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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
While she had not been fully expecting it, Tomoe's way of handling the satyr was working great. Despite her earlier concerns, having such big and heavy breasts might be actually good for something after all. Getting cummed on repeatedly as she went on with her work did not bother the miko too much as she was already a gargantuan mess, but she did start to have questions about the capacity of the satyrs when it came to semen. It was not what she had imagined from what little she had heard, but they were beings of unnatural origins so maybe it was just something of a trait to the fey menfolk. Having to swallow so much of the stuff was certainly something she would not see herself doing if asked just a little while back.

Doing the service to the satyr did look like it was a timesaver, and soon enough the nymph guide was dealing with the other man, not needing to do much work to get him satisfied by the looks of it. But it would not look like she was all done, just having different plans to progress the final stages. Noticing the waning state of Tomoe's partner, the nymph turned attention to her, tackling the miko down rather easily as she had not been expecting such aggression coming her way mid-service. Of course there was no real malice to be found from the nymph, and Tomoe was not going to put up any resistance against some rather passionate mouth action, going along with it and coming back at the nymph a bit with her own kissing. Before the priestess could move in to make any moves of her own, her already somewhat hot and bothered body was gently brought under control as the nymph pinned her wrists down. Seeing no reason to go against the cleaning lady and enjoying herself a little too much, she would let the nymph have her way with the cleaning effort, her arousal rising all the time as her ample mounds were thoroughly licked clean from all the cum they had been bathed in. With the satyrs rolling around, Tomoe would get some work for herself as she was presented with a cock. Not wanting to make the job take longer for her caretaker, the miko would open up, her gasping mouth taking the goat member readily and giving them what they wanted as she was facefucked. Once they had finished up, she would dutifully chug down their baby batter, keeping it from going off to places unwanted.

With the nymph finally content with her handiwork, the two broke off from each other, Tomoe being painfully aroused from all the attention lavished upon her chest. But it would fade with time, so she would endure for the time being. "Yeah... lead the way." she would agree with wanting to clean up, still not entirely feeling like she was clean proper. Picking up her stuff, she would follow the nymph to the little river, where she would slip into the water to get fully washed up. Once she was clean and not too wet, she would start to get dressed for whatever would be waiting for her next in this place.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

Her nymph caretaker would clearly notice Tomoe's arousal after she'd cleared the miko's bosom of the satyr's cum, but even though she was bathing with Tomoe she would elect not to do anything to satisfy it unless the miko opted to initiate it. Perhaps she thought that Tomoe had had enough of a sexual marathon for one day?

Regardless, once she'd cleaned herself up to her, the nymph would invite Tomoe to lounge with her on the creekside, lying among a bed of flowers that seemed to move to support her comfortably while they basked in the mid-afternoon sun. Honey bees, butterflies, and fat bumblebees hovered around them while they dried off, occasionally landing on them but never loitering on their non-flower based bodies for long. The nymph would seem content to relax there well after Tomoe was dry enough to dress again, though if the miko wished to go do something other than lounge about for a few hours she would have to take the initiative herself, perhaps making a request of her guide.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Thankfully, Tomoe's caretaker lady did not seem intent on making any moves to break her out from her pleasurable tension. It would go away soon, so there was no need to do such things.

With everything cleaned away, said caretaker would invite the miko to take a rest on the riverside, an idea that Tomoe was all for. She was not looking to invite any further weird attention from the surrounding area, so having a bit of a lounge and maybe a nap was what she would be doing for the next few hours. There was the matter of the feast waiting in the immediate future, so the priestess would opt to prepare for that event with this rest period in the embrace of nature.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The following few hours would prove intensely relaxing, allowing Tomoe to nap among the flowers and recuperate a fair bit following the series of depraved ordeals. By the time she was awakened from her dozing by a distant ululating cry. "That's the horn to congregate for dinner," her guide remarked lazily, though she made no effort to hurry Tomoe towards getting up. She would let the miko lay around for another fifteen or so minutes before she started to move, and even then made to usher the miko off without letting her get dressed in the process. Naturally, Tomoe could take the time to get dressed, drawing an indulgent roll of the eyes from the nymph seeing to her.

By the time she'd gotten up, her stomach had grown with the faerie offspring growing inside of her, and her breasts had engorged even further, swelling in order to feed the litter that she was to birth at some point on the next day.

Once ready to go, Tomoe would be led back to the large clearing in which she had met the gigantic gruff that seemed to be lord and master of this particular glade. He was still sitting in his immense chair, though now leaned forward over a large rectangular table that could seat a small army. Many other large gruffs were present seated along the length of the table and the two similarly large tables set up next to it. They were clearly his sons and ensuing decedents; she could see the one who had inseminated her far down on one of the tables looking surely, seemingly banished there for some reason, and the bigger one called Gnarl who had challenged her. "You're free to sit where you look, the hunters ensured that you have a seat here!" her nymph guide said dreamily, her eyes lidded and her mannerisms now entirely relaxed. With that she drifted off to one of the smaller side tables, primarily populated by satyrs and nymphs, though a few of the smaller tables were surrounded by little yellow kobolds, and one featured a trio of towering trolls crouched around it.

While the majority of the table inhabitants were gruffs, there were number of the sidhe - the alluring faerie shapeshifters - seated primarily among them, including the gardener who had convinced her to donate her nourishing milk to the mutant plant. She smiled briefly at Tomoe, but then looked away to continue a conversation she'd been having with one of the gruffs. From that point, she was free to sit where she liked; near the lord at the head of the primary table, near the father of her offspring towards the tail of one of the secondary tables, near Gnarl around the center of the primary table, near the gardener near the head of one of the secondary tables, somewhere completely random... Regardless, as she approached wherever she wanted to sit, the waft of the pheromones - quite familiar after her prolonged rutting by the gruff who had inseminated her - coming from the gruffs rapidly made her light headed and excited, and the harder her breathing got the more of it she would have to inhale.

Fortunately, it wouldn't be long before the distraction of the food appearing along the massive oaken table shortly after taking her seat and being greated pleasantly by whoever she was sitting next to. Wooden and silver platters laden with sliced fruit, vegetables and carved meats ranging from deer to game birds, bowls filled with various stews, stacks of pastries, bowls of rice mixed with various sauces and often sported hunks of plant or meat or both, and loaves of bread surrounded by various potential condiments. It was truly a feast, and seemed to have appeared out of thin air, though the faeries seemed unconcerned as they began to eat without waiting for further formality.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Despite the poking from her somewhat insistent escort lady, Tomoe would not let herself be taken to their destination without getting herself clothed, feeling like it would be a breach of decorum to arrive at the tables of her royal hosts without a thread on her. So, against the will of the nymph, she would get dressed before they would leave for the feast.

The feast itself was certainly a sight to behold, familiar and new both coming to the fore as the miko arrived, finding the many inhabitants of the nearby land there. There were some of the more surprising types peoples to be seen too, Tomoe not having expected to see trolls or kobolds during this event, but there they were. But that was not something she would pay too much attention to as there was the matter of finding herself a spot to take at the tables. While there were all kinds of seats open for her, the priestess would not go off from who she considered were her direct hosts and thus would take a seat among Gnarl and his contemporaries, having more or less with them since her arrival to the fey realm. Surely they would be more interested in talking with her as well, given those past interactions between them, however brief they had been.

But before there could be any real interaction, the sudden attack of the food happened. With the fairykin so readily going at the food, Tomoe would not hold herself back either, not entirely sure what to focus on as there was such a wide variety of foodstuffs to be had. So, she would go and try a little bit of everything she could reach at first, seeing if some the satyrs had any interest towards her as she did so.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

While she was picking over the variety of foodstuffs on offer, Tomoe would notice distinctly that some of the faeries weren't touching certain things, things that no one told her off for taking portions of. She would spot that the one that had inseminated her against her will was being denied the choicer morsels, including any cuts of the larger beasts that the satyr hunters had brought in. The hunters themselves had fairly small portions compared to the main table that Tomoe had sat at, but at least were allowed some portion of their work's bounty at the feast itself. The kobolds had no meat at all at their table, and many of the nymphs and satyrs were left to make do with the lesser dishes compared to the main table. Only the table surrounded by the trolls was comparable to the main one. Whether she was being allowed because of the "favor" she'd done for the group, because of the other "favor" she'd done for the faerie lady, or simply because she was a guest was unclear.

The gruffs were a rowdy lot, often bumping elbows and hands as they jostled to fill their plates. They were big eaters as well, taking multiple servings of each; many of the bigger gruffs went for multiple helpings, emptying what they had initially grabbed and then going back for more, sometimes several times. Absent were any sort of manners that Tomoe might be used to, both in the grabbing of food stage and in the actual eating. The demure priestess would have to be somewhat aggressive to get any of the good bits before they were all taken, though the faeries nearest to her would ease off if they saw her reaching for something, adopting a bit of politeness as a matter of reflex.

The first portion of the feast went by in a frenzied bout of gluttony, leaving very little room for conversation, but as the goatmen surrounding her - all seemingly the descendants of the gigantic one seated at the head of the table - went on to their second plates, conversation began to sprout up. The goatmen at first mostly boasted, talking of their latest conquests, both on the battlefield and in terms of mates taken. The bigger, likely older ones seemed to boast more than the others, though the younger gruffs had their share of stories. The one that had claimed her actually pointed to her at one point, but one of those near to him said something - she was too far away to hear exactly what was said over the din of the crowd - that caused the other gruffs to burst out into raucous laughter, and the one that had seeded her glowered and didn't indicate towards her again.

"What about you?" One of the gruffs, a burly creature with incredibly dark fur and a brass ring through his nose - which together made him resemble a minotaur rather than the more personable faerie race to which he belonged - had addressed her. Gnarl, the one who had challenged her to combat much as the first had, seemed to take interest, leaning towards her to listen in to her answer. "You carry a sword, clearly you are a warrior! What's your best win?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Tomoe would observe the surrounding events as she ate, noticing a good deal of details about the etiquette and apparent pecking order of the varied fey present at the feast. And while she was herself in a somewhat rough crowd, the ones flanking her were at least considerate enough to not bump her when she did go for her own choices of food, which she was thankful of. As the eating went on, talk began to happen among the goat folk, something about victories in more than one sense of the word by the sounds of it. There was some talk of her too, and though the miko did not manage to catch what it was exactly, she did not think too highly of the reactions going on with that.

Before she could make further inquiry into it, the turn seemed to pass onto her as a particularly grim-looking member of the brotherhood posed her the question of battlefield conquest. Tomoe had to give it a little thought as she was not completely sure what to make claim of, but she could remember the event from a little while ago, at that one spider place. "I'm not entirely sure what it was, but there was a huge spidery abomination that I did kill not too far back. It wasn't just me doing it, but I was the one who ended up with the kill." she would offer her likely best answer, going into further detail about it all if the group were intent on hearing her go more specific about that particular event.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"A spidery abomination?" the nearest asked following Tomoe's reply, and a chorus of murmurs surrounding her would quickly result in a barrage of questions, forcing as many details out of Tomoe as she could remember; more details on the monster itself, how she had come to face it, why she had been there, and so on. Ultimately the group would turn their attention to one of their own boasting, but not before they'd paid the miko a fair bit of attention, and none of them found it even slightly incredulous that she was a capable and accomplished warrior.

The feast would prove to be a long one, though it was quickly clear that Tomoe wasn't required to stay for all of it. The lesser tables cleared out quickly except for the large one where the trolls sat; they seemed to want to stay. The gruffs were starting to get rowdier as the wine flowed more freely, but she could as easily retire before things got too crazy - she was carrying a growing litter in her belly after all - if she wished for an end to her long day.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
At the group's request, Tomoe would go over what she could tell them about that particular day, as much as she could manage within her own knowledge of the events that had transpired. Eventually their attention would shift, but that didn't bother the miko much as they seemed to have believed her story even in the face of current state of being fairly devoid of any real signs of impressive might.

The feast would go on at it's own pace, most groups seeing themselves out earlier than the ones with more attendees. Somehow, the sight of the trolls still there despite their obvious lower ranking within the hierarchy was suggesting to the priestess that there was a very real chance of drunken brawling happening in the immediate future. While it might have been an interesting sight to see and possibly try out, Tomoe was thinking more about her current motherly state and not seeing the two things mixing very well. She would finish up her remaining food at her own pace before seeing herself away from the feast area and keep out of harm's way for the sake of her litter.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER
Faerie Gardener
Nymph Caretaker 1
Nymph Caretaker 2

With Tomoe departing from the party before things got too rowdy, she would be led by her guides to a glade to sleep in. The faerie sanctuary would allow her to sleep beneath the open sky as comfortably as she would in a finely furnished bed, and she would be able to drift off to sleep in short order.

However she might have gone to bed, the morning awakening would see Tomoe finding herself topless, though not for any depraved reason. The two nymphs who had been guiding her around were lying to either side of her, and both smiled comfortingly at her and rubbed her now heavily engorged belly. "You've got a pretty big litter growing in there! Looks like you'll pop them out soon~ Don't worry, we'll be here for you! We made sure you had an easy sleep," one of them would murmur. It wasn't just her belly that was swollen, however; her already fairly large breasts were engorged and steadily leaking her nourishing milk, likely because of her recent impregnation. "Those look like they could use some relief too~" the other murmured, eyeing one of her breasts playfully, though her sibling would roll her eyes in turn and chastise the other nymph; "Oh you, she doesn't need that right now! She'll have a whole litter to take care of that in a few hours!"

Whether she invited the nymphs to ease her wait or not, it would only be a few hours before she gave birth, and while she could walk around - the nymphs would off her a maternity gown in the style of her homeland - it would be difficult to move far or fast. She could go watch some more sparring, or go and wander a bit with her two caretakers if she wanted to see what else there was to see around here, but before she gave birth, a familiar faerie gardener would approach her, wherever she might be. "Hello there! I am glad I could find you again before you left. The plant that you tended to is doing MUCH better now," she would say, offering the miko a slight bow. "I was wondering if you would do me a service... I know that you said you would be hesitant to do so again, but if you had reconsidered.... I would like to give you a token. It would allow you, at your discretion, to open a gateway to this place, only large enough for a few growths to come through and... Feed again. I would offer you a regular stipend of coin, or if you would prefer something else, herbs or potions perhaps, I could give that instead."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Having left the feast, Tomoe would find her way to a more peaceful area to sleep all the food off, more or less sure that she would be out of harm's way in the glade where the escorts took her. And that was what she did, expecting the morning to be as peaceful as the current state of her surroundings.

In the morning, things did turn out to be peaceful as expected, a little physically touchier than Tomoe had expected though as she had her escort ladies clinging to her sides. She wouldn't have much to say, but was nonetheless appreciative that the two had been there for her and were keeping track of her condition. With her newly acquired girth, the miko found herself lacking in mobility, and would keep herself from strain as she got up to take a brief stroll at her own pace before the big event. Leaving her usual clothes, she would go with the gown the two nymphs gave her, and of course she would keep Kuchinawa with her as it was far too uncomfortable to leave the shrine blade there.

Coming across the gardener, Tomoe would of course greet her as usual while hearing her out. "Hmmm... it does sound like something I could help with. It does not feel like something I'd want to do voluntarily, but... I'd feel bad knowing I could help with such a matter and not do it, just because I find it unsavory. So... I'll take you up on that." she would agree to take the portal token with her to provide the unconventional type of aid in the future, opting to go for the potions and stuff option for her payment as that piqued her curiosity a good bit.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER
Faerie Gardener
Nymph Caretaker 1
Nymph Caretaker 2

The gardener looked grateful, and gave a slight bow to Tomoe. "Thank you... If you can manage to do it, say, every third day, that would be perfect! Just take the token, declare what sort of potions you'd want, and after the.... Work... Is done, the potions will be left to you. I can offer one strong potion or two lesser ones, whatever you think that you need; restoratives of magical energy or physical stamina, something to remove excess corruption, something to make you stronger in a time of crisis, something to ignite your fury... Birth control, or fertility enhancements, depending on what you require."

Tomoe would be able to peruse the gardens for a little while. She came upon a draconic looking woman, her ebony scales clashing with her pale skin, leaning against a wooden pole in a most risque pose, smiling and standing stock still as she was painted by some of them fae. Elsewhere, some nymphs were playfully splashing in the water, giggling and offering mirthful taunts; her two guardians looked at the sight longingly, but kept by her side rather than join their kindred. The gruffs were, perhaps unsurprisingly, still training vigorously, testing themselves against one another in sparring matches on the training grounds. No one begrudged Tomoe the presence of her sword.

Eventually, however, it would be time for Tomoe to give birth. It be just before midday when her pangs began, and some spellwork on behalf of her caretakers turned the pain to mild discomfort and gave her a foggy, distant sensation to the whole experience. It was a few hours before she had finished giving birth, leaving six new goat-faced young men nuzzling into her arms and jostling for position at her breasts, which if anything had only grown bigger due to her intense breeding. Their father came by to watch, and smiled upon the sight of the brood that he'd managed to sire on her.

It would be evening again before Tomoe, with the help of faerie healing magics, had recovered enough to feel like she could move again. Her belly was flat once more, and her newborn children had been taken to the creche with the other young ones, to learn proper faerie ways. She was still fairly exhausted after that, and still had a challenge from one of the gruffs to face, but if she wished to skip out on it, she could try to demand that she be returned to her companions now.