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Hive Number One


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
As the chopper carrying Burrito's squad flies over the rugged terrain, Adbots look up and think with their pitiful brains. Burrito, Siphon, Copper, Tsuki, and Bartnum, all on a mission to destroy the Hive, a massive blob of what looks like almost living, organic material

"Okay, boys and girls! We're gonna be landing soon, so be ready to fight!" Burrito yells, smiling as he makes sure his shotgun is loaded and ready

"We're at the LZ, go rack 'em up, soldiers." the pilot yells, the chopper landing gently and letting everyone off

"Sergeant, I will scout ahead. Copper, Tsuki and Bartnum will wait here until I return. I will radio you when it's safe. Any objections? Anyone want to join me?" Burrito says, the chopper taking off

"We'll be back at base refueling and preparing for anything. Good luck out there, boys and girls."
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon steps out of the Chopper, looking around the area they have landed in. "Right, let's just pray they don't try to englobe us and come at us immediately. I'll get us set up here with a temporary defense just in case. Maybe we'll get lucky and be able to snipe a few stragglers."
Re: Hive Number One

((*catches up on other thread* I really wish you'd stop manhandling my character. Just saying I climbed in would've been fine. Either that, or Siphon, you can handle incidentals like that in the future.))

All through the ride, Copper's kept her eyes closed, slouched as best she's able in the seat. If one had to put a finger on her mood, rather than nervous or excited about the upcoming mission, she might seem to be sulking. The red of them only opens again once their on the ground and they're disembarking.

"I'll give us an eye in the sky. Might even be able to keep an eye on you, too, Burrito. But then, if I can spot you, that's not a good sign." She grins. Moving a distance away from the chopper, she will, baring protest, transform into a crow again to keep an aerial watch over the zone and some distance beyond, watching for any sign of the bots possibly encroaching on their territory.

((Which, if you'd like for a rush to happen and the group to be prepared, she'll dive down as the signal, indicating the direction before changing back. Otherwise, she'll stay that way until it's time to move out.))
Re: Hive Number One

Burrito simply chuckles and begins to traverse the rocks, disappearing moments later as if he had fallen down a hole, while he had, in fact, fell don and covered himself in dirt to conceal himself before continuing the recon mission, seemingly invisible to the untrained eye, which most of these bots had
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon nodded only once, the idea of having a literal bird in the air looking down and watching seemingly sitting quite well with him. He grinned slightly, likely happy to have that kind of bonus available to them. "Good idea there."

((Alright, can do Copper.))
Re: Hive Number One

Hopping out, the 1st thing he did, was to relocate the bots so they would be able to look at Coppers blind spots and do an air control in case things went wrong.
Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki just stayed seated. Should she also try and do something...? Or should she just laze about... which it almost seemed she was ordered to do. Bah, she didn't want to be lazy... she hated be lazy. She liked to procrastinate, but not be lazy. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Re: Hive Number One

"This is Burrito. No enemies sighted or on radar. I'm coming back." Burrito says over the radio after his little recon of the area "It's like they don't even know where we landed." he says, brushing the dirt off and becoming visible once again as he walks over to the others "I think it's safe to say that we can move now. Copper, fly recon for us the entire way to the hive. The rest of us will get there by foot." he says, smiling as he begins to walk towards the massive Hive in the distance "Let's move. Sergeant, I want you to take Tsuki and cover the rear, in case they try to sneak up on us. The rest of you, we're going in, frontal assault. As far as our intelligence goes, these old Server buildings didn't have any automated defenses outside, but they do have one hell of an internal defense." he says, chuckling as he cocks his shotgun and waves his hands "Since we're leaving right now, Siphon, you and Tsuki should wait a couple of minutes before following." he says, hopping on top of a small rock and waiting for the others to get moving
Re: Hive Number One

"Yes sir, I think it goes without saying if you need us to come in sooner, give a holler."
Re: Hive Number One

The crow flutters down long enough to listen to the orders, letting out a "Haw!" that could likely be interpreted as "Okay," especially since she takes off again, circling above until they move out, flapping somewhat ahead to make sure the trail remains clear, circling now and again to make sure they don't spread out too far from one another. Once they do reach the outer perimeter of the Hive (or if there's trouble), she'll land and change back.
Re: Hive Number One

"Yes sir," Tsuki answered. Might as well start preparing now. A volumetric display appeared in front of her, which she scrolled through by flick her finger across the screen. What program of mass death should she load up to fry some bots today? Decisions decisions.
Re: Hive Number One

Bartnum moves up to where Burrito is waiting for them.

"Just give the word."

He turns back to Tsuki.

"And for crying out loud, don't shoot me this time!"
Re: Hive Number One

"...Right. Sorry..." Tsuki replies. She settled on something more simple, a shield (rated pretty well even against projectile weapons like guns) and a gauss rifle. It's like an assault rifle... except it uses magnets... and is quieter and a lot less kick to it. And no flash to it.
There, a lot less likely to hit someone, like Bartnum.

She selected the two programs. "Load...." she muttered quietly to herself. The set appeared, the rifle slung over her shoulder, the shield attached to her right forearm.
Re: Hive Number One

Settling for a better gun then the Uzi, Zero reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a case which contained 2 slienced guns, 1 a g36e AR, 2 a SR25. Just in case, he pulled out a very light gun that seems to be a dart gun, although the others didn't know what it was, he, on the other hand knew the power this simple dart gun will be able to release.
Re: Hive Number One

"Okay, let's move out, men and women and whatever the hell you people are." Burrito says, hopping down from the rock and walking along a small path through the rocks "Be on your guard. The bots are probably going to attack soon."

((Sorry for taking so long. A Firefox add-on was blocking me from entering the RP section.))
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon seemed to freeze in place for a moment, his eyes narrowing for a short time before he finally replied. "Ready, Daedalus is standing by if we need more firepower."
Re: Hive Number One

"More firepower? Sweet Jesus, that thing could probably bust open the Hive for us." She shakes her head, keeping her eyes and ears out in case there happened to be a welcoming commitee after all.
Re: Hive Number One

He shakes his head. "Even still, we should see if we can access anything internally from the hive first before gutting it. If we can learn anything useful from it, that would be a bonus. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for blowing that thing sky high, I just think we should make sure there aren't going to be any surprises involved with it."
Re: Hive Number One

"Oh, I figured that. I'm just saying that we could. Not necessarily that we should. But, push comes to shove, at least we've got a Plan C."
Re: Hive Number One

He slightly bowed his head at this, having to acknowledge that. "Indeed. Let us pray we don't need to go that far."