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Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)


Nov 9, 2008
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(Enough bloody delays...)

Those who had followed Reina were led in front of a door that was slightly ajar, the same one that Eva had originally entered to fetch the initial arrivals their clothes. Once the door had been opened however one would find that it led to a short corridor and a short flight of stairs leading underground, rather than another room on the same level. It was only after one descended down the dimly light passage that one would come to a steel framed door with a small sign nailed to it:

Supplies and Missions

Given the rough and coarse handwriting, one could tell that whoever wrote it was not the neatest of persons. Opening the door, it was then that Reina motioned everyone inside, holding it until the last person filed in...


The room itself was rather large and spacious, albeit empty asides from a few tables that had recently been set up close to the entrance of the room with cardboard boxes on top of them, and more of the aforementioned containers in the back of the room. And of course, the messily dressed brown haired woman who was in the process of carrying one of the boxes over to the the tables, seeming to be surprised to see everyone already filing in.

Wow...That was fast. Thought the initial briefing usually took longer than that."

This observation was immediately addressed however, upon the "Mistress" of the Haven entering the room, gingerly closing the door behind her as she did so.

"There were less questions this time around, given that everyone seems to be much more adaptive than the ones before."

Giving a brief nod as she set the box onto one of the tables, it was then that the woman clapped her hands together, getting straight to the point.

"Right, I take it these women want to get some clothing and supplies?'

"If you would be so kind Maggie."

"Alright then, let me state the rules in advance before the scrambling starts..."

Opening the boxes one by one as she spoke to reveal plethoras of clothing messily mixed and matched, Maggie then proceeded to lay out the 'rules' for all to be aware of.

"Everyone gets five sets of outfits of choosing, no more no less, those who are already wearing an outfit only get four unless they want to trade those in... Tools, weapons, and other stuff will be handed out according to your capabilities and needs...Then after that, we'll start handing out room keys to anyone who wants to have some private time. That said and done...go wild and get what you want."

It should be noted ti was then that that 'supply manager' took a step back to avoid being caught in a rush should any women choose to make a mad dash for the clothes...which some did scarcely a moment after she had finished speaking.

(Treat this time as an opportunity to 'customize' your character's clothing...and also feel free to have them 'magically' find five sets of the same clothing so as to save grief.)


Shop Inventory

Sets of Clothing: 550
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Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

(By the way, do I still have that knife I found?)

Claire shrugs and waits a few minutes before stepping forward, and then picks out a few sets of clothes similar to the ones she's already wearing.

"Where do I get a weapon?" She asks the girl who was apparently in charge of the inventory.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

After a moment's caution, Pollusia spots a few more military style uniforms - some in the same navy blue, a couple in black, and casually sidles over to scoop them into her arms. More importantly, though, she unfolds them, and examines the belts. Hopefully, one of them would still have a scabbard attached.. if not, she'd have to find some other way of carrying the naked blade at her side. She unfolds the last uniform with something approaching surprise..

Grey felt.. black trim. Capped at the collar button by an iron cross.. with a labelled cap to match, a navy collar, and silver epauletters... Pollusia rather quickly recognises, and tucks underneath her other choices, two blue and one black, the Waffen-SS uniform. Maybe it would come in handy. With that accomplished, she sidles over to Maggie, avoiding attention.

"Ah... excuse me.. I'm looking for something.. for this.."

She indicates the blade lying across the top of her pile of military uniforms.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Ashley moves in as soon as she is able, gingerly picking through the stacks of clothes to find four pairs of clothing that look both comfortable and free to move in. She finally decides on a few pairs of light shirts and short pants, as well as a skirt, figuring none of the other girls would take it, as well as a few pairs of underwear and bras.

With all the clothing in hand, she wandered over to Maggie and asks, "Hey, your in charge of tools and stuff right?" She smiles and continues a bit awkwardly, "I don't know where I learned it, but I remember fooling around with locks. I didn't have anything to open the door when the girls needed clothes earlier, but if you've got something I could use, I think it might help out in this 'game'."
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Trying to look at the clothes without getting anyone angry enough to tell her she couldn't have any, Jen darts in and grabs a few bits of clothing at random, hoping to get something that will at least keep her warm. To her delight, she finds several thick jackets along with a several pairs of insulating long underwear. While not what most would have picked, Jen delights in the fact that they are clean and don't have any holes in them. Quickly pulling on one of the oversized grey jackets over the shirt the woman from the ambulance had put her in, she pulls on one of the pairs of black thermal underwear and tucks the shirttail in.

Pleased with her outfit, she bundles the other clothes items together and holds them to her chest. Quietly, she approaches Maggie, seeing the other woman talking to her, she stays silent until she heres what the woman asks for. Can I have some lock-picks, too, please, ma'am? She asks quietly, afraid the woman might get mad at her for doing so.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Finding that she was perfectly comfortable in her current clothing, Mirella didn't feel the need to rush to clothes right away, instead she looks around at the other boxes finding a few weapons she picked them up, some are too heavy for her and some look surprisingly complicated, she found some cool looking swords too but she didn't think they are gonna be that useful against monsters or bio-organic weapons, whatever they are. Then she came across a few handguns, her small hands couldn't hold some of them while others just barely reachable, she looked for one that she might be able to hold and found a few of them. Some are heavy still and she couldn't hold it well, and revolvers just didn't feel right, until she came across a pistol that drew her attention. It was small enough for her to hold, it wasn't as heavy as some of the other ones, in fact it was a comfortable weight to her and her fingers wrapped around the gun on it's own. She feels almost entranced by the gun, as she looked at it with great curiousity. Her hands traced over the letters, M&P, and the safety, and she took the clip out. She didn't know what the bullets are but something in her mind said 9mm. She felt the urge to fire a shot, just one, she didn't know why, she just felt like it. But such thoughts are dangerous so she put the gun back down and left it behind, she didn't know how to use a gun anyways right? So it's best to just forget about it for now, and seeing that some people stopped digging for clothes she closed in on them to see what she can savage from the mob. She found a cute purple dress, a chocolate brown sweater with one of those giant center pockets that has a zipper, and black blouse that feels loose on her along with 2 pairs of jeans and some underwear, hoping she isn't taking too much she eyes the pistol one more time before turning away and waited for her key.

(Hm... it doesn't feel right to arm her yet... it feels outta character lol)
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Castea hung back rather than dashing forth due to already being dressed, and was one of the last oens to go sorting through the heap, not only picking out a few things for her, but actually sizing up Rua and choosing a set of clothing or two for her as well.

Once the task of gathering clothing was completed, she looked briefly through the "tools" with a distinctive frown; she couldn't think of anyhting she needed as it were, she wondered how useful she'd be in this psuedo-war she had been dragged into and soon decided to hang back by the doorway, waiting for Pollusia to finish.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

River also waited until the end, picking out a few pairs of black excersise suits, and a couple sets of jeans clothing, pants and jackets, with a couple t-shirts to go underneath. She also noticed a pair of fingerless cyclists' gloves, and picked those up as well, putting them on immediately and working the fingers to find them already well worn in, a definite plus. She stripped down right away and changed into one of the jogging suits, passing her previous clothes up. That done, she simply stepped back and examined the boxes of weapons with mild interest.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

(@Tassadar: Yes, just like how Pollusia still has her rapier.
@Zerospace: If it feels OOC... don't do it, eesh.

Now for the ugly format that I used for the Haven thread while replying to everyone's posts at once.)

Once the rush for clothes and supplies had begun, Maggie was soon up to her neck in questions and requests, running about the table and occasionally to the back in order to met out a request.

"Shotguns are over here! Pick the one you like! Knives are in that box at the far end, careful not to cut yourself! Fish food is in the box on the ground over there..."

Filling out similar requests the entire time, Maggie miraculously managed to address the needs of all those who asked her for help, albeit by using most of her energy reserves. Including those of the most prominent of the new pieces.


"Where do I get a weapon?"

"Weapons are on the far ends of the table, make sure you take something that you can use!"

""Ah... excuse me.. I'm looking for something.. for this.."

"Sheaths? Um, hold on for a second...I think... Ah ha!"

Bending down to rummage through a box near her feet, Maggie managed to procure an variety of scabbards from those made for daggers and short swords, all the way to those made for the fabled katanas...

"Pick out one that you like and fits, then just leave the rest on the table for anyone else who might need one."

Putting them down onto the mentioned surface hurriedly, the busy woman returned to attending to other people.

"Hey, your in charge of tools and stuff right?"

"I don't know where I learned it, but I remember fooling around with locks. I didn't have anything to open the door when the girls needed clothes earlier, but if you've got something I could use, I think it might help out in this 'game'."

"Lockpicks? Only have a few of these so make sure you don't lose it."

Pulling out a few sets of lockpicks from one of the boxes on the side of the table not available to the 'general public', Maggie handed one to Ashley...

"Can I have some lock-picks, too, please, ma'am?"

...and handed another to the meek girl who spoke up shortly after Ashley, smiling at bith of them briefly before returning to her job of "supply distribution".

"Enjoy you two! Hope those help you out a bit."


Current Shop Inventory:

Sets of Clothing: 515
Knives(Combat Ready): 15
Shortswords: 10
Rapiers: 2
Double Barreled Shotgun: 3
Lockpicks: 2
9mm Handgun: 4
Fish Food: 25

(To be finished at a later date...)
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Unsurprisingly not finding an assault rifle, Claire shrugs and exchanges the dagger she'd found earlier for a trench knife with a sheath and strap it to her belt. She then stands in the back of the room, out of the way, waiting.

(The change is just for RP purposes, I don't expect it to have any real bearing on the game itself.)
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Pleased to have the tools, Ashley scoops them up with a smile, bouncing up and down for a second before shoving the picks into the pocket of her shorts. She hugs the clothing to her chest, then moves away from the supply desk, and back to Reina. Eager to hear more about the game, she asks, "So, what's the plan? Do we... find some magic... things... or a sword? ...Or something? ... Slay a dragon and save a princess?" As she spoke Ashley became more animated, her excitement about what kind of adventure this game would be obvious on her face and how her head moved back and forth as she suggested the things that popped into her mind.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Clutching the lockpicks and her precious new clothes to her chest, Jen starts looking about the room for a place where she could hide her clothing. Unfortunately she only sees boxes where other stuff is kept, so she backs off towards a wall to see what everyone else is going to do.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

River looked over the supply crates, having trouble deciding what to take. She wanted a gun, but the woman said to take something she could use, and River didn't remember ever holding a gun. She finally settled for a simple hunting knife and holster, strapping it to her thigh and backing back off, extra clothes under an arm to the side.
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

When Winfred had dragged her in Rain had kept quiet and listened to what everyone in the supply room had said. She hadn't really said anything to anyone, she couldn't think of anything to say or ask that hadn't already been said. It seemed she could take five sets of clothing and a weapon she could use. Rain had no experience using any of the weapons listed, as useful as a gun or sword sounded to her she knew she wouldn't be able to use either of them, nor the rapiers or anything else. Although, the knives seemed like something she could use. They didn't seem all that heavy or hard to use. The dark blue haired girl hoped she could take the knife, she didn't want to be completely defenseless.

Straying away from her friend Rain quickly sought out clothing, getting underwear along with pants and a shirt and other things she would need. The girl would quickly pick out an outfit to wear that consisted of blue jeans, a blue t-shirt underwear and some running shoes.

( Rain gets fives sets of clothing and one knife. She equips one set of clothing and the knife. )
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

"So, what's the plan? Do we... find some magic... things... or a sword? ...Or something? ... Slay a dragon and save a princess?"

Somewhat taken aback by Ashley's enthusiasm, it took Reina a while to formulate an appropriate response, given that most of the 'new pieces' were rarely this enthusiastic about 'the game'.

"Magic...perhaps...although I'm not too sure about the dragons and princesses...Mostly, the new pieces will be helping with preparation for the seventh day until they become more adapted to the game board..."
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Over hearing the conversation. Mirella, who was standing near them asked, "What kind of preparation?"
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Pollusia lingers over the display of scabbards for a moment, before picking one that seemed to match her uniform - black, with a gold trim around the tips. She is about to slide her blue, Lady-given rapier home when her eyes wander onto the -other- rapiers available. With both sword and scabbard still in hand, she makes her way, somewhat absent-mindedly and doubtless risking injury to those around her, to the swords.

Once there, she sets her own blade down and reaches, unasked, for those available - hefting each for a moment, and checking the points, then, somewhat more hopefully, the edges - an old-style rapier was preferred, to slash -and- stab.. Easier than those -stupid- French dueling things.

(...Are these ones going to be better than my current one..? I somehow doubt it..)
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

((Given that rapiers are more uncommon, and that the Forgotten aren't about to trust their best equipment to a bunch of new pieces that are still green behind the ears?...No.))

Looking over the blades, Pollusia would find to her disappointment that all of them were the same or even inferior to the blade she possessed already, finding no superior weapon to replace the one she had.



While the newcomers were distracted by the free clothes and supplies, it was then that a woman holding a clipboard and a small box chose to slip into the room amidst the chaos, having been assigned another task up to this point. Speaking in a low voice to the head of the establishment, her purpose would soon become clear after a short period of time in which Reina chose to clap her hands together so as to get the attention of the others in order to make an announcement.

"If everyone could please give me their attention for a second, I'd like to announce that we're just about ready to begin assigning living quarters to those that are ready to get them. Those who are eager to get their own rooms, please make a line over there for Miss Sarah so she can begin the process. Please also state in advance whether or not you're willing to room with other people, so as to help ensure that everyone is able to receive basic living space."

Gesturing to a desk which was being set up by the woman who had arrived only moments ago, the white-haired woman began motioning for people to line up at the desk...
Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Claire is the first to step forward, eager to get herself a room, and some privacy. She'd have to figure out how to get out without anyone noticing her later. For now, she decided to play along with her captors game.
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Re: Heaven's Depository (Shops, Missions, and Maggie?...)

Ashley waits patiently for Reina to finish speaking to the new woman, eager to continue hearing about the preparations for the game. The mention of rooms, however, causes her to turn towards the desk mentioned. It was still the middle of the day, but it seemed like a lot had happened already. Maybe a chance to rest would be nice.

Giving Reina a reprieve from her questions, Ashley steps over to get in line behind Claire.