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KaRV Character Thread


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
For ease of access, please post your character and ability score records here, even if you've already posted the character elsewhere.

Please include something of your character's background, either by including it here or by PMing me. Also, let me know what your character is likely to have done during the Elf War (if he or she did not participate, there should be a good reason why).
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Re: KaRV Character Thread

Bohzag Baumfäller, The Tracker.

Bohzag comes from the respected Baumfäller family, a family of surface-dwellers tasked with felling trees and providing much-needed lumber to nearby Dwarven cities. Bohzag is something of a black sheep among the family. Rather than take up the mantle of felling trees all day, he instead opted to study chemicals and black powder, brewing up remedies and medicinal powders for the rest of the family, who were often hurt logging. Most did not care for his inability to contribute directly to the family workload, and when the war broke out, his first instinct was to grab his hand-crafted musket and enlist.

Elf War History:
Bohzag's job when he was enlisted was as a forward scout. His job was to move ahead of the army and ensure they didn't walk into an ambush. When the First Battle of the Borderlands broke out, he was cut off from the actual army, and forced to survive behind enemy lines until the fight was won by the Dwarves. When he linked back up with them, his duties remained the same. Scout ahead, report back any trouble. When he noticed that the distant sounds of marching had erupted into another battle, he rushed back as fast as he could. It was at that moment that Bohzag's left eye was taken from him by an Elven arrow. Before the archer could draw another arrow, Bohzag shot, the musket ball ripping the elf's left ear clean off. The Elf fled, fearing further injury and possible death. Bohzag retreated into a tall tree, and tended to his missing eye, eventually climbing back down to try and link up with the rest of the army. When he failed to find any alive, he began to make his way back to civilization, hoping that at least SOME had survived. He's since taken up the mantle of Mountaineer, spending almost all of his time above-ground, defending his home from whatever might be foolish enough to attack from above-ground.
Re: KaRV Character Thread

My Dwarven knight


Anor was born to the small minor Urthal family. Much like his other brothers he was instructed in he ways of politics and war. It was readily apparent that Anor had an aptitude for animals and easily besting his siblings upon horse back. As he grew older, his studies turned more towards combat then his siblings. Much like most other dwarves, he enlisted when war broke out.

During the Elf War, Anor being from a minor noble family was put in charge of a small mounted unit. During much of the war he would lead his men into the thick of thins with a mounted charge. Other times it was on foot leading them into the elven midsts axe swinging. One point after losing a battle, him and his men were stuck behind enemy lines, with no mounts. They spent several days running and fighting to get back to the dwarven front line. Aftarwards, he would join minor skirmishes throught the war and participating on the outskirts of the larger battles.
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Re: KaRV Character Thread

Alice Hirschmann the reporting for duty.
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Re: KaRV Character Thread

Not finished yet, mostly because I realized I made a rather large error with my build, but hopefully will be done within a hour as of writing.

Re: KaRV Character Thread

Gwynne Coppereye-Loyal Servant of our Lady of War Freya

Re: KaRV Character Thread

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