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KaRV Campaign Background


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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I think it would be easiest to start with the second draft of the campaign map, so everyone can visualize the places when I write long-winded paragraphs about each location. It's a rather large image, so you might find it easier to simply download the map, vice viewing it on the forum. Also, this is still a DRAFT. I may move things around a little bit (though I also don't want to draw another map, so maybe not).
Re: KaRV Campaign Background

These are descriptions of some of the locations seen on the map.

The Keep:
The keep was completed by humans almost a century ago, and mostly saw use as a resupply area for travel on the White River to the western human settlement of Easterleigh, next to the ocean. Three years ago, it was attacked and taken by elves for reasons unknown. The elves allowed non-combatants to leave the keep alive, and their stories sparked the "War of Elven Aggression" (sometimes shortened to the "Elf War").
The Red Valley:
The flat area of land adjoining the keep was named the Red Valley following the First and Second Battles of the Borderlands. Including elves, dwarves, and humans, the two battles saw fifty-thousand casualties, making them the bloodiest battles in remembered history.
Referred to as “Axehead” by non-dwarves, Axtkopf is a relatively young city, only dating back about three hundred years. The city appears to be a rather small human town to surface dwellers, but the vast majority of Axtkopf is underground. The subterranean portion is built around a large, underground river, which provides the dwarves (and their human allies, of course) with an almost limitless supply of fresh fish in the event of a siege. Some dwarven engineers suspect that the underground river is connected to the White River, but the rapid current makes testing this theory impossible, to date. Axtkopf’s location makes it a major hub for trading between humans and dwarves, which has led to its relatively rapid growth. There are also rumors of a tunnel being dug between Eisenberg and Axtkopf.
An ancient dwarven citadel, Eisenberg is carved into the face of an enormous mountain. The ancient structure’s only known entrance is a massive set of steel doors, reinforced with adamantium, and only approachable via a long, steep, and narrow path. There is an underground entrance, of course, but its location is kept secret to all but a few. There are also rumors of a tunnel being dug between Eisenberg and Axtkopf. The populace of Eisenberg is much larger than that of Axtkopf, and is almost entirely dwarven.
Easterleigh is the westernmost known settlement on the mainland, and is a fortified human city. The majority of the humans live on islands located to the west, so Easterleigh was at one point the most eastern of the human settlements. Easterleigh is perhaps the most prosperous of the mainland cities due to its prominence as a trading port and its close alliances with Axtkopf and Eisenberg. Shortly after the outbreak of the Elf War, the elves coordinated a land siege with an amphibious assault against the human city. The humans held out for three months, at which point General Agathe Reinhardt led a dwarven army to successfully break the siege. The elves did not attempt a land battle against Easterleigh for the rest of the war. Elven corsairs raided and blockaded Easterleigh on multiple occasions; however, the city was never taken and the elves were unable to sustain blockades for longer than a few months at a time.
Re: KaRV Campaign Background

Here are a couple of the important dwarves in the northern city-states:

Agathe Reinhardt, former General of the Armies of Eisenberg:
The Reinhardts are the reigning family in the dwarven citadel of Eisenberg, a family known for producing skilled, fierce warriors. Agathe is the younger sister of Duke Urs Reinhardt. General Reinhardt was trained as a warrior almost from infantry, and her aptitude for all matters military (combined with her family’s considerable influence) resulted in her rapid promotion through the ranks of the Army of Eisenberg. General Reinhardt’s creativity in warfare led to many stunning victories against goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and eventually elves. She is famous for her relief of the Siege of Easterleigh, in which she led a small army without artillery to rout a much larger elven force (though, admittedly, the elves also had the forces of Easterleigh to contend with). General Reinhardt’s army also participated in the First Battle of the Borderlands, where they acquitted themselves honorably. When Field Marshal Wilhelm Koteletten decided to lead the dwarven forces into the elven forests in pursuit of the routing elven armies, General Reinhardt refused the order, withholding her 5,000 remaining troops. Instead, she pulled her forces back to Axtkopf, calling Koteletten’s plan “poorly-planned, risky, and reckless.” As Koteletten’s army was annihilated almost to a man, there are those among the dwarves who believe that Reinhardt’s actions saved the dwarven city-states, as Reinhardt’s legions were, at that point, the sole military defense for the northern dwarven city-states. On the other hand, there have been many outspoken critics who claim that the lack of 5,000 extra troops was what caused Koteletten’s expedition to fail so abysmally. Either way, many outspoken dwarves consider Reinhardt to have disgraced herself through cowardice, even in the face of a fleeing opponent. The standard of the Eisenberg family is a grey mountain on a red banner.
EDIT: During the first session, the party learned that Duke Reinhardt had disowned, dismissed, and exiled Agathe Reinhardt.
His Grace, Duke Urs Reinhardt of Eisenberg:
Like his sister Agathe, Duke Reinhardt hails from a line of fierce, noble warriors. His family has held dominion over Eisenberg for several generations. The duke is known to be a stalker of some skill, and his strategies are in no small part responsible for the survival of the dwarves. He correctly predicted the Siege of Easterleigh and the elven army’s arrival at the Red Valley for the First Battle of the Borderlands. Some suspect that it was his orders that prevented his sister’s army from pursuing the elven forces north, but such speculation is held in hushed tones, as the duke is not tolerant of dissension in his realm. Dwarven politicians who openly oppose the duke’s policies have often found themselves on the headman’s block—he is not a ruler to be trifled with. Duke Reinhardt has recently taken his third wife, having divorced the first and lost the second in childbirth (his daughter, Lara, survived the birth and is the Duke’s sole heir). The standard of the Eisenberg family is a grey mountain on a red banner.
EDIT: During the first session, the party learned that Duke Reinhardt had disowned, dismissed, and exiled Agathe Reinhardt.
Her Grace, Duchess Madelien Schönfeld of Axtkopf:
The duchess was born Madelien Evering, and belonged to a prominent family of southern dwarves. Her marriage to Duke Hans Schönfeld of Axtkopf was a political alliance that lasts to this day. The duchess proved to be a charming addition to the court and, more importantly, bore eight children for the duke (five boys and three girls). The duke died of illness five years before the outbreak of the Elf War. In the dwarven tradition, the duchess would continue to reign until her own death or retirement. The duchess lost three sons and a daughter to elven blades during the war, and another daughter went missing during the Northern Pursuit. Despite these losses, Duchess Schönfeld has been an advocate of peace with the elves, helping to broker the current armistice with the assistance of her chaplain, Cardinal Gunther Mengelberg. The standard of the Schönfeld family is a white, crossed hammer-and-axe on a blue banner.
His Eminence, Cardinal Gunther Mengelberg:
Cardinal Mengelberg is a paladin of Heimdall who serves as the Lord Clerist of Axtkopf and as Heimdall’s High Priest. Both Duchess Schönfeld and her court hold the cardinal in high esteem, as he is widely known for his strong sense of justice. Cardinal Mengelberg has served as the primary negotiator in the armistice with the elves.
EDIT: Negotiations for peace with the elves were successfully concluded during the first game session.
Sir Bors van Olst:
A knight and trusted advisor in the service of Duchess Schönfeld. Sir Bors is a highly capable pistoleer and the veteran of many military campaigns. He currently acts as bodyguard to the duchess.
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Re: KaRV Campaign Background

The party has arrived at Axtkopf, individually answering summons from representatives of the Duchess of Axtkopf and the Duke of Eisenberg. The summons themselves were vague, but it is commonly known that the dwarves and elves will be signing a peace accord in Axtkopf, ending the hostilities that broke out with the elven seizure of the Keep at Red Valley. Cardinal Mengelberg, the Lord Clerist of Axtkopf and High Priest of Heimdall, has negotiated for months with the elves, ever since the disastrous dwarven defeat at the Second Battle of the Borderlands. Last month, the elves released some fifty prisoners of war into dwarven custody, including the missing daughter of Duchess Schönfeld. In exchange for assurances of peace, the elves have agreed to vacate the Keep at Red Valley, allowing the dwarves to reclaim the trading post. As a vital stop for commerce along the White River, it is expected that humans and dwarves will quickly re-occupy the keep (and the nearby village, which was mostly destroyed during the war). First, though, a dwarven expedition is needed to ascertain the condition of the structure and ensure that the elves have truly left.

And so you find yourself in the surface portion of Axtkopf, gathering one-by-one at a small tavern called the Flat-Footed Fool before heading into the underground part of the city. Unfortunately, word of the imminent diplomatic meeting has spread. The streets are choked with dwarves and humans, milling about in hopes of seeing the arrival of the elven delegation. Many of them do not seem entirely happy with the situation. The tavern is not quite as crowded as the street, but belligerent drunkards make it much noisier. Several of the more quarrelsome patrons have already been ejected into the back alley.
Re: KaRV Campaign Background

One thing that I forgot to make clear: the so-called "Common" tongue is only commonly used in human lands--for all intents and purposes, it could more accurately be titled the "Human" language. Many dwarves learn Common due to their dealings with humans, especially dwarves involved in commerce or politics. However your average NPC dwarf has only a fifty-percent chance of knowing Common--Dwarven is the lingua franca in the city-states and surrounding lands.

If you prefer, feel free to trade the automatic Common language for one of the other 1st level bonus languages available to dwarves (Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, or Undercommon). Or you can keep Common, as you are likely to deal with humans often in this game.
Re: KaRV Campaign Background

The Dwarven realms have their own druidic organization, with one of four Archdruids loosely affiliated with each of the four city-states. At the very top is the Great Druid, the most powerful among the Archdruids. The other three Archdruids hold sway over their own realms, but when the Archdruids meet in council, the Great Druid gets two votes. Under the Archdruids are nine druids with the title of Druid (title, but no vote). All other druids within the order are considered members, but without the title to go with it. Advancement within the druidic organization is only achieved through the rite of single, non-lethal combat (unless a ranking member is perma-killed, in which case the two most likely initiates fight over the advancement). Class level advancement is not tied to organizational advancement in any way. Not all druids feel the need to participate in the organization itself--the rights and groves of individual druids are respected, so long as they don't conflict with those of the organization.
Re: KaRV Campaign Background

Dire Snow Leopards (available now as a non-templated creature, on a trial basis--I might change my mind on this one, folks):
Snow Leopard, Dire CR 5
XP 800
N Large animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
AC 20, touch 19, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 60 (8d8+16 plus 8)
Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +5
Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 2 claw +15 (1d6+6), bite +14 (1d8+6)
Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +15, 1d6+6)
Str 23, Dex 21, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness B, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (claws), Improved Trip
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+14 balancing), Climb +12, Perception +12, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics when balancing, +4 Stealth
SQ snow move
Snow Move (Ex)
Because of its large, fur-covered paws, the snow leopard suffers no penalties for moving through snow-covered terrain.
Environment cold forests and mountains
Organization solitary, pair or den (1–2 adults plus 1–4 cubs)
Treasure none

Snow leopards are relatives of the common leopard and are found in the coldest regions of the world, inhabiting mountain ranges and snowy coniferous forests. Their lairs are typically rocky shelters lined with their own fur for warmth.

Snow leopards are strong, agile, nocturnal hunters and their diet consists of livestock, wild boars, hares, and deer. Like most other big cats, they stalk and ambush their prey. Slain prey is dragged back to the lair and devoured over a period of several days.

Snow leopards are generally solitary creatures, though during mating season more than one can be encountered. A den typically contains 1d2 adults and 1d4 cubs. Cubs that are captured can be sold on the market for 500 gp or more.

A snow leopard is about five feet long with light gray or smoke gray fur that turns white on its underbelly. Its fur is covered with large rings that contain smaller and darker spots of dark gray or black. Its fur is over one inch thick and provides it with warmth against the harshest of temperatures. Eyes are gray or dark blue. Its paws are large and thick-furred which enables it to maintain its footing on the most treacherous of snow-covered ground.

Snow leopards are hunted by many races for their fur which can be sold to furriers and made into coats, blankets, and so on. A typical male’s coat fetches about 800 gp on the market.

Snow leopards, unlike other great cats, do not roar. Rather they let out a low, soft moan. They attack from a distance leaping or pouncing on a foe and attacking with their claws and bite.