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Jane (Windclan)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Jane woke to a dimly lit room. Shakily standing, she took note of her clothing, or lack of rather. She was completely nude, no sign of her clothing anywhere. Looking around she spotted a note pinned to the rock of the wall. Stepping over to it, she read the following.

"Welcome Jane, to the Citadel of Corruption. I have brought you here to amuse myself as you struggle to escape from here. Know that you must defeat a total of five bosses in these caves to reach my city. Once there you must defeat another five bosses. If you manage to get past all of them, you will face ME in the flesh. I guard your only way back to your home, your own planet. Let the fun begin!"

Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything before waking up here, save that she had been on her way home before blacking out.

The room seemed to be lit by a half dozen torches, and it appeared to be part of some kind of cave network. With only one exit before her, and nothing else of interest in the room, there was only one place to go, should she choose to leave and try this challenge. It didn't seem like she'd get home without trying, so was there really any option?

Available Actions:

Stay in the room.
Take the exit door.
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"This is weird." Jane thought as she glanced around. "Not going to get any answers sitting around here though."

(Take the exit)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 100/100

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap? 74 Vs. Jane: 30+9=39

Pleasure Roll:

Tentacle Pit Trap: 57 Vs. Jane: 20+4=24

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 49 Vs. Jane: 30+12=42

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 50 Vs. Jane: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 46 Vs. Jane: 30+27=57

Jane enters the room, and takes no more than two steps in before triggering a hidden switch that drops the floor out from under her. Before she can react, he entire body is grabbed by a swarm of thick tentacles, and she finds them stuffed in all three of her holes. Almost immediately, they begin to piston in and out of her, and she quickly convulses in a sudden, powerful double orgasm!

Jane suffers 83 Pleasure, gains 203 KP and loses 17 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 203/1500 KP

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 83/100


Attempt to escape the trap.

Something else.
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"Sorry guys." Jane gasps as the tentacles draw a pair of orgasms from her. "Love to stay but my plans involve moving further into this place."

(Escape the Trap!)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 0/500 XP, 203/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 83/100

Escape Trap Attempt:

Jane: 30+10=40 Vs. Trap: 47

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 73 Vs. Jane: 20+14=34

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 78 Vs. Jane: 30+10=40

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 33 Vs. Jane: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 52 Vs. Jane: 30+19=49

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 58 Vs. Jane: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 59 Vs. Jane: 30+17=47

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 65 Vs. Jane: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Trap: 41 Vs. Jane: 30+29=59

Jane's struggles can't get her free, and only serve to make the trap work her body over even hotter than before, an she shudders as 3 more orgasms rip through her young body, sending her over the edge into orgasmic bliss.

To make matters worse for Jane, she can hear a feminine voice chuckle from up top now.

"Well, I see you fell into my little trap. Let's see if you can escape shall we? If you can, you get to play with me. If you can't ... Well, I'll enjoy watching you get fucked senseless little girl. Even if you do escape, you can't get out of this room unless you kill me, so either way your going to be raped a lot!"

Andariel: She is a GIANT Succubus, easily thirty feet tall, with six arms. Two of them are human like arms, albeit much larger due to her bodily proportions, while the other four are definitely demonic in nature. Her preffered method of attack is to lift you into the air and eat you out, since she's pretty well too large to do much of anything else to you. Her skin is sort of human colored, and she has red hair that appear to have snake like endings. She is also capable of emitting a gas cloud of aphrodisiac that weakens your resistance to her, since her natural aura doesn't work on humans because of the massive size difference.

Jane suffers a total of 195 Pleasure, gains 345 KP and loses 39 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

Jane's Stats: 0/500 XP, 548/1500 KP

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 44/100


Attempt to escape the trap.

Be raped FOREVER!
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"We'll...See about that." Jane manages to gasp out between orgasms. Keeping her mind on getting free was hard but she guessed these things weren't going to release her on their own.

(Keep trying to get free.)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 0/500 XP, 548/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 44/100

Escape Trap Attempt:

Jane: 30+23=53 Vs. Trap: 49

Jane manages to free herself from the trap ...

Grapple Attempt:

Andariel: 57 Vs. Jane: 30+8=38

And instantly is lifted off the ground by Andariel, and positioned.

"Haha, got you. Go ahead, TRY to escape."


Attempt to escape the Succubi's grip.

See what she has planned for you.
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"Don't mind if I do." Jane replied as she aims a kick at Andariel's face.
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 0/500 XP, 548/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 44/100

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Jane: 30+24=54 Vs. Andariel: 29

Grapple Attempt:

Andariel: 57 Vs. Jane: 20+12=32

Jane manages to free herself, but before she even hits the ground she's grabbed again.

"Going to have to try harder than that sweetie. Why don't you just let me dominate you!"


Try again to escape.

Get raped by her.
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"I don't think so lady." Jane replied before resuming her fight for freedom.

Action: Escape!
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 0/500 XP, 548/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 44/100

(Jane was able to flail and struggle for an ungodly amount of time but finally got tongued again but managed an escape after her first orgasm *the flailing alone would have taken about 2 pages if I posted each roll -_-'* she lost 14 stamina and took 63 pleasure and gained 133 KP)

Jane kicked and squirmed flailing around angrily for almost a full half hour, eventually her struggles started to tire her out. In the moment of rest she suddenly felt Andariel's tongue slip into her and start pulsing. Jane couldn't help but moan in pleasure as the succubus drank out her juices, in a sudden burst of clarity Jane jerked her body around and tumbled to the ground causing Andariel to cross both sets of arms with a sigh. "I'm starting to get annoyed...."

Sex Gas: Successful (Penalty to sexual based rolls for 10 turns)

Suddenly a pink gas filled the room and try as she might Jane inhaled the gas, each breath made her pussy burn and ache in need and suddenly Andariel looked like a goddess to her. "Oh my, you don't look too well dear, maybe you should let me take care of you..."

Altered Stats:

0/500 XP, 681/1500 KP

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 30/100


(Try to ignore the urge to finger yourself and lash out at her)

(Bow before Andariel and beg her to devour your aching pussy)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"Well, maybe you should go and find someone else to lick then!" Jane shouted as she tried to ignore the ache in her pussy long enough to attack. "Stay here and all you're going to get is killed!"

Action: ATTACK!
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 681/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 44/100

(Andariel rolled 1 for her dodge and lost by over 30 points so Jane can definitely back it up when she gets pissed giving her a whopping 66 damage)

"Ha, why should I when I'm sure you're such a willing little slut right now." Andariel leaned down completely unexpecting of the massive blow that would send her crashing backwards to the ground. "Urgh, you little who-UAGH!" Andariel didn't even have a chance to finish her insult before Jane's foot slammed into her face from above."

(Jane avoids being grappled and lands two more attacks on andariel for 54 damage)

Andariel's arms seemed to fly at Jane from all directions, grabbing one she wrenched it around causing a sickening pop and then yanks it forward causing another pop at the shoulder making Andariel scream in pain. "Augh! Oh you bitch, I'll chain you to the wall and tear your soul apart for that!"

(Jane gets grabbed but avoids penetration then escapes landing the final blow for 33 damage)

Andariel growled as she scooped up Jane but the tide of the battle had already shifted, with a hard kick into her broken shoulder Jane forced Andariel to drop her and grabbed onto her hair as she dropped yanking the demoness forward and slamming her face into the stone with an earthshattering crash. After the dust clears she notices a small bag on the dead giantess' waist, inside she finds a bottle labeled "Corruption lowering potion".

(Sex Gas in effect 4 more turns, Obtained Anti-KL potion, Gained 500xp, Became level 2, 10 stat points to add)

(An anti-KL potion resets you to the beginning of your current KL level so you'll probably want to save it)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

"Yes!" Jane cheered before clamping a hand over her mouth as she realized that all the noise could have attracted the attention of someone or something else.

Moving cautiously in case the woman is faking death Jane grabs the bag and after looking at the label decides to save it for later.

Sitting down against the wall she allows a hand to slip down to her aching pussy.

(Masturbate then rest until my Stamina replenishes. Put the 10 points into Dexterity.)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 681/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 100/100

Nothing comes to interrupt Jane as she pleasures herself, possibly because she just tore apart a giant demoness with her bare hands. After she feels the effects off the gas wear off she wanders into the next room, it appears empty but unfortunatly her cockiness from the last fight distracts her from a raised tile and she feels something poke her in the arm. Moments later she feels the familiar heat of lust enter her, at least there wasn't anything around to take advantage of her temporary weakness.

(Aphrodesiac trap, -10 to all rolls for 10 turns)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Fighting the urge to pleasure herself once more Jane continues onward.

(Action: Keep Moving)
Re: Jane (Windclan)

Jane's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 1347/1500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 108/120
Stamina: 50/100

(*plays the boss music*)

As Jane enters the next room she hears chuckling all around her, "Well well that was impressive how you manhandled Andariel like that. I hope you're ready for your first -real- fight! Normally I start my victims off slow but after that show I've decided to shake things up a bit. I hope you enjoy a challenge! WAHAHAHAHAHA!" As the voice fades fog gathers in the room before swirling around and taking the form of a naked woman wearing a cape. "Mmmm...what a tasty little thing you are...." The woman licks her lips and sticks a rapier into the ground nearby her. "I like my prey to have a fighting chance....if you can get to it!"

Vampire Female: The Vampire Female is a female vampire who is smokingly attractive with her piercing green eyes, perfect body and attractive facial features. It doesn't help too that she is completely nude, save for a red cape flowing around her that clips on at the neck. She too has the special ability Vampiric Kiss, and she enjoys using it after she has you grappled to make it easier for her to penetrate you. She also carries the potent futa spell, and if she can, she loves to use the futa spell in conjunction with her Vampiric Kiss so she can either suck on you, or grip you inside of her.

(That lust trap comes back to bite Jane *no pun intended* and it takes her 12 turns to escape ;-; Thankfully(?) She only suffers 8 orgasms!....yay? She recieves 246 pleasure, 666KP >.> ...... and loses 50 stamina and 12HP)

Before she can fully comprehend what's going on the woman floats over to Jane and places a finger on her lips. "Shhhh.....don't fight it little one...." A moment later Jane barely notices that something has appeared above her pussy before the vampiress lays her down and mounts Jane's new cock. A brief moment of clarity is stolen when the woman sinks her fangs into Jane's neck, the brief prick replaced by a mind numbing wave of pleasure that completely overwhelms Jane's mind allowing the vampiress to drain her in two ways completely unopposed. By the time she gathers herself to push the vampire off Jane is feeling a bit light headed both from blood loss and the sheer amount of orgasmic bliss the woman has milked from her still stiff member. "Mmmm...oh I might decide not to make turn you. You're so sweet and delectable...." She begins advancing towards Jane after both get to their feet, the poison was long gone so now Jane only had one problem to focus on and it was licking it's lips and coming for more...
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Re: Jane (Windclan)

(Something that hasn't been seen before around here...Very Nice :))

Rising shakily to her feet Jane glances at the fast approaching Vampire and decides to take a chance. Instead of going for the sword Jane charges the Vampire, ready to punch and kick once she gets in range.

(Action: Charge the Vampire and attack!!)