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Iris's room

Re: Iris's room

Upon seeing Luna just enter her bedroom Iris was struck with confusion. Luna looked weird, as if drained of something. The outfit she wore was... It looked familiar but Iris couldn't remember where she had seen it from. As Luna took her seat next to the bed Iris slowly got off her bed. Going over to her Iris sat down next to her sister, about half a foot away. Iris looked at the girl, her usual concern showing in her eyes. Iris said something then to Luna.

" Luna... Are you alright?"
Iris began to move her left hand to place it on her shoulder...
Re: Iris's room

As before with Jesse, it took Luna much longer than usual to realize that someone was addressing her, turning to face and reply to Iris only after a moment's delay.



This was an obvious lie. Although she was better than she had been earlier, no longer thinking of ending her life, she was still as empty as she was before for the most part, having yet to find a purpose for her existence.
Re: Iris's room

Iris could see right through her sister. Something was wrong with her. Had something happened after they had seperated? Iris started to grow worried, more by the moment. Iris scooted next to her sister, touching her side now. After placing her hand ot the girls should Iris began to speak once more. She still had concern in her eyes and voice.

" Sister... Did anything happen while we were apart? "
Iris called her sister then, hoping she would be more truthful. Iris really wondered about Lunas odd clothing, but didn't focus on it.
Re: Iris's room


"...Nothing. Some... memories came back... that was it."

Another lie. No need to drag another person into her pointless search... That was what she thought as she attempted to change the topic.


"...You wanted to talk earlier... right?"
Re: Iris's room

Being reminded of the talk she was suppose to have with the Luna, Iris decided for now she would drop trying to find out what had happened to Luna. Getting her arm around Luna, close to hugging her, Iris began to speak. Before she did Iris couldn't help but notice how Luna felt. She felt so cold and empty to Iris...
As Iris spoke her tone didn't change.
" Yes I did... Listen, Sister... What I wanted to talk about is... You. You have no idea how happy I am that I got to meet you. Until a day ago I thought all of my family was dead... "

Iris had thought she had no family, that they were all dead after her father had died. Now that Luna was here... Iris didn't want to lose her. She seemed crazy, the way she spoke and what she did to the dead bodys of those woman. Even though Luna was like this, so filled with hate, Iris still loved her as her sister.

" I don't want to lose you Luna. Seeing how you act now... Seeing what you did to those dead women... I'm so afraid you might do something crazy and get really hurt, maybe evem die... "

Iris couldn't continue. She was getting choked up with emotions. Her voice was already starting to get heavy with them. Having her sister so close to her and speaking to her like this was... Hard.
Re: Iris's room


"...I...No...the person you know as your sister...most likely died long ago. During that night, when I...she, failed to protect what was dear to her and lost everything..."

Luna looked almost sorrowful as she spoke, eyes seeming to be gazing into a faraway past rather than what was in front of her in the present.


"After that...she then continued living to fulfill a vow she made to herself that day. That she would cleanse the world of the filth that brought tragedy and dirtied the world with her own hands, so that nothing like that would ever happen again..."

Upon saying this, one of her hands gripped upon the scabbard of her blade, as if to help steady her emotions.


"And so she did... with her own hands to slew many a sinner, washing away their evil with blood. But then the world fell into chaos, and the unclean were too many for her to eradicate. No longer being able to fulfill that vow, she turned to the excuse of "revenge" for a purpose of existence. But now that's gone... she has nothing once more. Incapable of even remembering what she had originally lost, except that it was precious to her..."
Re: Iris's room

Iris was now holding onto Luna, afraid she was going lose her any moment. Iris listened to what her sister said. She was filled with sadness and hate. Whatever happened to her... It turned her into this person. A person who only wanted revenge and to kill who she deemed a sinner. Now she said she lacked purpose. Iris wasn't sure what to say now. Even if Luna wasn't the person she once was, she was still her sister. Iris refused to give on her, to leave her.

Still holding her Irs began to speak. Her voice was even heavier with emotion then before.
" Luna... You may not be the person you once were but you're still my sister. Whoever you are now I still care about you... "

Iris was going to start crying. Iris didn't cry much, the only times she remembers crying was when she had blown up the breeding den and had let Azure get raped.

(( Did Iris give a good response? ))
Re: Iris's room

(Adequate. The response is fitting :p. Please forgive me for this one line response though, as my creativity liquids are running low due to a lack of fitting music to inspire me.)


"...Even if the one before you is naught but a corpse stained in blood?..."
Re: Iris's room

(( I'm not sure what I should have Iris say now. That response kinda threw me off. ))
Re: Iris's room

Tears were slowly starting to weld in Iris's eyes. Her hold on Luna was stronger now, Iris didn't want to let go of her. After Luna had asked her question, Iris waited a moment before answering. With her teary eyes looking into her sisters Iris spoke to Luna.
" You're not some corpse stained in blood! You're my sister, and that will always be the case... "
Leaning onto Luna now Iris shut her eyes, a few tears rolling don her cheeks as she did.
Re: Iris's room

(Nicely done... now brace yourself for cheesiness >.<)

Tears again...the salty drops of liquid that always made her feel so...uncomfortable. Especially... when they came from Iris.

Putting a hand to Iris's cheek below the tears, Luna whispered in an abnormally soft,"kind" voice. Almost as if she was trying to soothe her.


"Please... Don't cry. I'll...remain by your side...until the day you wish for me to disappear. But please... dry your tears... "

For some reason, each tear that had flowed from the woman holding her, had made Luna hurt somewhere deep inside. It was a nostalgic feeling almost, one that she had felt before in the forgotten past. Luna didn't want to see Iris cry anymore, not now, not ever. Nor did she ever wish to feel this uneasy emotion that filled her for having made her sister upset ever again.

Something to protect?...She would protect her sister, until the day she became dust.
Re: Iris's room

Iris lifted her head off of Luna. Getting her arms off of Luna she wiped her eyes, getting the tears off. Luna didn't seem to like the sight of Iris crying. So Iris stopped crying then, keeping her eyes dry. She was happy to hear what Luna said. Should would stay by her side until Iris didn't want her around. Iris knew that was For a moment Iris sat next to her sister, unsure of what to say. After a moment of silence Iris spoke up. She was going to ask if Luna was tired or not. That mission had left Iris tired and bruised, she wondered about Luna.
" Luna... Are you tired? "
Re: Iris's room


"...A little bit...I'll be fine."

Truthfully however, it didn't seem she would be fine, as she had clutched her sword harder in an attempt to fight off the fatigue caused by the emotional drainage. Fittingly enough, the physical strain of combat did not affect her as much as it did others, yet for an already emotionally void person such as her, the strain put on by her from such a chaotic storm of feelings had completely worn her out. Even so however, she continued to make a show of strength, despite this.
Re: Iris's room

Iris stood up from her spot. Luna seemed more then just a little tired. Iris wasn't going to force her but she was to try to get her to get some rest. Iris began to get onto the bed for sleep as she did she said to Luna-
" Let's get some sleep Luna. Come on... "
Re: Iris's room


"I'm not...Yes sister...."

Deciding it would be better for to obediently follow Iris's request, Luna followed Iris into the bed, allowing herself to sleep with both eyes closed for once. Her sword and gun however... were still positioned within reach. Experience had taught her that was a wise choice, regardless of circumstances.
Re: Iris's room

Getting under the sheets with her sister Iris drapped her arm over the girl, laying about half a foot away. Laying her head on the second pillow Iris shut her eyes and started to drift to sleep. Before she had gone out Iris mumbled out something to Luna in her sleepy and drowsy voice.
" Good night Luna... "
Re: Iris's room

~ An uknown amount of hours pass ~

Iris felt her mind rock back into consciousness. Her warm and peaceful slumber ended as her eye lids slowly opened up. Iris slowly sat up, her arm which was drapped over her sister came off of her and went to her sides. Iris let out a soft yawn as she sat up, memorys of what happened before she went to sleep flooded her mind.

Iris looked over her sister as she slept. As shocking as it may sound Iris thought she looked... Cute when she was asleep. Iris wondered if she should wake her sister up...
Re: Iris's room



Luna woke slowly from her sleep, not having rested with both eyes shut in a long time. Eyes flickering open to behold her sister who had already woken up, the girl slowly drifted into consciousness, almost enjoying the relative peace. A peace that would have been better, if the gun Luna had hidden under her pillow did not remind her of the state of the world.
Re: Iris's room

Looking down on her sister who had awoke. She seemed rested now. Iris smiled as she place her hand on Luna's head, slowly stoking her hair. Iris was feeling a lot better then when she had gone to sleep. All the memorys of being raped and dead people were a distant thought at the moment. Iris then said something to her sister. Not being loud or to quiet.
" Good morning Luna. How are you feeling? "