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Iris's room

Re: Iris's room

Iris watchd in awe as Luna tied the girl up. It was really weird. Being honest with herself, Iris was glad she didn't know about some of the things Luna had done and learned. As Luna finished and stated that the girl wouldn't be able to move Iris nodded and said-

" Alright... I'm going to try and talk to her... "

Iris figured she had a better chance of speaking to the girl then her sister, seeing as how much this girl hated Luna. Iris walked over to the flustered and tied up girl. Getting to the girls level Iris began speaking to her. Iris didn't show the emotionless and cold expression Luna did. iris showed more concern and compassion. Iris began to speak to the girl.

" Miss... Please, tell me. Why did you attack my sister? What are you doing here? "

Iris was pretty sure the girl hadn't come to this inn for safty.
Re: Iris's room

Shaking off some of the odd sensations from the process of being tied up (one could only wonder why there was a knot near the girl's nether regions), the blonde haired girl seemed to have calmed down a bit, in that she was not constantly screaming, speaking in a somewhat more "civil" tone.

"She...she killed my family and then...humiliated me...I...have nothing left thanks to her."

Bitter tears of resentment flowed down her cheeks as she recalled the memory, hurt from not only having to remember the day her parents died, but that she had lost again to their killer in a fight.

"I...wanted revenge... so I followed her on your way back yesterday...yet... I lost..."

Her tears continued to flow as Luna looked on, completely emotionless and making no comment on the legitimacy of the story...
Re: Iris's room

Iris was speachless. The girls claims... Had Luna really done those things to her? Luna had made to protest against what the girl was saying. So... It may just be true. Luna may have taken this girls family away. Iris knew that Luna had done bad things in the past. She had accepted Lunas past when she accepted her as her sister. Hearing what Luna had done to the girl wasn't going to make Iris hate her or want to drive her away.

As Iris kept on her knees she attempted to comfort the girl, seeing how upset she was, seeing the tears that rolled down her cheek. Iris placed her hand on the girls face, holding it up to look at hers. Iris's face showed sympathy and concern. Iris then began to speak to the girl, in the most soothing tone she could manage.

" Miss... I'm sorry about your family. If my sister did those things please forgive her, this hate and revenge isn't going to bring your family back... "

Iris then moved her other hand over to the girl, placing it on her shoulder. Iris continued to speak then.

" You're going to get hurt if you continue on this path... If I can do something to make things better then tell me... "

Iris hoped Luna didn't view Iris and weak and soft after this. Then again what right would Luna have to think of Iris as weak and soft for trying to help a girl whos life she may of destroyed?
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Re: Iris's room

"I... know it won't... but... how she stands there... how she acts as if nothing happened...I wish she would just die!

It was then, following this statement, that Luna responded to the girl for the first time.


"Then kill me. Kill me as I did a countless number of corrupt sinners who manipulated the masses to their own advantage."

The brown hair girl was deadly serious in her statement as she advanced towards Fleur, the emotionless "killer's contenance" sending a chill up the latter's spine as the former loomed closer.


"However, know this. I have slain many with these hands of mine. So many, that I can not remember them all... When you kill me, make sure you come with the conviction to die, or else you will surely fail. "

The effect if these words were magnified as Luna stabbed her blade into the wall behind Fleur in order to emphasize what she meant by a "conviction to die", a resolve the blonde haired girl lacked as her eyes shone with fear each time she truly seemed to be at the risk of losing her life.
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Re: Iris's room

Iris kept silent as Luna made her actions and said her words. This was depressing, hearing what Luna said was enough to make Iris cry. Iris didn't though, she simply compressed her feelings and kept her hands on the girl, hoping her touch was was at least somewhat helping her.

A minute after Luna stabbed her sword into the wall near the girl Iris spoke again, speaking to the girl who seemed to fear for her life.

" Miss... Fleur was it? I'll let you go if you promise not to attack Luna again, alright? "

A second after Iris added something else.

" And if there is anything I can do to help you, let me know. "

Iris kept her hands on the girl and waited for a reply.
Re: Iris's room

Unable to make a clear decision as a result of all the conflicting feelings and emotions, Fleur stuttered a bit as she attempted to make an appropriate reply, still shaking slightly from Luna's earlier threat.



"Sister... let her go. Let her... stay in the room as well..."

Acting strangely, Luna proceeded to walk out of the room, closing the door behind her. This left a very confused Fleur, and possibly equally perplexed Iris alone together in the room. And a few steps outside the room, would be a keeled over Luna, the "strong" appearance she had displayed earlier completely dispelled, and coughing out small quantities of blood. It would appear that the earlier attack, had done more damage to her than she let on...

(We can use this as a reason for "delaying" the looting run a tad ingame time wise...)
Re: Iris's room

Watching as Luna left the room Iris let a sad sounding sigh out. Listening to her sisters words Iris let her arms and hands return to her sides and off the girl. She slowly got up and away from Fleur to fetch her short sword. Walking over and picking it up from its spot next to the bed Iris walked back over to Fleur to cut her free. Iris got back to Fleur's level. Being slow and carful Iris cut the ropes, freeing the girl from her awkward bonds. When the ropes were cut Iris looked away from the girl, being quiet. Iris had no clue what to say then. She waited for Fleur to say or do something or Emily to come back.

(( Should Iris go after Luna? ))
Re: Iris's room

There was a period of awkward silence following Luna's "departure" and Fleur being freed from her bonds. A moment of "peace" broken only when the blonde haired girl decided to take the initiative in starting up a conversation.

"...Are you really...that monster's sister?...You're...so different than she is..."

((After this conversation I guess, although we might have to cut this short. I'm exhausted..

Also, should we have Fleur "take up residence" in Iris's room as well?... Seeing how she snuck in the inn "illegally"...))
Re: Iris's room

Iris let a sigh out as she raised her head up to look at the girls face. In a sort of sad tone Iris began to speak to Fleur.


" As odd as it is... I am. We only met a few days ago... We knew we were sisters because of the mark on our right hands. "

Iris raised her right hand to show Fleur the moon crest birth mark on it. After a moment Iris lowered her arm, hand with it, back to her side. Iris then continued to speak, same tone as before.

" Luna... She wasn't always like this. Something horrible happened to her in the past, something which made her do the things she has done. As mad as it may sound to you I still love her as my sister. No matter what she does, no matter what she has done, ill always be by her side... "

Iris stopped there and went quiet.

(( If Fleur slept in the room that would get weird for Iris. It would get really weird if she had to share her bed with the girl. lol))
Re: Iris's room

"Even if she despises you for being weak? Even if she tries to hurt you, or worse?... Would you still love her then? What if she tried to kill someone precious to you, or actually does so?... Would you still stay by her side then?..."

From the manner in which Fleur spoke, it almost seemed as if she was trying to convince Iris otherwise about Luna, as if she were trying to gain an ally in her hatred for the brown haired girl...

((True enough... Well, Luna still has access to her old room from before she met Iris, so I suppose we could "stash" Fleur there?...))
Re: Iris's room

The girl was wasting her breath. Iris knew Luna wouldn't ever hurt her, and if she did it wouldn't be on purpose. Iris would always be by Lunas side. The only thing Iris could think of that could possibly make her feel hate towards Luna is if she killed her best friend Emily. Even then Iris didn't think she would forever hate her sister.

Still looking at the girl, Iris answered.

" Ill always love and stand by my sister, no matter what she does to me or anyone else. And I know she feels the same way about me. "

(( Sounds good. ))
Re: Iris's room

Fleur opened her mouth as if to say something in response to what Iris has just stated, but was cut short as Luna reentered the room, swining a small keyring around one of her fingers. This ring, consisting of only one key, was then tossed to the blonde haired girl as its owner began to speak in the same tone as before.


"Fourth room on the left... a place to stay without attracting unwanted attention..."

Such an action caused Fleur to stare quizzically at Luna, unsure of her intentions in doing such a thing. Despite this however, an attempt to make a comment was denied as Luna pointed a gun at her.


"Leave... Come back only when you are ready to kill me...no sooner...Or else you'll end up like the rest of your sinful family..."

Of course, such a statement killed any hopes of reconciliation between the two, causing Fleur to flare with anger as she marched out of the room, hatred rekindled. Yet from the manner Luna had addressed her and the expression on her face, it almost seemed as if she was prearranging it so that the blonde-haired girl would eventually kill her. As if to plan out an atonement for what she had done. Slumping down against the wall shortly after the door was slammed with astonishing force by the unusually strong "childlike" girl, Luna's expression became more like that of a normal person's as she addressed Iris.


"Sister... I will be by your side untill the day you wish for me to disappear or when I become dust... however, for now I must... rest for a moment..."
Re: Iris's room

(( So I have Iris hug Luna and have them go to bed? ))
Re: Iris's room

(( Something like that, although preferably have Iris help Luna to bed in the process :x... She really shouldn't be moving around after being kicked with such immense strength before being flung against a hard wooden desk through a DOOR...))
Re: Iris's room

Hearing what her sister said and seeing that they were now alone Iris got up from her stop and walked over to Luna. Iris felt like crying then, like letting her tears flow, but didn't. She knew how much that bugged Luna. Instead Iris wrapped her arms around Luna, embracing the brown haired girl in a hug. Feeling her warmth Iris held Luna for a moment, keeping close to her and keeping her eyes shut.

Finally, after holding Luna Iris let go, only to start to lead the girl to the bed. Along the way Iris softly spoke to Luna.

" Luna... You must not feel well after getting thrashed. Lets get some rest... "

After helping her sister onto the bed, Iris put her sword down and got ont he bed herself. Getting close then against Luna Iris cuddled up to the girl, shutting her eyes as she began to fall asleep on against her. As Iris began to fall asleep she mumbled out something to Luna.

" Good night Luna... "
Cuddled to the girl Iris fell asleep.

(( And that's how Iris's day ended. ))
Re: Iris's room

(( Wait wait. NO, we're not ending the day like this *cough*, otherwise we're delaying the looting run AGAIN. this is just a mid-day nap *cough* And speaking of which, I need one myself. So night!))
Re: Iris's room

(( This all happened on the day of the goddess mission. They wake up on the day after, the day of the looting run. ))
Re: Iris's room

((Wait wait... What? Last I checked, the day of the goddess mission had Luna being emo/trying to kill herself. The Fleur incident would have to happen on the next day at earliest since otherwise, it wouldn't make sense.))
Re: Iris's room

Iris awoke from her miday nap, her mind turning back on as her eyes slowly began to open. Iris was in the same spot as she was when she had fallen asleep, cuddled to Luna. Iris slowly made her may off of her sister and off of the bed. Iris decided she was going to try and find Emily now. While Luna slept she would look.

Without making much sound Iris left the bedroom, opening and closing the door behind her quietly. Iris leaned her back against the closed door and let a sigh out. She wondered where she should start looking.
Re: Iris's room



Beginning to stir from her nap only as Iris exited the room, Luna woke up to find that she was alone in the room, the bed showing signs of Iris's awakening and departure.


"...Must of wandered.. off."

Getting up from the bed, Luna attempted to gather her things and head out in a quick movement, however stopped due lingering pain that resurfaced from the sudden movement. The injury from the earlier scuffle, although better than before, was still enough to cause her to flinch when she performed "over the top" movements. Taking a moment to steady herself, and "repace" her breathing, Luna stayed in the room for a few minutes before attempting to leave once again.


"I...can't let sister...see me like this... I must be strong..."

When she finished steeling her body, and adapting to the pain, the girl then headed out of the room to look for Iris.