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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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June blushed as Sera scooped her up. She placed one hand on Sera's Cheek. "You are the most gorgeous person I have even seen." She leaned up and kissed Sera all the way to the bed. Setting there June watched her a moment her own robe having slipped off one shoulder to reveal one of her soft breasts. It wasn't long till June herself slipped out of the rest of her robes and welcomed Sera into bed with her the young woman eagerly pulling her into a kiss. For the moment they just enjoyed the feel of their bodies. Soft hands glided over skin while passionate lips met. Their bodies slowly heating up with arousal. For a moment she broke away. "Sera I love you with all my being... everything I... I just want to be your's forever. Will you have me?" She moved in to kiss Sera again and the angel could feel the womans heart racing in her chest. She felt her shaft harden and slide up June's already slick thigh. It seemed June was just as ready as Sera.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Of course I'll have you, June. I'd be a fool not to accept that love. Now... let's make love, and maybe more..." Sera panted softly to June as her hands roamed across June's body, slowly but surely spreading her legs until she had the perfect target. "I'm going to push it inside, June," Sera murmured in between their kisses and the soft moans from the young angel as she gently eased her hips forward, and penetrated June and took her like a maiden.

Sera's breasts pressed down against June's, her own heart racing just as much as June's, and Sera felt June's as her weight pressed against the young nun. Her hips started swinging faster and a bit more firmly with each passing moment, and soon enough June would feel Sera already beginning to throb. "Mmm... June I... y-you're so good. I might a-already cum, at this r-rate..." Sera moaned only a minute or so in.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
June bit her lip trying to hold for the intrusion. It didn't work the young woman let out a gasp as Sera entered the warm folds. It wasn't June's first time but as Sera pressed further in it sure felt like it to her. Her dick was enveloped tightly by June's sex almost seeming to pull her further in. Instictivly June wrapped her legs around Sera to hold her in place her breath coming out in a moan that quickly fell to short gasps as Sera sped up her efforts. It wasn't long before Sera felt June tense before shuddering her eyes rolling back her moth open is a silent scream of pleasure.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Mmm f-fuck..." Sera groaned out as June's slit spread around her length, squeezing tightly as she finally came to rest deep within June. "Ooh, that must have felt incredible, love. C-Come, let's really get to it now," Sera panted softly to June and started to thrust properly now, her balls lightly slapping against June's ass with each thrust she made.

It wouldn't be too long before the soft clap of skin on skin filled the room along with the lewd wet sounds of their coupling, and Sera just kept going, intent on making June cry out in ecstasy before the night was out.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Sera didn't have to wait long before got over her initial shock her moans echoing out in a ever increasing crescendo of lusty cries. Each breath taking orgasm Sera rent out of the young woman seemed to take it up a notch further and further. The squelch of their mixed juices drowned out by the sound of wet skin slapping against it counter part gave a temp to their love making. Three, four, maybe even five times June cried out her young body taking the aggressive passion of Sera's member. June's body glistened with sweat her nipples still perked with arousal as her breast heaved with each thrust. She was currently gripping the head of the bed with both hands holding her position against the relentless passion. Sera could feel her body tremble as she held her by the hips, the poor woman's legs having succumb to exhaustion two orgasms ago. It was then June gave one last final cry of release that seemed to time with Sera's own. "SErAAAAA!!" June cried out her name only to have it die in a desperate moan as she collapsed breathing hard her body exhausted.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sera moaned and kept knocking away at June, not slowing nor ceasing her thrusts until She was finished. "Mmm m-mwah... June I love you so much..." Sera moaned, her own nipples rubbing across June's, sparking pleasure through them both, and leaving Sera's tingling a good bit.

Sera rained kisses down on June's face and neck all the while, her tongue gently tasting the sweat glistening on the young nun's body as it ran along her neck. Sera was pounding June rather hard and roughly by this point, her thrusts powerful and firm, not letting up any at all as she gave June the pounding that she deserved from the gorgeous young angel. By the time June's body went limp with exhaustion, Sera felt her shaft blowing a second load into June, before she collapsed herself, and pushed off to June's right, pulling out in the process, where she was panting heavily too.

"H-Hah... June I... that was amazing. My dick is throbbing like mad for more though. But I... I don't want to hurt you by going again if you can't h-handle it..." Sera panted to June, her left hand gently grasping June's right hand.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
June rested holding Sera's hand tight as her chest heaved from their recent effort. "Just got to rest love" Sweat still ran off her skin and Sera could feel the girls sex still quivering from their recent fucking. Her nipples were still fully erect swaying with each heave of her chest. After a moment though June seemed to stir and moved to rest on top of sera kissing her softly their breast squished together. Soon though June adjusted herself to a kneeling position over her, she smiled as she felt Sera's cock rest between her butt cheeks. "I never want to forget this sight in all my days. If it was the last thing I ever saw it would be enough." Biting her lip June leaned up again. Taking Sera's cock in hand she slowly guided it to her dripping slit and eased herself down taking Sera fully into her with a grunt. Savoring the fullness June sat a moment before she began to pump up and down controlling the pace of their sex. It was slow at first letting June and Sera feel each other before desire began to speed up June's efforts.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sera sighed softly and returned June's kisses passionately, her wings fluttering slightly as she held the young human in her arms. "Mmm, you're amazing, June. I don't want to forget our time together either, and I promise you that I never will," Sera cooed in between their kissing, and when June slipped atop her, Sera didn't resist, letting her up there.

As soon as June sank back down onto her shaft, Sera groaned out and shuddered as she felt June's tightness enveloping her length. Sera let June dictate the speed for round two though, and merely held onto June's ass with a firm grip, simply enjoying the sensation. "D-Don't stop until You're satisfied tonight, June," Sera told June.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
June set an easy pace as her endurance no where near match Sera's own. Still with out the frenzied efforts of the first round June to wear her out June took her time feeling Sera's entirety in her. It was slow but no less passionate and as Juen sped up her climax near its peak held to Sera tightly her nails digging into her skin. With a desperate cry June called out Sera's name before falling to rest against the angel panting heavily. Panting June rose a little again still feeling Sera's hard shaft began to pump it again intent on having Sera empty her lust into her at least one more time. Her skin was flush with effort and her breath heavy as she worked Sera's prick with thrusts of her hips, till at last she felt Sera's seed rush into her. Only then did June rest laying next to Sera exhausted.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sera moaned as June started up, and reached up to gently grope June's breasts and slid her hands up and down June's sides gently too, and she came with June when June hit her peak, unable to resist the urge to. "Mmm, June that was amazing. You're amazing. I do love you so much," Sera panted softly to June when her lover fell to the side, an arm wrapped around her, holding her close by.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
It was early morning before Sera woke. June still slept nestled close to her. She moaned softly as Sera moved but didn't wake. It was then she saw Crissa standing in the door waiting patently. "Mistress Sera the morning prep for your visitor are done." She looked over at June. "Ill have a bath ready for both of you. Is there anything else you need Miss?" It would only take a moment for Sera to get up not disturbing June. Wrapping herself in a silk drape, a gift from Jolynn which apparently was made a bit too small to contain everything... well Knowing Jolynn was probably designed just to her taste. Still the slightly transparent drape was comfortable enough and none of her girls seemed to mind. "There a few more preparation that need your approval of course. IVe also looked into getting the equipment for your.. umm request to milk your seed but I'm afraid we might have to wait till we get some income in."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sera sighed softly as she woke, enjoying the closeness of June lying up against her like she was. It was then that she noticed Crissa standing in the doorway, waiting for her to wake. "Mmm... Crissa... were you waiting long? S-Sorry about that. Was just so comfortable here with June. And yes, a bath and maybe a glass of orange juice if we have any, lemon or lime if not," Sera replied softly, stretching a bit and climbing gently out of bed to keep from waking June, where she'd lean back across and kiss June on the cheek before getting her silk robe wrapped around herself, as she walked to the bath.

"Hah, that's fine I suppose. I won't force anyone else to do it either. Only those that are willing need offer their own milk. Is there anything else?" Sera sighed softly as she entered the bath, letting her robe slide off, where she set it nearby before easing into the bath. "Let June sleep in, and have the bath ready for her if she's not up by the time I get out, please. And Crissa... thank you for all your help," Sera said after a few moments.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
"No Mistress I was not waiting long." Crissa followed her to the bath and folded her wrap. Soon enough one of her maids brought her a orange juice with a wedge of both lime and Lemon. Crissa waited and jotted down some notes as Sera spoke. "All the girls have set about their tasks today Mistress. So all is in order. The guards have assembled for inspection and will be awaiting your guest. We still have some time before she arrives however. Is there anything you wish done?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"That's good. And thank you for bringing the juice and fruits for me. As for anything else... hmm... well I can't think of anything right off no. Also Crissa, let me know if any of the girls have any requests, or complaints that they'd like to bring to my attention. I'm more than willing to listen to all," Sera said to Crissa as she got herself cleaned up and ready for inspection of her guards, telling Crissa to have them all assemble once she was out of the bath.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
"Crissa looked at her notes. "Just odd requests for foods. Probably due to their pregnant situation. Ill have the girls tend to them in due order." Nodding Crissa left Sera to get ready. Jolynn had been generous in gifts to her and wardrobe was now near bursting with all types of gowns and dresses even robes and some more exotic items. These brought a slight flush to her face, but soon enough choosing what attire she would she found her small set of guards ready for her inspection. A few where missing but that was likely due to them being at the gate making sure no one bothered her. They had formed up rather nicely even wearing proper uniforms though considering what the average guard in the palace wore they were absolutely over dressed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Hmm, yeah it probably is. See if there's anything in particular any of them would like, and I'll see about getting it for them, or have it gotten for them, rather," Sera replied as she prepared to head out in her finest dress that Jolynn had sent down for her, preferring the one that brought the brightest flush to Crissa's cheeks, or rather, the most risque one.

Once outside to inspect her guards, Sera smiled at them and made sure the others guarding the gate had time to change into their more formal wear also, and once they were all at the ready, Sera waited for their guest to arrive, letting her guards relax a little bit since it was likely they'd be run ragged soon enough.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
It wasn't long before her quest arrived. Lady Bari arrived in full armor with a single attendant in tow. She eyed the guards at the gate quizzically while she waited for Crissa to announce her prescience. Once the announcement was made the woman moved swiftly to take Sera's hand only to bow slightly and kiss it. "My Lady. I have come as promised." She stood up from her quick bow releasing Sera's hand. Following her into the manor which radiated absolute sparkle and shine due to the hard work her staff had put in. The only one who seemed impressed by this was Lady Bari's attendant who nodded at the effort that was put forth. Catching a quick look as she walked discreetly behind the both of them Sera saw she wore armor woven into her maid outfit and even caught a glimpse of a small sword strapped to her thigh. Given that Lady Bari's house was very martial oriented it was no surprise but still it did spark a small hint of worry. Soon enough however the quests where seated as the meal was brought fourth much to the delight of Lady Bari. "These are wonderful Matriach. You have to tell me how your servants made such a wonderful thing!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Why thank you lady Bari. I appreciate your coming," Sera said to Bari, accepting the kiss on her hand and gently pecking Bari on either cheek in a friendly manner.

As they walked inside, Sera smiled at her maids and guards, looking proud of them for the hard work they'd helped her put in to cleaning the place up in such a short time. She was also happy that Bari's attendant seemed impressed about it also, though she was a bit disappointed that Bari herself wasn't, though considering who and what she was, it made sense that she wasn't That impressed really. When they all got seated and the meal was brought forth, Sera smiled at Bari's response to how delicious the food was, and winked. "Well, I Am an angel, and I have some pretty powerful powers. Plus, I called on a few fey to help us get the gardens here rebuilt and flourishing again. With their help, we've been able to easily get everything going, and this is literally the fruits of their labors, and my girls, guards and maids both have been helping since we're so short staffed," Sera replied to Bari, as she ate some of the fruits there.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
This seemed to impress Bari and she gave Sera a bit more focused attention. "Powers? Like what if you don't mind me asking? We seldom see much of the outside. Mostly some feral tribes and a few monsters." Bari leaned back dabbing her mouth with a cloth to wipe up some cream. "Even the larger settlements that have been raided offer little in they way of resistance. But then again that is all to proper planning." She seemed proud of that, then again it was her houses responsibility to Jolynn's kingdom. "So tell me Matriarch what other plans do you have for your humble manor?" Bari didn't sound condescending but as reality stood Sera's home was indeed rather modest compared to the others she had seen.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Spirit powers mostly. And settlements being raided isn't something I intend to stop. That is your way of life, after all, and my job isn't to change that. Maybe help show you better ways of doing things. But nothing more than that. My biggest concern with the raids, is that you'll eventually anger someone enough that they'll come to retaliate, or the aliens may come and try to invade. And if they do, I don't think that this beautiful hidden city can withstand their assault. I've seen what they can do to people, the survivors of their raids. It isn't pretty," Sera replied with a smile as she sipped her drink.

"Now... I'm sure that you wouldn't have decided to actually come to help me out some, unless you expected something in return. So... tell me, what is it that you desire, lady Bari?" Sera said after a few moments, after her drink.

(Sorry about not replying sooner. Got distracted with other things, and honestly thought I'd posted.)