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Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Kicking her legs out and flailing, Jennifer manages to loosen her grip on the beast, finding herself wrenching both hers and its arm in the process... though thankfully, her arm is only a little sore, whereas she's caused this thing some real damage. Still not completely free, she at least has managed to make a little leeway!

Jennifer: 1/5 FP
Enemy: 1/3 FP
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Jenn takes a quick look down toward her legs to see exactly what's happening with them, while taking advantage of freeing her arms to pummel on the creature's carapace with all her might, hoping to get it to completely drop her.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

There's just a short distance between her legs and the ground... and... yes! During a particularly violent moment of struggling, she finds those feet touching the sticky ground, dropped completely by that monstrous insect...

But it's not enough to get away. Hissing furiously, the monster drops on top of her, its damaged legs dragging uselessly on either side of her as its weight pins her to the ground!

Jennifer: 2/5 FP
Enemy: 2/3 FP
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

"Ugh, damn you! Don't you know when you're beat?"

Jenn continues beating on the creature, trying to make it get off her.

Ugh, at least there's probably not enough food around here for two of these things.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Pounding on the creature, Jennifer didn't get the results she wanted... in fact, while she was pinned, she could catch a glimpse of its great mandibles stretching wide, ready to dig into her neck and shoulder. In desperation, she managed to punch hard enough to pound through its tough exoskeleton... and in a moment it had collapsed on top of her, knocking the air from her lungs but thankfully not piercing her flesh with those demonic looking, spear-like teeth.

Jennifer: 3/5 FP (Her FP is now X/6! :D Yaaay!)
Enemy: 3/3 FP (dead!)
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

I didn't think that one through, did I?

Jenn struggles to get out from under the carcass without covering herself in the thing's webbing.

I wonder where the hell this thing came from?

(Hrm... is there any particular reason for Jenn's character to be in the ruins? Investigating something, or just trying to escape?)
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

(Trying to escape, mainly, though if she ever rolls the proper number(s) to get a plot advancement, instead of just silly monsters, then she may get a chance to do more. XD Speaking of which...)

As she investigates the spider-like creature, Jenn takes a moment to notice that there are old, old, old looking corpses littered in one corner of the room. Most of them look like human skeletons, though a few are distorted in a way that suggests that either they were simply humanoid in appearance, or perhaps were even monsters, themselves. Whatever the case, the spider was probably fairly weak to begin with; none of these corpses looked as though they were remotely fresh, exanguinated or not.

What was more important was that the gear these people had had with them still remained, untouched for their lack of nourishment. Jennifer could see a flashlight and something that looked like a sidearm amongst the remains... as well as disk of some variety, made from a slab of something translucent but quite dark, like dark quartz...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Ugh. On the one hand 'eww dead people,' on the other... well it'd be nice if I didn't have to beat things to death with my hand. And if I could see more then five feet.

Jenn masters a queasy stomach as she loots the corpses, taking the flashlight, the apparent sidearm, and even picking up the odd disc.

Well, I've never really fired a gun before, but I know which end is the dangerous bit so that's probably better then nothing.

And what's this disc thing? Looks... like some form of odd technology. Or art. Or paperweight. Bah, whatever it is, it's interesting, I'm keeping it.
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Whatever it is, it's fairly lightweight at least, which ought to make carrying it easier. She even notes that it has a sort of harness that she can sling over one shoulder when it's connected. Even untouched for all this time (though slightly webby) the harness doesn't seem to have disintegrated! How nice!

Jennifer flicks the flashlight on and shines it down the hall she hasn't run through yet... only to pick up the flash of reflection from two points quite far down the hall. Unfortunately, they promptly vanish again, but her sense of being alone in here vanishes...
Re: Jennifer Lawson (TheTwo)

Those looked like eyes. Damn. Now to hope this sidearm works...

Jenn pulls out the gun and points it at the ground a few feet in front of her.

"Hello? Is someone there?"