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KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Providing we have at least three completed characters posted by Tuesday, our first session will be held at 1900 GMT this Thursday, 23 October. Please let me know, in advance, of any scheduling difficulties.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

As I only see two characters posted (and only one in the specific thread), Thursday will be a live "catch-up and coordination" session, at 1900 GMT, to assess our situation with regard to building a party, and to assist players in character creation.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

We are meeting in the IRC channel in about forty minutes, if anyone needed the link.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

First session was spent as predicted, ensuring everyone's characters were ready. Our first actual in-game session is scheduled for 30 October (Thursday), 1900 GMT, in the Room of Bacons (same place).

Please have your characters complete and posted by 28 October (Tuesday). Let me know in advance of any scheduling conflicts.

Also, please PM me with your character's Perception and Sense Motive scores as well as ANY special modifiers that your character might apply to such rolls. You will not know when I make these checks, unless you actively declare that you're using these skills. Additionally, please include a list of all active effects on your character (like a cloak of displacement).

Party Build:
Aurani - Alice Hirschmann, Skald
Aust Nailo - Gwynne Coppereye, Cleric of Freyja
Caulder - Bohzag Baumfäller, Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Keylo - Duvak Steelkin, Shaman
Rathuris - Anor Urthal, Cavalier/Hunter
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Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Also, when you PM me, please let me know if your character has strong ties to Eisenberg or Axtkopf (or neither). Political powers might relay requests for the party through members that they believe they can trust.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

House Rules (subject to changes at a whim):
1. Weapon-specific feats (weapon focus, rapid reload, etc) apply to , as set out in the Core Rulebook, providing your character is proficient in the specific weapon (proficiencies remain unchanged). Weapon group feats do NOT stack (i.e. if you used a weapon that belonged to two groups, and had Weapon Focus on both groups, you would only get to apply +1).
2. All permanent attribute changes apply retroactively. This includes skills, hp, bonus languages, and so on.
3. "Common" language is essentially the human tongue, and while many dwarves learn it for its use in trading and so forth, it is not as common as in most standard Pathfinder games. Characters may keep Common or trade it for another of the available bonus languages at creation. Dwarves from Axtkopf or the Keep are likely to speak Common; dwarves from Eisenberg may or may not bother with it.
4. after the first are two-for-one (in other words, your second and third item creation feats only cost one feat, as well as your fourth and fifth, your sixth and seventh, and so on).
5. We will be using the for the dwarves and humans. One adjustment: Forseti is a god of reconciliation under the law, so his alignment is Lawful Good (though leaning more towards Law).
6. Divine casters in the service of a deity automatically go into that deity's service on the appropriate plane. Other characters who die honorably (mostly that means "in battle, facing the enemy") automatically go to Valhalla. All others go to Hel to be judged. The majority of those will be sent to their respective alignment planes, but the truly unworthy (the dishonorable, the cowardly, and the treacherous) may be pressed into service as a thrall of Hel.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Reminder for everyone, we were supposed to start at 1800GMT today. That's actually two hours earlier than last time for US residents, because DST. Of course, worst case scenario, we'll just pick up where we left off next Thursday, instead. I figure I'll wait around for an hour, see if we can get at least four or five players.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Due to various circumstances beyond my control (and the worst timing ever), I won't be available for today's session. If people are available at 1800GMT tomorrow, I'd be happy to run the session then. Otherwise, let's go ahead and postpone until next week. Sorry, folks.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Reminder: Thursday's session will be at 1800GMT.

Further explanation (Caulder, read this):
1800GMT is 10:00am on the West Coast and 1:00pm on the East Coast.

That means that, for eight hours of sleep, an American living in California would need to go to bed by about 1am. An American living in New York or Michigan would need to go to bed by about 4am. This gives an extra hour for the player to use the restroom, eat their breakfast, brush, floss, gargle, shower, shave, dress, and be in the baconroom.

It also means that Wednesday night is no time for an all-nighter. The more you know... :D
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Word of warning, my attendance tomorrow (today) may be a bit spotty. It's Thanksgiving in the states, and I also moved this week/am still settling in. Not sure if I'll be able to be here 100%.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Apparently no one remembered when I said that we would not be holding the session today because of Thanksgiving. Our next session will be Thursday, 4 December at 1800 GMT. Sorry for the confusion.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

As stated in-session, all characters have advanced to fifth level. The party is getting close to the Keep at Red Valley, being only a half-day's march from Red Valley itself and another full day's march to the keep.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Due to finals week for me, no session tomorrow. We'll pick up where we left off on 18 December, at the usual time.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Let's talk about schedules, shall we? Next Thursday is Christmas. The Thursday after that is New Year's Day. Neither day works for... most of us, I think. As my classes don't start up until early January, however, I propose that we pick a different day for the next few weeks. I'm available pretty much all mornings but Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. As I understand it, Scandinavians celebrate Christmas on Wednesday. So that leaves Mondays and Saturdays. Do those work for people, or will we have a three week hiatus? If need be, I'll just post the edited logs and we'll figure things out from there.

EDIT: And by morning, I mean morning for ME. Which is 1800 GMT, 1300 EST, and 1000 PST (me). Thanks, Aurani.
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Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Aaaand real life interferes yet again. My class schedule has shifted for next quarter. Starting on 6 January, I have a class every Thursday at 1800 GMT (our usual time). I could delay the start of each session until about 2000 GMT, when I get home, but given the length of our sessions and the fact that some of our players usually drop out due to it being so damned late for them, I think we need to explore other options.

So we need to adjust our schedules. Please respond with your thoughts and/or availability. Thanks.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

I am available most of the week. So am fine with what ever time.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Thursday's recently become a bad day for me, and I'm not 100% on my own schedule yet, but for now days that would be fine are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday.
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

I have classes Monday through Thursday for this quarter. Sunday is Spodah's Pathfinder game, and given that three of our six players are either playing or DMing that game, Sundays are off-limits. Fridays and Saturdays are pretty much our only options, and 1800 GMT is still the best time for me.

A few players have privately expressed a desire to not play on Saturday, so I'm leaning toward Fridays at 1800 GMT. Thoughts?
Re: KaRV Scheduling and Miscellany

Friday is good with me.