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Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Hearing the statement about getting rooms, Jen starts moving over to the forming line hesitantly. She doesn't want to sleep out where monsters can get her, but no one has ever been this generous before.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

As the woman in charge of room and board seated herself at the desk, she laid down her clipboard and box so as to begin the process. Upon seeing that only three had lined up for now, due to the rest having yet to decide upon how they would organize themselves, the woman opted to change the manner in which she which she would take care of the task assigned to her as opposed to the classical 'one by one' style.

"Right, why don't the three of you just tell me your preferences altogether now before the mob over there finishes deciding? Just to be on the safe side..."
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Hearing the words that room keys are to be passed out Mirella decides to drop the topic and instead went near the lady that's about to be passing out rooms, and when she asked what kind of rooms they prefered she answered right away.
"Just a simple room with a comfy and warm bed is good enough for me."
The truth was that she was always too lazy to clean her room or even bother to put anything interesting up, all she really does in that room of hers is lay on her bed and flop around, her mellowness really shines through when one spends most of her time in the bed on a sunday even when awake.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Ashley takes a step to the side in order to address the woman and says, "I don't mind rooming with another person. It'll be just like the dorm!" With a slight laugh, Ashley look around at the other girls around her, until she found Claire. 'Rooming with her would definitely not be like the dorm' she thinks, before looking away from the woman.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Umm... could... could I... get a room without holes in the wall or ceiling... and maybe even a clean mattress. Jen says hesitantly, whispering the last bit as if fearful that her request would be refused.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

"I'd prefer a room to myself, if that's at all possible. I don't care how big or small it is, or if it's uncomfortable. If you don't have any, just put me with anyone." Claire says, doubting she'd get a room to herself. She casts a glance back at Ashley as she looks at her, feeling the girls eyes on her back. 'That one'd be easy to deal with at least.' She turns back, waiting for an answer.
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Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

" Excuse me..." Rain said a bit meekly as she took a step away from all of the boxes full of weapons and clothing and over to where the woman Mirella stood. The dark blue haired girl saw that people were now starting to take care of their sleeping arrangements. The girl was finished getting her clothing and weapons and figured now would be a good time to speak up and say what kind of room she wanted " Ill take whatever you have available... But I'd like to share a room with my friend..." Rain didn't want to sleep alone in this strange place or with any strangers. She wouldn't mind having to share a bed with her friend, her and Winfred had slept together in the same bed a few times before and it hadn't bothered either of them.
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Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

River waited until near the end again, giving a shrug when she reached the front of the dwindling line. "Just somewhere high, the rest doesn't matter to me. I'll sleep on the floor if I have to." She said bluntly.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

((Going to go a tad OOC in the later part of the post so as to avoid confusion for this part...))

Upon hearing all the worries in regards to the conditions of the rooms, the women saw fit to address that shared concern before beginning the room assignments.

"Each living space will have, at the very least, the minimal requirements for a fairly civilized lifestyle, so there is no need to worry in regards to mattresses, hole free walls, and such."

Once this had been addressed however, it was then that she began the actual assignment process of the rooms.

"As all of you seem to be fine with rooming with other people then... How about we do this? You two, you two, you three..."

Pointing at the groupings in turn with her pen, she then sought confirmation before she finalized the groupings, and began asking for signatures.

"These groups should be fine, no?"

((Actual Groupings:

Rain and Winfred
Claire and River
Ashley, Jen, and Mirella))
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

River watched the woman's pen point first to Claire, then herself, and simply shrugged. "Sounds fine to me." She says.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Polllusia gives up on finding a better blade, and sheathes her rapier with a very audible swish, and click. The blonde glares down any curious spectators, then flicks a stray curl off her forehead. A glance takes in her sister and their newest possession, then she sighs, and makes her way to the queue for rooms without the slightest attention to social preamble.

She catches the eye of the bureaucrat, and jerks a thumb towards where her sister stands.

"I'm with my sister, and the Succubus. Three beds are preferable, though I'm sure we can manage with two.."

Succubus in one by herself, that's for sure.

As an afterthought, she adds.

"Pollusia and Castea Dioscyria. Don't try and spell our last name."
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Jen makes an affirmative sound and nods her head when the woman asks if the room assignments are ok.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Ashley looks at both Jen and Mirella in turn with a smile when the woman points them out, then nods and says, "Sounds good!" She leans forward, placing her new clothes down on the table, and signs her name on the ledger.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

"Likewise." Is all Claire says, though she is internally on her guard. She signs the form, printing everything in small neat letters that almost look like they were made by a typewriter.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Mirella let the others sign 1st, all she hopes is that her room mates are good people and that her bed is comfy before signing her name on the paper.