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Jen's Adventure

Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen jerks her hand free to try to slug the slug again.
Giant Slug
Jen's fist misses its mark as the slug manages to duck under her punch, and growing quite tired with her asailant this time decides to counter attack.
Giant Slug
Jen easily manages to dodge the slugs incoming attack but can see that she is finished playing games with and intends to end this fight.

Jen's Fight Unarmed goes up to 3/10
Jen's Dodge goes up to 2/10
Re: Jen's Adventure

Bad! Bad, bad, bad! This is not good. Jen thinks as fear starts taking hold. It wouldn't take much more to throw her into a retreat. Still, she is able to control her nerves just long enough to throw another punch at the slug woman.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen steels her quickly fading resolve as she takes one more swing at the slug woman.
Giant Slug
Jen's fist once again misses the mark as her strike goes high and wide over the slugs head. "That does it little girl! I'm just going to have to sit on you!" And with that the slug attempts to tackle Jen, using the weight and stickiness of her body to keep Jen grounded and from hurting her.
Giant Slug

Jen manages to easily get out of the way as the slug just plops down on the ground in front of her.

Jen's Fight Melee goes up to 4/10
Jen's Dodge goes up to 3/10
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen starts whimpering and backing up. After a few seconds, however, she decides to let loose a lightning bolt as she realizes the woman might follow her out of the room if she doesn't kill it. Please work, please work, please work.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen lets loose a lightning bolt as she backs towards the door.
Giant Slug
8 damage
The lightning bolt hits its mark as zaps and fries the unlucky snail to golden brown crisp. (Escargo anyone?) On the snail Sen finds a small silver key, and 10 gold.

Jen's Magic goes up to 4/30
Jen gains 1xp
Re: Jen's Adventure

Whimpering, Jen moves close enough to poke the woman a few times, before noticing the few shiny things. Snatching them quickly, Jen retreats back to the wall farthest from any entrance. Once there, she sits down to rest against the wall practicing the meditation exercises that she was thought back in the college of mages she attended for a couple of years. She flunked out because some of the stronger spells terrified her and she refused to practice them.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen sits against the wall meditating and trying to recover mana.
Random roll: 1d6+0 1-3 an enemy approaches 4-6 all clear
As she reclines against the wall meditating and resting she doesnt notice the insect like woman with a shovel coming from the east from a hallway that was connected to the room she is in. The antlike woman decides to try to get an attack on the unsuspecting girl wizard. SNEAK ATTACK!
Giant Ant
Jen snaps out of it just in time to see the ant woman's fist come swinging towards her and is able to make a quick roll out of the way to safety.

Jen gains 4 MP from resting going back up to 9/14.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Kyah!!! Jen cries out before blasting out a lightning bolt as she starts rolling across the floor away from the woman. She had no real idea what was attacking her, having only seen the fist before rolling, and wasn't going to take any chances.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen unleashes a lightning bolt at the ant woman as she rolls away from her fist.
Giant Ant
6 damage
The lightning bolt hits the insect woman dead on center and is just powerful enough to take her down.
Jen's Magic goes up to 5/30
Jen finds 10 gold on the ant woman
Jen gains .5 XP
Re: Jen's Adventure

Panting and staring at the dead creature, Jen starts having a bought of uncontrollable shaking. Backing away from the woman in fear, Jen slides across the floor on the seat of her pants towards the closest exit. When she reaches it, she continues to slide through, not looking back to see where she is going as she tries to back away from the dead creature.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

As Jen continues to sccot along the hallway she eventua;y comes to long 4x3 room with two doors at the other end one at top and one at bottom. It is mercifully free of any creatures. And around the middle of the room is a large ornate, dark mahogany brown and gold treasure chest.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Curious and hopeful, Jen approaches the chest much the same way a child would approach presents on Christmas morning: rushing forward to try and open the fancy chest as soon as she realizes it's safe to do so. If she was already finding goodies after only having to face a few slimes and that thing in the other room, then she could be a bit happier about this.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen struggles furiously, putting all of what little strength she has into opening the large chest she has just found; hoping to hit the jackpot and have some kind of reward for all of her troubles. But alas, It is locked. The lid never even as much as budges in the least. It's not opening.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Awwww....Jen sighs, sniffling a bit as she sadly realizes she won't be getting goodies yet. Looking around, she decides to take a look in the nearby room to see if there is a key laying about obviously. As such, she moves towards the southern door. Caught up in her emotions, Jen forgets to listen at the door before entering as well.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen slowly and sadly makes her way to the door in the south, brings her hand up to the knob, grabs a hold of it and turns and pushes the door. Only to stay in place. She tries again. Nothing. Hoping that third time will be a charm, she decides to try to use force, only to bang her tender shoulder into the hard iron resulting in the dull thump of flesh meeting metal. It is also locked.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Tear in her eyes, Jen rubs her shoulder gently before slowly starting to make her way towards the other door. Hopefully this one wouldn't be locked either. That had hurt.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen turns the door knob on the upper door, and hears an audible click. The door slowly opens and Jen walks through to find a long 4x2 room with a door on the bottom right side.
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Re: Jen's Adventure

Looking around the room and finding it empty, Jen continues to trudge over to the other door. Maybe the key would be in that room? At least that thought would lift her spirits some.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Jen opens the door and comes to a long narrow hallway with a door at the top right of the center, and a 3x3 space leading to an open 2x4 clearing at the end.
Re: Jen's Adventure

Looking around the room and finding it empty, Jen continues to trudge over to the other door. Maybe the key would be in that room? At least that thought would lift her spirits some.