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It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The hellhound snorts even as she answers the hug, her tail starting to wag a little. "Hardly. I'm tougher than that.

Sniffing at Sarah, she smiles faintly. "So what do we do now? I guess going to the observatory is out of question, at least until we can score some new clothes."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Got that right. But I doubt there's a clothing store this far out in the desert, so we're SoL." the Kitsune says as she breaks away from the hug and laughs. "Unless you know some kind of "Conjure clothing" cantrip. I would recommend we just put up the illusion of us having clothes, but that's a tricky bit of business."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"I was thinking more along the lines of chainmail and kevlar, myself. Don't want to lose a fight to a plant-thing again." Priscilla replies. "What about going back to the city?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"We could, but by the time we get back the wards around the observation post could have failed." Sarah says with a sigh. "Although it would mean we can get some relaxing clothes on, and rest for a bit at my place." the Kitsune says with a smile, clearly liking that idea.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Best time to be gone, then. Sounds like a bad idea to be there when they fail." Priscilla replies, stretching her arms and smiling as she catches the medic looking in her direction.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Yes and no. I mean, there's people in that place...If the rest of this mad jungle is anything like what we faced, I'm worried for them." she says, shaking her head lightly. "But, there's not much we can really do on our own. So let's see if we can grab some military clothes to tide us over and maybe snag a ride back to the city. We can crash at my apartment until we figure out what's going on."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Blowing a kiss at the medic, Priscilla gets up. "Well, no use wasting time." Getting out of the tent, she goes to talk with the first officer she sees, and manages to secure two pairs of ill-fitting fatigues with no underwear. Tossing one set to Sarah, she gets dressed herself. "Looks like we're going to have to walk or wait until tomorrow."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Well. Walking won't get us all that far, considering how far out in the desert we are. So we should wait until tomorrow when we can secure a ride." the Kitsune says, dressing herself swiftly and holding the belt of her fatigue pants. "Unless you think we can make it to the city within a day."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"I'm not even entirely sure where we are." Priscilla admits. "But the trail will probably lead to the base, which is next to the city." Perking up, the hellhound tries to adjust her pants to account for the tail with a little success. "So what do we do for the rest of the day?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"We could try and figure out if anyone knows anything. Like how to fight all these weird creatures." Sarah says with a shrug, her own fluffy tail giving her no end of problems considering the pants have no hole for it. "I imagine that, since they're soldiers and have probably been fighting, they know what the enemy uses, and what their weak points are. That'll be helpful if we come across them again."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"We already know fire works, but admittedly I don't have any better ideas. Unless you'd like to sneak off to somewhere..." Priscilla replies, wagging her tail. "I'm guessing we'll want to find a sergeant or someone else who has actually been in combat and not just managing things."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"That's a good idea. Of course, we could just leave and head back for the city if you really just want to get away from this hell-on-earth." Sarah says as she taps her chin and thinks. "Really, as long as we both know how to use fire to our advantage, we shouldn't have to worry about much. So learning more is optional if anything. Let's go see if we can find anything out, then find somewhere to rest for the night that doesn't involve sharing bed space with a bunch of randy ORcs." the Kitsune says, moving towards the barracks, a hand holding onto the waistline of her pants as her fluffy tail keeps swishing and trying to knock it off her body.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The tents serving as the rest area are mostly empty, but Sarah finds a corporal on a smoke near the mess, along with several other soldier. "Hullo, ladies. Whatcha need?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Hey there, handsome. Think you can help me and my hot friend here figure out a way to fight these weird things? We wanna know if there's anything to know about fighting these things, in case we have to." the Kitsune says with a smile, leaning against the side of the tent. "You wouldn't want us to be helpless against all these nasty creatures, do you?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The corporal thinks for a moment, then shrugs and blows a smoke ring. "Tough buggers, that's for sure. Fast, too. But then, most monsters are. One of the little critters nearly got Greyfang's arm yesterday. No tech, but lots of mojo. Don't think any of that will help you, though. Oh, one of the battlemages said that mind control doesn't work on them, so that's something, at least. And they really don't like fire, especially the big ones."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"I see. Well, thanks anyway, handsome. Sorry to waste your time." the Kitsune says, quickly planting a peck on his cheek and scampering back out with Priscilla. "So. No tech. Lots of magic, and mind control doesn't work on them. Sca-ry." she says, shaking her head gently. "I say we get the hell out of here.
We can't get close to the lab, as much as I want to rescue those people,
so our only option is to try and head back to the city. You feel up to that,
she asks the Hellhound curiously, her fluffy tail gently swishing behind her.