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Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Krenn growled in annoyance as the massive beast had somehow detected the diminutive goblin despite his skill in stealth, though the assassin's blood burned with the rush of battle as his blade connected with the creature's soft underbelly, spilling its acidic blood across the rocky floor below them. "Heh, don't fuckin' underestimate me, you mag-"

Krenn's gloating was cut mid sentence as the wyrm struck out at him, sending the greenskin careening across the battlefield. "Pff, that's the best you can fuckin' do?!" Krenn spat, growling, though despite his wrath a sickening smile played along his features as he climbed back to his feet and watched the lumbering beast, now fully out of the ground, waiting for an opportunity to strike at its gut once more.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Krenn and the Wyrm glared at eachother as spaghetti western music played in the background. Probably the scythe wielding bitch being a bitch. As Krenn waited for an opening, the Wyrm charged, both combatants scoring damage on eachother as Krenn scored another slash across the underbelly while the Wyrm surprised him by sprouting two arms, one smacking Krenn again back to where he'd started.

Krenn rolled to his feet as the Wyrm was charging again, roaring and convulsing before a glob of the thick green acidic ichor spewed from it's mouth Krenn ducked the blast by rolling before coming up with another hard cut straight along it's midline before springing back out of reach, finally avoiding a strike.

There were rolls
Krenn 3/5
Wyrm 2/6
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

The battle was going exactly as Krenn had expected as his blade cut deep into the belly of the beast once more, spilling more of its acidic lifeblood, though the creature once more managed to catch the goblin offguard as it unexpectedly sprouted a pair of arms and swatted him mid-celebration. Though with expert reflexes Krenn rolled back onto his feet, and without a second thought the vicious assassin lunged towards the behemoth once more, letting out a furious battle roar, determined to put it down once and for all.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Krenn kills the wyrm. Not posting rolls cos it takes too damn long. Except that I now have a GM screen up over the dice.

Krenn, charging back in scored a beautiful cut as he leapt into the air to still the vibrations of his own movement, which worked as he'd hoped against the wyrm as the creature struck out in the wrong place while his blade lashed across it's body as he passed. Again the counterstrike immediately after was more accurate then any visually based target could normally manage however, and again, the combatants traded blows.

Caught up in his bloodlust however, Krenn just pivoted and gored the wyrm as he leapt backwards, cutting it's underbelly open completely and ending the battle, his body bruised, and in pain, but healing quickly in this infernal place while the body of they wyrm shuddered and it gave an aching cry before laying still, dead by his hand.

The fragment the demon had promised took him a moment to find, but he saw it form finally as the body shuddered one last time, a wispy substance breathed out in it's final moments congealing into a tiny gem, no bigger then the nail of his pinky, shining brown and winking at him from the ground.

Wyrm Fragment. Options.
+1 to defense rolls
+1 to perception rolls
+0.5 HP
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

A confident smile spread across Krenn's face as he landed, his breathing ragged, his back turned to the great beast. Standing up straight, the goblin turned to face the monster, watching as it shuddered violently, as if it had a little fight left in it, but then collapsed one final time, its life extinguished.

"Serve's y' fuckin' right," Krenn grunted out, wiping away a trickle of blood with the back of his hand as it moved towards the now dead wyrm. He gave it a kick, grunted a laugh, then watched in surprise as wisps of smoke flowed from the monster's mouth, coalescing into a tiny gem shard on the floor. The goblin stared at it for a moment before picking it up, and remembering what that demon had said.

This thing could bestow upon him powers, but what? The assassin knew not what he'd gain, but that didn't bother him. "Well, here goes nothin'!" Krenn smiled wildly, his sharp teeth exposed, before he opened his mouth and threw the gem in, chomping down on the wyrm's essence.

+1 defence
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Krenn, upon ingesting the small gem, found the taste earthy and sour, acidic, before he felt his skin become ever so slightly more sensitive and his skin a little thicker. he didn't feel any heavier, just a hair tougher. Seemed she'd told the truth.

The ridge glared up at him and he still had his target. A few minutes in peace and quiet without being nearly blown up in this place by it's own nature saw his wounds healing, though Not comfortably as cracked bones knitted and cuts and scrapes closed.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Krenn quickly regretted downing the gem as the taste washed over his tongue, and the goblin sputtered and gagged until the taste left him. Though it seemed to do the job as Krenn noticed a slight hardness to his body, and assumed the demoness wasn't lying to him. He'd find out soon enough though.

With the wyrm slain and his path clear once more Krenn decided to brave the road back up to Fereline. The tunnels would most likely offer a more stealthy approach, he assumed, but they were full of those massive creatures, and would be hell to get through. No, despite knowing Fereline could fly and would most likely be keeping an eye from the sky, Krenn decided to scale the ridgeline once more, trying to keep to the more concealed nooks and crannies in an attempt to keep himself hidden from the demoness.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Krenn moved into the tunnels, and while the cry of a dying wyrm seemed to have momentarily made the others more scarce, the death of a predator often had that effect, or another much worse one, Krenn found the tunnels just as last time stifling and hot, but the air was moving as he'd remembered and he could move through them fairly uninhibited. For now, there weren't any wyrms nearby to put him on the list of things to eat, though that could change at any time given his inability to sense them if they weren't very close.

Moving upwards, Krenn remembered the route, and found himself about a third of the way up again looking at the tunnels before something out on the blasted desert caught his attention. It was a hulking figure stomping it's way across the sands. Bulky, slow, and Massive, he could see it made almost entirely of chains and fire, it's limbs seeming more twisted clinking steel then actual arms and legs, it's head encapsulated in a steel cage where 4 glowing, hateful eyes sparkled against the black sands. And explosion from below engulfed the creature, swallowing it in fire and hate, only for it's chains to haul it out of the sand where it continued on it's way, towards the ridgeline. Still far off and not a threat, it would be something to remember to avoid. He doubted he could stab something made of chains to death with his knife.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Despite his fortune against the earlier wyrm, Krenn was thankful that either none were currently around or the rest were giving him a wide berth. The tunnels didn't exactly allow the goblin full use of his dexterity, and truth be told Krenn believed his victory was more a fluke than anything else. Not that he'd admit that to anyone, and if anybody suggested that he'd just have to cut out their tongues.

Fortunately though Krenn memorised the rough layout of the tunnel system he had traversed before, and made quick time through the winding pathways, eventually finding himself at a familiar shelf. Though before he could continue his ascent of the craggy mountain a figure in the distant desert could the assassin's eye. He watched in horror as the colossal being, more elemental than living creature from what he could surmise from this distance, stomp along the blasted sands of the land below, and seemed unperturbed by the land swallowing it whole before continuing its slow walk towards the ridgeline.

"Fuck, best get this over an' done with right quick," The goblin thought to himself as he continued his climb, taking care to keep an eye out for Fereline in the sky and that lumbering beast moving across the desert, and sticking to routes that seem to offer better cover.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Fereline was far above him, and the beast below on the sands, a reminder to them both that no matter how good they were, some things in Hell, like the Queen and her Pet Monsters, gave 100% absolutely zero fucks, considering the level of raw power they commanded. Krenn had no doubt that collosal monster could rearrange the fucking landscape if it wanted to. The succubus was watching the monster as well though, so Krenn's plan to continue up was the wise one. He moved slowly and carefully until Fereline drifted backwards in the air and out of sight.

So she was still using the ridgeline peak for something, what he had no idea, but she hadn't moved.

As he neared the summit, he was given another option. A last set of tunnels before he crested the rise again. he could try and use those as a way up, or just crest the ridgeline. But Fereline wasn't alone anymore. He could hear small chirping voices and snarls. She had an escort of some kind.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

"Fuckin' great..." The goblin thought to himself, grumbling. The bitch seemed to have company now, and he very much doubted they'd give him a free pass at the winged whore. Still, they couldn't be worse than those worms, right?

Fortune seemed to smile down on Krenn as well as he caught sight of the tunnel. Whether it was good or ill, he couldn't say, but tracking Fereline from the mouth of a tunnel seemed like a better idea than from the edge of some cliff. "At least the fuckin' bitch will have a harder time a' throwin' me off from there." With slow, purposeful steps, Krenn made his way towards the tunnels, hoping to be left unchallenged as he made the final leg of his climb to capturing the demoness that had given him so much trouble already.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

The tunnels were clear, giving him a way that indeed led him up to another part of the ridge summit, all of them converging on a central point. Two sentries stood guard, holding gnarled black steel hatchets and wearing mismatched armor.

Getting closer, he could see their bodies, small and black, covered in spines that shook and twitched at sounds, their single eye was huge, dominating their foreheads and deep scarlet in color, their faces flat and without a nose of any kind. Other then that they were vaguely humanoid, only a little taller then Krenn himself.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

"Weird lookin' fuckers, ain't they..." Krenn thought to himself as he rounded the corner of his chosen tunnel and spotted two sentries at the mouth of the cave, obviously keeping watch for Fereline. They didn't look too imposing, he thought, as he hid behind the rocky wall and peered around the corner, watching the two stocky figures for a moment, but Krenn had learnt his lesson with his fights against those giant beasts and his first encounter with Fereline. No, if she picked these for her watchmen then there must be something about them.

Still, the opportunistic goblin thought, he knew they lay in wait for him and they had no idea he was currently there.

With a smile equal parts confidence and depravity, Krenn loaded up his crossbow, and peering around the edge of his corner he'd wait until he could get a clear line of sight on one of their massive eyes before firing once, then rushing in to meet them, in what he hoped would be an ambush turned around, his dagger blade slashing at them.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Assassination attemps.
1: Success.
2: Failure. Combat entered.

Krenn waited patiently, quietly, until the one on the left turned, only to have a crossbow bolt bury itself in it's head, the creature going down instantly without more then a gasp and a sickly wet sound, blood and pieces of skull spattered around where his head had fallen.

It's companion turned to see it, only to turn back just in time and hiss, ducking back hard as Krenn's dagger slashed through the air where it's eye had been. It was quick to retaliate as well, a darting slash of it's sword whistling through the air where Krenn's torso had just been. The creature was slowly backing up in the tunnel, looking to retreat and sound the alarm. Krenn didn't have long.

1 critter, down.
Sentry 2/2
Krenn 5/5
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

"Oh no you don't, get back here you little fucker," Krenn growled as the singular-eyed guardsman legged it as its companion's brains exploded from the back of its head, no doubt intending on alerting Fereline of the goblin's arrival. And Krenn couldn't have that happen. Not now that he'd come this far. Though he also didn't want to put up with another of that so called queen's patronising signs again so soon.

Pulling one of his smaller side daggers out, Krenn threw it at the creature he chased after, hoping to cut the creature down, or if not, hinder it enough until he could catch up to it to end its life in a more brutal fashion.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

It would be interesting to say Krenn missed his throw. What had actually happened was his belt of daggers had shifted when he was climbing and he cut himself on the blade, dropping it with a clang instead of throwing it while the sentry beat fucking feet away from Krenn, shouting at the top of his pathetic little lungs. Well.... the alarm had been sounded because now he could hear the others above all milling about and shouting as well.

Time to leave. Or fight until he died.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

"God. Fuckin'. DAMMIT!" Krenn roared in fury as the one-eyed freak managed to escape through the goblin's own lack of foresight, his rage echoing through the chamber he found himself in. The sound of commotion further ahead didn't go unnoticed by the angry little man as he collected up his fallen throwing dagger, and as much as it pained him to admit, even silently, Krenn knew that if he were to pursue the bastard he'd be severely outnumbered.

Grumbling silently to himself, Krenn decided to turn tail and flee through the cavern system, hoping to use the twists and turns of the mountain to lose Fereline and her people. Once outside, he could plot his next course of action, Krenn thought to himself.
Re: Infernal Resolve. (SirOni)

Having had the alarm sounded and opting to run, which was the wiser course, Krenn could look back and realize his failure to infiltrate was less a lack of skill and more just another taste of the seemingly rotten luck that had plagued him since the fucking cabbage cart had run him over.

Weaving through the tunnel system, Leaving it became a bad idea as he saw a winged figure whip back before a massive explosion sounded wayyy too close. The chained behemoth was getting closer.

Whatever the little cyclops monsters were that had gotten close were eaten by a wyrm that tore through the ground of the tunnel straight into the ceiling, crushing them and then swallowing the corpses, before burrowing up, all the motion underground from the horde of annoying hiding Krenn from the wyrms as he moved. And before long he found himself deeper into the ground and more comfortable then he'd been in a long way as the wicked volcanic activity seemed to calm down here and his eyes adjusted to the darkness as he slid into a large cavern.

Again lines of red and now violet ran through the stone, giving him just enough light to see the underground lake he'd found. Actual water? Judging from the smell it was fresh, but he'd have company soon. He had maybe 5 minute to prepare a proper assassin welcome.