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Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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As some of you may know, I have been doing a bit of research into the Cold War period, which suits a James Bond fanatic like myself just fine. Today I had the idea of fusing fictional and historical elements of 1960s Cold War Europe with a fantasy setting within the Pathfinder system.

Naturally, I will probably change the names of the states and organizations involved, as well as assigning races to occupy the various nation-states of the adjusted map.

Player characters would collectively be working as a team of agents under the setting equivalents for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Soviet Committee for State Security (KGB), though I would also be open to having the party work for something akin to British Secret Intelligence Agency (MI6). There is no good/evil in which organization you serve (with Stalin dead, anyway) but I would ask that the party pick ONE side (at a time, defection being an option).

In short, however, the game will involve high espionage and political tension in a subdued conflict between superpower-led coalitions of the willing and not-so-willing.

Anyway, I don't want to go into too many details before I have a chance to flesh everything out. If interest is shown by at least four players, I'll see if I can whip something up by mid-April, providing my schedule doesn't get any worse.

I also still need to figure out what I'd like for the magical equivalent of a nuclear weapons program to be in this campaign. Should make for some interesting situations.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

could be interesting.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Interest shown.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Tentative interest shown, though I'm not sure I'll be able to play.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Do we have magic? If so, I have the perfect character already!

If not, I guess we're all playing rogues or something.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Yes, there's magic--it's still a medieval technology pathfinder setting. With that said, you don't all need to be rogues. Not every member of the CIA or KGB has the same specialty. Some of them are good at the rogue stuff, others at breaking bones, still others are really good at diplomacy or seduction. Linguistics will be an important skill for everyone, though, once I figure out how I want to approach territorial languages.

EDIT: Subtlety and subterfuge, though... I would recommend that the paladins with LOUD, CLANKY ARMOR be left at home.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

The character that I bring to the table is what I call my Yuki Ikari build. The name can be changed to something British if we're going to be playing characters aligned to the Union Jack, but what this ruby obsessed narcissist brings to the team is a combination of covert scouting and on site spying, observation and support for infiltration, the ability to tail anyone across towns and cities, and disguise herself. And that's just the beginning.

She also picks up Leadership at 7th level, to set up a spy network, which is at the same point she can cast . She will use that spell to create duplicates/decoys of herself to supplement and manage her spy network, and regularly fake her own death in a suitably dramatic fashion. At 9th level she will gain access to the Telepathic Bond spell and Permanency spells to extend the reach of her spy network across the continent, and improve party teamwork. At 13th level she will have access to the full Simulacrum spell, which will just make spying/socializing/faking her own death so much more easy and fun.

Yuki is a Wizard specializing in Illusions using the option, and while she doesn't start with many diplomatic skills, she picks them up after a few levels and almost catches up to full competence quickly. The build itself is geared to take up the prestige class, thus the reason for full ranks in Perform (Oratory) -instead of just a few- and Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering). After that, Yuki will qualify for the Mindbender prestige class (found in Complete Arcane) and will take that first level everyone loves for the 100ft of telepathy that everyone loves so very, very much.

As her vices are red gems (as mentioned) and her beauty, the build splurges a few skills points on Profession (Miner), as well as full ranks in Craft (Jewellery). She will also only ever use Simulacrum and the lesser variant to make copies of herself instead of more useful people, and any statue/golem/portrait/other art piece she makes or commissions will also be required to bear he likeness.
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Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

The character that I bring to the table is what I call my Yuki Ikari build. The name can be changed to something British if we're going to be playing characters aligned to the Union Jack, but what this ruby obsessed narcissist brings to the team is a combination of covert scouting and on site spying, observation and support for infiltration, the ability to tail anyone across towns and cities, and disguise herself. And that's just the beginning.

I like where your head's at. The name shouldn't be a problem--like I said, I'll likely be changing the geographical and political names... to parodies, in some cases. For example, the USA will be the Western High Kingdom of Maraka.

She also picks up Leadership at 7th level, to set up a spy network, which is at the same point she can cast . She will use that spell to create duplicates/decoys of herself to supplement and manage her spy network, and regularly fake her own death in a suitably dramatic fashion. At 9th level she will gain access to the Telepathic Bond spell and Permanency spells to extend the reach of her spy network across the continent, and improve party teamwork.

I get the distinct impression that this is not your first time playing Pathfinder, or your first rodeo. Nevertheless, there are a couple of points here on which my own understanding is limited. As I understand it, Lesser Simulacra possess no magical abilities, are not under your control (and are therefore neutral NPCs, though probably with a reaction bonus given your status as creator), and once slain "revert to snow and melt instantly into nothingness." While I can see some sort of deal being worked out with these magical creations to assist you as spies, I do see those limitations as possible obstacles in maintaining a network of loyal spies and, especially, faking your own death.

Additionally, I feel obligated to point out that Lesser Simulacra expire within hours, whereas the 12,500gp cost of making one Telepathic Bond between two creatures is forever. Of course, that's something of a non-issue, because you'll have to wait until 13th level to make any Telepathic Bond permanent, at which point you can create permanent Simulacra (at the low, low cost of 6,500gp, plus 500gp per additional level you gain). There are also other minor hazards, such as the fact that an injured Simulacrum will be revealed should someone attempt to heal them (which is unlikely to happen, but within the realm of possibility).

The build itself is geared to take up the Master of Snake Mountain prestige class.

Please tell me that you're actually familiar with the original Snake Mountain and its Master...


So do I call you Keldor or Skeletor? As a no-shit child of the 80s, I'm VERY familiar with this archetype, and grew up watching the cartoon. I'm A-OK with this plan, so long as your character adheres to "senseless, yet restrained villainy," "boasts constantly," explains "his big plans to anyone who will listen," behaves "in a cowardly and villainous fashion," and permanently resides in a dungeon lair. Also bear in mind that dungeons are prime real estate for certain creatures, so you may end up defending your turf on occasion.

I actually think the idea could work quite well, so long as you relegate yourself to a Bond villain status, and NOT one of the brave ones. Think Auric Goldfinger or Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

None of these obstacles are insurmountable.
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Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Well you probably can tell my background with this sort of thing by my discussions with Spider, but in any case I also have interest.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Tentative interest shown, because I'm crazy and three games in a week isn't enough for me apparently, that and I miss roleplaying with people from here. Will have to see depending on time though.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

Definite interest shown. What is the starting level?
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

I hope we start at 3rd level. 1st level always makes me feel like I'm some sort of mook trying to get by in a world of apex predators.
Re: Interest Check for an Odd Pathfinder Game

You mean like 80% of the population? Eh level 1's not so bad, tons you can do at level 1. Just gotta avoid enemies with crossbows.