matter of time before he sends someone after her. So movement is the best option, she does a quick game of ennie meanie miney moe and picks left. Down the left path she goes ready for what ever comes her way...hopefully getting a weapon of some kind to help fend off what ever is gonna be coming.
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

As Katarina stormed into the next room she noticed a trapdoor in the floor before her and skidded to a stop just before stepping on the door, whatever was underneath was probably bad. Across the room she noticed two things lurking, one looked like a giant bug crawling around, the other was a shapely woman made out of tar who's legs tapered off to a large puddle of goo.

Level 2 Demonic Bug: These things have a rather large human looking phallus that they try to stick into you. Other than that, they appear to be about four feet long, don't stand up and love to tackle rape.

Level 3 Tar Demoness: This is a Female Version of the Tar Demon, and she carries the Futa Spell on her. If she futa's you, she'll grip you inside of her tight, warm Tar made pussy, milking you toward corruption every chance she gets. Surprisingly she doesn't attempt to suck you off, but then again why bother when she probably doesn't have to worry about you escaping? If she doesn't futa you, then she begins thrusting her fingers in and out of you, trying to force you into climax.


(Try and crush the bug before it notices you)

(Tackle the woman make out of goo and hope you don't just end up stuck)

(Charge through both to the next room, how fast can something made out of tar be?)
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

though Katarina's mind shoots only one thought. SO this fucker is intothat shit now is he. Well I show him what happens when I get angry, although being unarmed and unclothed is not exactly how I would like this to go down. Ah well prisoners can't be choosers. Rushing the bug and bashing its head in before it notices me is probably my best tactical option here.

(Just that charge the bug and crush it before it notices me, deal with the tar lady afterwards)
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

Katarina: 50/500xp 211/500 KL Level 0

Strength: 35
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 25
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 30

HP: 90/90
Stamina: 82/100

(Katarina rushes forward and lands a blow to the bug and avoids it's counter and finishes it off)

The unaware bug hardly puts up a fight as Katarina lunges at it and crushes it with two well placed stomps causing it to twitch and squirm before her.

(Unfortunatly she can't outmanuever the now aware tar demoness and finds herself trapped but thankfully not futa'd for now yet still at the demoness' mercy for 5 turns suffering 2 orgasms taking 91 pleasure 211 KP and losing 18 stamina)

As she catches her breath Katarina feels something warm on her back and turns just in time to be pulled into the warm sticky cleavage of the tar woman. As she's lowered to her knees she can feel her legs become completely engulfed by the tar as well as her arms. Before she can start to struggle she feels the woman's sticky hand slip into her pussy and begins to fist her with her soft malleable hand. The woman brings Katarina to climax a few times causing her to see stars as she clears her head enough to think again, unless she escaped soon she'd end up spending a lot of time with this woman. At least she didn't seem malicious.


(Must...resist...."hot" woman)

(A warm tar bath might be kind of fun....)
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

Given a moment to get her head straight after her first orgasm. Her mind lights on fire, feels good but I have a jack ass to find and put my first inside his head.

"Feels nice tar bitch but I have places to go and people to kill. If you want to stay in my way your more then welcome to get added onto the list"

As she beings to squirm and pull trying to get her arms and legs free.

(Struggle to get free and then Hit the tar bitch once, see if it does damage)
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

Katarina: 50/500xp 235/500 KP Level 1

Strength: 35
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 25
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 30

HP: 90/90
Stamina: 77/100

(Katarina suffers a few more points of pleasure but wrenches herself free before an orgasm taking 24 pleasure 5 stamina loss and 24KP and lands a blow for 29 damage)

After a bit of a struggle Katarina wiggles out of the tar and punches the woman in the head splattering it around the room. The head regrows and Katarina barely hops away from the woman who puts her hands on her hips appearing annoyed that Katarina doesn't want to let her pleasure her.
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

"well ok then, that was far less then effective. Guess hanging around here is only going to accomplish in getting me tar fucked. Time to go" With that Kat turns and dashes from the room, no point in hanging around to fight a monster that does not seem to be able to die.
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

Katarina: 50/500xp 235/500 KP Level 1

Strength: 35
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 25
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 30

HP: 90/90
Stamina: 77/100

Katarina escapes the tar demoness easily and blots into the next room, taking a second to rest she notcies the plantlife on the wall moving just before it lashes out at her and misses. "Aww, I was looking forward to a show." Katarina hears her own disappointed voice as she turns around and spots herself laying on what looks like a giant mass of slime. "You know you're taking this way too seriously, it's not like we'll crack, we should relax and enjoy ourselves a bit, this place is awesome!" *Katarina* bounces off the blob and grins. "I mean when will you get the chance to make out with someone as hot and awesome as yourself?"

Level 3 Slime Blob: These are your typical slime creatures, capable of altering their shape to flow around the body, and form a slime hardened penis to penetrate with. They tend to be green in color.

Doppelganger: The Doppelganger is a demoness that appears to be identical to you, right down to the appearance and stats. She loves to try and futa you so she can grip you or suck you. If she doesn't futa you, she'll use her tongue or fingers.

Both sides paused a moment while Katarina mulled over this odd turn of events trying to decide what to do.....
Re: Katarina (FireoftheMonkey)

'fuck, another me and a slime monster. The real question here is which one do I think I can take down in one strike. Hmm I don't have faith that I can take either one, and concentrating my effort on one means the other will jump me. AH well have to try something and if anything is going to rape me I would prefer it not be me.' She says as she comes to a decision.

"While masturbating sounds like a fun plan I'll have to pass." She charged forward laying a strong right hook into her copies face, she figured she would be at least as talented as herself she just hoped she could down it before the slime monster got a hold of her.