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Iris's room

Re: Iris's room

(Setting up for some future filler since no one's on at the moment and I'm bored...)

Following a period of struggling fruitlessly against her bonds, the small girl finally resigned herself to just resting there as best she could, doing her best to ignore the oddly erotic sensations from moving against certain parts of the binding as she mused to herself.


Look over her while she's near dying...go for help when she's collapsed on the floor... and then get tied by her to a bedpost after she wakes up. How lovely...Ok fine, it was kinda my fault that she ended up like that but still... And what did she mean exactly by 'encounter'?...I need to get her when she comes back...

At the thought "comes back", the blond girl's eyes shot open in horror as she realized that Luna may possibly have gone on a mission after having left the room. Should she be captured, there would be no telling when Fleur would be freed from her bonds. In light of this discovery, the petite girl began struggling against her bonds would more vigor than before, desperately hoping to find a way out of them. But such was the design of the binding, it appeared she would have no success without the help of another.
Re: Iris's room

Jesse had Ferris watch over the shop, as she arose from her chair, and departed for Iris's room. She was very unnerved by Luna's request, more so by her unwillingness to reveal exactly what her "package" was. She walked up the steps with an uneasy feeling in her gut. "Why wouldn't she tell me anything? How rude, how could she possibly think to not tell me a thing, and ask me to do this favor on a whim?" She growled, and slammed a balled fist into her palm, "I could strangle her for such disrespect for someone who showed her such care and concern!" she cursed Luna, but still remained true to her promise about the "package."

Jesse let out a heavy sigh as she reached Iris's room, quickly walking over, and swinging open the door. Jesse's eyes went wide, and her hand rose to cover her mouth, as she saw Fleur on the floor, her arms tied to the bed posts, her legs bound, and a rope going under her legs in an erotic fashion.

Jesse felt anger surge through her like a storm, anger at Luna for both the act of deception, and this act before her eyes. Jesse knew via Fleur's admission that the two were on uneasy terms, but to do something like this was unacceptable.

"I'm putting an end to this bullshit," she growled. She brandished her self defense knife, and quickly cut at the bonds holding Fleur to the bed, and the ones along her pussy, but not the ones restraining her body, as she lifted Fleur over her shoulders, only getting more angry after seeing Luna's note to Fleur, "I'm sorry sweetie," she told Fleur, "but this nonsense is coming to a close, one way, or another!" she declared.

With Fleur over her shoulder, Jesse did not depart for the room Luna requested. Instead, she moved to place Fleur in her own room, where she intended to keep her until Luna came back.

Once Fleur was safely inside her own room, she only stood, scowling at the blond girl's face.

"I'm mad at you as well," she scolded Fleur, "I'm already sick of both of you. Your fighting, and her stubbornness, it's not going to continue."

Angry to the point that sent shivers down Fleur's spine, Jesse leaned down, peering at her with eyes that screamed bloody murder, "You two are going to get along, if I have to tie you both down, and force you to behave!" After her declaration, Jesse moved as if about to leave, before walking back to Fleur, and freeing her of her gag, "Are you hungry?" she asked, a little bit of that soothing voice returning, while most of it was still her anger.

( Response must be made in Jesse's room, for reference purposes. )