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Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

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Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Eliza's choice drew a raised brow from the Tzimisce. Had it not been for the proven certainty of her shadowcraft, she would truly question that the platinum haired woman was not indeed a Toreador. Was it not their clan that still - ahem - yearned for that style of sensuality?

This was hypocritical on her part perhaps. The feeding invoked a sensation of lust in her own black heart that she could not ignore, and never did her thoughts stray far from the notion of animalistic acts when she pondered her sire, for such was the will of his bond over her. She was made Cainite for the purpose of desiring him, as well as to rule over the kine in his name, and in the name of her clan. After nearly a decade, a part of her wished to step away from the call of his blood, but she was powerless in that regard. Two personalities ruled her actions. Often they were of one mind, but when it came to Gyulu, the personality that ruled her actions was not her own. What might it be to give life to the desires he foisted upon her, and direct them at another?

As she considered this in silence, the Brujah made bold her own projected victory. Both of them were competitors by their nature, Vezina could tell. The Lasombra might never admit that she needed to compete, and the Brujah would never admit defeat, even after she had suffered it.

"Very well, amusement to Eliza should she win. Lexwyn, you have yet to specify what it is you will want. It's not much of a wager if we don't know what you want ahead of time. As for myself, I will merely ask for knowledge. Something that will not do either of you particular harm to impart, I assure you." She smiled at each of them and clapped her hands together.

"So. On to the cathedral. Let our hunt begin." She fell in beside Eliza and gav her a knowing look. "Let's not delay the fun."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Oh, I don't know. Probably just assistance with a few future plans. Nothing too major, but I'm a busy person, and I can't be everywhere at once. A few assistants here and there would be sorely welcome." Lexwyn motioned as if it was not really a big deal. There wasn't much specifically they could offer that she didn't already know how to get, given time. Ironic, despite being immortal, but she couldn't escape her impatient nature, and extra hands always made things go faster...
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

The quartet drew near the steps of the masonry of St. Paul's Cathedral about a half hour shy of mid-night, and the wind, which had been slowed before, now picked up and drew the flakes of winter snow across their undead eyes like a veil being drawn to the side. The vampires would gaze upon the continuing reconstruction of this most consecrated site, atop the highest vantage point in all of London: Ludgate Hill.

The Norman conquerors were eager to rebuild the cathedral since its predecessor - the third in the line of buildings dedicated to the Christian apostle - had tragically been burned down along with most of the city in 1087. The descendants of William the Bastard were intent upon the new building being a towering testament to the Almighty, with the typical cross shape already well outlined, and an addition of buttress supports lining the sides of the building lengthwise. The style of the building was being changed from the Romanesque to a more Gothic tone, with pointed arches and larger windows. In the very center of the structure was the scaffolding of a large, central steeple, that was yet to be completed and likely would take many years of hard labor. A wooden, makeshift overlay now covered the ceiling above to protect the inside of the building from the frequent inclement weather on the isle of Avalon.

Signs of frequent foot traffic in the squelching mud around the structure showed that despite its construction, the building was still very much in use by the human populace. Not far from the cathedral was the rectory for the priests and the convent of the holy sisters. The Bishop of London, naturally a noble with connections to the royal family, lived far from the site.

At this time of the night, the cathedral was normally silent. God-fearing folk were asleep at this hour. The poor would sometimes huddle in the shadow of the house of God, but night's watchmen would stop by to kick them away from time to time, and those types were not likely to win any of the trio of huntresses their wager.

However, the cathedral doors were always open, should a pious and troubled soul need to find solace in the dark of night, and some of the holy brothers or sisters might still have it be their duty to patrol the grounds and keep the few sconces lit within the walls. Perhaps there were mortal souls of richer quality within?

Surrounding the cathedral were a collection of church owned houses, where dwelled those in service to the cause of Catholicism. A main road existed in front of the building, where upon there were many commercial businesses.

"An interesting hunting ground," Vezina mused, wondering if Sister Pallas, primogen of the Ventrue, made this her frequent hunting ground as well. "Let me guess, you intend to sneak into the convent and away with two or three impressionable and hitherto chaste novices?"

The Tzimisce's question was directed at the Lasombra, who had made little effort to hide her habit of indulgence since the two had met.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Reaching into one of the pockets of her cloak, Eliza smiled at her fellow kindred as she withdrew a crucifix necklace to wrap just above her slender, pale shoulders and a rosary twisted around her hand. Eliza's smile was innocent, entirely too pure to possibly be true and probably amusing to anyone that knew her well. She cast her gaze downward as if embarrassed, lacing her hands in front of her waist and twisting side to side before looking back up to her companions with the utmost sincere kiwi gaze.

"Oh dear me girls, what ever do you mean? Confession is an important catholic tradition, as any good little, god-fearing young lady knows. I am just carrying out my duty to recognize my sins, repent, and ask for forgiveness." Eliza forced out a sigh, looking dramatically melancholy. "I just hope the goodly priests and priestesses can find it in their hearts to forgive me... it is just that I fear I have sinned so many times, I have lost count! I am a very, very naughty girl you see..."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Lexwyn was still content to go slow, but was slightly put off by Eliza's demeanor. "Has the infamous Eliza been associating herself with actors as of late? I'll admit, it's a valid tactic, though fooling us if both impossible, and immaterial to our current activity." She shook her head and looked with a bit of disdain into the church. Granted, it was not the commoners' fault for believing such drivel, but she still found such places distasteful.

Though the little routine did give her an idea. It would be quite fun to seduce a priest into becoming a "True Believer" of her cause. The transformation was a bit cruel, and her peers would say indulging in such behavior was a small appeasement to The Beast, but Lexwyn didn't believe in that silly superstition either. Besides, it wasn't as if such a transformation was of no benefit to her as well, so she could reasonably say she was just breaking a few eggs to make a cake... Still, now she had to watch Eliza extra careful to make sure she didn't step on her toes when selecting a target...
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Dear Lexwyn," Eliza snickered with a bemused smirk. "I was unaware the Brujah clan was so opposed to having fun these days. Immortality must be so dull for you, just prancing about and giving lectures to such wayward kindred like myself. Are you the sheriff's little deputy now too? Or do you just read about kindred etiquette in books and old scrolls? I think maybe you should come with me so I can show you how to enjoy yourself, hm?"
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Despite herself, Anabelle let a small smile curl her lips at the banter between the other three as they walked towards the cathedral. Yet, she said nothing all the while, simply following closely behind, sword tapping slightly on her leg as she stepped, appearing more bodyguard attempting to blend in, then citizen.

But, this way anyone would hardly give her a second glance. She could walk in plain sight, and be nothing of importance.

After hearing the quick back and forth between Lexwyn and Eliza though, the Scot let out a small laugh. It was harsh and raspy, and she looked to Eliza.

"Is confession your word for committing sins anew?" she said almost playfully, looking into the other's kiwi gaze. "Because I know sin as well as you do."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Indeed!" Eliza grinned at Anabelle. "I care not for forgiveness. The look on their faces when they hear my confession, however, now that is priceless. The priests can be so stodgy, and the little nuns so naïve. The poor little things just cannot imagine the things I have done... or the things I plan to do to them after my confession."
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

The smirk on Anabelle's lips, showing the tips of her fangs, as she held Eliza's gaze, was coy, and full of a raw sexuality that the Gangrel never displayed. She stepped closer to the Lasombra beauty, and leaned in closer until her lips brushed her ear, and fangs tickled the skin.

"I can imagine plenty," was all she said, before stepping away, looking towards the altar at the far end of the cathedral, surrounded by scaffold and the dust of construction.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

The habits of the Church were still alien to Vezina, whose Vlach bloodline existed on the boundaries of Catholicism rather than within it. She knew about the practice of confession and the surface trappings of the church, but saw little in the need for such things. As a mortal, she would not have been welcome in a cathedral, and as a Cainite, the idea of a protective and loving God watching over the mortals was laughable. Cainites were the gods and goddesses of the night and it was the mortal's duty to offer up a nightly blood tithe, whether they were aware of such obligations or not.

In her homeland, it would be common practice to create a sizeable herd that were aware of their obligation, but the societies of the other Clans frowned upon such straightforwardness, and this being their domain, Vezina was obliged to keep her practices clandestine.

She watched the way the Gangrel exhibited a rare moment of suggestiveness with Eliza, and wondered if there was something between those two. If there was, perhaps it was a poor choice for a judge.

The large cathedral was not empty tonight, and there were a few visible signs of movement at the far end. A small human figure knelt lighting one of a row of candles, offering her own prayers up to the Lord on the left most aisle of the church. A larger robed figure knelt in the first pew closest to the tabernacle, head bowed and large hands folded together above in a sign of desperate piety.

The confession booth was positioned on the far right, and a candleflame emanating from within showed that a priest was awake and on vigilance for those in need of the Holy sacrament.

"There may not be enough souls within these walls to provide a good hunt," Vezina said. "I believe that I shall peruse the rectory, and meet you good ladies on the steps with my prize."

Her gaze swept between the three as she slowed and then turned from them, walking back outside into the winter snow and approaching the building she had named, letting her keen senses alert her to movements and sounds in the night, where a healthy prey might be within reach.

Vezina knew that the majority of the kine tasted so poorly because they were ill-fed. The difference between when she fed upon her mortal servants at the baron's hall and when she dined upon a random peasant was significant. She would search for those members of the clergy who came from well-to-do backgrounds. The second sons and unwed daughters of minor nobility, whose path to power rested in the church. Their blood would be rich and worthy of the hunt, and she might be able to have some fun with them too before she fed.
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

"Well then, I will observe. I believe your hubris may be showing, and I think it would be quite amusing to see your advances fall short Eliza, heh.... besides, in such case, they're already prepped for my brand of charm. None of the others catch my eye anyway, so either way I shall wait for a moment to see if there are any other potentials out there..."


Vezina found less signs of life than perhaps she had hoped for, though the search was not entirely without fruit. The cold seemed to have made many retire to their chambers already, for the common areas were mostly deserted. Faint candlelight was evident under doors and through windows as the woman approached, though.

Of immediate availability were two fine maidens, gathered close to a fire in the entry's hearth. The were warming their hands and slightly shivering, murmuring to each other in what sounded like dull complaints. Vezina couldn't hear exactly what they were saying at first, but from the snippits she gathered, the two were not the most happy with the state of affairs in the church... Perhaps their hushed tone was to keep those others awake from hearing...
Re: Interlude: Intrigues in Avalon

Vezina kept to the shadows and attempted to move quietly through the building, not wishing to disturb the sleeping priests or the servants who kept the rectory in good stead. When she heard the snippets of conversation echoing faintly down the wooden corridors she stopped and tilted her head to one side. Normal hearing wouldn't do, so she used her keen senses of auspex to hear the whispers from a distance, to see if they might illuminate more about the mortals who tended the fire at night.

Intellectually, Vezina knew the fire at which they sat was tamed and nothing to fear, but she had no full mastery over the beast within her, and even the eldest of vampires might fall prey to the Rotschshrek if not careful (or not schooled in the ancient secrets of the koldun.) Learning more about what they spoke might allow her to take advantage of the situation and steer the mortals away from the fire, or indeed, to decide whether they or someone else under this roof was worth her time.

Only fine blood would do, something of noble quality perhaps, or at the least well-nourished and of a fine will or piety. Few things were as fun as showing the mortals the futility of their faith in their powerless god.


In the cathedral, Lexwyn and the others would hear a door creak from off to the right side of the church, followed by a number of heavy footsteps, some of them echoing the tell-tale sign of metallic armor. Vampire and mortal penitent alike turned their heads to see in view a pair of men in armor, coming down the side aisles, followed by two men at arms dressed in boiled leather and bearing lanterns. Behind them came a robed monk, holding a rosary in his hands. One of the armored men bore the double lion tabard of Normandy, while the other bore the white rose of York.

This new party spoke naught, but wore grim expressions as they approached the altar, giving little attention to the others in the church, unless someone chose to approach them.
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